A New Day Part 2: Something You Shouldn't Have Seen

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The wait for my tardy brother had made me ancy and impatient as i got up and walked up the stairs quickly to the bathroom door. The politeness of knocking completely slipped my mind as my impatience had gotten the better of me and i barged right into the bathroom. " Sonic what in the bloody chaos is taking you so long to get ready for break-...umm...oh i see..."



I was shocked...no baffled would be more like it, for i couldn't believe what i had just witnessed with my own two eyes. My little brother, of whom i would have never thought would have let anything along the lines of sexual appeasement cross his mind, was masturbating in the bathroom, and me, with my perfect timing, had just caught him as he was releasing his white, creamy liquid on the tiled floor below.

I couldn't help but stand there with my mouth agape as i stared between Sonic's equally surprised but highly flushed face and the stream of fresh seed on my bathroom floor. At the possibility of saving Sonic from further embarrassment i proceeded with closing the door and back pedaling back down the stairs and sitting down at the table. I blushed madly as the imagine of what just happened replayed over and over in my mind. I groaned and head-desked. Why won't that image leave my head?! Just the thought of seeing him like that, his small roundish face... those plump rosy cheeks flushed with a deep red blush...those glossy emerald orbs staring deep into mine...his member dripping with fresh pre-cum as his tiny peach hand gripped firmly around his member pumped up and down on his shaft sending him one step closer to heaven with every stroke of his precious, smooth, gentle- wait what am i doing!?  

I sat up quickly and shook my head. I groaned and attempted to pull myself together as my ear flicked at the sound of metal on wood, which meant Sonic was approaching. I looked down at myself and groaned when i realized there was barely noticeable bulge in my pants, so i quickly crossed my legs and prayed to the gods that Sonic wouldn't notice.

I watched Sonic as he descended the stairs carefully,taking each step cautiously. His head was still down as he walked, and even though it was i could still see how red his muzzle was, which i found a bit amusing in my own twisted demented sort of way. He sat down at the table, in the seat across from mine and started to nibble on his breakfast all without saying a word.

This went on for about ten minutes before i ended it. " So Sonic uhh...having a nice morning?" i asked trying to start up a conversation but only seeming to make things more awkward as i facepalmed at my stupid question. Sonic, seemingly noticing my awkwardness, decided to humor me and saved me from the humility of my own stupidity. He giggled and smiled a little as he shrugged and replied, " It's fine i suppose... oh and since we're asking questions mind if i ask one?" I raised a brow but nodded, " Sure go ahead. " I answered with a nod. " What's that stuff under your mouth?" I looked at him confused for a moment until i ran my hand under my mouth and looked at my now moist fingers and blushed lightly...drool... I was drooling. Oh sweet chaos help me.

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