53. That's what a marriage is all about...

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Thanks for all the love and support... Thanks for understanding my situation and waiting for the update... Thanks to all those voting buddies... Hope all your support grows further too....

No more boring bak baks...

Lets move to shot. 53:


A man built custom to tie up two people to get into a relationship and in a pure bond... Its a belief and set of promises by the couple to be together in facing the ups and downs, happiness and sadness, good days as well as bad days...

People always says that
" Marriages are made in heaven..."
Even some have a belief that marriages are only to satisfy their bodily needs with their spouses...

Some even have a wrong belief that we cant find intense and deep love, better understanding in an arranged marriage... Some even says that people whose marriages are arranged are only to be bound by their families willingness and there is no chance for pure and true love and all...

But many forgets the facts that whether its an arranged or love marriage, love will happen between two people who value a relationship, trust and who care for each other...

Marriages interlinks the soul in them and tied up them in a strong and beautiful relationship which they preserve life long and whatever happens, they wont leave each others hands...

Pragya who is a complete bookworm, studious, never fall in love in her life... She is a practical girl, whose attention is to study a lot and achieve her dreams to become a business magnet...

She does not live in a fantasy world, dreaming of her prince charming to scoop her in his arms and fly away in his horse... She is strongly against love and believes that true love never exists in this world...

All those pragya's thoughts about marriage and love takes a big 'U' turn when all of a sudden her marriage is fixed with Abhi... She hates for the rushed up and arranged marriage that too interrupting her studies... She curses her fate for playing it's dirty tricks on spoiling her dreams...

But never in her life, Pragya believed that she will love a man that too her husband at a first sight itself and that too madly and deeply.... She is head over heels falling in love with Abhi again and again... Pragya who did not believed in fantasy, got a fantasized ans unimaginable life...

Pragya who never dreamt of a prince charming has got a real prince charming in Abhi, who treats pragya as the queen of his heart and he is way too adamant in fulfilling all her desires and dreams...

Pragya's inner buried and unsaid wishes in her heart are easily understood by Abhi and he not only act as a loving husband to pragya but also as a saviour, friend, guide and her everything....

Pragya admires her husband who is sleeping heavily because of the effect of the sleeping pills .. Pragya hugs her husband tightly and lies on his chest... She hears the best ever music which soothes and calms her down whenever she is nervous and troubled...

Pragya traces her fingers on abhi's lips and starts to kiss him lovingly on his whole face... She wants to pour out her love for her husband... She wants to be a soothing balm to her husband's broken soul... She wants to relieve all his worries by giving herself to him...

But she could not do anything now as the doctor has strictly warned and advised abhi and pragya not to indulge in love making for a month as it will deteriorate pragya's health and will lead to more complications...

When Abhi cried his heart out to pragya about Purab, all pragya wants that time is to divert Abhi's attention and to shower him with love to prove that she will be with him as a support always... But circumstances are against them and pragya is helpless as she could not do anything...

Pragya thinks wisely and texted her mom sarla to mix sleeping pills in milk... She forced abhi to drink it... She is also very scared and worried for purab and she also bothered what will be abhi going through...

Pragya calms herself down after kissing her husband as much she wants... His love for her is a strong, confidence booster for her now a days.... She can take wise decisions only when she is in his embrace...

Pragya takes a deep sigh and thinks about the happenings in her house .. Her intelligent and clever mind starts to work thinking of some clues about the sudden turn of events, but she is not able to get an idea about anything...

She prays to god to solve the mystery... Just then her mobile rings... Pragya sees the name of Aaliya blinking on the screen...

Aaliya: Hello my darling bhabhi... How are you??? How is your loving husband??? Is he troubling you with his sweet tortures???

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂.... Of course aaliya... what else will he do... He is a such sweet heart na... Im getting fine aaliya because of your bhai's sweet tortures and lengthy lectures from my sarlama... Hope you are doing good.. dadi is fine na..

Aaliya: ya bhabhi... we are fine... 😂😂😂😂😂 Super... sarla aunty too started... Not bad... Enjoy... You both are coming to our home tommorrow na.. This house is like a den without you two... Missing you two and purab bhai very badly...

Pragya: Dont worry aalu... We will come tommorrow after checking up with the doctor... I hope I can resume college too from Monday...

Aaliya: That's nice bhabhi.. waiting eagerly....

Pragya: hey aalu... Anything special in college... I find some unknown happiness in your voice, what's it..

Aaliya: You know bhabhi... My biggest enemy, that bloody bitch Malini has discontinued her studies all of a sudden... It seems she is going to cast in a new movie it seems...

All are talking only about that... Even Madhu di does not aware of that it seems and she said her aunty and uncle are also not picking up the calls ..

Pragya: Strange and fishy... How come she discontinues studies all of a sudden??? How did she get the heroine chance that too in a big banner??? Huh... Mysterious...

Aaliya: Yup bhabhi... This malini is always a package of mystery.... She always try to flirt with sid n Rk bhai and she always cling to Arjun... She always tries to end up in fighting with me...

But all of a sudden, she is friendly towards me... She talked very caringly and affectionately... She never fails to praise purab bhai out of nowhere for the past few days... I hate when she dreamily talks about bhai...

Pragya is completely shocked: Whaaatttt??? 😨😨😨😨... How come Malini knows purab bhai???

Aaliya: you know na bhabhi... That icecream parlour incident... That time Malini came with Madhu di... When purab bhai is mad on me, Malini is the one who cooled him down...

From that day, Malini is way too caring and friendly and more affectionate with me... She dreamily talks good things about purab bhai and she openly says that she like purab bhai a lot and she said she will help to me to tie up with sid or arjun whoever I love...

But I scolded her and warned that bitch to stay away from me and not to dream or think of my purab bhai...

Pragya: This much happened... Why did not you tell me this earier aaliya???

Aaliya: Its a very common chat bhabhi... So, I did not mind to tell you... Is there any problem bhabhi???

Pragya: no... Nothing... Just asked simply...

Pragya chit chats and cuts the call is left in deep thoughts... She is getting a clear view of what would have happened .. She called sid, rk and madhu separately and got a lot of hints about malini and her lifestyle... Madhu tells pragya about each and every single thing she knows about Malini and her family....

Pragya then decided to call abhi's office to know about any changes in purab's behaviour for the past few days... Pragya took abhi's mobile and calls Abhi's p.a. Nishi to enquire...

Pragya gets all the details about what all the things purab has done and also about the mails sent by nishi... Pragya checks the mails as abhi has auto logged in all the mails in his laptop....

Though it is password locked, pragya tried with her instincts... Pragya smiled happily as the password she typed "fuggy baby" is cent percent correct... Pragya now understands some links as of now...

But she needs to know more... She is waiting for her husband to wake up as only he can help her to solve this mystery... Pragya cuddles closer to abhi and peck his lips happily and takes a sweet nap on her favourite pillow...

After two hours, Abhi opens his eyes and he smiles brightly as his lovely fuggy is too close to him cuddling and sleeping on his chest... Abhi kisses her forehead lovingly and she too smiles happily...

Abhi: Good morning fuggy baby...

Pragya opens her eyes with a smirky smile: My sweet abhi... To your information... Its not morning... Its evening...

Abhi: whaaatttt???? Evening... How did I slept like this??? I did not remember I had lunch too... I only remember drinking milk... Means???

Pragya holds her ears and apologized to abhi with a puppy face and said the truth... Abhi smiles and hugs his fuggy...

Abhi: Baby... You are my saviour... Thanks for the help... Really... Im relieved now... I can very well focus now on my work...

Pragya: Abhi... Dont scold me okay... I have did a mini investigation ... I enquired many persons and found out some thing... These are the details as far as I found out ..

Im sorry I have took your mobile and called nishi too.... I have unlocked your laptop too and checked your mails ... Sorry abhi... pretty please forgive me... I know its wrong... But out of curiousity I did that...

Pragya horrifies as Abhi is giving a death glare towards her... She gulps her saliva and closes her face... She trembles in fear...

She very well knows about abhi's anger yet she does not want to hide anything from him... She gathers her courage to get any punishment from her abhi....

Pragya felt a tingling sensation in her trembling lips which makes her to gasp in shock... She felt a shiver in her body as her husband's sweet lips entered her tongue to suck the sweet nectar.....

After sometime, they part apart... Pragya blushes and burries her face in abhi's chest... Abhi caress pragya's forehead and hold her tightly in his embrace....

Pragya: So what's that for??? 😊😊😊😊

Abhi: oye... My wife... I can very well do that any time... But this is a punishment or compliment for straining yourself too much and to do those stupid stunts...

Really Im very proud of you fuggy... Even the police force would not able to find about anything... But, you are a smartie fuggy... You have clearly find out that Malini is behind all this game play.....

Still I wonder what's her link with purab's enemy ---------..... He is no way related to her... I cant find out the hidden mystery behind this...

Pragya: Abhi... Iv an idea... Hear me....

Abhi's face glows on hearing the brilliant idea given by his fuggy...

Abhi: wow... Brilliant... Why you chose business as profession my baby doll...

Pragya frowns : Why??? what's wrong??? Dont you know my idol, my role model, the great business magnet Abhishekh Prem Mehra has seeded this thought in me...

Abhi smiles widely: Ahaan... That much he inspired you haan...

Pragya: ya... He inspired me in many things... You cant understand that...

Abhi: Then clarify me and make me understand na...

Pragya: Abhiiii.... Dont you know that....

Abhi: Alright... Just teasing you... I have to relax myself today... Tommorrow is a big day for me... Early morning Iv to go and meet commissioner sir personally and hand over him the details...

Then Iv to work out the mystery as per your plan... After lunch, we have an appointment with doctor and we will go to our home... Then I will continue my search for purab... Hope I will find our purab sane and sound...

Pragya: hope so... But tell me why you asked me Why Iv chosen business as profession??? Dont you like that...

Abhi: whaat??? Who said so??? Im dying and eagerly waiting to see my fuggy as the damn hot and sexy CEO in business suit... You know what all the plans Iv... I dont need to wait to come home to romance you.. Rather ...

Pragya blushes and hits abhi playfully...

Abhi : You are very brilliant in investigating... you could have chosen that too as profession... Now, Im very sure that you will take our business far ahead of me...

Pragya: Will I do that Abhi???

Abhi: Yes... why not??? You are going to rule the business world and make me proud...

Pragya falls in love over and over again with her loving husband and prays to god to keep them happy and together like this always...


Bulbul is completely restless and she does not know why her heart is paining so much... She is restless the whole day and she can sense someone very close to her heart is suffering a lot...

She cannot sleep a single minute and she is tossing in bed here and there... When she sleeps out of tiredness, she dreams that someone is piercing a knife in purab's stomach..

Bulbul screams aloud "purab" and starts to cry her heart out....


So, what's gonna happen next???

Will bulbul's nightmare become negative???

Is purab's life in danger???

Will Abhi be able to save purab???

Who is the hidden villain and enemy of purab???

To know more stay tuned...

As you all know, Im giving only long updates now a days not less than 2200+ words....

Is it boring to you all to read long shots???

If so, please tell me...

I hope Iv not bored you this time, as Iv given a lengthy shot as usual with 2400+ words...

Dont forget to cast your votes... Waiting eagerly to read your valuable comments...


Yours buddy,


Signing off

Will be


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