Pardon For Forgiveness

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Oh no? What did he mean by that I wonder? I continued to hold him a tight embrace but something didn't feel exactly...right. I know I was hugging him and I completely elated to be able to do so again but there was one problem... Sonic was hugging back.

I grew confused and pulled away from the hug and placed my hands on his shoulders as I looked at him, " Sonic what's wrong aren't you happy to see me?" It's your old brother in the living fur!" I said trying to hide my confusion with excitement instead.

It was then that Sonic shook my hands off his shoulders and took a step back as and looked down, " You're not my brother." He said in a soft voice almost barely loud enough to even hear and man I wish I hadn't.

" Wait what do you mean Sonic of course I am we grew up together! Well yeah I know we're not birth brothers but you're like a brother to me! I care about you man!" I said as I tried to approach Sonic only for him to take another step back and look up at me with fire in his eyes.

" How could you say something like that?! After all the things you did to me when I was younger how for the love of chaos do you think you still deserve to call me your brother?! You didn't care about me! How does name calling, bulling, and constant teasing show that you care for someone Shadow?! It doesn't! And that is all you ever did to me! You hated me and don't say you didn't because I know you did! If you didn't then you wouldn't have did those things to me! If I wouldn't of ran away then I'm sure I would still be the same miserable ball of fluff that I was those fifteen years ago! I...I hate you and I wish you never found me or this place!"

I stared. That's all I could do beside listen. Sonic's words had hit me hard. So hard that I didn't know how to react to it. I had no idea that so much hate and disgust could live in such a sweet innocent form but here it is living proof that it can.

I wasn't mad, because there was no reason to be. He was right about everything, I did tease him, I did bully him, but I never did hate him or mean to hurt him as bad I did. It was all just harmless five year old gamble. I didn't know what I was doing and I definitely didn't think it would have had this type of effect several years later. On the contrary I loved him. Loved him more then I ever loved anything else in my entire life I just did a shoddy job in showing it, and now here is where all my work comes back and bites my hard in the butt. It's quite funny how karma works.

But there was one thing that was said that really hurt. One thing that really hit me where it hurt and knocked the breath out of my lungs...when he said he hated me. I know what I did when I was young was wrong and I would definitely take it back if I could but is that truly a good enough reason to hate someone? I guess to Sonic it is but it really does hurt! I am beginning to wonder if this is how Sonic felt and if it is then I am so sorry!

I looked up at Sonic only to see an empty space where he once stood. I looked around frantically to try and locate the blue cripple only to catch a glimpse of a receding blue form hobble back behind the brown tarp that he had previously shown appeared from.

I bolted over and quickly grabbed him by his arm, stopping him from making any further movements as I tried to speak, " Sonic please, I know you hate me and I completely understand why but Sonic I was six! I didn't know what I was doing and I definitely didn't know how much it would hurt you know! I want to start over please just give me that chance! I want to be the brother that you should have had not what I was. I want to give you the love and support that you deserve. I want your forgiveness and acceptance of this apology. Please Sonic just give me a chance. Just one chance is all I ask. Leave this place and come back home with me and live the life that you so truly deserve. Please?"

It was silent for the longest time. Each passing second felt like years weighed down by decades as I stared at Sonic's back waiting for my answer. I was beginning to start losing hope when he finally turned around and looked at me.

His expression had softened to sort of kind sweetness but also unsure timidness as he looked at me. His voice was soft and unsure as he spoke, " Do you swear Shadow? Do you swear that you won't act like you did when we were little?"

All i could do was nod my head frantically and draw an X over my heart as I said, " Yes Sonic cross my heart and if I dont may chaos strike me with lighting!" That made him a smile a bit as he nodded and held his hand out to me, " Alright then Shadow I'll give you a chance but please don't let me down." " I promise I won't Sonic." I said as I shook his hand.

I might of looked calm on the outside but inside I was doing back flips! I finally got my Sonikk- I mean my Sonic back and I was never gonna let him go again.

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