32. I'm not against you, Fuggy...

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Lets move to chapter. 32....

Abhi : Im damn serious fuggy... You should not say to anyone that you are married... Never ever reveal that you are married to me...

And one more thing....

From now on you are not going to wear mangalsutra and kumkum... Be like before you get married to me... No one could find that you are married...

Pragya fumes and boils in anger... She felt completely shattered... Her head starts to spin on hearing abhi's words... She is about to fall ..

But Abhi catches her on time...

Abhi: Baby... What happened??? Are you okay??? Shall I call the doctor???

Pragya: Leave me... Dont show your fake concern on me... something has gone in your mind...

Abhi: Calm down baby.... Relax...

Pragya tries to come out from abhi's grip... Abhi tightens his grip...

He holds pragya's waist gently and starts to nuzzle on his neck and give wet kisses on her back to calm down his fuggy...

Pragya struggles a lot to control herself but abhi is completely dominating her and pragya is giving up as her body is completely reacting to his touches....

Abhi bites her earlobes and unpins her saree... Pragya moans in pleasure... When abhi opens d hook of her blouse, pragya gasps and that time reality strike her...

Abhi: My sexy doll.... I love you so much... Hear me once...

Pragya: 😁😁😁😁 dont bluff abhi... I know what you love and what you want???

Abhi: what do you mean???

Pragya: you never loved me truly abhi... What you have for me is only lust and not love... You acted really well like a loving husband .... All you want is only my body na...

Take it... Have you not satisfied yet???

Abhi (yells) : pragyaaaaa.... Stop talking rubbish... Dont name my pure love as lust....

Pragya: 😢😢😢😢 Truth always hurts abhi... I really loved you so much and i thought you too loved me truly..... I was thanking god for giving me such a caring n loving husband...

But now only i understand your real face... How can you act like this abhi???

What have i done to you??? Why are you playing in my life???

What else left in me??? Iv given my heart, my body n my soul to you... Tell me what do you want??? Why are faking infront of me...

Both abhi and pragya are crying uncontrollably...

Pragya: 😭😭😭😭😭😭 why are you hurting me abhi???

Abhi: 😭😭😭😭 im not in any intention to hurt you darling... Im so sorry if i hurt you... But you stabbed my heart with your words...😭😭😭😭

Pragya: what come again??? You killed me but you are saying i hurted you...

Abhi: Listen to me once baby... 😭😭😭😭 Im not meant to hurt you... Just hear me....

Pragya: what else left to say... 😭😭😭😭

Abhi: (roared) stop it pragyaaaa... You are not my fuggy... My love... My wife fuggy is d one who understands me truly... She knows me very well that if im saying anything, i will have some reasons behind that...

Pragya: what reasons you are gonna give???

Abhi: Just open your ears n hear me... Im asking to hide our marriage only for your well being....

Pragya: what nonsense??? Hiding our marriage is for my goodness...

Abhi: yes... I love you truly and deeply... I always want your happiness... I want all your dreams to come true...


Pragya: But...

Abhi: This is a bad world fuggy... We cant believe who will be against us... A married woman is keenly watched by this society... Many people does not like the fact that a married woman to achieve bigger...

If you lose in your studies, they will say its because of weddding... If you achieve more, they will say that itz because of my money n fame you got good marks...

I want my wife to achieve her dreams only as Pragya... Not as pragya arora/ pragya mehra....

I dont want anyone to say that your success and failure is because of me or out of our wedding... I will feel bad if anyone points fingers on you...

I informed this to dadi, papa n mumma too and asked them not to trouble you by doing wifely duties or rituals to be followed by a married woman....

I asked arjun n aaliya to take care of you in college... Aaliya will act as your close friend and she will never utter bhabhi infront of anyone in collge....

I even asked bulbul to check with some reputed gynaecologist and to take you there to get to know about your health n precautions to be taken...

Iv done this only for your well being... Im not in any intention to hurt you sweet heart... This abhishekh mehra only loves you... I love your heart n soul and i want you to be your support in all means...

Iv been trying to say this for d past three days... But you never listened to me...

Sorry... If i hurted you.... You can wear whatever you want in home... I just asked you to hide our wedding for time being only.... Sorry dear for making you cry....

Pragya hugs abhi and cries her heart out....

Pragya: sorry... 😭😭😭😭... Abhi... I hurted you so much...😭😭😭 Im a fool... You have think so much for me... But what i did is to hurt you???? Sorry.... 😭😭😭😭

Abhi: its okay sweetheart... No problem... I know why you reacted like that...

Now stop crying... Be a good girl... Its getting late... Go and sleep... We will talk tommorrow...

Pragya: 😭😭😭😭 im very bad na....

Abhi: shhhh... No more cries... Fuggy... Listen to me... Control your anger... Its not good for you...

Think a lot before you draw into conclusions... You are not a small kid... You have many responsibilities...

You have to handle studies, a big family amd in future you have to look after a big company... So think wisely before you decide...

Now go and sleep....

Pragya: where are you going???

Abhi: iv forgotten completely... Iv an important work... You sleep...i will come...

Pragya sleeps....

After sometime, pragya keeps her hand to hug her abhi but he is no where to be found... She gets up and see abhi sleeping in d couch in balcony...

She very well sees traces of tears in abhi's face... She felt really very bad to hurt her loving husband... She wants to comfort him and be a soothing relief to his hurted soul....

She thinks and smiles and goes to get changed... After sometime, pragya comes out in a short dress which abhi has got for her in their honeymoon..

She goes near abhi... She gently kisses abhi's eyes and wipes d tears with her lips... She slowly starts to trace her hands seductively on abhi's sexy body...

Abhi starts to react to her touches and groans in pleasure... Suddenly , abhi opens his eyes and gasps in shock to see pragya wearing d short dress he brought for her...

Abhi: what are you doing here baby??? Go and sleep...

Pragya: i know what im doing??? Come inside...

Abhi: sleep na.. i want to do some work...

Pragya: do it tommorrow... How can i sleep without my magic pillow???

Abhi: That... That... You go... I will come after some time...

Pragya: I know abhi why are you avoiding me abhi??? I hurted you so much na.... Sorry... Please forgive me...

Abhi: Its not like that dear... Go... I will come...

Pragya: No way... Come with me...

Pragya drags abhi and pulls him to sleep with her...

Pragya hugs and kisses abhi... She touches abhi seductively but abhi is not at all reacting... He closes his eyes to suppress his feelings and hormones...

Pragya starts to trail kisses on abhi... She cups abhi face and comes close near his lips... She slowly starts to give slow smooches on abhi's lips but no reaction from abhi...

Pragya: Abhii...

Abhi: hmm...

Pragya: still you are angry na... wont you forgive me abhi???

Abhi: when did i get angry on you to forgive you???

Pragya: Then why are you avoiding me???

Abhi: me??? Im near you only...

Pragya: you are near me... But you are doing nothing...

Abhi: That... I dont want to hurt you fuggy... Do whatever you want... I will fulfill all your wish but i cant do this...

Pragya (shocked) : why??? What are you saying???

Abhi: Fuggy... I will die if i hear that words from you again... I truly love you... Its our love fuggy... How can you name it as lust????

Pragya: sorry abhi... Please... Please forgive me..

Abhi: dont worry sweat heart... Im not angry.... Im just hurt and wounded that's it...

Pragya: I know how to medicine your hurted soul...

Pragya seduces abhi and makes him to groan in pleasure... She turns him on and on... Passion took over them...

Abhi could not control and suppress his feelings because his love, his wife fuggy is very adamant to get back him and make love... She is completely turning wild.... Abhi is giving up slowly to his wife....

Atlast their true love won once again... They bury their anger, hurts, miseries and problems with their love.....

They relaxes after a passionate love making...

Abhi kisses pragya's forehead...

Abhi: happy????

Pragya: very much....

Abhi: you are completely dominating n turning wild now a days....

Pragya: Anything to get back my abhi and to make him happy....

Abhi: Fuggy darling...

Pragya: hmm...

Abhi: never ever repeat that word again... Please... It really hurts me...

Pragya kisses abhi in his lips ....

"Sorry... Abhi... I wont do it again.... I swear i will never repeat that mistake till i die.... "

She kisses abhi wholeheartedly all over his face...

Abhi: aah.... Baby.... You are turning me again....

Pragya: then why are you waiting.... Make me yours....

The room is again filled with lots of kisses, moans and groans joining the two lovely souls who loves each other unconditionally....

A long episode na... Almost 1850+ words....

Did you all like this chapter???

I know its completely with mixed emotions.... Pen down your views what you feel about this chapter.....

What going to happen next????

Will pragya able to achieve her dreams????

How will be her college life????

Will she face any troubles???

How is abhi going to help his wife...

To know more stay tuned....

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Yours buddy,


Winding up....

Catch me soon....



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