52. Finding solace in your arms...

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Silent readers may be from next chapter again I will change into private chapters.... So decide what I've to do... The vote and reads should atleast match.... Let's see...🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸

Shot. 52:

Abhi is completely shocked to know that the delhi deal is slipped out from their hands... Abhi could not believe that purab is so careless...

Abhi: How is it possible nishi??? I know very well that purab has worked really hard for this project... He put his heart and soul to grab this deal...

Eventhough Im not very much pleased and interested in this deal, purab likes to work on that project and he is the one intiated the move... I could not understand what happened to purab... How did he lose the deal???

Nishi [ Nishabhigya( Abhi's secretary)] : Sorry to say sir... Even I could not believe when I heard that matter... Please dont get panic sir... Its the bitter truth about purab sir... He is like my brother, but I dont know what made him to do like that...

Abhi: what's that nishi... Dont talk in puzzle... Tell me straight forward...

Nishi: Sir... Purab sir has not attended the important dealer's meeting and the deal is being grabbed by Purab's sir's rival and enemy Mr. --------... He has got the deal exactly the amount which purab sir wish to quote...

Abhi: 😨😨😨😨 whaaatttt??? How did  that ----- quoted the exact amount??? Strange...

Nishi:  sir... Iv prepared some documents for that deal... So, I was very well aware of that and Im damn sure about that..  Moreover.... Sorry to say sir...

I came to know that Purab sir has withdrawed a lump sum money and spend a lot to buy many gifts using his official card it seems for the past one month and these three days, its crossed the credit limits sir...

Iv got a call from the bank .... Iv mailed you that copy too sir which Iv received from bank... I know very well that purab sir never misuse the offical funds... But... Something is wrong and fishy here sir...

Abhi: Huh... Whats this problem now??? Where has this purab gone??? Why he did not contact me??? God... Lets do one thing nishi... Just look after the matters and block Purab's official card and try to trace who is using that...

I will be back in 2 days and I will also try to trace purab's whereabouts and I will file a police complaint too... Hope everything will be fine soon...

Nishi: Hope so sir... By the way sir, dont mistake me... How is pragya madam sir??? Is she alright???

Abhi: pragya??? How you know that pragya is not fine???

Nishi: I know sir... The great businessman Abhishekh Mehra never took off from his office when there is some problem... So, Its clear that something relating to pragya madam na...

Abhi: Hmm smart... Keep it up nishi... Pragya is fine now... Getting well... Do you know who she is???

Nishi: That I dont know sir... But, I know one thing sir... Pragya madam is your soul and you will do anything for her... Okay sir... Let me check the issue and inform you...

Abhi cuts the call and is in deep thoughts... He could not understand what has happened to purab all of a sudden nd how these much funds he has used... Abhi could not find any clues...

Abhi is completely worried on purab's whereabouts and he calls commissioner and files a complaint and also to search and track where purab might be... Abhi takes a deep breath to calm his nerves...

Abhi comes out from his trance when his mobile rings... He picks up the call as its from purab and aaliya's father Vimal Khanna, Abhi's chacha...

Abhi: Hello chacha... How are you??? How is chachi???

Khanna: Hello abhi beta... How are you n everyone there??? How is pragya beta now??? Aaliya said about the matter... Really felt very bad... Hope pragya is fine now... Sorry beta,we could not come there to see you all...

Abhi: Its okay chacha... Pray for our well being...

Khanna: sure Beta... Where is this purab??? Is he that much busy??? Why he did not send me the money I have asked you???

Abhi: 😨😨😨😨 what chachu??? Are you talking about the 25 lakhs amount you haved asked to buy the land...

Khanna: Yes beta... Till now this purab has not sent me that... That party is pestering me to pay the amount... So, I thought of calling you...

Abhi is completely shocked as he handed over the money to purab a month before...

Abhi: Actually chacha... Purab is in delhi for finalising a deal... He is completely busy with that... May be he has forgotten it seems.. I will make sure you will get the amount in two days...

Khanna: Okay beta... Take care...

Abhi cuts the call and now he is really getting nervous and heart broken with purab's behaviour... He does not thought that purab will misuse the funds to be given to his dad too...

Abhi cant sit there anymore thinking about that issue... His only cure is to see his fuggy's face and find solace in her.... He rushes to see his fuggy and pour his heartout ..

When he enters the room, abhi could not help than to burst into laughter on seeing the mother daughter nok jhok there...

Pragya: Maa... Leave me.. Dont ask me to do this and that.... Im not a kid for heavens sake... Dont you know that Im married...

Sarla: Haan.. haan...That I know very well... You have become this much adamant and mischievious only after marriage... My innocent and calm pragya has completely changed into a spoiled brat...

Pragya: 😂😂😂... Really... Thanks for the compliment mom... All credit goes to my loving husband abhi...

Sarla: I think Abhi beta is pampering you so much... But you should not misuse his care pragya... You should be his support pragya...

Pragya: Ma... Im not that bad ma...I really takes care of my Abhi pretty well than you all think... I can do anything for him and can go to any extent to make him happy...

Sarla: I cant believe you pragya... Im always seeing only Abhi beta is taking care of you and you are just simply sitting and enjoying it only... stupid girl.. A wife should be more responsible than a husband...

Pragya: You mean to say that im irresponsible .. ma... this is unfair..

Sarla and pragya starts to argue a lot and their nok jhok continues endlessly... Abhi who is watching the scenario cannot hold on and  burst into laughter ..

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂 what's happening here??? Sarlama and my fuggy are fighting like Tom and jerry... 😂😂😂..

what's this ma ??? You too become a kid like my fuggy... What's this fuggy??? Is this a way to talk ma?.? Say sorry to her...

Pragya glares at abhi: sorry ma... Iv talked rudely to you ... Sorry if I hurted you...

Sarla: Nothing like that pragya... You got a very good husband who cares for everyone's well being... As his wife, you have to be more responsible and  take care of him pretty well as he wont mind his happiness at all...

So its your duty and responsibility to keep him happy and takes a good care on him...  Dont think much... Take rest now... Let me go and prepare food for us...

Sarla kisses pragya's forehead and leaves the couples alone... Pragya can sense that something is bothering abhi... Though he smiles, it doesnt reach up to his eyes...

Pragya: Abhi... What happened??? Why are you looking sad???

Abhi: Hey fuggy... Cant you see Im smiling??? Who said Im sad???

Pragya: Im saying... Who else... I know very well about you Abhi... Something is annoying n bothering you... Some unknown trouble and something is really torturing you... Dont try to hide it from me...

Be a good boy and come here and tell me what happened and never try to lie to me... Pour it out what's troubling you...

A child who has faced trouble or heart broken will come and cry holding his mumma's lap and pour whats in his heart... Like wise, Abhi runs and hugs pragya tightly nd starts to cry...

Pragya caress Abhi's head lovingly... She pats Abhi's back and hugs him tight to calm him down...

Pragya: what happened abhi??? Is there any problem in office??? Tell me what's bothering you???

Abhi pours out what's in his heart... He could not hide his emotions for longer... He  cant tolerate the fact that purab will misuse the funds, cheat his father and this muchnegliegent in handling the deal and he is missing out of nowhere...

After the miscarriage incident, Abhi seems to be more vulnerable than Pragya... Though Pragya cries for the misery but she is getting stronger day by day because of Abhi's love and care...

But, Abhi is always a reserved person who never tries to open his heart out... Whatever problem happens, Abhi always buries everything inside his heart....

After the death of his parents, abhi become very hard and he always  made sure that not any emotions engulf him... Even abhi used to bury whatever feelings he had only inside him and he never open up and even he does not have any close friends too...

Pragya's love and care is bringing the childish abhi who carved and longed for his mother's love... Eventhough, dadi takes care of abhi pretty well, Abhi being stubborn and adamant never opens up and say anything to dadi too in a thought not to trouble her...

Pragya is the one who break all the walls that Abhi has built unknowingly beneath him... Though, Abhi cares and takes pretty well on everyone, he never show up to anyone what he needs and what he wishes and what problems he faces and whats the feelings he have...

Abhi starts to open up slowly after getting married to pragya only... Abhi genuinely smiled only after seeing the innocent smile of his fuggy...

People say that marriage is a bond between two souls .. Many have a wrong belief that people who gets married only have their time for physical intimacy and to do romance and deeply involved in love making...

But, marriage is a pure bonding which is interlinking the souls inside them... À man who genuinely loves his wife and a woman who truly loves her husband can understand easily and  clearly what the others feel... Their mere look is enough for them to understand what mood in they are....

Same happens in the case of Abhi and pragya... When Abhi enters the room, pragya feels something is troubling abhi and his face reveals exactly what mood he is in.... So, pragya purposely argued with her mother just to make her Abhi smile....

Pragya pats abhi's back... Abhi is crying hard... Pragya makes abhi to lie on her lap and caress his head to calm him down... She takes her mobile and text someone unknown to abhi's knowledge...

Pragya:  Abhi.... You will listen to your fuggy's words na...

Abhi: yes ofcourse...

Pragya:  dont be sad abhi .. Its really paining to see you like this... Believe in god .. All will be fine soon... I think purab bhai is purposely trapped by someone... Im praying to god that nothing wrong should have happened to him...

Abhi: Im too worried for that only fuggy... Purab is my little brother and chacha has handed him to me believing that I will take care of him... But I failed in my responsibility fuggy... Im feeling really guilty...

Pragya: shhhh... Not a word more... Purab bhai is not a small kid.. He knows to take care of him... Something has happened to him behind his back unknowingly... Dont worry...

Just then pragya hears the knock at the door... The maid has brought a glass of milk...

Pragya: Abhi have this...

Abhi: No need fuggy... Im not in a mood to have anything..

Pragya: Just shut up... Open your mouth and drink the milk... You have to finish it off before I count 10... Quick or else....

Abhi: Too bad fuggy... I hate this bossy mogambo...

Pragya: aww... Thanks for the compliment my love... Now be a good boy and drink it quickly... 1 , 2.....

No choice left, Abhi drinks it... Pragya forcefully made Abhi to lay on her lap and starts to massage his head and very soon Abhi drifted to sleep...

After sometime, sarlama enters the room...

Sarla: what happened pragya??? Why you texted me to mix sleeping pill in the milk???

Pragya: some big problem in office ma.. Abhi is completely restless and bothered a lot... I dont want him to get worried and think much now... Only when he calms down, he will take charge of that matter in full swing....

For that he needs rest and sleep.... So, Iv asked you to  do that mom...

Sarla: Really Im feeling proud of you pragya... Stay blessed like this always and keep your husband happy and stress free....


A dark room is shown..... A man is tied up in the rope... His face is not clear but its visible that he is being injured and brutually beaten up... Scars, torn skin, traces of blood are clearly visible in the person's face and body...

A man and two women dressed up stylishly enters the place and starts to laugh on seeing the injured person...


In the other side, there is a hustle bustle in the college that the famous girl and hot chick of the college, Malini has discontinued the studies all of a sudden as she has been offered a heroine role in a big production house...

Arjun, aaliya, sid, rk and even Malini's cousin Madhu is shocked to hear that news....

What's going to happen next???

Who is injured??? Is it purab???

If so who are behind purab's misery???

Who are the man and two women???

What will happen to abhigya's life???

Will they get into big trouble or will they come out easily because of the strong bond and belief they have???

To know more stay tuned...

A very long update na... Almost 2600+ words....

No time to proof read... Sorry for typo errors...

Cast your votes and pen down your views...


Yours buddy,


Winding up....

Will be


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