A Simple Walk...Or Was It?

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At that moment I pretty much ended our breakfast conversation, coming up with some weird excuse that my drool was something along the lines of...chaos I don't even remember what I said! My head is spinning right now! I need to clear it. I need to relax and get some fresh air. A nice walk should to do me good.

Making up my mind, I quickly grabbed my and Sonic's plates and walked into the kitchen. After a brief washing process, I dried my hands and walked into the living room and slipped on my skates.

I was all about ready to head out the door when... " Shadow? Where are you going?" Sonic. How on the great planet of Mobius did I forget about little Sonic? Ugh I'm such a terrible creature.

I instantly turn around though, trying to hide as much of my mistake as I possibly could without making myself look stupid, a very difficult task I might add. " Oh! Well Sonic I was just going to step outside for a moment and uhh...check on the garden hehe." I spat out quickly and sweat dropped.

" Garden? I don't remember seeing a garden when I came here." He said tilting his head a bit.

S***! Task failed! Task failed! Gotta think of something quick! " Umm yes, actually I just planted the garden. I wanted something here so I wouldn't have to do into town all the time. It would be so much less of a hastle don't you think?"

Sonic sighed as his ears lowered a bit," Yea I guess so. Have fun on your walk Shadow. I'm sorry that I made things awkward for you, that made you feel like you had to leave." He said as he turned around and started heading back towards the stairs.

I gasped softly in shock. How did he- no that's not the issue right now. My only issue is wobbling towards those steps right now.

" Sonic wait! Holds on a second! " I did while grabbing a tiny peach arm," You didn't make things awkward...I did. I've been awkward ever since I find you and now I would like to make it up to you alright? Please come join me on this walk. Please? "

Sonic was silent for a minute as he looked at me then smiled a bit and nodded," Alright Shadow I'll tag along. Thank you." He said as he walked next to me. " No thank you." I smiled as I courteously grabbed his hand and walked him outside.


I must admit a walk through the woods with someone you care deeply about, is much more better then doing the exact same thing by yourself.

I don't know why, but just listening to him talk just adds a certain perkiness to things, I'm not exactly sure how to explain it. All I know is that I like it.

Over the last thirty minutes to an hour, our walk consisted of nothing but polite conversion along with the interruption of Sonic every now and then everytime he saw a butterfly or appealing flower.

Before I knew it though, I found that he had travelled in a rather familiar but also very foreign place to me. I sighed at the memories that these tree tops could share if they could speak, but in a way I'm also very pleased that they don't. For I would hate to have to relive that moment let alone hear it.

I trudged along this old worn path though, Sonic tugging lightly on my arm every now and then when I would get to slow until he stopped all together. I raised an eyebrow and was about to ask why he head paused, but quickly answered the question for myself as I watched him stare at the head stone of our mother.

I stood where I had last ceased in movement, and watched quietly as he let go of my hand and slowly walked over to the stone. He knelt with grace that I have never seen before in a person and gently ran his hand over her name that I had hand carved in there.

He then say still as he read the small memorial I made then lastly the time of death. His eyes watered a bit as he lowered his head and said a silent prayer. I'm not exactly sure what it was about but I could have sworn I heard my name.

Anyways though, after his prayer, he kissed the headstone so delicately as if the softest peck of his lip would instantly shatter the stone, then stood back up and walked back over to me.

" Are you alright Sony?" I ask as I gently rub his back in a sorry attempt to calm him down. " Yes I'm fine, it's just that... When you told me of mama's death it didn't bother me because I guess part of me thought you weren't telling the truth, but now that I've seen that headstone I feel like a pile of bricks was just dumped on me... Shadow I...I want mama back. I miss her so much. I didn't even get to say good bye to her." He said and looked down sadly.

Just looking at the devastation in his face would be enough to melt the polar ice caps. It was so sad and miserable that I was willing to do everything and anything in my power to make him feel better even... sing.

Yes, I sing. I have ever since I was young bit preferred to keep it on the down low, but that's beside the point.

I sighed softly as I started to sing a little lullaby that Maria used to sing to me when I was upset.

"Listen... Listen.... Hush little one and listen. Do you hear it? Hear it from the trees that are bristlin'? From the rivers down below and the wind up in the sky? From the moon that waves hello as mister sun says good bye? They're singing. Singing of the day, so sweet in it's own precious way. Of the clouds and the trees and the flowers and the bees. All the wonders of the world around us. So hush little little one, to not ruin their song with your uncanny blubber Instead be happy and cherry and end this fuss."

I finish the song, holding back a tear as I did so and look back at the smiling face of my happy little hedgie." Shadow you remembered it! After all these years you remembered what mama used to sing to us. Oh i thought that you had forgotten everything that we used to do with her but i guess I was wrong. I'm sorry Shadow. Can you ever forgive me for thinking so poorly of you?"

I stood still for a moment as i syared into those green eyes of his and couldn't help myself but to let a little smile escape as knelt down and held open my arms for him and hugged him tightly," Of course I forgive you Sonic, though there is really nothing to apologise for. I was a jerk and for the longest time I tried to forget her but the moment you came back into my life I knew I wouldn't be able to forget, simply because so much of her lives in you."

It was after that sentence that I finally realized that for me nothing would ever be the same for me or Sonic again.

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