56. You are my strength and inspiration...

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Today not in a mood to bak bak..

One thing... This story is going to reach a big milestone soon... Fingers crossed... Maximum votes as of now: 122.... Can I get more???

Now, to the shot. 56 without irritating you all...

Silent readers don't forget to vote and comment... Not interested to do that, just skip this story for heavens sake... Pretty please....

Abhi's pov.:

Why???? It's always us... What sin we have committed???? Why we have to face pain again and again??? Why fate is very cruel and playing in our lives???

I have lots of money, properties, a very successful business empire, a big name in the business world and a happy life.... I've got a beautiful and loving wife, who cares for me a lot and she is a queen of my heart...

I've a differently bonded and loving family with my dadi and my cousins purab and aaliya and my fuggy's lovely family which has given me a mom, dad, a lovely shaali and a cute brother in law...

My wedding life is way too happier, colourful and blissful... My fuggy is always a surprise package to me and I admires her a lot... All I want in my life is to make my fuggy happy always and to help her to achieve her dreams....

A sudden shock came in our life when I found my fuggy unconscious one day... A happy and sad news strikes and brokes our heart... We found that we are pregnant but we are not blessed enough and we are forced to remove the baby from my fuggy's womb ... Our baby is no more...

We really tried very hard to come out of the pain... Still we are only in a trying phase but again a blow hits us as my brother Purab is found missing and he is being trapped in a big mess...

I'm praying to God that nothing wrong should have happened to him...
What will I answer to my chacha and chachi??? They gave me purab's responsibility....

I don't know what sin he has committed which trapped him very badly... God... Please help us to come out of this misery soon and save purab from all dangers..."

Abhi prays to god for his family's well being and happiness in the temple and rushes to meet the commissioner... A lot of questions arises in abhi's mind and he tries his level best to find the clues....


Purab is crying hard in the dark room... He curses himself for trapping in the biggest problem... He worries that his stupidity should not cause any harm to his family...

He fears that his brother, the great business magnet Abhishek prem Mehra and the Mehra industries name should not be spoiled at any cost... He fears that his problem should not spoil his sister aaliya's life and he fears what will happen to his parents' dignity....

The happy smiling face of bulbul also comes flashing in his mind...Purab cries very hard for his bad luck and he blames his ownself for falling in the biggest trap of that malini and creating troubles for everyone ...

Though he believes that his brother Abhi will save him, his hope for living is getting reduced as they are injecting him with poisonous drugs...

Purab prays for some miracle to happen and wishes to have a happy life with bulbul... The happy face of bulbul in his mind soothes his heart and he closes his eyes in pain and slowly drifted to sleep...


Pragya gets up from her sleep with a pounding headache... Her head is spinning with the sudden turn of events....

She spots dadi and aaliya sitting near her and the loving husband Abhi whom she expect to see first in the morning is found missing...

Dadi caress pragya's forehead and kisses her lovingly...

Dadi: Pragya beta... How are you feeling now??? Are you alright???

Pragya: Ya I'm fine dadi... Where is he dadi??? Did he went to office??? What's the time now aaliya??? Did I overslept???

Aaliya: Chill up bhabhi... Its afternoon 1.30... Bhai went in morning itself as he has an important work and he asked us not to disturb you and to take care of you after you woke up..

But bhai keeps on calling us asking us to give food and medicines to you as you have not food in morning too ... Sorry bhabhi if we have disturbed you...

Pragya: No... No... Aaliya... Iv slept this much... Did he troubled you dadi???. Sorry for that dadi...

Dadi smiles: 😂😂😂... Pragya... Am I seeing or hearing anything new from Abhi... He loves you so much and its his care on you... Dont bother that... Go and fresh up and come... We all will have lunch together ..


Later in the evening,

Pragya: Oh shit... How did I forget that??? I have to call my buddy madhu to know about what are the things I have to take to college tomorrow...

Aaliya: Bhabhi... Cool down... When Aaliya is here why are you bothering too much... Im always available at your service madam... All your things are set for tomorrow's college and you no need to worry about that....

Pragya: Really... How come its possible?

Aaliya: It's not a big deal bhabhi... I just called your buddy sid and talked with him... You know na sid will blurt out everything... Just like that he said all the matters... I asked bulbul di to call madhu di to reconfirm... So all set...

Pragya smiles happily and kisses Aaliya's cheeks ..

Aaliya: Oh my god!!!! Medical miracle.... A kiss from my hot bhabhi... Oohooo... Thank god bhai is not here.... If he is here, he would have killed me for sure....

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂.... Dramabeez...

Dadi: Pragya... Aaliya... Come its getting late... Have your dinner and sleep.... Tomorrow you two have to wake up early na for your college...

Pragya: Dadi... I will have food later... He has not return yet na..

Dadi: He might be busy.... He will scold all of us, if you delay in having food... Moreover, from tomorrow onwards your lunch will be from home only... Abhi's order... Strictly no outside food for you...

Aaliya chuckles while Pragya pouts like a kid...

Pragya: what's this Dadi??? You are also dancing to his tunes... Soon my taste buds will dead for sure... Huh.. Horrible nd tasteless yucky foods...

Dadi: 😂😂😂😂 .... Don't worry beta... We won't give tasteless food... It will be healthy but tasty... Abhi has given a big list to Robin what all to be cooked for you... I will see to that it will be as per your taste ..

Pragya: This suniye is doing too much and turning too much bossy... Let him come... I will strangle his neck..

Aaliya: woha... Dont bluff bhabhi... I know what will you do when bhai comes home... I can see clearly in your eyes how much you miss bhai... You will run and hug him and who knows your romance can start too

Pragya blushes with aaliya's teasings.... They settle down to have food...

Dadi: I forget to ask you beta... Did abhi said anything about purab??? This stupid purab is not at all calling anyone... You know what he is becoming irresponsible too...

He has forgetten to send the money to finalize the property... Raghu (purab and Aaliya's dad) really felt very bad because of this purab's carelessness...

Pragya chokes the food in her mouth and she doesn't know what to answer dadi... Aaliya pats pragya and gives water to her...

Pragya: Purab bhai is busy it seems dadi... A big project, settlements, fixing deals, meetings and all... May be he would have forgotten in that dadi...

Dadi: whatever Pragya... Purab is behaving very wierd these days... Abhi is also very busy but he never fails in his duties... Let god give some brain to this stupid Purab... He and his silly reasons...

Pragya's eyes welled up and she gets up to go to her room as she finished off her food... Pragya is in deep thoughts and worries for purab's safety....

When pragya is about to sleep, the door creaks open and she spots her love, her loving husband abhi with a sad, blood ridden and pale face... He smiles slightly on seeing pragya but its clearly evident that nothing is going good...

Abhi holds Pragya's hand and asks: Fuggy... Did you had your food and medicines??? Did you packed your books for tomorrow's class???

Pragya frowns and turns aside....

Abhi: what happened Fuggy??? Why are you not talking to me???

Pragya: So now only you find time to talk to me... You are calling all and instructing everyone what they have to do for me... But you don't find time to talk to me right...

How will you know how much Im worried??? Dadi and Aaliya are asking about Purab bhai... I dont know what to answer them... Im completely in fear about purab bhai but you dont have the courtesy to tell me na what is going on....

Abhi did not say anything instead he pulls pragya closer and kisses her whole face lovingly....

Abhi: Sorry baby.... If I hurt you at any cost, please forgive me... I agree I purposely avoided talking with you as I know very well that if I talk to you, I will surely broken down....

Pragya: what happened Abhi??? Why are you talking like this???

Abhi hugs Pragya and cries hard.... He talks in between his cries...

Abhi: Fuggy.... Purab is in a very big problem... I don't know whether we can find him or not... All the doors are getting shut one by one and we are standing in the same place...

Today commissioner called me and asked me to come soon... I get a shocking news that they have traced where that girl malini stayed... We found her address and went there... we checked there and we came to know that she has different varieties of tablets in her shelf and Purab is been often visiting her it seems...

Then we came to know that she is often spotted in a luxurious flat... I did not know fuggy, I will get the biggest shock of my life there... The house is completely cctv monitored and we traced the footages after a lot of struggle...

There we came to know that Purab is being trapped by her and they are seen in intimate positions... Many files are missing and Im very scared what will happen if the video gets leaked...

Moreover, the police has  suspect against purab's biggest enemy Raj Malhotra and his involvement with that Malini's sudden entry in films and he is the one who has helped Malini to take TC...

But being a big shot, Raj fakes to be innocent.... He is faking that malini is his distance relative and her parents are also agreeing to that.... moreover he is saying he has nothing to do with Purab... But my gut feelings says that he is the one behind all this....

I don't know wht to do fuggy... But one thing is sure... Purab is not in this city... That bast***d has kept him somewhere ... But its getting tough to trace Purab's location.... I'm helpless fuggy.... I failed in everything....

I'm very bad fuggy... I'm an unlucky man... I lost my parents in my childhood... I'm bad so that god has took our baby too before it sees the world.. 😭😭😭😭😭..... Now Purab too.... You too won't leave me na fuggy... Really, I will die if it happens...

Abhi's eyes which are rolling with hot tears is stunned for a moment as the soft hands of his Fuggy slapped him hard in his cheeks..... Pragya looks at abhi murderously and grabbed his collar...

Pragya: Who the hell are you??? Where is my Abhi??? What have you done to my loving husband??? You are not my abhi... Go away from me... Bring back my abhi please...

Abhi with a sad face: Fuggy baby... I... I'm your hubby, Abhi...

Pragya in full rage: Huh... Is it so??? If you are my Abhi, you won't talk like this... My abhi knows me pretty well that I won't leave him till my last breath...

My Abhi is way too strong and can handle anything bravely... He is an inspiration to many and he wont be broken like this... He can face anything easily and he will succeed in everything.....

But I don't know who you are??? Just don't waste my time... My hubby will come anytime.... Go away....

Pragya pouts and turns her face angrily... Abhi smiles and pulls Pragya closer.... Pragya protests too hard and about to shout....

But Abhi closes the protesting mouth with his with a promising kiss that he won't be broken down when his fuggy is with him and he will be strong to handle any problems and will bring back Purab for sure....

After sometime, Pragya is leaning on on Abhi and drawing circles in his broad chest....

Pragya: Abhi... Don't talk like that again... Sorry, I've slapped you... Is it paining????

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂😂..... No...
Don't feel sorry baby... If my mom slaps means will I feel regret??? No na.. Same goes with you too... You did a good thing Fuggy... You brought back my brain which is drowning in misery...

You always say na I'm your inspiration ... But to be frank, you are my strength fuggy... You are my support system and you are inspiring me a lot... Really I'm feeling blessed to have a wife like you....

Such a confidence and positivity in this small age is really appreciatable.... You are a gifted child with many talents in you.. Im feeling proud to be your husband.....

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂.... What's this Abhi???? You are praising me too much... You know what if you want to praise me , simply praise  yourself.... Whatever Im today is all because of you...

I'm not talking about my loving husband abhi but my idol Abhishek Prem Mehra who has created a magic inside me and helped me to develop confidence in me to face  the world bravely and cleverly...

Abhi: Oh my baby.... You are making me to blush... Come on its getting late... You have to wake up earlier for college .. Dadi said about your food na...

Pragya: Ya... Ya... The irritating and yucky foods .. I warn you abhi if it contains any porridges, I will surely throw it out.... I wont eat that for sure....

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂😂.... No... No... No... It wont have... You are going to eat tasty but healthy home made food.... Now sleep darling...

Pragya hugs abhi and drifted to sleep.... They find solace in each others arms and their confidence and support lies only between them and with their immense love and belief between their spouses is going to make them reach bigger heights....


Raj Malhotra, the rival of Purab is fuming very hard and breaking all the things in his cabin...

Raj shouts: why this Abhishek mehra poking his nose in purab's matter??? Why can't he leave me in peace and take my revenge??? How will I get justification to my sister's death if that purab is not punished???

Purab is a bloody murderer of my sister purvi... My sister lost her life because of that purab... I won't leave you Purab.... I will make your life a living hell.."

Raj plans to publish the intimate video of Purab and malini but before he do so Raj gets a biggest shocking news which he did not expect and it pours water in his complete revenge plan....

So, what's gonna happen next???

Who is going to win???

Will Raj wins in destroying purab's name or Abhi wins by saving purab from Raj????

What is the shocking news which is heared by Raj???

Will pragya be able to go to college normally and concentrate in her studies when the biggest problem is going on in their lives????

To know more stay tuned...

Long update...

Words used: 2700+

Sorry for mistakes....

Dont forget to cast your votes and pen down your views....


Yours buddy,


Winding up

Will be


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