Chapter 6

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" He doesn't remember me anymore..." I muttered under my breath. I no longer had a say in anything after what Kinn said. Ofcourse I couldn't stick to his side forcibly. And reluctantly though, I forced my feet to carry me away from the place, knowing nothing good would come out of it if I stayed in front of him any longer.

" You are right. I must have mistaken you for someone else. I am sorry " I said in a low apologetic tone and hiding the sadness behind my face, I stormed off.

But barely had I taken any steps when I heard his rushed footsteps and in a moment he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me from behind.

" I didn't think you would actually believe me " He whispered.

He buried his face in my shoulder and tightened his hold around me making my heart flutter.

" You remembered? " I asked softly, my heart yearning to hear the truth.

" How could I ever forget you Porsche? " Kinn said.

I turned around and we both smiled looking at each other. He was about to say something when rustling sounds reached our ears all of a sudden. We knew the sounds must be coming from the cycle parking which meant the desolate place that we both were occupying at the moment was about to get crowded with other groups soon.

" I think we should go somewhere else " He said looking around.

" Uhm...maybe my class? All the students must have left already and I need to fetch my bag as well. " I said pointing towards his bag and he agreed.

After walking together for a short while, we reached my class and as I had guessed already, the room was empty.

" Oh I remember...the teacher gave me this book to return it to you but you weren't there in the class that day so I kept it with me to give it back whenever possible. " I said taking the book out and handing it over to him.

" If you don't mind me asking then...why were you absent for so many days? There were rumours going around that you had left the school." I said looking a little sad.

" I am sorry for disappearing like that, I actually was abroad because of some work that phaw had entrusted me with, so I couldn't come to school for so many days. " He said sounding apologetic.

" No it's fine you don't have to be sorry for it!! " I chirped immediately making him smile.

" But aren't you a little too young to be handling business? " I asked worrying about the burden he might be carrying due to such responsibilities.

" I am the heir to the family business so I'll have to one day handle everything anyways. And it's not like I am in-charge of too many things right still learning from phaw so I have my hands on a few small less burdening projects as of now so I can still focus on my life. So there's nothing to worry about. " He said sensing my uneasiness. And hearing him say that made me feel relieved to much extent.

" Oh wait! I nearly forgot to give this to you! " He said rummaging through his bag for something confusing me. And from one of his pockets, he took out the same chocolate that he had always given me throughout the exam and handed it to me.

I blushed seeing it and he chuckled seeing me. " Thanks " I mumbled and he scratched the back of his neck not knowing what to say anymore.

" I was going to give it to you in the morning but couldn't find you anywhere, luckily I spotted you while you were going towards the cycle stand and called you but I guess I wasn't loud enough. So I followed you and somehow ended up witnessing the whole thing. " He said looking a little embarrassed.

" You were there from the starting? " I said feeling confused as to how then Jom and Tem couldn't see him while they were coming.

" Umm yeah...I was about to stop tawan but before I could do that you hit him. And I didn't want to interrupt you that's why I hid myself near the place. " He said looking at me like a fanboy?

I chuckled lightly seeing his expressions and hearing me, he cleared his throat and closed his eyes realizing how they were sparkling at the moment.

My eyes fell on my watch and widened immediately after seeing the time.

" Shit! My parents must be here already! " I shrieked and hurriedly hanging the bag around my shoulder bid kinn goodbye.

" See you tomorrow! I need to go now bye! " I said and he waved at me while showing me puppy dog eyes as if he was sad seeing me go and I laughed seeing his antics.

Third person POV :

Kinn bid him goodbye and heard porsche running down the corridor. After seeing that Porsche was out of his sight, kinn's facial expressions instantly changed. And a cold expression replaced the smile that he had on infront of Porsche.

" Now then shall we take care of those who dared to mess with Porsche? " He said to himself and smirked. 

Kinn's POV :

" Arrange a meeting with Khun Thahan " I informed Chan as I handed my backpack over to him before sitting getting into the car and as instructed he immediately started driving towards their estate.

Within a few minutes, we were standing infront of his house and I directly stormed into his office instead of waiting for him anywhere else.

" Good afternoon...Khun Thahan! " I said smirking as I walked towards the sofa and sat down comfortably in a figure-four leg lock sitting position.

I looked up dominantly towards them
" Ah what a perfect time " and snickered seeing Tawan and his father - Khun Thahan standing infront of me. Both of them were talking about something that was however interrupted by my sudden visit.

" What work do you have with me Khun Kinn? " He said looking slightly annoyed seeing me.

" Well your son got beat up by someone at school today. " I said looking straight towards him.

" Yes I'll make sure to punish the one who dared to beat up Tawan like this but I believe you didn't come here just to help me in this case, did you? " He said indicating me to come to the point.

" Ofcourse not. On the contrary, I came here to warn you against it. If you even try to complain about Porsche at school, then it definitely will bring quite an amount of harm your way. " I said in an intimidating tone making Tawan shudder.

" Why should I do that? It was my son who got roughed why should I not punish the other kid?! Won't it be unfair to Tawan?! " He said looking at me as if I had lost my mind.

" I don't say things without proof Khun Thahan. " I smirked looking at him.

" I have a recording which clearly shows that Tawan was the one who started saying crap to Porsche and got beat up after he crossed the line. If you want I can circulate it, but I believe your reputation will take quite a hit if people get to know that your son is a bully along with being a weakling. " I crossed my legs knowing how much he loved his own reputation but still was prepared to take harsher steps if a simple threat failed to work on him.

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