45. A fight between heart and mind...

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Thanks for all your love and support... What all you have done ???.... You guys are not allowing me to update my other stories... Huh... 😔😔😔

But im happy that im finding new readers everyday and many adding this book to their reading list too...

Happy that iv got 81 votes maximum and the story is nearing 29,000 reads and 3,000 votes ...

Now without boring you all, lets move to our shot. 45:

Read it at your own risk .. Lots of spicy, twists ahead... Dont panic or heart broken inbetween or ready to attack me or bash or scold me... Read fully before you all draw to any conclusions...

Just think your crazy is craziness overloaded and always comes up with spicy and irritating events and thinks in a different way....

Pragya is completely nervous and sitting there to see the reaction of her husband Abhi... Her heart panicks and she is sweating in fear as she has not seen her loving Husband Abhi like this...

She gulps her saliva and closes her eyes as she could not bear the angry and hatred look of Abhi... The eyes which always shows love and care to her is speaking differently and ready to murder her with his eyes...

Pragya is startled when she felt a loud noise near her ears and then only she realized that her cheeks are burning in pain as its been hit by Abhi's strong hand... The hand which always touches her soothingly is behaving differently today.

Abhi (roars) : Pragyaaa... You bloody cheat... What have you done idiot?? You faked me na.... All are lies.... You cheated me...

You just acted that you are an ambitious girl with high dreams... But you proved me wrong... What you want is mere pleasure and just an ordinary life na like a typical house wife.....

Shame on you pragya.... You betrayed me pragya... You spoiled everything... You acted smart and played with my emotions na... You cheap girl...

I told you not to say about our marriage too as i dont want it to interrupt your studies.... But what you have done... How did you get pregnant??? We have used protections too... So, you have distracted me and played your card very well right ..

Pragya: Abhiiii.. 😭😭😭😭😭... Please... Please listen to me once... Im not at fault... It happens.... what to do... Its our baby abhi... 😭😭😭😭😭..

Abhi: Stop talking nonsense... Just shut up your bakwas... Get up and come with me... We are moving to hospital right now... (Roars in anger)

Pragya: 😨😨😨😨... why.... Why ... We have to go to hospital... Doctor asked us to come tommorrow only na for check up...

Abhi: Dont question me... We are going now and is going to clean your belly completely...

Pragya: 😭😭😭😭.... What are saying abhi??? You are kidding me na..

Abhi: Am I like a bafoon to you... Keep quiet and come with me.

Pragya: No.. no.. i wont... 😭😭😭😭

Pragya's eyes welled up as Abhi shouts on her and drags her out from his room without bothering about her pleas...

Pragya starts to panic as the arrangements for removing the baby from her womb is going on... She is crying too hard and is praying to god to do something to change her husband's mind and to save their baby...

Pragya is sweating too hard when the doctors near her... Pragya became lifeless when the life inside her is taken away from her without her consent...

She holds the bed sheet tightly and she is sweating too hard as she could not control her feelings and her eyes are pouring out at her helpness...

Suddenly, pragya jerks up when something cold touch her cheeks to wipe away her sweat and a warm hand to remove the tears... A pair of lips soothes her pain in her heart and mind...

Pragya slowly opens her eyes as she heard slow sniffs nearby... Pragya blinks her eyes and she could not believe what is happening to her... What she heard made her to make her eyes wide open..

She spots Abhi sitting in his kneels wiping her sweat with wet tissue, and gently massaging her tummy caringly and kissing it and speaking something... Pragya concentrates and hears what is Abhi talking...

Abhi: " 😭😭😭😭.... Its all because of me... I spoiled everything... Im the reason for all my fuggy's pain... I have stressed her so much... She just loved me to the core and is ready to do anything for me...

But what i did to her is complete cheating... She believed me that i will be her knight to protect her and she always says that i will be the pillar of ladder to her success....

But... But... 😭😭😭😭😭.... I destroyed her dreams completely... I asked my fuggy to promise me to not reveal our marriage... I made her pregnant and she is going to lose everything she wished for...

Sorry baby... Please forgive me... I wont stop your studies... I will support you... But.. fuggy... Please never and ever say that you dont need this little baby of ours... 😭😭😭😭

Fuggy... This is a symbol of our love.... I want our baby fuggy... Please dont take the word abortion from your mouth ever... I will be shattered if you ever think about that....

Please fuggy... I promise you, there wont be any distractions or any interruptions for your studies... Im ready to baby sit our baby .. I will take care... 😭😭😭😭😭....

Fuggy... Please dont hate me... I know im at fault... But i love you so much fuggy... I did not do anything intentionally fuggy... Its my love towards you which has brought us to this moment...

Please fuggy... Forgive me 😭😭😭... Dont gave away from me or dont get angry on me... Please... I cant live without you.. 😭😭😭😭"

Pragya is hell confused what is happening... She is seeing two different scenes... She could not understand what is real and what is fake.... She sighs and takes a deep breath....

She relaxed her nerves and opens her eyes and sees around where they are... She is laying in the cozy bed of their room and she is not in the horrible hospital...

Pragya smiles and understands that Abhi wont change ever and she mentally scolds herself for thinking bad about her Abhi like this ..

Pragya get up and sits and gently touches Abhi's head as he is closing his eyes and crying holding pragya's belly ..

Pragya: Ab... Abhii....

Abhi: Fu... Fuggy.... You woke up... You are fine na baby. Wait... You need anything... Let me bring something to eat... You have to take medicines too...

Pragya: Abhiii...calm down... Im fine...

Abhi sits near pragya and pragya gently hugs abhi...

Abhi: Im... So... Sorry... Sweet heart...

Pragya: What for???

Abhi: Did you know what doctor said???

Pragya: Yes I know....

Abhi: Im bad na fuggy... I spoiled all your dreams right... I did not fulfilled your promise... 😭😭😭😭😭.... Iv failed baby.. Im a culprit...

Abhi keeps in crying and blabbering something... Pragya heart starts to bleed on seeing abhi's devasted state... She leans and grabs his lips gently to soothe his mind and calm him down....

Both did not speak anything... Their eyes are speaking a lot and an unheard silence prevails in the room... They hug each other and no one can predict how much time they sat like that...

Abhi: Fuggyyy... Will you give a promise to me???

Pragya: Again a promise???

Abhi: please...

Pragya: okay...

Abhi: Baby... whatever happens, be with me and never and ever leave my hand... Trust me I will keep you happy always...

Believe me... I will set everything right and I promise you that your studies wont be spoiled and I assure you that I will help you and I will support you in all means to achieve all your dreams...

You are going to be the future CEO of Mehra Industries and I will be your supporting system.... Please believe me fuggy .. I can do anything for you sweet heart...

But, please dont say anything about our baby or never and ever think whether we need our baby or not... Its our symbol of our love, fuggy... Dont worry, you have just four months to complete your UG na... So, we can manage till that time...

I will get special permission from college to sit and study in home for the first semester of your MBA and after that you can resume going to college and continue your studies...

Dont worry about the baby... I will take our baby to office and I will set a room for our baby in my office too... I will sit in home to look after our baby whenever possible... You can very well study more and even can go to abroad for additional courses too...

Please... Dont think much or stress yourself... Be happy... I will take care... Ask me whatever you want... I will fulfill your all your wishes and desires...

But promise me that your focus should be only on studies and dont worry I will take care of you and our baby..."

Pragya: Abhhiiii... Can I speak??

Abhi: yes....

Pragya: I know you very well Abhi... No need to explain me... But I will say one thing... Dont mistake me okay...

Abhi: ok... Okayyyy...

Pragya: We both are educated idiots and emotional fools.... Abhi... We use only our hearts and we are not using our minds.... Such a stupids we are....

Abhi: Whaaattttt????

Pragya chuckles: Then what??? My buddhu Abhi... We have not confirmed anything.... We dont know whether the result is positive or negative...

But we keep on thinking too much and stressing ourselves... 😂😂😂😂.... We both sink in everything na... Such a crazy people we are...

Abhi: hmmm.... Yes... I forget that.. But you know, I got heart attack when I see you collapsed in floor .. My heart stops to beat you know...

You are not at all caring you darling... My mistake... I got little busy as Im decked up with lots of works as purab is not here....

Im sorry I could not look after you... Eat properly darling... Whatever happens, tell me... Dont hesitate sweet heart.... We both together can cross even a mountain just like that...

Pragya: 😁😁😁😁 really... I know my loving husband will do miracles... But sometimes, you are too senti...

Abhi: That's your fault naughty girl... Why did you cry that much in morning???

Pragya: That... That..

Abhi: I know Aaliya told me... Listen... Dont bother about people who talk negative or ill about us... Always remember that negativity should be turn to positive... Focus on your goals and just avoid the thorns on your paths which distarcts your attention...
Is that clear???

Pragya: wah.. wah... ABHI... you should become our professor .. you are teaching me everything clearly...

Abhi: 😊😊😊 Fugggyyyy...

Pragya: hey... My sweet Abhi is blushing .. Not bad... Not bad... 😁😁😁😁....

Abhi: Fuggyyyy.... Do you have any idea about the result???? Will we blessed to have our baby soon???

Pragya: Dont know abhi... Im scared... It will be nice na if we are pregnant...

Abhi: yes... But Fuggy... Whatever be the result... Take it easily okay... If it is positive, we will get ready to welcome our new love.... If it is negative, we have to stay calm and think that god has given a chance to focus on your dreams... Got it...

Pragya sighs: Okay...

Abhi: Now come... Eat this n have medicines and sleep...

Pragya: nooooo... I dont want that .. yuck... Abhi I hate this tasteless soup... Please leave me...

Abhi: But its doctors advice... Be a good girl and eat...

Pragya pouts and eats the food as Abhi keeps on feeding her much to her displeasure... Later,

Abhi: Now sleep...

Pragya: Abhi... Im getting nervous and scared....

Abhi: Baby come here...

Abhi holds pragya tightly in her embrace and makes her to sleep in her magic pillow which is a safe place for her in the whole universe....


How is the shot guys!!!!! I know very well many would have scolded me when you all read the first half na....

What's gonna happen next???

What will be the result???

Is it going to be positive or negative???

What will be Abhigya's reaction on hearing the result???

To know more stay tuned..

A long update.... Almost 2150+ words...

Not proof read... Forgive me for mistakes...

Cast your votes and pen down your comments...

Yours buddy,

Crazy mahiz....

Winding up...


Will be



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