55. Trust is a base of a relationship...

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So, blackmail only works.... Oh my goodness.... 120 votes for the previous chapter... My first ever story to get this much votes...

As you all know,  I'm dealing with many stories and it's getting hard for me to update daily....

Here after,  your updates will be quicker whenever it crosses or reaches the above number or atleast once it crosses the three digit number (more than 110) and I will update this story the very next day for sure. ....

More the number of votes, update will be way too quicker...

Now to shot. 55:

Pragya feels happy to be back again in MM.... All are very much excited to see pragya and abhi coming back to their normal selves... The genuine smile in their face shows that they are coming out of their misery as much as possible they can....

Dadi asks sarlama to come aside and enquired  about Abhi and pragya...  Sarlama smiles brightly and said that they are slowly coming out from the loss with their love and trust they have on each other... She also requested no one to remind Pragya or Abhi about that....

Pragya is extremely happy on seeing everyone in their family there and she wishes to spend time with everyone... But Abhi being a loving husband does not like that idea at all...

Much to Pragya's displeasure and protest, Abhi scoops her in his arms and takes her to thekr room.... Abhi places Pragya carefully in the bed ... He kisses Pragya's forehead lovingly...

Abhi: Fuggy... Don't look at me like this... I love my cute, little , baby doll fuggy a lot... But this bossy, angry mogambo in you is scaring me so much... Please baby... Do understand your Abhi na... You have to take rest sweet heart...

Pragya: I'm fine abhi... You are doing too much now a days... For heavens sake,  I'm not having any serious illness and I'm not a patient and I'm not dying  out of...

Pragya bites her tongue on what she said and looks at abhi pitifully as he is giving a death glare to pragya...

Pragya: sorry.... Sorry abhi... Tongue slipped... Dont get angry na please...

Abhi:  Don't talk like that fuggy... It's killing me...

Pragya: Oho... My loving husband got angry on me... Sorry... Sorry... Smile please... I know you are going to smile.. Aww... You look cute when you smile...

Abhi hits pragya's forehead with his : Naughty girl... you are purposely playing with me to make myself relax and come out of stress na...

Pragya: Oops... you caught me always... Not bad husband... you are becoming cleverer after joining with me...

Abhi: Ahaan... If Im not clever enough, how am I running the business successfully and how am I dealing with my intelligent wife hmmm...

Pragya: I accept boss... Abhishekh mehra is the best... Im just kidding abhi... when are you going to police station???

Abhi: Starting now sweet heart... Don't strain too much.... Shall I go fuggy??? You will be okay na... It's urgent... If not, I won't leave you and go anywhere...

Pragya pulls abhi closer: My loving husband... Don't worry..... It's not necessary that you have to focus your attention only on me... Go ahead...

I know it's important... It's our duty abhi to find out where purab bhai is... He is our family... We cant hide this too longer from our family... As much quick as we can, we have to find out purab bhai....

Abhi: Hope so.... we will do it soon fuggy...  You wont strain right... You will be a good girl na and you have to take rest... Take food, have medicines and sleep okay...

Pragya: Haan baba... I wont strain and you dont worry... All are with me ... I will take care... Now be a good boy and do your work... Im sure you will get some clues about purab bhai...

Abhi : wish me good luck fuggy with my energy booster... It will help me to reach the goal easily...

Pragya: Huh... Abhi are becoming too much carving and desperate now a days.... I dont know how am I going to control you for a month... Its going to be quite tough for us to be away from each other na...

Abhi: no baby.... Its not like that..  Dont panic okay... But you only told me na kissing is not an issue... And moreover. ..

Before abhi could talk further, the energy booster he expected is being given to him... He too with a wide smile reciprocates it with full of love and passion enduring in him....

But abhigya have to move apart as they heard a heavy cough sound from outside... There stands aaliya, arjun and bulbul by closing their eyes but with a teasing smile in their faces ... Pragya blushes hard while abhi gives a death glare on them....

Abhi: You three are proving again and again, you guys are shameless... You all dont know the basic manners to knock and enter a couple's romantic paradise...

Aaliya: woha... Bhai... We will enter the room without knocking only... Or else how can we watch such romance...

Arjun: Seriously jiju... We did not expect this... We thought you will be lecturing di to take rest but how do we know, you are romancing with di...

Pragya: Abhii... leave them.... dont you know them... They are shameless and will repeat like this only... I will take care of them... You go ahead with your work..

Abhi: Alright... Im leaving you ajju and aalu as im having an important work right now...

Arjun/ aaliya: Thank god... We are saved....

Abhi: Hey why my shaali is too quiet today... Bulbul dear... are you alright???? Why you look so dull and pale???? Is anything bothering you???? Tell to your jiju na... Do you want anything or if you are having any problem....

Bulbul: No jiju... Its not like that... Im fi... Fine.....

Abhi holds bulbul's hands: Bulbul... Whatever problem you have, say to me dear... Dont hesitate okay.... If you really think your jiju wont solve your issue...

Bulbul: No jiju... Not at all... My jiju is always the best... Im just little stressed as my studies and work load are too much now a days...  that's it jiju.... Nothing much...

Where will I go without saying  to you if Iv any issue or if I want anything... Whatever problem Iv, I will come running to my di and jiju only.... I know you two love and care for me a lot...

Arjun/ aaliya: we also love you and care for your bulbul di....

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂.... Abhi... See... Nothing to worry... Its getting late na abhi...

Abhi: Haan... Haan... Alright... you three close your eyes now.... I want to say bye to my fuggy...

Abhi kisses pragya's forehead and gives a quick peck in her lips and asked pragya to take care.... Abhi waves bye to everyone and leaves from there in a mission to find purab....

Abhi could not understand what is bothering bulbul so much...

Abhi's pov.: why am I finding something fishy in bulbul's behaviour.... Why am I sensing that she is feeling bad for something... why I can  feel that arjun knows about what's bothering bulbul...

I have to do something... I know my fuggy can help me to know about bulbul's problem... Let me text my darling to know whats the issue with bulbul and let me talk to arjun too after meeting commissioner....


The screen shifts to the dark place...

Purab could not able to hear such words from malini.... He cant bear what this malini says about his relationship with her.. He knows very well that he would have not crossed his limits for sure...

Malini:. Well to say Mr. Purab khanna, the man who always speaks about family, status, culture, dignity, society, blah blah blah has breaked all the rules.... You have lost all the rights to talk about these things...

Purab (shouts) : Nooooooo..... You are saying lie malini... I know I would have not done such a big thing... I always stay in my limits...

I accept that I hugged you and kissed you ... I did it as I thought you are my love as my attraction towards you over powered my senses... Later, I realized to whom I heart belong to and I came to meet you to convey that only....

Im damn sure you have purposely done something wrong... Wait wait... Its food and the special juice which you gave me often whenever we met right... After that, I dont know what's going on but find myself sleeping in your bed half naked the next day morning...

Now, I understand you bloody bitch.... You are purposely trying to trap me and spoil my image infront of my family and trying to degrade myself right....

Malini: wohaaaa... Your bulb started to blink very late Mr. Purab khanna.... So bad... You are too late to realize this....

MC : Hey maalu darling... Calm down... Why to talk to this cheap guy???? We dont have other works... Go and get ready sweet heart... You have your shoot right...

Malini: Yep... Have to go... Just give me five minutes bhai... Will trash this asshole in ditch....

Mc: I will take care maalu... Honey darling... take maalu with you...  I will come soon after having my talk with the sincere and honest purab khanna who ditched my sister for values, culture, blah blah blah...

He has to know na what we are upto... So, you two carry on... I will be back after sometime... We have to publish the video too na...

Malini and MC's wife honey laughs and moves from there....

MC : So, purab how are you doing??? You are comfortable here right... You are getting nice beatings, punishments and not to forget you are being injected with drugs right...

Purab: Youuuuu.. Untie me you bloody ba***d.... I will kill you....

MC: Dont struggle my boy... You cant do anything to me... You are going to lose everything... No one will believe you... The great Abhishekh Mehra who always boasts that he has got an ideal brother will face a down fall because of you...

Now, I will see who will marry your sister .. You are going to be a reason for the loss in mehra industries and you are the culprit for spoiling your family name as your intimate video gonna be a viral one...

We wont publish malini's face because she has helped me a lot and she is like my sister... So, get ready purab to face your downfall...

Instead of getting sad, purab starts to laugh heavily....

MC: Have you gone nuts... Why are you laughing???

Purab: Do whatever you want... I know very well that my family will trust me and Im sure, my love wont even have a single doubt on me...

Dare to near my brother Abhishekh Mehra... Do you think he will be sitting idle till now... I know pretty well my bhai would have started to dig the hole for you and to send you to hell....

Do whatever you can... But remember, nearing or doing something to ill treate abhishekh mehra is keeping your head on the lion's mouth... So, stay away or face your misery 😂😂😂😂....

MC gets angry, slaps and beats purab very hard and moves out from there while purab is laughing knowing very well tht his brother abhi will find him for sure...


Pragya is getting tensed after talking with bulbul and arjun as instructed by abhi... She wants to spit out everything to abhi and she does not know what to do...

Its almost late night 3 o'clock... Abhi has not turned up till now... Pragya is getting restless what would have happened to abhi... She is getting negative vibes and she is tensed a lot...

She prays to god that nothing wrong should have happened to purab... She starts to get nervous and her whole body starts to tremble in fear, if there is any danger for abhi...

Pragya could not able to control her emotions.... She cant imagine a day without her loving husband... Abhi has become like her breath and her heart beats only for him ...

Two more hours passed... Pragya's eyes drained without any tears left... She is looking gloomy, dull and pale.... Her whole face has became red because of lack of sleep and over crying....

Pragya's heart starts to calm down when the door in her room creaks open.... She saw abhi entering the room.... Hot tears rolls from her eyes when her eyes spot her life coming there lifeless...

Abhi panicks on seeing pragya's state and rushes and hugs her.... No one speaks anything... But the simple hug itself speaks volumes to them and it becomes a soothing comfort for their

Abhi cups pragya's face and kisses her forehead: Everything will be fine soon baby... Dont stress yourself... Come ... Lay down and sleep.... I know very
well, you did not sleep the whole night na...

Take rest dear... Tommorrow you have to resume your college na...

Pragya: okay... I will sleep only in my magic pillow or else Im not going to tke rest...

Abhi smiles nd pulls pragya closer to him and makes her to sleep on him and he too closes his eyes to relax himself in the embrace of his wife who is the pillar of support to him and his stress reliever...

Abhi jerks up from his sleep when his mobile starts to ring loudly... He carefully places pragya's head in pillow and picks the call...

Abhi drops his phone on hearing the news and it seems that his world has turned upside down... He could not believe that people will stoop too low to take revenge ..

Abhi quickly freshen up, dresses himself and write a note for pragya and informs aaliya and dadi to take care of pragya well... He rushes to commissioner office to confirm whether the shocking news is real or not....

So, what has happened????

Will abhi be able to save purab??

Will abhi's image be spoiled along with purab's name????

Will the family trust purab and what will happen to bulbul after knowing about purab????

Will arjun be able to support purab when he comes to know tht purab and malini knows each other and had affairs????

What will be dadi, aaliya and purab's parents reaction when they come across purab's intimate video???

Will pragya be able to concentrate in her studies when her family and her husband is in a big problem???

To know more stay tuned....

As usual given a long update of 2475+ words.... Sorry for typo  and grammatical errors, if any...

Cast your votes and pen down your views....


Yours buddy,


Winding up....

Will be


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