Chapter 2: New members

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P.O.V. [Name]

I looked around the rather large building that Roman had brought us to. "Are you sure about this?" I asked as I looked at the male in front of me causing him to nod with a smile.

"Of course I am, this building is abandoned so no one would ever think to check here. First, we'll have to get things set up to make sure that just in case the police do find out we live here we have a plan for dealing with them or at the very least a plan to escape," Roman said as he looked at us. He of course decided to bring me and Neo, and a few others that he knew were loyal to him however, he also left a rather large number of us behind.

Not that I can blame him. If any of them were an informant that could have gave away our plans to the police and we would have been captured. So I understand why he only took the ones that he knew were loyal to him. It just made sense. "So what's our first target?" I asked as I looked at the male in front of me.

"One of the dust companies," Roman said as he looked at me and I nodded. I should have expected this from him. Dust was a valuable thing to steal and people were more than willing to pay our price for it considering that it was usually half of what any company offered. "But this time we're not going to be selling it, I've got other things in mind," Roman said as he looked at us.

This was more surprising, it wasn't often that we took something and didn't sell it. Even the famous jewels that we stole eventually got sold. We just had to smash them and break them into smaller pieces before selling them. So the fact we were going to be stealing dust without actually selling it was a bit surprising. "Mind if I ask why?" I asked as I looked at the male in front of me. It seemed as if Neo shared my sentiments.

She raised a hand and rubbed her fingers together. While to others while it wouldn't have been clear what she meant when you've been around her as much as I and him have, she was asking him how he planned to get some more lien. When we asked this he sighed and looked around before looking at me and Neo. "Follow me you two, I think I can let the two of you in on what I have planned," Roman said as he looked at us.

He then began to walk away and we followed behind him. I had to admit I was more than just a little curious about what he had planned. We continued to walk and I was making sure that no one was following us that they couldn't eavesdrop on us. We then entered one of the several rooms that were in this building. He shut the door behind us and listened closely most likely for anyone that had been following us.

After a few moments, Roman turned to look at us and pulled out his scroll. I could see him searching through something before he held it sideways and a hologram appeared above the device. I could see what appeared a mechanized battlesuit, and while I couldn't tell how big it was I could guess that it was rather large based on how it was built. "This is something that's being held nearby," Roman said with a smile.

"What is it?" I asked as I looked at the device in front of me.

"This is an Atlesian Paladin-290, or at least a prototype for one. I want to steal it and make it ours. Just imagine all of the stores we'd be able to rob with this thing! Especially on that first night, smash into a wall rob the store of all it's valuables, leave before the cops show up, and then rinse and repeat. People will be so confused trying to deal with all the chaos and panic that we could hit more stores than we thought possible," Roman said as he looked at the female in front of him.

"I have to admit that is rather ambitious," I said as I looked at the male in front of me as the hologram disappeared. "I take it this is why we need the dust?" I asked as I looked at Roman.

"Of course it is," He said with a smile as he looked at them. "Or at least most of it. Things like bullet infused dust won't do us any good since we have no way to extract the dust. Which is why things like that are safe to sell," Roman said as he looked at us before nodding his head.

"But perhaps I was getting a little too ahead of myself earlier. We're still fairly small and new here. That's why tonight only one of you will be robbing a store and the other will be finding a way to get new recruits for us," Roman said as he looked at the two in front of him with a smile. "I would hope I don't need to tell you who has which job," Roman asked as he looked at us and I shook my head. In my opinion, it was fairly obvious.

"So what store is Neo going to be robbing?" I asked as I looked at the male in front of me. While there was little I could do to assist in the robbery I was admittedly very curious about which one he had marked as his first target. It had better be something good, most of the time the only reason people joined a criminal organization was for the lien. So if we hit a store tonight and that wasn't enough to grease some palms me recruiting others would be a lost cause until we got some more lien.

"I was going to let the two of you do some scouting to find a place that you thought would be good," Roman said as he looked at us.

"Really?" I asked as I looked at the male in front of me.

"Yeah, I don't know the area well enough yet to give you all a target. So I was going to let you all scout for a place that you thought would be good," Roman said as he looked at us.

"What if we don't find a dust store? After all, it's not often our scouting tactic works on dust stores. And even if we did find something I doubt Neo would be able to learn the layout quick enough to be ready to rob it when night comes," I said as I looked at the male in front of me.

"If it gets us money and you think you can do it then rob whatever you want," Roman said as he looked at us. It wasn't often that he went on missions with me and Neo so I couldn't blame him for not thinking all of the details through. We nodded hearing this and began to walk away. When we walked out of the building I looked at Neo and her body began to sparkle a bit before her appearance slowly changed.

I watched as she became a female with black hair that had been tied into twin-tails with bright vivid green eyes. She was also wearing a slightly girlish black outfit and looked at me with an innocent smile. "Your go-to disguise huh? Nothing wrong with that I guess. I doubt anyone here will recognize you," I said as I looked at Neo. I never get over how well she's able to pull off the whole 'sweet and innocent' act.

We then began to walk down the streets of Vale and while at first we didn't see anything interesting because of where Roman decided or base should be it wasn't long before I began to see several figures around us. They were looking at us and most of them had cheap and fairly torn and messy clothes. It was clear what they were planning, most of them were probably thinking of a way they could rob us.

As we walked down the streets a male passed by us and grabbed Neo. As he did he walked in front of me handling a gun to her head. "Give me all your lien or she-" The male began only for Neo to grab his crotch and squeeze aggressively cutting him off. As he leaned over from the pain neo raise her fist to punch him in the face sending him back. As he did Neo turned and kicked the male in the side of the head sending him away before dusting himself off.

I guess that was one good thing about this, I never had to worry about whether or not Neo could handle herself. Unless we were going up against some skilled huntsmen then I knew she'd be able to handle the job. Neo then began to dust herself off and we once again began to walk down the streets together. I can only hope that the others that were watching us saw that. I would prefer it if that didn't become a daily event that I had to worry about.

It took a bit but before long we eventually arrived in some of the nicer parts of Vale and began to look around. As I was walking Neo tugged on my arm and I looked at her to see that she was pointing at a jewelry store. It was small and from the way it looked it was fairly popular so if we did rob it there would be a lot of lien in it for us. "Good eye Neo, alright let's go," I said as I looked at her.

When I did she nodded and reached into her pocket pulling out a small ring that we usually used for this setup and put it on her finger. I did the same mimicking her actions as I pulled out my own ring and put it on. I then offered my arm to Neo with a smile. When I did Neo put on a bright and warm smile and began to cling to my arm before we walked into the building. When we walked in Neo began to look around as I walked her to the front desk.

As I did I couldn't help but look at some of the things that had as well. They didn't have many diamonds which at first glance seems bad, but anyone who's done this as many times as us knows that diamonds aren't the real target. What they lacked in diamonds that made up for with several gemstones that were much rarer and more valuable. When we reached the counter the male looked at us with a smile.

"Hello, how can I help you two?" He asked as he looked at us.

"Uh yes, we're newlyweds and I was hoping that you had a gemstone we could put in my wife's ring," I said as I looked at him. When I said this Neo nodded and pulled off her ring showing it to him. "I could have gotten one back at home but I thought it would be more special if we got it here in Vale while we were visiting," I explained as I looked at the male in front of me. Neo nodded with a bright smile as she looked at him.

"Ah I see, is there anything specific you two were looking for?" He asked as he looked at Neo. Clearly going to her first because she was the 'bride' and it was her ring. When he did she pointed to me and he looked at me a bit confused before continuing what I was saying.

"Sorry about that, she's mute," I explained as I looked at the male before continuing what I was saying. "And to answer your question we weren't really looking for anything too specific we just know that we don't want it to be a diamond," I said as I looked at the male in front of me. When I said this he looked at me clearly confused before I continued.

"I wanted this ring to be special as you can tell, that's why didn't get the gemstone back home. But if I just came here to get a diamond well then there's nothing special about that. It's just one diamond ring out of the thousands that are in the world. I want this one to be special, so gems that you usually wouldn't see on ring things like emeralds or rubies for example," I said as I looked at the male.

I knew that while emeralds and rubies weren't the rarest or even the most valuable thing in remnant they were rarer and more valuable than them. In the underground world, no one wanted diamonds because they could just get them anywhere because of how common they were. He nodded hearing this and began to show us several different gems. We pretended to seem interested in all of them and then eventually found the gem that we were looking for.

He held up a purplish-blue gemstone in front of us and smile. "This is Menagerite, named as such because it's only found on the northern hills of Menagerie. It's speculated that within twenty to thirty years that this gemstone will be completely mined out. I know that's quite some time away but if nothing else this ring could become a family heirloom with time because in time no one will be able to get Menagerite," He said as he looked at us.

"That sounds perfect. How much is it?" I asked as I looked at the male in front of me.

"Well at the moment the current rate is about thirty-thousand lien," The male said as he looked at me. When I heard this I pretended to be shocked by what I heard.

"Th-thirty thousand?" I asked as I looked at the male causing him to nod as he looked at me. "That's a bit more expensive than I was expecting," I said as I looked at the male in front of me causing him to nod with a smile.

"Well of course it's expensive while it might be common at the moment it's still an incredibly rare gemstone," The male said as he looked at me. When he said this I looked to Neo pretending to be a little nervous before looking back at him. "Can I have some time to think about it?" I asked as I looked at the male in front of me and he nodded.

"Of course, take as much time as you need," The male said as he looked at me and I nodded.

"Thank you, and if you don't mind could you put that away just in case I do decide to go through with buying it?" I asked as I looked at the male causing him to smile and nod.

"Of course, and don't worry it's in good hands," He said as he looked at me and I smiled. We'll see just how good later tonight. We then turned and began to walk out of the building together and while we didn't separate until we were a bit away from the store when we did I looked at her.

"So what did you see? Were the jewels worth anything?" I asked as I looked at her. Of course, while I had looked around a bit I wasn't able to look around as much as Neo was simply because it didn't seem to draw as much attention when she did it. So of course she would have gotten a much better look at the jewels and gems than I would have. When I asked this she nodded and gave a slight thumbs up as she did.

"What about security? Think it's anything we need to worry about?" I asked as I looked at her and she seemed a bit unsure hearing this and rocked her head side to side indicating that she wasn't really sure about the security. I hadn't really seen anything to be concerned about, then again I hadn't seen the entire building either. So if there was something worth stealing it might be in the hidden safe that most jewelry stores have.

"Alright, so we might need to be a bit more careful than usual but overall nothing to much to worry about," I said as I looked at her and she nodded. "Sounds good to me, lets head back," I said as I looked at her. It didn't take us long to get back home but when we arrived I saw that the place had several more people inside of it now.

However, they were all wearing masks and several of them had the white fang insignia on it. I was a bit alarmed at first seeing this and while I was definitely getting some dirty glares from some of them none of them really seemed too hostile. I began to walk towards Roman who seemed to be planning something out. When we reached his side he looked at us with a smile.

"Ah, I'm glad to see you two back. Good news! You won't need to go looking for new recruits after all," Roman said as he looked at me.

"Yeah, I can . . . see that," I said as I looked around. "How did you recruit them?" I asked as I looked at the male in front of me. I just didn't understand how he was able to recruit so many in such a short amount of time. Especially since most of them seemed to be members of the White Fang. After all, it's not like them to help humans regardless of whether or not their huntsmen or criminals like us.

"Ah, well I didn't our newest recruits did," Roman said as he looked at us. He then gestured to a female on the far end of the room who appeared to be walking towards us. She was wearing a long dark red dress, she had dark black hair and bright eerie yellow eyes. She also had two people following behind her. A female with short green hair and bright red eyes and a male with silverish-grey hair and grey eyes.

"Well, Neo, [Name], I'd like you two to meet our newest member, Cinder," Roman said as he looked at her.

"Indeed, it's nice to meet the two of you," She said as she looked at us. Hearing this I tensed up a bit and looked at her. While there was nothing wrong with what she was saying it was more like how she was saying it. It didn't feel like a real introduction and more like she was just doing this because she had too.

"Roman, I have some things I'd like to discuss with you for our first plan," Cinder said as she looked at the male. Like before it wasn't what she was saying it was more like how she was saying it. It almost felt like she was trying to order him around. And while I had no problem taking orders from him I did have a problem taking orders from some girl I didn't know, who was suddenly acting like she owned the place.

Then again given how many people are around us . . . I guess she does. "Ah, of course. You two can leave. Find a way to entertain yourself, and please try not to draw too much attention to yourself," Roman said as he looked at us. We nodded hearing this and Neo began to walk away. I stayed behind staring at the new figures in front of me before repeating her actions and beginning to walk away as well.

I sped up a bit to catch up to Neo and looked at her as I did. "Neo, how do you feel about them?" I asked when I was sure we were out of earshot from them. Neo shrugged hearing and if the expression on her face was anything to go on, it looked like she had mixed feelings on the subject. "Yeah, me too. It's just . . . odd," I said as I looked at her.

"I know we don't have to now, but want to rob the store anyway? Since it's just the two of us we can split the profits fifty-fifty. What do you say?" I asked as I looked at her offering her a hand. When I said this Neo smiled and took my hand shaking it. 

A/N: Alright everyone so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Please let me know what you all thought and anything else you all would like to see in future chapters. Also please let me know if you have any questions so that I can answer them. Now then before I end this chapter I have something that I would like to ask all of you. What would you like the readers semblance to be?

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