Chapter 7

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Kinn's POV :

" It doesn't even affect you so why do you care?! " Tawan snarled.

" Who said it doesn't affect me? You dared to threaten someone I favour, how could I not be affected? " I said in an intimidating tone, establishing my authority over him.

" I can discard the video as just a fight between children, so do you really think you can make me back down just by showing some trifling proof? " Khun Thahan smirked thinking he had an upper hand in the situation.

" Ofcourse not~ I always make enough preparations to completely destroy my enemies before even trying to confront them, so this evidence is just a minor trailer of everything I posses right now. " I said and the look of proudness on his face slowly started to transition into a look of unsurety.
Yet he refused to let go of his ground.

" You think your meagre threats can scare me? Boy I've been in this business for more time than you've been on this earth. Don't try to mess with me. " He said warning me not to go against him.

" Yet I have more courage and wit than you ever will acquire through a lifetime of experience. " I passed a snarky remark making him clutch his fists. I could see the anger rising into his eyes but I knew one thing for sure that he wouldn't dare to do anything stupid like attacking me unless he wished for his own painful demise.

" What can you even do to act so cheekily?! " He sneered looking at me with a bitter expression.

" Oh? Me? Haha! I...can destroy you! Crumble your business down to such a state that you won't be able to lift it anymore even if you grumbled at everyone's feet. " I said with confidence radiating from each word which ofcourse were true.

" What bullsh*t?! You think your petty threats can intimidate me?! " He snarled thinking my threat was a mere bluff.

" Like I said before, I don't say unnecessary things. " I smirked and taking the file that chan was holding from his hand, threw it across the table for them to read it.

Khun Thahan started reading it and my inward smirk kept growing as I silently watched his eyes widening to such extent that they were practically bulging out of their sockets by the end of the document.

He immediately whisked his head up to look at me and I smiled at him in return.

" That's right, this document contains the a detailed report of every embezzlement you've done in your legal as well as illegal businesses along with proofs of whom, how and when you betrayed - sold whose information to whom and when. " I said and picked up a piece of paper from the table.

" And the list looks quite long. Just a small part of this is enough to erase your existence. " I said waving it infront of my face but all of a sudden his expressions turned extremely bitter and picking up the gun that was kept on the table in a split second, he targeted me to blow my brains out.

" You're more senseless than I had thought. Do you really think you can afford to make an enemy out of the Teerpanyakuls? If you do, then think about it again..." I said and stood up to walk towards him.

" Because...we don't like to give our enemies a chance..." I said confidently looking straight into his eyes.

He knew the truth and even though I could see the hate in his eyes, he had to keep the gun down to save himself from a terrible wrath.

" Smart choice. Now I need you to do two things as an exchange for keeping your secrets safe with me. " I said and Tawan shifted uncomfortably hearing me.

" First - Tawan will have to apologise to Porsche, also if you dare to mess with him again ever in any way be it directly and indirectly, I'll make sure to hunt you down and feed you alive to the starving ravens! " I said in a serious tone meaning each word to threaten Tawan.

" Second, I'll become the major investor of your toy gun are in dire need of investors aren't you? I'll help your company stay afloat and in return you'll have to manufacture the designs that I'll give you. Got it? " I said giving them an offer that I knew they would never be able to turn down.

And as I had expected, Khun Thahan's ears twitched the moment he heard about the offer.

" It's not hidden from you that the company isn't doing good exactly. So why is it that you are willing to put yourself into risk? Is it just juvenile  impulsiveness? " Khun Thahan scoffed.

" You seem eager to drown your business...seeing how you are hesitating to accept the offer and no matter what..." I smirked and going back, say down again on sofa comfortably.

" Everyone calls me a business genius for a reason. So it's up to you, if you want to accept the offer and live or turn them down and prepare for a terrible life ahead or...death if you are still lucky enough. " I smirked and his smile faded as clouds of unsurety started hovering over his head. I could see the wheels turning in his brain and even if he hated to accept, he still had to comply to my conditions despite Tawan's protests.

After signing the deal, I got up to leave and felt pretty satisfied seeing Tawan's dejected face but still wanted to give him once last piece of advice.

" I don't like it when people mess with what's mine, so if I ever see Porsche feeling troubled because of you...I'll make sure to return the favour ten-folds. Understood? " I whispered in his ear as I squeezed his shoulder giving him a subtle yet clear cut warning before leaving the place.

Next day:

" Did you really handle everything? I thought the principal was definitely going to call for me today, but nothing happened. " Porsche said in a confused tone.

" I had told you that I was going to handle everything before hadn't I? " I said munching on my sandwich.

" I mean yeah you did...but to be honest I had not expected you to handle everything so easily. " He said looking directly into my eyes with a hint of admiration in them.

" Are you grateful? " I asked smiling cheekily at him.

" you think of me as such a big of a jerk that I wouldn't even be thankful for your help? " He said pouting and acting as if my sentence had hurt him making me chuckle.

It may not have been a long since we met, but I knew one thing about him. That even if he did not look like it, he could get pretty dramatic at times.

" me " I said.

" What? " His eyebrows twitched after hearing me.

" Help me " I repeated my words.

" No wait- I am not deaf...I meant help you with what? " He asked asking me to elaborate but I refused.

" You'll see...wait till tomorrow and you'll get to know what I need your help with. " I said and he scrunched his face up before letting out a groan.

" Say it already! I don't like waiting!!! " He said rolling his head and crashing into my shoulder.

" Do I have to wait till tomorrow to know? " He asked again but this time in a cuter tone to try and melt me.

" Yes " I said showing no signs of giving in.

To this he clicked his tongue and sat up straight again making an irritated face that somehow was more on the cuter side than scary.

" Now now stop sulking it's just a matter of a few hours. " I said to cheer him up as I pulled him a little closer to myself and fed him a sandwich to get rid of that cranky expression of his.

Gosh he is adorable!

I said to myself as I watched him obediently munching on the piece of bread. He had his gaze fixated on the ground as he was probably thinking deeply about what I had just said and I just wanted to frame the moment, for it was an extremely precious one just like every moment I had ever shared with him...

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