Barer of the Bracelet

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Hey everyone sorry for that weird update I don't know what happened buy anyways here's the real chapter.

The journey home was rather quieter and sort of lonesome in a strange way. Though I was ecstatic that I had finally found Sonic, things didn't feel right between us. It was almost like an uncomfortable sort of awkward situation.

I sighed softly as I walked behind him. I hate to admit it, but i had completely forgotten the way out of there so i had let Sonic take the lead and guide us out, but once we were I took over.

I listened as his crutches made soft thud like sounds as they collided with the ground, but while I was use to that sound I noticed something else that seemed to catch my attention. Everytime Sonic would move his arms a small faint jingle could be heard similar to the sound of metal hitting against metal.

I listened to the jingle all the way until we had reached the house. Sonic seemed a bit hesitant at first when he first caught sight of the old structure, but after much coaxing and sweet words I managed to get him inside.

The living room was silent as I took a seat in a chair while Sonic on the other hand sat down on the couch. I watched him as he gently traced his fingers over the fine stitching of the fabric and the smooth buttons on the cushions. I noticed at how he seemed to sink back into the couch and lather himself in the soft comfort that it has brought to so many that have sat there.

I smiled a bit when a faint, nearly inaudible, sigh of contentness could be heard as he closed his eyes and sunk further into the cushions. It took all the power in me for me to not say something about how cute and at peace he looked when he did that, but instead my luck was turned around when I heard something else that I know he noticed as well, because a faint glow of red on his cheeks made it very clear. His stomach grumbled.

I quickly took advantage of the moment and cleared my throat before asking, " Umm you hungry?" Wait...did I really just ask if he was hungry?! Ugh I'm such an idiot! Out of all possible questions that I could possibly ask I asked the most stupid and obvious way to go Shadow!

I  facepalmed repeatedly in my mind until I heard his soft voice, " Umm Shadow?" I quickly looked up at him, not even realizing that I was looking at the floor until just now, and answered him, " Yes Sonic?" " I said yes. I'm not sure if you heard me though since you didn't answer."

His voice is just so adorable. It reminds me so much of when we were younger and he used to talk that way, to bad those innocent days are gone, for me anyway. So instead I quickly rise from my chair and nodded, " Alright then I'll prepare us something to eat. " I waited for a response, though I don't see why since I really don't need one, and went to the kitchen when I got a nod of his head as his answer.


I had been cooking for a good half an hour when I heard that jingle noise again and it seemed to be coming from the living room. Curious, I poked my head out of the entrance to the kitchen to see if I could locate the noise, but what I found shocked me out of disbelief.

Instead of seeing keys, or a bell like I was expecting I was shocked to see Sonic fiddeling with a bracelet on his wrist. This bracelet wasn't just any braclet though, as a matter of fact that braclet was the very same one that I gave Sonic eighteen years ago when I first met him.

I couldn't believe that he had managed to keep it for so long and it seemed to be in such good condition unlike mine. The only thing that seemed off about the ring was that it was a bit tight around his wrist. I figured that it was uncomfortable so I decided to go and offer my assistance.

I approached him slowly as I thought of what i could possibly say to him. I went through several old movie lines, catch phrases, and even a few pickup lines that were in the category of non- idiotic but it all seemed like I was either trying to murder him or persuade him into my bed and I definitely didn't want to do either of those things so i tried to think of something else but came up fruitless.

By the time i reached Sonic my mind was a blank and empty vast of nothingness. I noticed how his viridescent eyes looked up at me with a confused expression and I knew I had to think of something quick so what did I do? Well I suppose what any intelligent, blank minded hedgehog would do... wing it and hope to chaos that I don't screw up.

I cleared my throat for the second time that night as I looked down at him, " Sonic I uhhh just happened to notice something that you're wearing that seemed to catch my eye umm you probably didn't think I would notice, but I did!" I said as I looked at him. " Oh and what is that Shadow?" He asked as he stopped fidgeting with it and diverted all of his attention to me. I swallowed nervously as I pointed to his wrist and said, " The braclet. Isn't that the same one that I gave you when I first met you?"

He looked down at the braclet and seemed to smile a bit which lifted a large load of tension of my chest as he nodded and looked back up at me, " Yes it is Shadow I didn't think you'd remember." He said as he smiled. I was kind of surprised and a little hurt that he said that, but covered in up as I replied. " What are you kidding?! Of course I remember giving it to you. The moment i put that braclet on you and saw your appearance lighten up i felt like the happiest little hedgehog in the world!" I said as I smiled at him.

I noticed a faint blush on his cheeks when I said that which made me chuckle. " Wow Shadow you really felt like that?" He asked he looked at me and smiled a bit.

For a second there I could of sworn that my heart had officially stopped and melted when I saw his smile but somehow I still managed to answer him, " Of course I did Sonic. Meeting you and being able to help you like I did was the best thing that ever happened to me and to prove it to you further I want to do it again." It was then that I got down on both of my knees and heaved the bracelet off of my right wrist and then picked up Sonic's corresponding wrist. I gently unclipped the old one from his wrist and looked up into his eyes as I held his hand and said in a very serious tone, " Sonic the Hedgehog over the past fifteen years I have gone through a lot of things and dealt with some crazy situations, but the hardest one I have ever gone through is having to live life without you. I am fully aware that how I treated you when we were children was unexcusable and i apologize a thousand and one times for it. But now is a new time. A time where I ask for your forgiveness by this braclet. By placing this braclet on your wrist I promise to love, respect, take care of, and protect you like a true brother should and should anything ever happen to you while you wear this I will give up everything including my own life to make things right again I promise."

After those words were said, I gently put the braclet on him and fastened it on with a soft click. When I was finished I was greeted by the warm endurance that I have waited fifteen years to feel again.

Sonic hugging me.

He latched onto my neck as I could feel hot tears of joy hitting my shoulder as he nuzzled it," Shadow thank you so much. You don't know how much it means to me to hear you say those words. I accept your apology truly and I will be honored to wear this and give you a second chance. "

I smiled and thanked him and we shared a long passionate hug, enjoying each other's company and reinforced feelings for one another. It was all so wonderful until l smelt something burning then I quickly sprang up and ran to the kitchen.

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