Chapter 1: Leaving

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 P.O.V. [Name]

I looked at the building in front of me. A building that specialized in turning raw dust crystals into their powdered and liquid forms. They even processed them into dust-infused cartridges. I already knew that hitting this place was not only going to make us a lot of money but also put a rather large target on our back. I sighed and walked around the building to the back like I had been told to do.

As I did I saw several a guard at the entrance to the building. I began to walk up with a slight smile and as soon as he spotted me he became much more aggressive as he pointed his gun at me. "Woah. This area is off-limits," He said as he looked at me.

"I'm here for the job," I said as I continued to walk towards him. When I said this he relaxed a bit and looked at me.

"Oh, right," He said as he lowered his weapon and turned around. As he did he held up a small keycard in front of a scanner and I heard the door unlock.

"It's nice to meet you," I said as I looked at him with a smile trying to look as nonthreatening as possible. As soon as he took my hand I pulled on it violently and turned to elbow the male in the face sending him back before punching him in the face knocking him out. I then saw two more figures in front of me. One with his back turned to me and the other already moving towards me seeing what I did.

I continued to move towards him with the first figure turning as I did and slammed my knee into his neck bringing him down to the ground. I watched as the second male attempted to punch me which I dodged by ducking under his attack and then lifting my foot into his face sending him back. I then picked up the first figure and threw him into the second to knock both of them out. I continued down the hall stopping when I heard talking.

"Did you hear that?" One figure asked.

"No," the other replied.

"I swear I heard something. I'm going to go check it out," The first said and before long I heard footsteps slowly coming towards me. I waited by the edge of the hall for him to turn down it and as he did I turned and kicked him in the jaw sending him up into the air before grabbing his legs and then moving back to slam his head into the wall behind me.

"Intruder sound the alarm!" He said as he began to run down the halls. As he did I chased after him trying to stop him before he could reach an alarm. An effort that ultimately turned out to be futile as I watched the male pull a small switch which triggered a rather loud alarm. I of course punched him into the switch and as I did several people with guns surrounded me each of them pointing at me.

As they did I held up my hands in a position that suggested I was going to give up. When I did once of the figures approached me from behind and grabbed my arms pulling them behind my back as he did I grabbed his wrists before he could put me in cuffs and reached up lifting him off the ground before bringing my arms down in front of me slamming him into the ground. As I did I heard several shots fired towards me and ducked down onto the ground before running towards a figure in front of me.

As I did I raised up to grab his gun and kicked his leg out from under him to trip him before shooting a figure in front of me. As I did several others continued to shoot at me and I ran up the wall before pointing down shooting and killing the figure that had been holding the gun before me and began to shoot the others that were around me as well. I pointed the gun at the last figure and then pulled the trigger only to hear a click.

Once I heard this I didn't waste any time thinking using it as a bat to hit the male on the side of the head sending him away from me. I then rushed forward to grab him and tackled him into the wall. As I did I heard him let out a gasp of pain. I then pulled back and punched the male in the face to knock him out. "Intruder on floor one," I heard a voice say from the several speakers that were scattered around the building. As I did I heard some figures behind a door coming towards me.

I jumped up hearing landing above the door to rest on the door frame using my hands to push against the ceiling so that I didn't fall or move. As I did I saw four guards come into the room stopping by the door and looking at the several people that were on the ground. I then dropped down kicking one in the back of the head to knock him out and then punching another in the face to send him into the wall behind him.

I then ran up the wall before turning to kick the male behind me in the face. I then watched as the last male threw a punch and I dodged to uppercut him as I did and then turning to hit the back of his head with my elbow slamming it into my knee as I did. As he fell I ran into the room they came out of and saw a set of stairs. I smiled seeing this and began to make my way up to them.

When I did I saw a male in what appeared to be some kind of atlas machine. I wasn't sure what it was but it made him look much bigger and covered nearly all of his body the only exception being the top half of his head. I grew a bit nervous seeing this. I didn't have my weapon on me so this was going to be a lot harder. I remember purposely leaving it behind so that I didn't draw as much attention.

After all, if that first guard had suspected anything he might not have opened the door for me. I took a basic fighting stance however it was fairly obvious that I was nervous as I looked at him. The male ran towards me a lot faster than I was expecting and tried to slide into me. As he did I jumped up to avoid his foot only for him to grab me while I was in the air and then throw me against the wall behind me.

As I did I gasped for air struggling to breathe for a second. I then watched as the male came towards me placing both of his hands together as he did. I rolled out of the way as the metallic hands came crashing into the wall. I ran up his arm and onto his back hoping to get up to where his head was. However, before I could the male jumped back and slammed me into a large metal crate. I once again gasped in pain feeling this and instinctively let go of him.

I then saw his giant hands reach around to grab me and then pulled me over slamming me into the ground. As he did I bounced off the ground a bit from how hard I had hit the ground and then he fell over dropping his elbow on top of me making it a bit hard to breathe. However, I was able to work my way out from under him and began to run trying to put some distance between us so that I could think of a plan.

I didn't expect them to have something like this here, so I guess we've really been making a name for ourselves is this is the kind of stuff they have to resort to. As I ran I could hear the male in the suit behind the metal from his suit crashing into the ground. I continued to run before eventually reaching the wall and using it to jump into the air and kick the man in the chest. It had little to no effect on the suit but it did cause him to stop for some reason.

I smiled seeing this and turned to the kick the side of his head hoping that it would knock him out like it did with the others. When I landed on the ground I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and chest as he kicked me sending me into the wall behind me. I guess he's a little tougher than the others. As hit the wall he punched me and sent me back into the wall before grabbing me and tossing me into another large metal crate.

I groaned in pain as I got up. I could feel my aura starting to decrease from all the hits I've taken from this guy and began to look for anything that I could use. I smiled as I spotted something, I'm guessing this was his weapon because it looked a lot more advanced than anything we had been using before. It was a duel-sided spear, and also seemed to have the ability to transform into something.

However, my smile quickly faded as I felt the male once again grab me and this time throw me into the ceiling. As I fell to the ground I watched as he jumped up to punch me into the wall and when I began falling again I watched as he rushed forward to tackle me into the wall. I began panting at this point feeling my aura decrease by the second with his attacks. He then grabbed me and threw me against a wall.

When I landed on the ground I dashed to the side making my way towards the weapon. I was thankfully able to reach it and then turned towards the male that was running towards me. I then moved towards him and used one of the tips to pole vault into the air and twirled spinning the spear with me before cutting the male's face. As I did the male moved back and I landed on a large metal crate.

The male glared at me and attempted to crush me under his fist. As I did I ran out of the way and jumped over him turning in the air as I did once again using the spear to cut the back of his head. As I fell I saw two large tanks and then threw the spear inside of them hoping that it was the power source. As I did I saw several things leave the canister, I could see the edges becoming coating in ice, as sparks, and flames shot out of the hole I made.

It seemed as if they were using whatever dust they could to power it. As I did the suit slowly stopped moving and I watched as the male exited out of and looked at me taking a fighting stance that I wasn't familiar with. It was strange, to say the least, and he looked ready to attack causing me to take a ready position as well. I ran towards him and attempted to punch him only for him to slide under my punch.

As he did I turned to look at him in the middle of preparing a kick. I had no time to react as I felt him kick me in the stomach. As I leaned over I once again used this to my advantage lifting a foot off the ground to try and kick him in the face. As I did he blocked the attack, as he did I lifted my other leg off the ground as well to kick him only for him to once again block the attack. As he did I lowered my legs and used my hands to swing them around attempting to kick him in the chest.

As I did he jumped over the attack and looked as if he was going to land on me causing me to roll out of the way. As I lifted myself off the ground I watched as he came towards me and tried to kick me in the face causing me to block the attack and push him away before I jumped up and tried to kick him in the head. As I did he ducked under the attack and went to kick my feet which were already off the ground suggesting we attacked at the same time and just happened to be out of the way.

As I landed I tried to sweep his legs out from beneath him and he jumped backflipping as he did. As he landed I once again tried to kick him this time aiming for his knee only for him to catch my foot and toss it up causing me to flip as I did. Just from this exchange, I could tell he wasn't like the others. I was actually having some trouble defeating him. I then thought about it I was able to piece together why he was so much stronger and more skilled than all the others.

The only thing that made sense was that this company had hired a huntsman thinking that they were going to be robbed. This could be trouble especially if he's able to get to his weapon. I turned to try and kick him only for him to stop the kick with his own and I turned to try and elbow him in the face only for him to duck under the attack and then punch me in the chest sending me back slightly.

He tried to punch me in the face which I blocked and turned to try and kick him in the face. As I did he avoided the attack and jumped to try and do the same to me. I ducked under the attack but wasn't able to see his other foot coming as he kicked me in the neck sending me back a bit. I held my neck as he did and rushed forward seeing that his back was turned to me only for him to lean over and use my own trick against me raising his leg to kick me in the jaw.

He then continued hitting me a second time and I fell to my knees feeling this my aura almost completely depleted at this point. He then turned and kicked me in the stomach sending me away from him. As he got closer I kicked his legs out from under him and got up as he fell. When he hit the ground he grabbed my feet and got up throwing me against one of the metal containers.

I then saw him coming towards me and moved out of the way as his fist came crashing into the container bending it even more. This wasn't good it seemed like the more we fought the more he adjusted to my fighting style. I pushed myself out of the wall and slammed my arm into his face as I did causing him to trip. As I did I heard him run up the crate beside me and instinctively moved out of the way.

As I did I saw him drop down where I been just moments ago and took this chance to pounce moving forward to slam my elbow into his chest, and then followed it up quickly with an uppercut sending him back. I tried to kick his head only for him to duck under the attack and move behind me. As he did I turned and saw that he was once again in the middle of another attack, and like before I had no time to block the incoming blow.

He jumped up to kick me on the back of the head sending me forward. I then felt another powerful kick to my head making it clear this was the point he was aiming for most likely so that he could keep me disoriented. I looked at him and began to guard my head only for him kick me in the chest sending me back and then again in the stomach sending me back. He then dashed forwards slamming his fist into my face.

As I fell over he came towards me and I stood up punching him in the face. I could tell the longer this fight went on the more likely I was to use. So I was going to throw as much as I could at him. I couldn't let him think or catch his breath it might have left me exhausted afterward but at least I would be able to rest on the way back to base. I moved behind him as quickly as I could to slam my knee in the back of his head sending him forward.

As he did I moved around him and punched him in the stomach before once again moving behind him and kicking him in the back. As he turned I jumped and kicked him in the face. At this point, I wasn't really thinking about what I was doing. I just knew that I had to keep attacking otherwise I might end up being defeated. As I attacked I was eventually able to get him into a position where I could kick his jaw and send him into the air.

As he did I jumped up behind him and kicked him in the face sending him to the ground before bending a knee and letting it fall into his face. I saw his aura flash a bit as I did and noticed that he wasn't moving anymore. I sighed realizing this and slowly stood up to look at the male beneath me. I was panting heavily having to attack that much on so little aura really took a lot out of me.

But nevertheless, the job was done so I reached into my pocket and pulled out my scroll. I then began to make a call to Roman and as I did I heard him pick up. "Is it done?" He asked from the other side.

"Yep, everyone's been taken care of," I said as I walked over to the large suit of armor that he had been in and looked for the spear I had thrown.

"Ha-ha! Excellent!" Roman said as I grabbed the spear and pulled it out. I hadn't noticed before because I was in the heat of battle but it's rather light. "I'll send our troupes right away!" Roman said as I began to spin the blade testing it out. "Did you have any problem?" Roman asked from the small device as I twirled the spear around testing it out slightly.

"Nothing I couldn't handle," I said as I found a small button and pressed it causing the spear to collapse in on itself.

"That's what I like to hear! Be ready, they'll be there any moment," Roman said as he ended the call. As he did I put my scroll away and looked at the weapon before strapping it to my waist. Of course, I wasn't planning on using it but I'm sure that it would be worth a bit of money. If nothing else I'm sure one of Roman's men would buy it, after all, most of what they use are basic weapons I'm sure this will be a much needed upgraded.

I walked over to an entrance and watched as several people began to walk in and grabbed several crates and began to carry them out. As they did I sighed a bit relieved and began to walk onto the large truck that they were loading the dust onto. As I did I began to sit on one of the larger crates so that I could rest. I closed my eyes and slowly leaned back against the wall behind me trying to relax.

I wasn't sure how much time had passed but after a while, one of them shut the door to the truck and we began to drive off. I usually stayed in the back. That way if we were ever stopped by the police I surprise them when they opened the truck and take them out. That might prove a little more difficult now that I don't have my weapons but I'm sure I can manage it especially with this new weapon I have at the moment.

Hopefully, Neo was able to complete her mission as well. I don't think they'd be expecting us to rob two places at once. I just hope this plan that Roman has is worth it. After this, we probably won't be able to step out into public without someone noticing us and alerting the authorities. When we arrived at the base I heard the door open and my eyes strained a bit from the sudden light that was coming in.

I jumped out of the truck and began to walk into the building. When I did I saw several people carrying crates inside and began to look around for Roman. It didn't take me long to find him and walked up to him. "How'd Neo do?" I asked as I looked at the male in front of me.

"She did good, although they apparently hired some more guards than normal," Roman said as he looked at me.

"I wish I just had to deal with more guards, I had to deal with a huntsman," I said as I looked at him.

"Really?" He asked as he looked at me and I nodded.

"Well then I guess it's a good thing we won't be here much longer," Roman said as he looked at some of the dust in front of him. When he said this I looked at him a little confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked as I looked at him. He sighed hearing this and turned to look at me.

"Look I don't think it's any secret that recently things have become a little more difficult to steal. After all, you did say that they hired a huntsman to help defend the facility," He said as he turned to look at me. "They're just going to keep slowly escalating things until eventually, they get us. So what better way to keep that from happening than to move somewhere new? Somewhere fresh with all kinds of places just begging to be stolen from?" Roman asked as he looked at me.

I could see the logic he head. It wasn't full-proof but if it meant robbing places that didn't have such good security then I wasn't against the plan. "Alright, so what place did you have in mind?" I asked as I looked at him.

"Vale!" He answered almost immediately.

"Are you sure? They've got a school full of huntsman-in-training there as well," I said as I looked at the male in front of me and he nodded.

"Yeah, I'm sure. They're in school, chances are they'll be more busy dealing with their own thing and some of the more well-known criminals there. I'm sure we'll be fine there, at least for a little while. So pack your things because now we're going to be going to Vale," Roman said as he looked at us. I nodded hearing this and began to leave so that I could get ready to leave for Vale.

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Please let me know what you all thought as well as anything you might like to see in future chapters and if you have any questions please let me know and I'll try to answer them. Now then I have a question for all of you. What would you like the reader's weapon to be?

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