48. I can't see you like this...

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Atlast back again with the update....

Thank for those supportive and encouraging words... It means a lot to me... Thanks for the new follow ups....

A special salute to those new readers for voting and commenting on all the older chapters... That so sweet of you guys...

Thanks again for believing me and accepting me as a writer... Thanks for supporting me in all means and your boosting n encouraging comments means a lot to a writer like me...

Now enough of my boring bak baks, lets move to chapter. 48:

When Aaliya comes hurriedly Abhi has got panic attack... He senses something is wrong with his fuggy... Doctor has strictly warned abhi that pragya should not get emotional or cry as its not good for her health....

As sedatives were given, Pragya's hands are connected in IV tubes , injections and trips were going on.... The nurse has removed the urine bags just before Abhigya's family arrives at the farm house...

Abhi panicks that nothing wrong should be there.... He runs very fast... His heart skips a beat when he spots his fuggy crying aloud... Bulbul is trying to console pragya but she is not listening to anything...

Bulbul spots Abhi standing over there... She gets up from the bed and gestures Abhi to go inside... Bulbul goes out and checks with the nurse about the medicines to be given and she also calls the doctor and asked what are the precautions to be taken...

Abhi can't see his Fuggy crying like this... His heart ached on seeing her devasted state... His eyes too welled up uncontrollably and words can't explain the pain he is going through ....

Abhi knows very well it's going to be hard for him to console her.. He mentally prepares himself to stay strong and he is so determined to bring his Fuggy back from the misery, which shook their lives terribly...

Abhi moves and sits near Pragya... Abhi caress her hard gently and kisses her forehead... But Pragya keeps on crying and is not in a mood to hear any of Abhi's consoling words too...

Abhi: Fuggy... My sweet heart... Please dont cry... See.... Doctor told us na... It's not good for your health.. you should not strain yourself ..

Pragya: 😭😭😭😭... Sorry Abhi.. I...

Pragya starts to get hiccups... Abhi pours the warm water in the glass and asks Pragya to drink...

Pragya: I don't want this hot water.. Take this yucky water away from me... Please give something cold for me...

Abhi: 😨😨😨😨.... Whaat???? Sweet heart .. Please listen to me na... Don't be stubborn, Fuggy... Doctor adviced you to take only warm things and strictly no cold water or icecream or anything...

See... Injections, antibiotics were given to you na... You are not supposed to have those,, as it may cause you ill health... So, please keep calm... After some days, I will get whatever you wish for sure...

Pragya (pouts): Okayyy... But remove these things from my body... I feel like a patient... I told you na, I hate hospitals but you made this farm house as a mini hospital... I hate this set up... 😢😢😢😢... Please remove this... Call the nurse or doctor... (Shouts)

Abhi: Calm down, Fuggy... Morning, everything will be removed... Now, be a good girl and sleep.... Please...

Pragya : I'm so sorry Abhi...

Abhi: What for this sorry haan???

Pragya: Why did you marry me Abhi???

Abhi: 😨😨😨😨.... Whaattt... What sort of stupid question is this, Baby???

Pragya: Abhi... You could have married some other girl na... You would have been happy at least... I know I'm troubling you too much, Abhi...

You are such a good hearted soul Abhi... You deserve to get everything best... I'm not point 1% matching to you Abhi... Better give divorce to me and marry someone Abhi... You deserve happiness which I cant give it to you...

Abhi grits his teeth 😬😬😬😬 and his jaw tightened but he closes his eyes tight to calm down his nerves.. He knows very well that Pragya is in mental trauma and she is talking stupid things uncontrollably...

Pragya: Bring the divorce papers in morning Abhi... I will sign it...

Before Pragya completes the sentence, Abhi shouts Pragyaaaaaa in a murderous tone, echoing the whole house. . He fists his hand and bangs his left hand on the wall hardly... Pragya is completely startled with Abhi's behaviour...

Pragya: Abhiiiiiii.... 😢😢😢😢...
What have you done Abhi??? Why are you hurting yourself like this??? See its bleeding... 😭😭😭...

All rushes inside hearing Abhi's murderous voice when he shouted pragya followed by Pragya's crying voice calling Abhi... All are startled to see the scene... Abhi's hands are full of blood...

Dadi: What's going on here??? Why you two are reacting like this???

Mohan: What happened beta??? Why your hands are bleeding???

Abhi in a calm and stern tone: Nothing much Papa... My fuggy is asking a thing from me... But, I'm helpless... I can't give that thing never and ever in my life.... So, out of my guiltyness, I banged my hand in the wall...

Sarla: Abhi beta.... It's okay... Never mind that... Pragya sometimes behaves very childishly... Dont worry... Its not needed that all her demands are to be fulfilled...

Dadi: stupid abhi... Always doing silly things... In a minute, you take all our breaths... Take care of my bahu carefully and fulfill all her wishes without fail ..

Abhi glares at pragya, she bends her head down and mentally curses herself for speaking like this... Abhi is being given first aid by the nurse and all leaves the couples alone after some time...

There was pin drop silence in the room... None of them is in the mood to speak... Abhi's heart is bleeding in pain... Pragya is completely devasted for her bad behaviour towards Abhi....

Pragya is the one to break the silence as Abhi is closing his eyes to control his anger... She can very well see lots of varied reactions running on his face and how he is trying to control himself...

Pragya: Ab... Ab... Abhiiiii... (In a soft whisper)...

Abhi: Yesss... Do you want anything???

Pragya: Wa... wa... Water...
(Pragya stammers)

Abhi gets up and pours water and place it near Pragya's mouth...

Abhi: Drink...

Pragya: Give it to me... I will have it... Your left hand is hurted na...

Abhi makes a sarcastic smile: Not more than the pain you have given to me, few minutes back...

Pragya: I'm so sorr...

Abhi: Don't be so... Listen one thing, Fuggy... I will do anything for you and I can get you whatever you wish for... Because I love you madly...

But never and ever say this word from your mouth, which I hate it from the bottom of my heart... I will be dead, if I hear this word again from your mouth...

Pragya doesn't allow Abhi to speak further... She pulls Abhi closer and slammed her lips with his... Abhi didn't respond to the kiss at all, as this kiss didn't soothe down his broken heart...

But Pragya was adamant and turning wild... Later, the kiss slowed down as Abhi too starts to respond pouring his all feelings in a single kiss.. It's not a passionate or romantic kiss...

It's a kiss which conveys their love for each other, their helplessness, a soothing balm to their hurted souls, a problem solver and atlast a kiss which seeks forgiveness for the unknown mistakes committed....

They parted apart after a long time... Pragya hugs Abhi tightly... Abhi holds her in his embrace...

Pragya: Sorry Abhi... I love you so much... I did not mean it.. Even I will die without you.. I cant stay a single minute without being your wife but I want you to be happy Abhi...

I've been spoiling everything, Abhi... You are doing everything for me and my happiness... But I'm making it hard for you day by day... I'm not good enough to make you happy, Abhi... And this baby.....

Pragya's voiced chocked... Abhi pulls her closer and kisses her forehead in an assuring manner...

Abhi: You stupid little girl of mine... Hear me fully... Not a word in between... Okay...

(Pragya nods her head)

Life is always not a bed of roses sweet heart... We have to face lots of ups and downs, lots of troubles and lots of hurdles... To get a beautiful rose, we have to bear the small thorns too...

It's not needed that life will give only happiness to us... We have to face everything in a similar manner... We have to be strong enough to face and treat both happiness and sadness in a similiar manner...

Do you know why god has created men and women???

(Pragya nods her head as no)...

Men and women are created to complement each other... People say that men are stronger physically than women... But, I will say women are mentally stronger than men... They can face any problem easily with their determination...

God has given us all a beautiful blessing... We humans have the capacity to forget any bad incidence in life and move up further... Our lives wont struck up in that point... We have to move on and on...

So, wipe off everything Fuggy... I know it's not easy for us to forget because it's our first baby... Never mind... Think our baby is safe from this dangerous world and smiling happily in the paradise...

Do you know one thing??? Im damn sure, our baby will surely plead to god to give us happiness soon... Who knows it may be doubled too???

So, just think it as a bad dream... No hard feelings... No more cries... Forget you have got pregnant... We have never planned anything na... dont bother much and smile happily...

Just focus and divert Your attention on your studies and your dreams.... I will be there with you always in your side... Lets not plan anything... We shall leave everything in god's hands... He knows wht is best for us...

Im damn sure God will give us the best when the right time comes... So, stop troubling your silly brain and show some pity on your loving husband na... Pretty please sweet heart..

Pragya: Have you studied human philosophy Abhi??? (In a serious tone)

Abhi: whaattt??? Nooo..

Pragya: You are giving brilliant lecturer abhi... You can convince anyone easily by your soothing and consoling words... No one can say no to you abhi... All will hear you as if we are haunted by your magic...

Abhi: So, what's my fuggy gonna say to me... Can I get a promise from my fuggy???

Pragya: Yes... What promise you want???

Abhi: Promise me that you wont trouble yourself by thinking about baby... Promise me that you will smile happily and be back to my cheerful fuggy... Promise me that you will love me forever whole heartedly...

Pragya pecks Abhi's lips: I promise Abhi... I will love you always and I will do anything for you...

Abhi: That's like my girl... Now smile please...

Pragya forcibly plasters a smile on her face... But unknown to her, her eyes welled up... Abhi wipes the tears...

Abhi: I know sweet heart... Its not easy for you... I will be by your side always... Try to forget that... I will help you to come out from this...

Pragya leans on Abhi and hugs him tight... Abhi gently pats her head... Pragya slowly drifted to sleep... Abhi takes a deep breath and places pragya gently on the bed and covers her with duvet...

He calls the nurse and asks her to change the trips as it got over... He comes out and leans on the sofa... All the emotions he is holding on till now starts to come out from his eyes...

All the family members watches this and consoles Abhi and they pray to god to give them happiness in the near future...


What's gonna happen next????

Will Abhi and pragya be able to come out from this problem????

Will it affect pragya's studies ????

Whats gonna happen in other couples life???

To know further, stay tuned...

A long update na.... Almost 2200+ words.... Not proof read... Forgive me for mistakes, if any...

A/N: So... What all you think??? Abhi convinced pragya anyhow... But will it easy for them to be back again to their own self easily...

A lot of twists and turns awaits after pragya resumes her college.... A lot gonna happen in everyone's life.

Expecting all your support and encouragement to write further more...

Vote for this story only if you think, it deserves to be appreciated... More the number of votes, your update will be quicker..

Those who are not interested to vote, please skip this story...

Eagerly waiting to see all your valuable comments ..

Yours buddy,


Winding up....


Will be


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