Chapter 4

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"Akita-san. Your grades are the lowest in class. In fact, the lowest in the grade! Why can't you be like Hatsune-san. She scored A's in every subject."

"Like being a bitch?" Neru cut the sensei off. "Don't compare me with first year students. Seriously, you're like any other parents out there. All they did is compare some other's kids with their own."

"AKITA! Hatsune-san is nowhere near to being a bitch!"

"That's what she wants you to think." Neru smirked as she turned around, about to leave the room when...

"Wait! Before you leave, I have something to tell you."

"What is it? I don't have all day. Spit it out."


"...and that's what he said." Neru said, looking down on the table. She was sitting slouched on the cafeteria table.

"I can believe it... How can you score less than 30 for your tests?" Lily asked.

"So, if you don't pass the retake test, you will drop out of school?" Meiko spoke up.

"Yeah..." Neru growled.

"We can help you with your studies." Gumi chimed, being unnecessarily cheerful as usual.

"Yeah. You are going to study with your body." Luka stated. "Every answer wrong, you will remove one of your clothi- ow!" A random flying bottle landed on Luka's pink head.

"Stop fooling around, Luka. Keep your fantasies to yourself." Meiko muttered and turned back to Neru. "We'll help you with your studies even if it kills us."

"I'm not going to sacrifice my life for her." Lily replied which earned her a number of eye rolls and face palms.


"Okay. So, I'm good at Mathematics and Science, Lily good with Languages Luka in English and Yowane-san here with History. Call us if you have problems. We will check on your studies every hour." Meiko claimed.

"Okay.... wait.... WHAT!?!?"

"Come on, Neru. Fight on! You have a page left for Chemistry." Gumi tried to cheer Neru on since she's a year younger, she could not understand second year's topics

"Shut up... I can't concentrate..." Neru replied. She had been enduring this torture for the last six hours. She couldn't help but to give out a large yawn. She looked up at her small yellow clock hung on the wall. 11.30pm.

"Oh. It's that late already?" Gumi stood up from Neru's bed and stretched out her bones. "See ya tomorrow. Night." Gumi closed the door behind her as she left the room.

"Finally I could get some rest.." Neru thought to herself as she jumped into bed and tucked herself comfortably in her blanket. Her eyes slowly shuts and moments later, she's in a deep slumber.

Her eyes shot open as she saw the exact same figure in her past dreams holding tightly onto her hands. She scanned around to see that she was somehow transported to a beach. The sun is setting in the horizon which glistens the sea in different shades of orange.

"Please, Neru! I love you! Please don't leave me. I'll do anything! Please! Pass that exam for me!" The figure cried as she held Neru in a tight hug.



A second after the knock was heard, the world around them shattered into pieces as though they were made of glass.

Knock knock!

"W-who's there?" Neru answered, half asleep, as if she's playing a knock-knock joke.

Knock knock!

Neru's eyes slowly opened and stared at her clock. 5.30am.

"Luka, if you're here just for another cuddle, please go to Meiko's room." Neru groaned.

Knock knock!

"Right. Right. I'm coming...." Neru huffed in fustration towards the door. She grabbed the door knob and yanked it open. As soon as the door swung open, Neru was greeted by a tall, beautiful lady with her long silver hair, which was usually tied up, let down. Her white pajamas was not fully buttoned, revealing part of her full-grown chest. Neru almost fell over if she didn't hold onto the knob tightly.

"U-umm.. sorry to wake you up this early. I did some research and find out that people study well at around 4-6am (It's actually true. I tried it myself ^^). So, if you don't mind... do you want to study?"

"Oh... is that so... come in." Neru opened the door wider, giving the older resident an entrance to her room.

"Pardon the intrusion..."

~a few minutes later~

"Uhh... let's see..." Neru was sitting hunched over her books while the quiet girl sat silently next to her. She tilted her head to the girl's direction. She had this wife-like aura around her. Neru could imagine her inviting Neru home by the doorstep.

"I'm home." Neru announced as she slipped her feet off her shoes.

"Welcome home." A silver haired lady replied with an apron tied around her waist. Her hair tied up in a bun with a wooden spoon stuck through it. "Do you want a bath, dinner, or m-e?" She slowly inched forward, unbuttoning her blouse one by one.

Neru snapped back to reality when the girl next to her cleared her throat. "W-wait!! What the hell am I thinking!?" Neru slammed her head on the table repeatedly, trying to stop that perverted side of her brain.

"W-wait! Akita-san! Wh-what's wrong? Is the topic too hard?" The girl was clearly surprised when, out of the blue, Neru banged her head on the table.

~After the study session

"Yeah, thanks... umm..." Neru tried thanking the resident but unfortunately, had forgotten her name.

"It's Yowane. Yowane Haku." She replied so softly that only those within one feet radius could hear.

"Ah. Thanks, Haku."

~A few hours later

"Neru? Did I push you too hard?" Meiko asked as they are walking to school together.

"No. It's okay. Why?"

"Well.... You seem unresponsive. You have a band aid on your forehead. And you have dark circles around your eyes."

"Yeah.... It's okay...." Neru replied as she walked unsteadily as though she was drunk.

"Heheheh.. She's lost it." Lily chuckled to herself.

Just as Neru and Gumi reached the school lockers, a teal haired student, along with a short blonde haired student with a huge bow on her head, a hello kitty addict and a student with a huge cowlick on her head approached them. Huge grins are spead on each of their faces.

"So, Akita... Heard that you will drop out if you fail the next test." The teal haired student's grin grew a bit wider.

"Get lost, diva... At least I don't have a bunch of people trailing behind me."

"Hey! Don't you dare call Miku-chan a diva!" The petite blonde stepped up and poked on Neru's shoulder threateningly.

"Shut up, middle schooler... Don't you have dolls to play with?" Neru smirked, boiling the younger student's blood more. It's like adding fuel on fire.

She was about to pounce on Neru when the other two followers quickly held her back. She was struggling for freedom but her size doesn't allow her to.

"That's enough, Rin. We'll see who will get the last laugh after the test." The teal head stopped the smaller girl's struggles and turned around, ready to walk away. "You'll see..." She walked off with her head held up high followed by the other three students.

"What's her deal?" Gumi asked as curiosity grew over her.

"Don't mind her. She's just being her usual self.." Neru was cut off when the bell rings, which automatically made the students rush to their classes. "Better get to class or you'll be late."

"Hehehe. Okay, Akita-senpai." Gumi giggled and ran off before Neru could do anything else.


"Hey, Akita-senp- I mean. Neru-chan." Gumi appeared at the door of her classroom. "It's time for your study session."

"Study session?"
"Are they going to do it?"
"Did she just called her 'Neru-chan'?"
"Why did she have it?"
"Don't you remember? She had to retake the test."
The students muttered amongst themselves.

"W-Wait... What!? I didn't agree to this!" Neru exclaimed as she shot up from her seat.

"We did this for you, Neru-chan..." Gumi started to pout like a small little puppy.

"Urgh... Fine..." Neru gave in.

"Did you see how fast she gave in?"
"I don't even know that she has a soft side..."
"Well.. No one can resist those face..."

"Mind your own business, will ya!?" Neru snapped which silenced the class entirely.

"Why did you replace my lunch hour with a torture session..." Neru mumbled as she sat slumped on a desk in the school's library.

"Every hour counts... Don't waste them on lunches and causing trouble." Gumi replied as she scanned through the notes. "Plus, at least LukaNee-chan isn't the one to watch over you."

Neru gave a quick thought on it. "Well... I would rather have Gumi to watch over me other than Luka..." "I-I'm sorry..." Neru mumbled as she picked up a reference book and started analyzing it.

"Good girl." Gumi smiled proudly from ear to ear.

"Shut up..." Neru grunted. Her eyes scanned around the library before it rested on a silver haired college student looking through some pieces of paper. The student stared at one of the papers before tears began to form in her eyes. Her vision is blurred. Soft sobs could be heard. Soon after, she teared out of the library with all the papers in hand.

"What's wrong with her? I hope she's okay... What happened? I know this is none of my business... but... why am I so curious about this?" Neru bit her lower lip as hard as possible that she was able to taste her own blood. Her fingers twirled the pen around. Her eyes are still glued onto the student.

"Neru-chan, whats wrong!? Is the question too hard!?" Gumi noticed Neru's troubled expression.

"N-no.. It was nothing."

What will happen next? Will Neru pass her examination? What was Haku's problem? Will it ever be solved? Will Neru get closer to Haku? Will I ever get a giraffe?

Find out on the next chapter.. well except for the giraffe part...

Hey! YFG here. Yay for cliffhangers!! Anyway... let me explain why studying early in the morning from 4-6am is quite effective. It's because the brain has the highest amount of oxygen at that time. SCIENCE!!
I'm not sure when I will finish the next chapter. I have school, homeworks and well.... other things.
So, vote and comment your opinions. And for the grammar people out there... forgive me for bad grammars.

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