57. Madly in love with you.. My Loving Husband...

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Thanks for all your love and support .. A huge response to the teaser with 96 votes... Did I confused you all a lot with the teaser???? 😂😂😂😂....

You all know your crazy buddy mahii na.. so, just chill up and enjoy reading...

Now time to cast your votes by pressing 🌟 and proceed further.... No cheating.... I know you all will be loyal to yourself more than me... So, I can't help the non- voters for feeling guilty as you are all reading without voting...

So, as for now...

No. Of chapters: 56 completed...

Total views: 49, 500+

Total votes: 5260+

Max. Votes: 123...

11 chapters crossing 100 + votes in which 7 chapters are with 110+ votes and 2 chapters crossing 120+ votes...

This is the statistics so far... Hope it grows further too and reach greater heights...

Now to shot. 57:

Pragya is in deep slumber hugging her husband very closely... She finds solace in her husband's broad chest and always her magic pillow helps her to forget all the problems amd worries she has...

Abhi stirs in his sleep as his mobile starts to buzz... He picks up the call and receives the news silently... A wide smile creeps in his face as his plans to trap Raj is going on as he wished ...

Abhi is overwhelming in happiness as his gut feelings says that he will find his brother purab soon and bring him back hale and healthy... Abhi heart is beating fast as the plan has to executed properly to solve all the problems and end up their myseries as soon as possible.....

Abhi turns and looks at his fuggy who is sleeping like a baby... Abhi admires her beautiful and flawless face lovingly and pecks on her forehead... Pragya snuggles closer to abhi and hugs him tight...

Abhi chuckles and thinks that pragya is no less than a baby herself and how can she manage a baby... Unknowingly, abhi remembers about their lost baby and he just thinks, how it will be if his fuggy is pregnant at this time...

Abhi's eyes starts to well up and hot tears rolls from his eyes remembering the sadness in their lives... Abhi caress pragya's belly and his heart feels some sort of pain and abhi doesn't know how to wipe away the sorrow from their minds completely... Abhi closes his eyes and composes himself and moves to freshen up...

Abhi comes out after taking a warm shower... He picked up a white casual shirt and a jeans and dressed up and comes out... He checks the time and takes a deep breath... He goes out to do some work...

After sometime, abhi returns to his room and a smile creeps in his lips as his fuggy is sleeping hugging his pillow tightly and murmuring something... Abhi slowly nears pragya and lies beneath her...

Abhi hugs her and caress her head...

Abhi: Fuggy... Baby... Get up... It's time... Wake up my baby doll... You have to go college na... Come on... Come on... Open your eyes sweet heart...

Pragya whines: Abhi... I want to sleep... Im tired... Please .. please .. Let me go to college tomorrow... I will sleep some more time.... Good night...

Abhi: 😨😨😨😨😨... whaaatttt???? Fuggy its getting late... Come on get up...

Pragya did not paid heed to any of abhi's pleads and she falls asleep hiding her face in the pillow... Abhi sighs and doesn't know how to wake up her fuggy who is sleeping really like a baby...

Abhi takes a deep breath and a naughty smirk creeps in his face... He smiles and enters the washroom to do his work... Abhi grins after finishing the thing which he ought to do...

He comes out and sweeps pragya in his arms and gently places her in the bath tub filled with warm water and opens the shower slightly...

Pragya jerks up and opens her eyes as she felt herself completely wet... She blinks and she couldn't figure out what is going on... The teasing smile in Abhi's lips calms pragya's heart as she can sense the genuine smile in her husband's lips after a long time...

But pragya gets angry at the mischievous work of abhi to wake up her... Pragya is completely irked to see herself in the bath tub....

Abhi: Come on... Come on... Bath soon and come... It's getting late...

Pragya: youuuuu... 😤😤😤😤😤😤... stupid abhi... I told you na, Im not going to college today.... Why did you do this to me 😔😔😔😔???

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂😂.... Just chill up baby... You are fully wet now... Bath and come out soon... Its getting late...

Pragya: Im not going to bath.... Its final...

Abhi: Oh... Oh... So, you want your husband to make you bath... Not bad fuggy... Im ready.... You can say to me directly na....

Pragya gave a death glare to abhi...

Pragya: Abhiiiiii... 😤😤😤😤😤...
If you didn't move out in 2 seconds, I don't mind to kill you too...

Abhi chuckles and moves out and arranges the dress for pragya... Pragya gets ready and comes out.... Pragya who is hell angry on abhi looks at the clock and her eyes popped out....

Pragya yells at the top of her lungs: Abhiiiiiiiiiii......

Abhi who is busy talking to someone cuts the call and asks in a cool tone: what happened fuggy????

Pragya: You stupid hubby of mine... Why are you torturing me so much???

Abhi:. Arrey.... What did I do now???

Pragya: what's the time now???

Abhi: It's 7.30...

Pragya: why you wake me up so early???? I would have slept some more time na... My college starts at 9.30 only ... 2 more hours there...

Abhi: As if I dont know... You have to eat breakfast and then take tablets... I know pretty well about you n your pouts to eat that ... Moreover, you have to start at 8.15 itself as I asked the car to be drived very slowly not bothering you much....

Pragya glares at abhi: So... You started again... Its okay... I will make my bro arjun to drive fast in bike 😉😉😉😉.... What will you do at that time???

Abhi: Ahaan... Let me see that... You are going only in car... No more bikes from now on and today Im going to accompany you too....

Pragya: Are you serious??? What will you do if anyone finds about our marriage???

Abhi: Relax... No one will find out... Get ready fast... Take the needed books... We will go down...

Much to pragya's protests, abhi scoops her in his arms and takes her down...


An hour before,

Arjun is sleeping peacefully in his bed... He is having a beautiful dream... Arjun jerks up from his sleep as his mobile rings... Arjun is highly irritated yet he picks up the call knowing that its from abhi...

Abhi : Hello Arjun... Good morning...

Arjun : Hi jiju... Good morning... Its my sleeping time jiju... Can you call me later please if you don't mind...

Abhi yells: You stupid boy... Still you are sleeping... You have to get ready and be at my house sharply at 8... Is that clear????

Arjun: 😨😨😨😨.... Whaattt??? But jiju...

Abhi: No buts and ifs.... Get ready... You have a surprise outside... Come in that okay... Exactly at 8 you should be here...

Poor Arjun rushes and gets ready as je doesn't want to face abhi's wrath... He knows very well about his jiju and what all the things he can do when it comes to pragya...

Sarla, Mohan and Bulbul who are having their morning coffee are startled to see Arjun comes up fully dressed...

Sarla: Areey... Ajju beta... What happened??? Why are you up so early??? Why are you rushing up like this???

Mohan: Arjun , do you have any special coaching classes today???

Bulbul: Hey then who will pick up pragya di??? Dont you know today di is rejoining na...

Arjun: Huh... Is all your questioning session is over??? Shall I talk??? Its jiju's order... Iv to be at MM sharply at 8 or else he will punish me for sure... He told he has a surprise for me too and asked me to come in that...

Why dad,mom you two choose abhi jiju as your son- in- law??? Huh... He is doing too much... Why he is loving di like this???? He is troubling us too in the name of love....

Mohan: Arjun... Mind your words... You all should be proud to have a jiju like him and you should learn from him how he loves his wife a lot....

Sarla: Arjun... No one can get such a son in law... Our pragya is really lucky to get such a loving husband... Moreover, did you two know??? Abhi beta took all your responsibilities and all your fees are paid by him only... Now tell me, is abhi is not the best???

Arjun & bulbul shouts: Abhi jiju is always the best....

Arjun finishes his breakfast and he is completely shocked to see the surprise waiting for him... His long back wish is fulfilled by abhi in a surprrised manner...


Pragya eats the food with lots of protests and takes the tablet whining too much... Aaliya and dadi are laughing too hard...

Dadi: why are you troubling pragya like this abhi??? Leave her...

Abhi: Dadi... You bahu is not at all listening to me... Her health is very important for me... How can she study if her health is not good???

Aaliya: Ya bhabhi.... You have to eat it.... Don't upset my bhai... please please... Have it...

Pragya has no other choice and gulps everything in a go... Arjun too comes and joins them... Arjun's eyes are fixed on aaliya and he is drooling and enjoying her antics without anyone's knowledge...

Abhi: So, how is the surpise arjun???

Arjun: Mind blowing jiju... Tank you much jiju... love you so much... my jiju is always the best... Jiju... Am I going to be pragya di's permanent driver???

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂.... May be???

Pragya who hears their talks hears the word surprise alone... Aaliya, Arjun, Abhi and pragya comes out....

Aaliya: Wow... Whose car it is??? So classy and simple.... Bhai... I like this car so much.... Is it for me or bhabhi??? Anyways, I will have a jolly ride....

Abhi: It's Arjun's car... You want to take a ride then join us...

Aaliya: 😨😨😨... Whaattt??? NO... no... I will go in our car...

Abhi asks his driver to take aaliya to college... Arjun drives the new car while Abhi and pragya are seated at the back...

Abhi can sense pragya's eyes is welling up and he asks her what happened... Pragya nods her head as nothing to worry and she slowly whispers...

Pragya: I love you so much abhi... Im madly, deeply falling in love with you again and again... I don't know what Im going to do to repay you for all these love you are showering on me...

Abhi whispers: Just love me... Till our last breath... It's enough for me...

Pragya hugs abhi and leans her head on abhi's chest....

Arjun: sorry jiju... We are nearing college... What shall I do now???

Abhi: Park the car in the side... Just give a minute... I will talk to my fuggy and go to my car...

Arjun does as abhi said and he gets out giving them privacy...

Abhi: Fuggy... Listen to me... Think as if you're starting fresh... Wipe off everything that happened for the past few days... No thinking of past okay p...

Calm yourself and focus on your studies... Your attention is to achieve the dreams as you promised to me... Don't think or worry about what had happened to purab...

You believe your abhi na... I swear on you fuggy, I will bring purab back and no one can spoil his image or ruin our family or company's name....

So, smile happily... Enjoy, learn and study well okay.... Don't strain... Have only the food in your lunch pack... Fresh juice is also kept there... Arjun and aaliya will be with you to help you ..

Before abhi continues, pragya kisses abhi deeply and passionately as a sort of thanking abhi and pouring all her love for him...

Abhi: oh God !!!! Such a wonderful gift from you... Unexpected fuggy.... You made my day... Oohoo... Success is going to come to us.... We are going to rock...

Abhi hugs pragya and pecks on her forehead and moves to his car... Pragya and Arjun reaches the college... Arjun carefully holds pragya by shoulders and helps her to walk as instructed by abhi...

Pragya: Ajju.. you go to your class .. I will manage...

Arjun: No ways... (whispers) If jiju knows this, he will kill me... Please di... Cooperate with me na....

Madhu, Rk and Sid sees pragya after a long time, coming up with Arjun... They runs and hugs her...

Rk: Hey my little munchkin, how are you??? Are you alright???

Sid: My doll, lolly is back... I missed you sweetheart... It's too boring without you...

Madhu: Ya lolly.. we can't do anything without you.... You okay na lolly...

Pragya: Im fine and I too missed you all... I came na... We will all have fun...

Arjun glares at pragya : Di... Don't forget .. you are still not well and yoh are recovering only... So, take care and dont forget you have to eat only...

Pragya: Huh... Not again Ajju... I will eat only this...

Sid: Hey what's that??? Lunch pack???

Arjun: Can you three do me a favor please.... Doctor's strict warning... Pragya di has to take only home food and strictly no outside food... Please make sure, she finishes all her food and have her tablets without fail ..

Moreover pragya di will find it difficult to climb stairs for time being and she shouldn't stand for a long time too.. so, can you three please look after that...

Madhu: Don't worry ajju... Lolly is our responsibility... We will take care...

Rk holds pragya one arm and sid took the other arm and they lifts pragya just like that and takes her to class in a jiff and gently settles her in the seat...

Pragya: Idiots... What's that stunt is for??.

Rk: This is just trial only.... If you protest, we will make you to ride on our back..

Pragya: Huh.... Why you two are also started to irritating like him???

Madhu: Him??? Who is that him pragya???

Pragya horrifies and doesn't know what to answer and blames herself for her stupid talks... She closes her eyes and thinks some reasons to lie...


Abhi is whistling happily and driving to execute his plan... Only thing ringing in abhi's mind is to save purab from the fake videos of malini and also a big game plan to trap Raj...


So, what's gonna happen next???

What will be pragya's reply???

What is abhi's plan to save purab???

Will purab be saved from Raj????

To know more stay tuned....

As usual came up with a long update of 2600+ words...

Sorry if there is any typo errors...

Not able to come up early...

So, why not I fix some targets... May be I will come up soon if its achieved...

As you all know, I got a Maximum of 123 votes...

So next update will be only if it crosses 125-130 votes.... The more the number of votes, your updates will be quicker....

Pen down your valuable views n comments...


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be


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