54. Love will finds its way....

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Almost a week na since I last updated.... Many asked me to update... But I purposely delayed it, as I waited for votes... Atlast considering my loyal viewers, Im giving up and breaking my silence for the last time and coming up with the next shot....

Im not gonna demand for votes anymore... But the thing is... If the votes crosses or reaches three digits, I will update the very next day and if it crosses the maximum votes of 116, I will give you double updates too....

So, silent readers, decide what you want... The story which is getting quick response will be updated soon and others will be going to be a bit slow and late to update from now on...

My loved ones are scolding me that Im stressing too much, so Iv decided this.... Even Im feeling why Iv to strain when my hard work is not properly recognized...

The views for a single chapter crossing 300+ very quickly but the votes.... Huh... Not much to say...

Wanna have quick update.... Vote.... Dont scold me if it gets delayed.... Blame the silent readers who does not have the courtesy to recognize a persons hardwork...

Now to shot. 54:

The evening sun rays are slowly fading away... Abhi and pragya are seated in the dining hall to have their dinner... Sarlama brings the food and places the food on the table... Pragya frowns on seeing that while abhi chuckles but stays mum as pragya is on fire...

Pragya whines: Maaa.... Please ... Not again.....

Sarla glares : shut up and have your food pragya....

Pragya hugs abhi and sobs: suniye... Please... Please... I dont want this tastless food anymore... Please say to mom.... Yuck... It tastes horrible...

Abhi: Baby... This is the last day... Tomorrow after consulting with the doctor, you can have whatever you want... You have to eat that sweet heart....

Pragya: no... No... I dont want that...

Sarla: pragya stop being a kid and eat quickly.... Abhi beta dont pamper her so much and listen to all her pleads... For heaven sake, remember that pragya is your wife and not your daughter to pamper like this so much....

Abhi bursts into laughter while pragya frowns in full rage... Pragya is about to get up while abhi holds her hand and makes her to sit....

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂😂 .... Maaa... You are impossible... Is it a rule that we should pamper only our daughter??? Is it wrong to love and coo our wife like a baby??? No nah... My fuggy is always my darling and she is my little baby... So, I will pamper her and accept and fulfill  all her demands and desires....

Pragya: awww... My loving husband you are always amazing... See Mom... That's my husband... Dont be jealous on seeing my husband's love on me... I know dad is not like my abhi na... 😉😉😉😉😉....

Sarla: oho... I accept your husband is important  to you and he is spoiling and pampering you too much... For that you should not degrade my husband... How on earth a mother will feel jealous on their kids hun???

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂.... Dont take it serious maa... She is just playing with you... Tommorrow you will go to your home na... We will really miss you...

Pragya: yes mom... Why dont you come and stay with us???

Sarla: Ahaan... Then who will look after my husband and kids??? Dont get angry or sad ... I will come whenever im free ... Now have your food and take rest...

Abhigya finishes off the food and goes to take rest to wait for the big day to solve the mystery and to find where is purab and who all are behind him and the reason behind that issue...


Sleep is far away from the  eyes of Arjun arora, the younger brother of pragya and bulbul... Arjun's head is spinning with various questions....

Arjun's pov.: God... What's is happening around me???? I could not figure out anything.... Where this malini gone all of a sudden???
How did she become so rich in such a short period??

How did she grab the film offer so soon?? How come she left the college and got TC so quickly!??? Why cant I find clues for anything??? I understnd someone has fallen into her clutches... Who will it be???? Even madhu di is not aware of that....

And this purab jiju is getting on to my nerves.... Where are you jijs??? Why your mobile is switched off??? Pragya di is asking many questions about purab jiju and malini too... Too muh cofusions.... Huh..

And this aaliya is eating my head .. why cant she understand that I like her so much... Why this aaliya is getting very closer to sid bhai???? No... No... I cant see them together...

Aaliya you are going to be mine for sure... I know my abhi jiju and purab jiju likes me so much and I will marry you , my love aaliya... Please aaliya understand my love and dont fall in love with sid bhai for heavens sake... Im feeling jealous on seeing you both together...

Arjun shooks his head and feels to drink water... Seeing it empty he goes to fill up the water in the jug...

Arjun is startled to hear a loud crying sound from bulbul's room... Arjun panicks and rushes inside and sees bulbul crying very hard screaming purab's name continuously...

Arjun: di.... What happened???? Why are you crying like this????

Bulbul: ajju... 😭😭😭😭😭😭..... Pu... Pura... Purab... 😭😭😭😭

Arjun: Arrey di what happened to ji.... (Bites his tongue) Purab bhai... What makes you to cry,???? Tell me what's the matter,,????

Bulbul: Someone is killing purab... He is in a big danger ajju... Will he leave me ajju??? I cant live without him ... 😭😭😭😭😭.... He will be fine na...

Arjun: di... Calm down... Its just a bad dream... Nothing will happen to purab bhai... He likes you so much and wont leave you okay... Now calm down and sleep okay... Tommorrow we have to go and meet pragya di na...

Bulbul: Ajju... can you be with me sometime???

Arjun: sure... Sure... Why not???

Arjun sits near her elder sister bulbul... Bulbul hugs arjun and cries and falls asleep in his lap... Arjun carefully places bulbul on the pillow and covers her with duvet... Arjun decides to talk about this with pragya and abhi in person...


The next day, the mehr mansion is shown... Dadi and aaliya are seated in living hall...

Dadi: Aaliya beta... Did purab called you??? Now a days, this purab is highly irresponsible.... Not at all having a thinking to call us or enquire about us...

Aaliya: ya dadi... I dont know where this purab bhai is??? No calls... I tired him many a times but its switched off... Papa too called me and asked about bhai....

Dadi: huh... what shall we do with this purab??? Let abhi come home... We will ask him to scold him... Beta... Ask robin to clean abhi's room... They are coming in evening na and ask him to prepare dinner as I asked mohanji, bulbul and arjun to have food with us...

Aaliya moves to do the works but her heart is too restless with purab's thoughts,. Malini's sudden disappearance, pragya's enquiries and all...


Pragya and sarla got ready and is waiting for abhi to come and take them to doctor... They finished their lunch and their things are already packed..

Abhi comes with a pale and sad face and just places his head on pragya's lap...

Pragya: what happened abhi??? Why are you so dull??? Did the police find any details about purab bhai????

Abhi: No fuggy... Too many complications baby... Purab is trapped in a complete mess... Its like digging a hidden treasure.... One after the other, many things are coming out....

God save our purab from the evil's clutches.... Its going to be very tough to find out where he is... God has to show mercy on us and help us to save purab soon....

Pragya: Dont worry abhi... All will be fine soon...

Abhi: I hope so... Okay baby... Its getting late... We shall get going as we have the appointment with doctor in half an hour...

Abhi, pragya and sarla goes to hospital... Doctor takes various tests and checks pragya....

Doctor: Pragya is doing really good... Her wounds and stitches are healing... Reports are fine too..

Abhi; Thank god!!!! Thank you so much Doctor... Can pragya resume her college??? She cant take much leave as only three months are there for her studies to complete... This is the most  important final semester, so..

Doctor: I understand Mr. Mehra... Pragya can very well go to college... But pragya dont strain much... Take care of your diet... Strictly no outside foods,  junk foods, oily foods , aerotaed drinks... Better stick on to home made food....

Take medicines properly... Let me check you after a month... I hope you two remember what I said earlier... I know its hard for a newly married couples to stay away from each other ... But, its needed for pragya to get well soon snd avoid the further complications...

Abhi: not a problem doctor... All I want is my pragya to get fine soon...

Abhi and pragya comes out after talking with the doctor... Pragya suddenly holds abhi's hands and drags him to the corner and kisses him with  full of love and passion...

Abhi: oh my god!!!! What's this baby??? Too much showering of kisses.... Baby dont forget we have to be in control for a month and strictly no love making.... Doctor told us not to do....

Pragya: hello sincere police... just shut up  okay... I know everything... its just a small token of appreciation for the extreme love you have on me... Doctor advised only not to make love but never asked me not to kiss you okay....

Abhi smiles widely and hugs pragya happily and kisses her forehead... They reaches MM in the evening.... All are extremely happy to see pragya back to home and is getting to normal self...


A dark room is shown... Purab is tied in a chair.... He seems to be pale and sour... His face is filled with dried tears, blood strains and scars in various parts of his body...

His dress is torn very badly and it seems that he is being tortured heavily..... Purab who is sleeping tiredly jerks up when he feels the bright light in the room...

Purab really felt very hard to open his eyes. . After a lot of struggle, purab opens his eyes and is shocked to see the inmates of the room who are making a mocking and teasing look on seeing purab....

Purab felt heart broken on seeing them... Purab could not believe his eyes and he felt a stinge of pain in his heart to see the three people who are enjoying the condition...

Purab shouts: why are you against me???? What mistake Iv done to you??? Why are you guys torturing me like this???

Malini... How could you do this to me??? Leave that two... Dont you know me... Am I not your friend??? I trusted and believed you na malini more than anyone.. Then why???? Why did you joined with them??? Why did you cheat me???

Malini: 😂😂😂😂.. my handsome hunk.... Still you are believing me sweet heart.... When did I say you are my friend??? Trust my foot... Dont you know money is what matters to me....

You should not scream like this purab.... You are taking good lectures to everyone about friendship, trust , family, values, blah blah blah... But you failed to notice that you are a big cheater...

You have nothing to talk about values purab... You bashed and beaten your very own sister aaliya and ill treated her and you did not trust her a bit at all... You asked me to eye on her and report about her character....

But you are easily smitten and drowned to my sexy body... You did everything with me... You shamelessly drooled me, kissed me, hugged me, talked very sensually to me and you showered me with gifts...

Where is your so called values purab????? All of a sudden, you came and said that we are just friends... Which friend will kiss on lips passionately???? Which friend will talk romantically and sensually and moreover no friends will share their bed, cross the limits and sleep together naked....

Purab is shocked : 😱😱😱😱.... 😨😨😨😨😨..... What are you saying malini???? I would not have done that... I did not cross my limits...

Malini: Really... Then tell me who is this doing everything???

Purab is shocked to the core to see his intimate video with malini and his hearts starts to pain that he is not loyal to anyone and he  felt very bad that he has betrayed bulbul who is longing for him...

In the other side, Abhi is compleltely worried and is talking to commissioner to figure out where is purab... Abhi's mobile rings which is going to give him the biggest shock of his life....


So, whats gonna happen next????

Who  are the mystery persons  behind purab ????

Will purab be able to come to out of the mess???

Will abhi and pragya helps purab and save him from them and prove he is innocent from the fake video  malini made with purab???

Will pragya be able to study well and will it complicate her relationship with abhi as they have to stay apart for more than a month????

To know more stay tuned...

Words used: 2350+

Not proof read...

Forgive me for errors...

Vote!!!!! Comment without fail...

See you all soon..


Yours buddy,


Winding up....

Silent readers if you wish not to vote, my humble request not to read my stories... I dont pressurize  anyone to read... This story is only for my loyal voting buddies who never forget to hit the 🌟 button ....
Hope you all understand this....

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