44. Am I really.....????

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Thanks for all your support guys... All are desperate and eager to know what has happened to pragya na...

(Still less votes compared to previous chapters...😔😔😔😔😔)

Come lets read without my bak baks...

Lets ⏪⏪⏪⏪⏪ back what has happened in the perspective of pragya..

Shot. 44:

Pragya's pov.:

It's a quite normal day... Yesterday, I was not feeling well, after I return from college... I did not have proper food too...

As Abhi is quite busy, he asked me to have my dinner and sleep... I did not had anything and slept.... Morning too I was not feeling well... I felt nauseous and my stomach is too paining a lot....

If Abhi knows that Im not having food, he will get angry on me amd scold everyone too... So, I asked Robin to inform that I had food and just got orange juice and drank it infront of Abhi...

Then I went to college happily not knowing that the day will be more horrible to me... The classes were going on asusal...

In my Business development class , my professor wished to have a group discussion and I felt extremely happy and im in cloud nine hearing that my loving husband Abhishekh Mehra is going to be the topic...

I was excited and Im squealing inwardly in joy when many starts to appreciate my abhi... My buddies sid, Rk n madhu are too good in praising my Abhi...Aww... How sweet na...

But when the irritating Richa starts to spit venoms against my Abhi, I could not control myself... Some others too joined and bashed on my Abhi...

How dare they too talk ill about my Abhi??? What did they know about my abhi??? How they will say rich people are spoiled brats??? How they can draw conclusions without knowing anything????

My blood boils when they talk about our marriage.... What they think about them??? Who gave them rights to talk about our personal life???

I got a life which all girl dreams to have... My abhi is my everything... Im not a girl who dreams of having prince charming and does not believe in fantasy .. Never and ever, Iv imagined that my life will change after abhi has hold my hand...

I cant imagine that how come a man can love his wife this much... I know very well that my Abhi is an arrogant and angry businessman.. He is a perfectionist and he is always very strict n rude towards his employees....

But my loving husband Abhi is completely a different man.. He not only loves me madly, he cares for me, he likes each n every thing I do, he supports me and protects me , he fulfills all my wishes before I say him... What matters to him most is that my happiness meàns a lot to him...

Even dadi, aaliya , purab bhai used to say that they have not seen this side of Abhi... He always make sure that Im safe n he cant bear my worried face too... He is a cute kid arguing with me even if I skip my food...

I got such a gem of a person as my husband... But these idiots are talking ill about my husband... If i where somewhere other than class, I would have strangled their necks...

I controlled myself that I cant spill out the truth who Abhi is to me as my husband's words are echoing in my ears not to say about our marriage to anyone... I keep on controlling myself but they keep on talking bad about my abhi...

I shouted at them as Abhi's fan but being a wife, I cant take it... I controlled my feelings and I rushed out to pour my heart out... I asked aaliya to come too as I need someone to pour my heart and i need someone to comfort me...

I called Abhi but I could not stop crying... Aaliya comforted me and Arjun too made my mood with his antics... I went to freshen up but I feel nauseous and starts to vomit...
Arrey... What's happening to me???

Then I went out after freshening up and my buddies are far ahead in irritating me than my Abhi... They blackmailed me and forced me and ordered me to drink juice...

I gulped it in a go but something is wrong in me... My stomach is doing something and why Im feeling nauseous again... I ran from there and I poured everything in bin whatever I had earlier... Why am I vomiting again n again and what's happening to me???

Later, I came home and Im not in a mood to have food... Something is strange in me... I collapsed in my bed to take rest... But I cant sleep well as Im nauseous n vomiting again and again...

Then only I noticed the date... I was started a bit... How I did not checked the date??? Oh my God... How is that possible???? Iv missed out my periods and a week has passed....

Really...!!!! Is it so???? But... Wait... Wait... We are using all sorts of protections na and how come this possible.. Then only my mind screamed as Im the one, sometimes does not allow to use any protections...

God... What am I going to do??? Can I check and see, whether it is positive or not???? But I dont have the guts to do so...

What will happen to us if it is really true???? I cant imagine that now... Will Abhi be happy if it is positve???? I know very well that Abhi likes kids a lot... He is a loving husband and Im damn sure he will be the best father in the world...

But .. The thing is... Will abhi be able to bear this if it is really true????
I dont know what will be his reaction..... He is way too adamant n he did not wish to make love earlier as he wants me to focus on my studies...

But im d one troubled him, argued with him and I know how it gets hard for me to convince him to take our relationship and make him accept for love making... That's the only thing and happiness, I can give to my husband ..

I know Abhi will be confused, if it is positive... He will surely be startled and he will hurt himself for sure saying that he has came as a villain in spoiling my dreams... What Im going to do now???

Really is that true.... I dont know but... How am I going to decide??? Shall I hide this from Abhi if it is true??? Just four months left na to complete my UG degree...

Pragya... How did you forget??? Abhi wished to join you in MBA na... God... Im going to fail miserably...

Wait... Wait... How can I hide it from Abhi??? He knows me very well and he will surely find out for sure... Only a month passed .. But Abhi knows each and every reaction of me... No... No... I cant hide it from Abhi...

Still I'm scared, what will Abhi do when he hears the news??? Will he be happy and twirls and hugs me or will he be hurt or feel sad????

Why I'm thinking like this??? I and Abhi love each other a lot... We madly, deeply in love with each other... We are husband and wife and what's wrong in that if god has blessed us with happiness as a symbol of our pure love... We did not do anything wrong na...

He / she is going to be ours... Abhi and mine's cute little baby...
How sweet it will be???? But will Abhi and me will be happy with that???
Why not the baby is ours only na???
What will happen to my dreams??? Can Abhi tolerate that my dreams are shattered???

Oh no.... Will Abhi ask me abort the baby??? Will he do that???
I cant tolerate if he say such a word to me... I know he will not say so, but chances are there na...

But if Abhi wish too, I wont abort our baby.. How will I do so??? Its ours, a symbol of our love, God's gift to us for our happy life... I can't... How will I kill my own blood???

God... Why am I thinking too much???? Why my thoughts are going like this???? Before confirming anything, why my heart and mind are arguing????

Stupid pragya... Dont think much... Whatever happens, dont hide anything from Abhi and just remember Abhi will support you in all means...

But... I know im a fool... I did not confirm anything... Is there is any chances that it will be negative???? How will it be possible??? We are making love whenever possible na...

Im finding some difference in my body too... Im nauseous, throwing up from morning and im feeling dizzy too... Then it is confirmed na... Im an educated fool... Without checking properly, how can I decide????

Oh my god!!!! What's happening???
Why am I overreacting like this????
Why my legs are shivering????
Why my senses are getting out of my control????
Why my eyes are getting blurred????"

Pragya loses her senses and collapsed on floor.... Her forehead hits d cot and it starts to bleed lightly...

Abhi came there and is shocked to see pragya not in her senses... He shouts fuggy and rushes to her side... Abhi's eyes welled up on seeing pragya's state...

Abhi shouts: Dadiiiii.... Aaaliya..😭😭😭😭😭😭.... Fuggy... Fuggy... Wake up fuggy....

Aaliya and dadi are startled to see pragya like this... Aaliya calls doctor and asked her to come soon...

Abhi keeps pragya gently on bed and wipes the blood in her forehead .. Abhi is crying continuously and Aaliya and dadi are consoling him...

Dadi: Stop crying abhi... Nothing will happen to pragya...

Abhi: Dadi... 😭😭😭😭.... My fuggy will be fine na...

Aaliya: Dont worry bhai... Bhabhi will soon wake up and you will get nice scolding for crying like this...

Just then doctor came and asked everyone to go out... She does the first aid and gave injection to pragya and comes out...

Doctor: Can anyone tell me what has happened to her??? Is she stressing much???

Aaliya: Nothing much doctor... Simple issue...

Doctor: What did she had for food???

Aaliya : Dont know doctor... But from yesterday, she is very pale and dull... She told me that she is not in a mood to eat and said that she vomitted too...

Abhi is startled to d core...

Doctor: oh okay.. Mr. Abhi dont worry... She will wake up in half an hour... She will be fine soon...

But iv some doubts... Bring her to hospital tommorrow... I want to have a thorough check up of her...

Abhi: Is anything serious doctor???

Doctor: Nothing much.... A small doubt that's it...

Dadi: Doctor is there any chances for any good news???

Abhi: What are you saying dadi??? Good news????

Doctor: Yes.... Mr. Abhi... I too have a doubt... But 50- 50 chances... So, lets check it out...

Abhi asks doctor to come inside as he does not want dadi n aaliya to hear that...

Abhi: Doctor... We are doing everything safely as instructed by you... How come it is posssible???

Doctor: (smiles) Its god's play Abhi .. We doctors can only suggest to prevent .. But its god's wish Abhi... I think pragya is stressing much... Im not confirming anything...

Im saying chances are there... It may or may not be... May be she could have had food poison or may be she is stressing her too much... Lets check tommorrow and find out what's d reason behind this"

Abhi: Thank you doctor... Will bring her in morning...

Aaliya takes doctor outside... Abhi is crying hard on seeing pragya and he does not know how to react tooo..

The screen freezes on Abhi's shocked face and pragya still not in her senses.....

What's going to happen next?????

What will be abhi and pragya's decision, if the result is positive???

Is pragya is really pregnant????
If it is so, what will happen to pragya's dreams????

What you all think it is going to be????

I want you all to give me a genuine reply... Im eagerly waiting to know all your views and comments..

As you all know, im gonna start my two new stories from this week, I cant give daily updates.... But I promise , if I get more than 70+ votes, I will update this story the very next day.... If by chance, it exceeds 75-80 or more, who knows I will give you all double updates too..

So, its all in your hands... Get ready to vote and bring me here to update... Let me see, how much response i will get...

A lot of twists n turns going to come... But , I assure you all that there wont be any separation between abhigya as im saying from the starting of this story....

But many troubles and problems are going to come ahead... Lots of spicy twists too will come soon in everyone's lives...

Keep guessing... What its going to be???

Hope iv given a very long update... 2230+ words...

Stay tuned...

Yours buddy,


Winding up..


Will be



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