59. The strength and power of true love...

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Today not in a mood to piss you all with my boring talks...

Directly to shot. 59:

Pragya is protesting to have her dinner. .. She is sulking and whining like a kid... Abhi is hell adamant to make pragya eat the food... Aaliya and dadi are laughing hard on seeing the scenario...

Dadi: Why are you troubling my bahu this much Abhi??? Leave her Abhi... Pragya beta .. Don't worry... Eat whatever you wish for....

Pragya: Love you so much dadi.. You are so sweet. .. Not like my torturing and troubling husband... Oohoo.. I've finished eating ... Let me leave now...

Abhi: Ahaan.. Not so easily fuggy darling... Sit down and eat.... No one is going to help you and no one will dare to say anything to me, when I'm taking care of my wife...

Your pouts are not going to work today fuggy... Dadi... Please don't pamper your bahu .. Her health is way too important than her protests,
whinings and complaints....

Aaliya: 😂😂😂😂... Dadi, see who is saying that... Bhai, our wole family knows who is pampering bhabhi...

Abhi: Aaliya... 😊😊😊... Shut up and eat your food... Go and sleep soon... And you my darling wife... Start eating now...

Pragya is glaring at her food with lot of hesitation... Abhi slowly nears her ears and whispers something... Pragya gasps in shock and her cheeks turns crimson red... She hurriedly starts to eat the food...

Pragya hardly wants to hide her face with the teasing smile in abhi's lips... She starts to cough hard as she rushes up in eating... Abhi pats her back...

Abhi: Slowly... Slowly... Why this much hurry fuggy??? Drink this water first.... Relax and eat food...

Pragya glares at abhi and starts to eat food... Abhi smirks and his lips is filled with the same teasing smile and he is biting his lips, not to burst into laughter infront of Aaliya and dadi....

Later at night, Pragya is not at all looking at Abhi... She avoids Abhi and lays in the couch covering herself, from top to toe fully with blanket... Abhi knows pretty well why his fuggy is doing like that...

Abhi walks and kneels down near the couch in which pragya is sleeping... He tries to remove the blanket but pragya is protesting and holding it tightly...

Abhi: Baby... Please... Why are you doing like this??? Im so sorry sweetie... I know what I said there is very embarrassing for you.. I just teased you fuggy....

But I talked like that to make you to eat food... Please understand me my baby doll... Don't you know about your husband... Please get up and come and sleep with me...

Don't you know I can't sleep without you... Fuggy .. please. . Im feeling alone and Im very scared to sleep in the bed... What will I do if I fall from bed in sleep??? You have to hug me tight na or else.. Oh no... I will fall.. for sure...

Abhi sees pragya is giggling inside the blanket.... Abhi smirks and picks up pragya in his arms... Abhi removes the blanket and throws it off... Their gazes are fixed on each other...

Abhi places pragya carefully in the bed without breaking their eyes lock... He slowly moves near pragya and kisses on her neck and traces her cheeks with his nose...

Abhi: Happy now...

Pragya: Huh... Whaaattt???

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂... Don't act smart baby... I know pretty well about you... You were protesting only for this na...

Pragya: who said you so???

Abhi: Ahaaan... I know you in and out... I can easily guess what's cooking inside this silly brain.. Your reactions at the dining table said everything to me... What's there to protest like this fuggy.. You can very well ask me na.. Im at your service always...

Now come on let's sleep my blushy baby.... It's getting late... You have to wake up early na... Tommorow Iv too have lot of works in office... Iv to go nd meet commissioner too...

Pragya: Abhi... Purab bhai will be back soon na...

Abhi: Sure sure... Why not??? I will surely bring your purab bhai soon... Be happy and smile always... Don't think much or stress yourself baby... Relax and sleep now...

Pragya: Thank you so much for everything abhi... Thanks for the awesome lunch n the juice... I loved it a lot...

Abhi: Really... You liked that... Good good... But why you protested while having dinner???

Pragya: Because the dinner prepared by Robin is very horrible... Yuck...
But the lunch n juice was awesome n yummy as its prepared by my loving husband with full of love and care for me...

Abhi: Oops... You caught me... How did you know that I only prepared it???

Pragya: That's the secret my loving husband...I found out na... You are an awesome chef... Good job husband... Love you so much...

Abhi: aww... My pleasure to cook for my baby... Now come let's sleep...

Abhigya drifted to sleep happily snuggling close to each other for a bright warming day... The next day starts as usual with pragya's childish antics and abhi's warnings and pleadings....


The arora mansion is shown... Bulbul is getting ready to go for the one week internship program... Its a medical camp arranged in a far away remote village... Bulbul is not in a mood to go there but her brother Arjun insisted her to go so that they can calm down her mind...

Arjun: Bulz Di .. All set na...

Bulbul: Ya im ready... Just waiting for the college bus to come and pick me...

Arjun: Di... Don't think much... Concentrate in your work... Smile happily and enjoy... All will be fine soon...

Bulbul: Ajju my purab will be okay na... He will come soon right... Will he accept my love ajju???

Arjun: Yes my loving bulbul di... Purab jiju will come soon... He will fly in happiness if he knows you too are loving him... Who knows he too will become a love sick puppy like abhi jiju???

Bulbul : Ajju... 😊😊😊😊.... Be in touch with me... Take care of maa and papa... Be careful while driving car .. Make sure that pragya di takes food properly in college... No fighting with aaliya okay...

Arjun: Oh my God... This much lecture... Huh... My ears are bleeding... God save my purab jiju from this chatter box...

Bulbul hits in Arjun's head and goes out with a wide smile in her face... Arjun really feels happy on seeing his di's happy face after a long time...

Arjun's pov.: At last my bulz di is smiling... God... Please don't make my di to cry anymore... Bring my purab jiju soon fit and fine... Bulbul di is caring for everyone and my aaliya too...

Silly bulz di... Why will I fight with my aaliya??? I have fallen madly in love with her... Aaliya's each and every actions has destroyed all my egos... Her love and care for my two sisters, her respect for my parents is simply awesome...

I can't find a better girl like aaliya... She is going to be the bahu of aroras for sure... I will also try to become a loving husband like my abhi jiju... But before that I have to make my Aaliya to fall for me...

Arjun smiles brightly and moves to pick up pragya... He reaches Mehra Mansion... .

Arjun: pragya Di... Shall we leave???

Abhi: Hey ajju... One small help man... My one car is in service and other is sent for an important work... I have to rush up to office as I have an important meeting... Driver is also not there to take aaliya in purab's car... Can you please take aaliya along with you???

Aaliya: No need of that bhai... I will take the cab today... I will manage and you don't worry about that bhai...

Arjun: What's this aaliya??? When arjun is there, why to go in cab.... You are coming only with us...

Pragya: Come on aaliya... Why are thinking this much??? Get in...

Abhi: Aaliya... It's our arjun only na... Don't think much... Go dear...

Aaliya: okay... If arjun is not bothered to be my driver, Im also okay with that... 😉😉😉😉... What say Arjun???

Arjun: Of course aaliya madam... Your loyal servant, your driver arjun is ready to take you in the small car... Will you do the honours....

Abhigya laughs on seeing Arjun's cute antics... Aaliya too smiles and joins Arjun and pragya... As abhi asks pragya to stretch her legs and sit in back seat, Aaliya has no other choice left than to sit at front.... Arjun is flying in happiness to have his love of life, aaliya sitting near by to him....

Abhi too started to office to attend the meeting... Though he is busy, he never fails his duty as a loving husband and he also keeps in touch with the police officials regarding purab's matter ...


The classes were going on as usual... Arjun keeps on staring at Aaliya who is way too busy in hearing the lectures .. Arjun is really pissed off as aaliya didn't turn to see him...

He wishes to start his mission to make aaliya fall for him... During break time,

Arjun: Aaliya... Can you join me for having lunch??? Im feeling really bored... Im all alone... Poor me...

Aaliya: Ahaan... A medical miracle... The great Arjun arora calling me... You want my company... Not bad... You seems to be missing your girl friend malini right...

Arjun shouts: what the??? Why I have to miss that bitch??? Im relieved now only as the sautan is no more in our class...

Aaliya: Really... But I thought she is your girl friend...

Arjun: She is blackmailing me with a fake, morphed photo of me with her... So, I acted as Im close to her...

Aaliya: Sorry arjun... I mistook you...

Arjun: Its okay... Trust me aaliya she is no one to me... I know its hard for you to believe me and I know you aren't comfortable to be with me...

Though we became family, you are hesitant na that we are tied up only with the mehras... No need to say anything aaliya.. I understand your turmoil... Soon the khannas are also officially going to be joined with the aroras...

Aaliya: 😨😨😨😨... Whaatttt???

Arjun: Yup... Your bhai purab and my di bulbul is going to be together soon and get married... (Pov. Next is our turn darling)

Aaliya: Really... Is it possible??? They don't like each other na...

Arjun: 😂😂😂😂 ... Don't you know... Purab jiju loves bulbul di so much... Bulbul didn't like purab jiju first but she too has fallen in love with jiju now.. These days she is crying too hard as purab jiju is missing...

Aaliya: I don't know what to say... I hope purab bhai come soon..

Arjun: Sure he will come soon... The power of his love will him come back, all hale and healthy...

Aaliya: Thanks ajju for your supporting words... Thanks for sharing the happy news to me... Im so so happy today... Oohoo... My bhai and bulbul di...

Arjun hits aaliya's head: Stupid aaliya... No more di... Call bulz di as bhabhi... She will be more happy...

Aaliya: Ya ya bulbul bhabhi...

Arjun: You will help me na to make them together...

Aaliya: Sure sure I will join you... Im so happy today... All good things are going to happen soon... Love you so much ajju for making me happy... You made my day.... Love you....

Aaliya hugs Arjun and ruffles his hair... She pats arjun's cheeks and walks out happily to canteen... Arjun is stunned to hear the word love you from aaliya... The hug, the touch made arjun to feel happy...

Arjun is blushing too hard and follows aaliya .. Poor arjun doesn't know the fact that Aaliya says it as a friendly manner and that too out of happiness...

Arjun is feeling like he is in cloud nine but he is not aware of the fact that his heart is going to be broken into trillion pieces because of the same aaliya....


The dark night without moon is creating an erratic and horrifying feeling that something very bad, something not so fair, something horrible, something dangerous is going to happen... The bad weather, the dark clouds, the dangerous sounds of insects can havoc a fear in anyone's mind...

A big tempo is shown driving through the outskirts and going on in the highways... Two or Three goons are there sitting happily and chit chatting with each other....

A big sack is kept there tied up very tightly... Traces of blood are clearly visible in the dim light of the tempo too... The mumbling and moaning sound of a man is heard... The goons laughs on hearing it and they kick the sack very hardly....


Abhi comes home happily that the police officials have find out and traced the location where purab is kept as hostage.... Abhi hugs pragya and conveys the happy news...

Abhi also informs dadi, aaliya, purab's parents, the aroras and especially to his shaali bulbul... All are very happy that purab will be back soon...

Bulbul is in cloud nine that her love of life, her purab will come back to her... But, no one is aware of the cruel reality of fate which is going to push them in a dark sorrow....

Will the power of love wins???

So, what's going to happen next???

Who is in the tempo???

What will happen between aaliya and arjun???

Will bulbul get back her purab???

What's going to happen in abhigya's life???

Will theirs lives be filled with happiness or will they drown in sorrow because of the unexpected events in their lives???

To know more, stay tuned...

Cast your votes and pen down your views without fail... Silent readers expecting a lot from you all...

As usual came up with a long update of 2350+ words...

Sorry for typo errors or grammatical mistakes, if any...


Yours buddy,


Signing off....

Will be


After crossing 130+ votes...


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