New Advances = New Adventures

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It's been three years now since Sonic has moved in and I must admit that I would never argue  against how wonderful things are right now. So far Sonic and I have been having the time of our lives.

I've recently been hired as a repair man for the small village that down the road and Sonic has became a big hit with the villagers. Every afternoon while I go to work doing some odd job that a farmer or merchant requested, Sonic would sit in the middle of town weaving beautifully told stories of his life when he left home. All the children, and even some of the adults I might add, would stop what they were doing and go the center of town just to hear what story that Sonic had to say.

After story time, Sonic would say his farewells to all the villagers and go around to the merchants, offering his services anyway that he possibly could may it be mending the ripped pants of an apple farmer, or grooming the horse for the shop keep or even baking a pie for the baker that was just one short.

Everyone began to refer to Sonic as their little crippled blessing and never seemed to apologize to him enough for the way they treated him before, it was all quite amusing in my opinion for some days Sonic would return home with a little satchel that he had made full of treats from the children and payment for his services. He never asked for anything but still received things due to the people's guilt or because they insisted.

Overall things have really become better for us, especially him...

And they were about to become better.

Today was Sunday. On this day all the work is put aside and the shops close in order to get some must need rest and relaxation. So as you can probably guess, so was I.

Since it was such a beautiful day I had brought up the idea to go on a little stroll, of which Sonic was happy to agree without any hesitation.  We packed a quick picnic and grabbed a few blankets then head off into the woods to enjoy our day.

Along the way there Sonic and I had engaged in rather interesting and personal topic that Sonic actually started this time. What was the question? Well it was in fact why never found love. My explanation made sense I suppose. I mean it was just the normal response that I was waiting on the right person and excreta, but what caught my attention was Sonic's response. I remember it perfectly to for after I gave my response I repeated the question back to him. After which my response was an instant blushing of his cheeks and his gaze quickly turning down to path as he softly answered," Well...I...I kinda already like someone, but I don't think they like me. I've liked them for as long as I can remember though they never really thought much of me in return until recently when we saw each other each other again. It was like they changed into a completely different person and it just made me love them more."

" Oh? And who is this person might I ask?" I asked quite interested, wanting desperately to know, but Sonic didn't respond instead he blushed darker then quickly went over to a tree and took a seat, changing the subject.

I signed and joined him next to the tree and and set the basket and blanket down. We ate silently, my eyes never leaving Sonic as his seemed to wonder around a bit never locking onto mine one which caused me to grow suspicious until I could no longer hold it.

I then reached over and grabbed his hand firmly in mine and turned his face to look at mine until our eyes met. " Sonic why don't you look at me? Is something wrong?"

My only response was a shake of the head and a soft sigh. " Well can you still least tell me who your crush was?" I asked instead to try and get a  conversation started again.

When I got nothing but silence again I began to give up and leaned back against the tree with a heavy sigh. I closed my eyes and began to try and relax a bit until my ears flicked as they picked up the sound of a sweet soft voice whispering softly...



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