58 . Drowning in your love...

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I'm so happy as this story has crossed a biggest benchmark again... Yup... A very big achievement to prove me that this story is liked by many and followed by many...

This story has crossed 51600+ reads with a maximum of 5500+ votes and a single chapter with the highest votes of 127....

Thanks for all your love and support... Thanks to those new readers, new followers, new voters and new commentators... As usual my love and my heart felt gratitude to all my lovable buddies for their constant love and support ..

Thanks to those silent readers too for reading my story and I really appreciate you people for pinpointing my mistake again and again by not voting... 

But I'm  very happy that your ignorance in voting is making me stronger amd stronger and I whole heartedly thank the silent readers for their genuineness by saying my story is not worth to get votes ...

Will try my level best to get your votes one day for sure...

Now without further adieu, lets move to shot. 58:

Pragya frowns on seeing the stupid stunts done by sid and Rk... She  is completely irked with the way they have made her to enter the classroom...

Sid: So, our princess lolly is back to her chamber... Long live our princess lolly...

Rk: Order us, our little princess lolly.... We are ready to obey your commands...

Pragya gave a death glare to sid and rk and twists their ears hardly... Sid and Rk yelps in pain, while Madhu started to laugh on seeing the scenario....

Rk/ sid: Stupid Madhu... Without helping us, you are laughing at us... Lolly, she is the one who asked us to do so???? You didn't pinched her...

Madhu: Traitors... Always trapping me with this Lolly... Lolly... I swear darling, I'm not at all fault...

Pragya: Enough of all your dramas... You three idiots.... You guys are also hell adamant to irritate me like him na...  Huh... I think his soul is coming and haunting you all...

Madhu: who is that Him , Lolly???

Pragya just then realizes her mistake and what has she spilled out... She bites her tongue hardly... She blinks her eyes, takes a deep breath, but she stammers and doesn't know how to answer them too...

Pragya: Vo... Vo... Papa be na... Too much of torture, after I got sick and this Arjun is also irritating me like anything ... Maa is killing me with her advices and this Bulbul is threatening me with food , diet and medicines... Huh... Poor me, strucked in those tortures ...

Pov.: oh my god!!!! Great escape... I think they believed me... Huh... Stupid pragya can't you be careful while talking to your buddies... Madhu almost caught you... You have become mad pragya in your husband's love...

Abhi... My love... You are haunting me so much.... I can't come out from your magical spell and Im blabbering a lot... You are always in my thoughts and I don't know when I will spill out the truth unknowingly....

The class resumes and all starts to engross themselves in hearing the lectures... Pragya doesn't find any difficulty in following the class as she has listened to all the lectures already...

Rk, Sid and Madhu are completely astonished as they see pragya answering the questions elegantly which were taught when she is absent... They were puzzled and doesn't understand how come pragya was aware of those topics which were the hardest chapters...

Madhu had a suspicion that something is there that they are not aware of... A big thing is hidden from them and she can't figure out what's that thing...

Madhu is hardly confused as how come pragya knows everything and answering everything even they find it difficult to answer those harder ones hearing those lectures too...

Madhu brushed aside her thoughts and tries to concentrate in the class .. The classes were going on in full swing... In between each period breaks, pragya's phone beeped and she smiles and sips the juice with her cheeks full of blush... Rk, madhu n sid didn't understand what's going on around pragya...

Atlast, the time for lunch break comes...

Rk: Come on Lolly... Let's go for having lunch...

Pragya: I'm not at all hungry Rk... You guys go and have lunch... Pretty please, leave me...

Sid: Hey are you kidding??? I know why are you doing like this... Come... come we shall move...

Pragya whines: please sid...

Just then Aaliya enters the class and hugs pragya...

Aaliya (whisplers): Bhabhi... Your
love bird is on line... (In normal voice) How are you Pragya di??? You are okay na... Just came to know that you came to college...

Pragya: ya... I'm fine Aaliya... Good...

Aaliya: why are you upset di??? Guys.... why are you making her mood off???

Madhu frowns: This stupid Lolly is not coming to have lunch ... Arjun has strictly warned us to make her eat... But she is not interested to come there...

Aaliya: oh that's the problem... You guys go and have lunch... I will call Arjun and we will bring Pragya di to have food... I assure you that Pragya di will have food for sure ..

Rk notices Sid's facial changes while seeing aaliya and Aaliya's blushy smile on seeing sid... Rk notices ther eye to eye communication which is unnoticed by pragya..  Aaliya almost pushes them out to go and have food... She winks at Pragya and gives the mobile and goes out..

Pragya: Hello... My loving husband... Again you started haan...

Abhi:  😘😘😘😘😘.... Fuggy... My doll... I'm so so happy today... We did it baby... We did it... Oohoo... All our problems are going to end... Soon our Purab is going to be with us...

Pragya: Really!!! I'm so so happy Abhi... That's the great news... What did  you do??? What has happened????  Tell me na please... please. . you know na I hate suspense....

Abhi: That's a big story my dear fuggy... That Raj can't do anything against Purab... I will let you know after youu come home... Now be a good girl and go and have lunch okay...

Pragya pouts: Abhiiii.... Please... I don't want to eat...

Abhi: Your please is not going to work today baby...  Go and finish off everything or I will be sad... Do you want me to become sad and remember I too won't eat food... You can't cheat as my spies Ajju and Aalu will inform me for sure...

Pragya: You are blackmailing me Abhi... Alright I will have...

Abhi: Love you so much baby... Missing you so much... Have food, enjoy the classes and come soon... I will tell you the happy news... 😘😘😘😘😘😘... Bye sweet heart...

Pragya blushes too hard with Abhi's husky voice and too many kisses... Arjun comes there and Aaliya too helps Pragya to go for lunch.... Later, they resumes the classes....

Rk and Sid insists Arjun that they will too join them to their home... But Arjun says some fake reasons and dropped Pragya in Abhi's car along with Aaliya and went to his home...


Raj is completely in full rage and is breaking all the things in the room and started to cry hard... His wife Mithali and his adopted sister Malini runs seeing Raj's devasted state...

Malini: What happened bhai??? Why are you like this??? Why are you crying bhai...

Raj : I failed again... I can't get justice to my sister purvi's death... That purab is always winning but why it's me who is always losing... What mistake we have done... If that bloody purab has accepted my purvi's love, she would have been alive...😭😭😭😭

He insulted my sister and played with her emotions and poor purvi committed suicide because of his rude and hurting comments... Cant that idiot be punished for his sins??? 😭😭😭😭...

Malini: Calm down bhai... That purab didn't believe his own sister and how can we expect him to be good enough with purvi ... Now what are you going to do bhai...

What about that videos bhai??? Cant we trap that purab with those vidoes and spoil his name in the Public...

Raj made a sacrastic smile: That videos are going to be of no use to us anymore....  Im not going to leave that purab at any cost... I will make his life a living hell... His family will throw him out like a trash...

Raj goes out angrily to see purab and calls someone to execute his plan to destroy purab completely...


Aaliya and pragya gets down from the car after reaching MM.... Aaliya excuses and gets in hurriedly as she got an important call... Pragya walks in slowly and when she enters the house , flowers starts to flow in her head...

Pragya gasps in shock as abhi lifts her up all of a sudden and twirls her in happiness.... pragya is very happy to see abhi's smiling face after a long time.... Abhi hugs and kisses her happily...

Pragya: 😊😊😊😊...  Abhi... Abhi... Put me down abhi...what are you doing??? Dont forget dadi and aaliya is there... Leave me abhi...

Abhi: No ways fuggy... Today Im so happy... My fuggy has to be in my arms only and I will kiss her as much i want...

Pragya: 😊😊😊😊😊😊.... You have gone completely mad... Leave me...

Abhi didn't bothered about anything and took pragya to his room and showered her with kisses...

After sometime,

Pragya: Hello my loving husband... Enough of making me to drown in your love and kisses... Now be a good boy and  Tell me what has happened...

Abhi: fuggy, I kept a big check for that Raj... He can't give any statement against purab and his fake video is of no use to him anymore...

Pragya: Really...

Abhi: Yes... I trapped in such a way that he can't do anything against purab... If he do so, he will fall in our prey... So, he has no choice than to leave our purab... The searching team is also in full swing to find out purab....

Pragya: wow... Good news... You are brilliant abhi .. Did you have given statement against that Raj???

Abhi: Not exactly... But I made a press statement that someone has kidnapped Purab purposely and is trying to trap him with fake videos and fake news to make his life miserable and I gave a open warning to them...

The commissioner also warned to handover purab or else the kidnapper will be in a big mess...  Im damn sure that Raj would do something stupidly and we will find purab soon for sure...
Raj is being closely watched too...

Pragya: Im so happy abhi .. But we have to say this to our family na...

Abhi: Yup I spoke to chacha n Chachi, dadi, sarla ma and mohan papa too... They understand me and promised to be with me... But fuggy, remember no one should know about that malini matter especially aaliya shouldn't know anything about this...

Pragya: Abhi you have to say this to aaliya na...

Abhi: yup...  I will manage her... You take rest for sometime and I will be back after seeing aaliya...

Abhi kisses pragya's forehead and moves to see aaliya...


Bulbul is crying very hard on seeing the news about purab being kidnapped and a big search is going on... Arjun is startled on hearing the news too and he doesn't know how to convince bulbul...

Arjun: stop crying di... Purab jiju will be fine.... He will be back soon... No one can mess up with our Abhi jiju... You believe abhi jiju na... he will surely bring back purab jiju...

Bulbul: Yes I believe him ajju but Im scared that nothing wrong should happen to my purab... I want him ajju and I can't live without him... 😭😭😭😭.... I will die if anything happen to him...

Arjun: stop talking rubbish di... Calm down and take rest... Tomorrow you have to go earlier for the camp na..

Bulbul: Im not interested to go ajju...

Arjun: You are going for sure... You have to divert you mind di ... Be happy and serve the people... God will bring your love to you for sure...

Arjun consoles bulbul and moves out to his room... Bulbul cries holding purab's picture.... She sleeps out of tiredness yet her mind is haunting with negative vibes...


Purab couldn't understand what is going on around him... He is given too many drugs and he is completely in a drowsy state ... They started to inject slow poison in purab's body...

A man came and gives the phone to purab to speak as Raj is on line...

Raj: So, purab khanna... Enjoying your royal treatment haan... Get ready to face your death soon... Your brother, the great business tycoon Abhishekh Mehra tried to play smart with me...

😂😂😂😂.... This raj is not a fool... I will destroy you fully purab... You have to give answer to my purvi's death...."

Purab's eyes welled up and the face of bulbul flashes in his mind... He prays for everyone's happiness and to keep them happy always... He happily smiles that the curse named purab is no more in their lives...


At dinner time,

Abhi pulls pragya and makes her to sit in his lap... Pragya blushes hardly... Abhi gestures her to eat but she starts her protests as usual...

Pragya: Abhi... Leave me... I know you are doing it purposely to make me eat na... Im not going to pay heed to your words anymore...

Abhi: Not so easily fuggy... I know you will eat this in a jiff for sure...

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂.... Really... You are challenging me... Don't mess up with pragya Abhishek mehra... Your threats won't affect me...

Abhi smirks and with a teasing smile whispers something in pragya's ears... Pragya gasps in shock and starts to eat hurriedly...

So, what has happened???

What did abhi said to his fuggy???

What will happen to purab???

Will abhi be able to save purab???

Will bulbul get his love from purab????

Sid and aaliya starts to look at each other... What will happen to arjun who is in love with aaliya ???

Will pragya's marriage secret will be known to her friends???

To know more stay tuned...

Cast your votes and pen down your views...

As usual came up with a long update of 2525+ words...

Not proof read .. sorry for typo errors...


Yours buddy,


Signing off..

Will be


After crossing 130+ votes....

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