60. Whatever happens, I'm with you always....

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I came up so soon even though the target has not yet reached .. I have a very big reason behind that...
So you are getting your update way too earlier...

I'm so so so happy today and my happiness is overflowing without my control...

Wanna know what it is???

This story "Loving Husband" is really a miracle in my life... All my stories got it's recognition only because of this story and many started to follow me because of this story only....

Again a big record is set.... A big milestone is crossed very quickly... Yup... Very happy to inform you all that this story has become my first ever story to cross 6000+ votes....

As for now the story has crossed, 55,000+ reads with a maximum of
132 votes to its credit...

Expecting all your love and support to continue further....

Oh my goodness.... We are here in the 60th chapter... Its unbelievable that Iv written this much....

I thank each and everyone who made this story to reach this much greater height... Thanks for considering your silly and crazy buddy mahii's work and recognizing and accepting my works whole heartedly ..

An emotional moment guys... But I don't want to bore you all with my bak baks... I have a big wish may be it may seems too much for me to expect that ...

Before I end this story, I want this story to cross 10000+ votes and also a maximum of 150+ votes for a single chapter.... Don't know whether it will happen or not... If it happens, I will be the happiest in this world....

Now without further adieu, let's move to our shot. 60:

Abhi comes home happily and twirls and hugs pragya and kisses her forehead lovingly... Pragya blushes too hard as dadi and aaliya are giggling on seeing that...

Abhi didn't bothered about anything or anyone present there and hugging pragya very tightly and kisses her as much as he can... His happiness is reflected in his eyes and pragya too smiles very happily on seeing abhi like that....

Dadi smiles brightly and had happy tears in her eyes on seeing abhi and pragya happily smiling like this after a long time... Dadi always worried that pragya and abhi has lost their happiness after the tragic abortion...

Though abhi and pragya tries to behave normal and smiles in front of everyone, dadi can clearly understand their inner turmoil and their smiles never reaches their eyes...

Moreover, abhi and pragya's misery increased as purab is also missing all of a sudden and a lot of problems happened after that because of purab's stupidity and a lot of money has been misused by purab which inturn has brought a big blow in abhi's business ...

Abhi is checking on everything and settling all the debts and takes the control of his business in full force.... Abhi is also running behind the police to find out the whereabouts of purab and he is quite busy in his office works too as he has to handle the absence of purab on his own...

Pragya is also busy with her college stuffs, seminars, assignments and project works... Moreover a very big gap has been created between abhi and pragya as they are not supposed to make love for one month as it may deteriorate pragya's health...

Abhi and pragya though didn't bothered about that matter, but dadi being the elderly one can clearly understand the inner turmoils of abhi and pragya... There is some sort of restriction between the two and they are struggling hard to come out of that....

People have a wrong belief that love making is a custom or a bodily desire or a hormonal urge between a married couple or its some sort of regular happening between a couple... But its not the truth....

The term s*x may come under that category but not love making... Not only their bodies, their hearts, their minds, their souls interlinks when they make love...

Its a way of communicating how much you love your spouse and its the promise between the two that they will stay together for life long.... Its a way of saying Im there for you always ....

Dadi feels really happy to see abhi and pragya smiling happily after a long time... Aaliya smiles and is hell adamant to tease them as she got the chance after a long time...

Aaliya: Ahem... Ahem... Bhai... Don't forget you are in the living room of Mehra Mansion and not inside your room.... This much kissy kissy... hmm... Hm...

Abhi: huh... Naughty girl... What's the big deal... Do you have any problem if I kiss my fuggy.... Im kissing only my wife and not any random girl ... Is that clear...

Aaliya: Ya ya agreed... What happened bhai??? Any good news.... You are glowing in happiness....

Abhi: Yes of course... A very big happiness aalu... Iv two happy news for you all...

pragya: Really what's that... Tell me ...

Abhi: Not so soon my baby.... Aaliya iv got sweets for you all... Take that... Fuggy darling wait for some more time... Sarlama, mohan papa and ajju will join us soon... I will tell the news afterwards...

Dadi: Abhi... At least say to me na.. please...

Abhi: No no dadi.. let me freshen up and come soon...

The aroras too joined them... All are way too curious to know what's the good news... Abhi takes his very own time and comes down very casually....

Pragya yells: Abhii..... This is too much... You are purposely making us all to wait.... Tell the matter or else...

Arjun: Please jiju.... My head will burst if you didn't open the matter...

Aaliya: Ya bhai... I can't handle this suspense anymore...

Abhi: Alright... Listen.... The first good news is that Iv cracked a very big deal and its going to profit me in many crores..... Moreover, I have been selected as the best businessman of the year....

All congratulates abhi happily... Pragya had happy tears on hearing the news and wishes her husband and prays for his success always....

Abhi: Hold on everyone.... More than this, Iv one more good news.... Purab's whereabouts are found... His place is being tracked.... Soon , I will bring back our purab....

All really feels very happy on hearing that... Aaliya smiles happily and calls her parents and informed them about that news... Arjun also messages bulbul that purab will be back soon...


Raj is smiling brightly and is beaming in happiness.... Mithali and malini couldn't understand what made Raj to smile like this...

Mithali: Raj... What happened??? Im seeing you happy after a long time.... I think you are smiling like this now after purvi's death....

Malini: What's it bhai??? You won't tell us....

Raj: Happy news mithu n malu.... We won... That purab's chapter is closed fully... I took my revenge.... Rest in peace purab khanna...

Iv destroyed my biggest enemy and Iv got a biggest justice to my sister purvi's death... Im the happiest man in this world ...

Mithali: Really.... very happy....Tell us clearly Raj what have you done...

Raj: Mithu... I know that abhi will track easily where iv hidden that purab... That abhi is thinking na he is only smart...

This Raj is a cunning fox... I expected abhi will tap my calls amd find out where Iv hidden that purab.. So I made a counter plan and packed that purab to go to hell....

Malini: Is that purab dead... bhai???

Raj: No... May be he is no more now...

Mithali: What are you saying Raj??? I couldn't get you....

Raj: yes... Purab is completely given drugs and he is being beaten brutally... He is tied up in a sack and taken to the extreme outskirts of the country in a big tempo....

I asked them to throw him in the sea... No one can predict where he is and even I don't know where he is taken... He will drown and die in the sea for sure... If he survived too, he is nothing but a worthless piece.....

He is completely in the spell of drugs and it will be very hard to make him come out of that .. Anyways, my revenge is made and Im so so hapoy today... Purvi darling your soul will rest in peace ...


A week passes....

All are quite busy with their own stuffs... Pragya is keenly taking notes in the class... Sid is sulking from morning and he wishes to talk something important with pragya... The classes gets over...

Sid: My little lolly... Keep off your notes and Spare sometime for me na please...

Pragya: What happened sid??? Too much showering of love for me today... What's the matter buddy??? What do you want from me???1

Sid: Lolly... 😊😊😊😊😊.... Lolly...

Pragya: Ahaan... Hey Rk, madhu see here... Our sid is blushing like a girl... 😂😂😂😂...

Rk: what happened bro??? You are glowing like anything...

Madhu: Sid... Spit it out .. You have started to keep secrets too na...

Sid: No my dear buddies... Why will I do like that... Don't we have a deal that we are not supposed to keep any secrets between us..

The three persons gasps in shock hearing sid's words... Rk, madhu and pragya are hiding the biggest secrets of their lives from each other... Their hearts are beating too fast with varied emotions...

Rk's pov.: oh my god!!! What am I doing??? I don't deserved to be called as their friend... How much they trust me???

But Im doing a biggest mistake of my life unknowingly ... I know its very wrong on my part to love my bestie madhu... Don't know when I started to love her ..

I can't say that to madhu or sid... only lolly knows about that... How can I confess my love to madhu??? I don't want to lose my friendship with her... Let my love gets buried inside me...

Madhu' pov.:

Sorry sid... We are scolding you that you are hiding the secrets from us... But Im the first one to be blamed and i regret for my deeds...

Im so sorry lolly, sid and rk... Knowingly or unknowingly, Iv started to fall in love with RK... But I don't have the courage to say it to anyone as I don't want anything to spoil our friendship... Sorry for hiding this from you all...

Pragya's condition is very worst out of all... She is hiding the biggest happening of her life...

Pragya's pov: Im extremely sorry my dear buddies... I don't deserve to get all your love... Its the same love which is not allowing me to say that biggest thing that happened in my life...

A lot happened in my life buddies... I got married to the best man in the world, our idol Abhishekh mehra... I have lost my first baby in a very tragic way....

You guys are caring me so much thinking that Iv suffered from fever... But I cant think how you guys will react if you guys know tht I was forced to abort my baby....

I don't want to trouble you all with my misery... I will tell you all when the right time comes... Please forgive me for hiding this biggest secret from you all....

Sid snaps his hand in front of the three....

Sid: Down to earth buddies.... You three are floating in some dream land... Come lets all go to canteen and have fun... Today is my treat...

Iv a big news to share.... Lolly I will get you only chocolate okay... You have to be a good girl and eat your lunch properly... Madhu take lolly's lunch with you... Rk come we will lift our lolly today....

Pragya: Hoye... Leave me... I not a doll to carry just like that....

Rk: Of course.... You are our doll only... Come come....

All goes to canteen.... Sid and Rk places pragya carefully in her seat.... Sid goes to order food but stops in his track on seeing the sight there.... Sid fumes in anger but he didn't said anything.... His eyes welled up and he misunderstands the happenings there....


Abhi is deeply engrossed in his work and he is doing some office work in his laptop... His lips curves to a smile when his fuggy barges and lands in his lap all of a sudden ....

Pragya: Abhi... Im angry on you...

Abhi: Ahaan... I don't think so... If you are angry on me, how come you come and land exactly on my lap...

Pragya: Abhi... don't irritate me...

Abhi: What happened fuggy??? Why are you sulking like this???

Pragya: You are too bad abhi... You are going to leave me for two days na... Don't you know I cant stay without you...

Abhi: Aah... That's the matter .. Sorry fuggy... You know na... Iv to go in search of purab... So...

Pragya: Take me too... I will help you to find purab bhai...

Abhi: Listen to me sweet heart... You are having your internals and you told me na there is a state level seminar too... Moreover, Im going with the police team so I can't take you with me sweetie.... Please try to understand na...

Pragya: Alright .. Im allowing you only for the sake of purab bhai... Is that clear??? Dare to leave me ever again... I wont spare you...

Abhi: No... No... I wont leave you and go... If any chances comes like that, I will go only if my fuggy permits me to go....

Pragya: really..

Abhi: Yes... Darling... You are my first priority and everything comes only second in my list...

Pragya hugs abhi tightly... Abhi pats her head and kisses her forehead lovingly...

Pragya: Abhi..

Abhi: hmm...

Pragya: will you love me like this always???

Abhi: If I stop loving you, its the time when my heart stops to beat...

Pragya: Idiot... Don't talk like that okay...

Abhi: Okay... Sorry..

Pragya: Who will you love more??? Myself or our kids??? Will your love decreases after we have kids???

Abhi smiles: No... not at all... My love will increase more for you after that.... I not only love my wife but also the mother of my kids too....

Pragya: Aww... That's so sweet of you.... Can I sleep today in your lap please??? I will miss you in the coming days...

Abhi: Sure... Sure.... why not... Come and sleep...

Pragya lays in abhi's lap and drifted to deep slumber... Abhi looks keenly at his wife... He can clearly see some sort of worry, some sort of fear, some sort of longingness, some sort of confusions in pragya's face...

Abhi could not predict what exactly is going in his fuggy's mind... He wants to wipe away all the sorrows and brings happiness to his fuggy...

He is ready to even drag the rainbow or even go to moon to bring happiness to his fuggy but he doesn't know the fact he is the reason behind everything and he is going to be the answer for everything ....

So, what's going to happen next???

Will purab survive from the tragic incident???

What did sid saw and what makes him to get angry???

What will happen in Rk and madhu's life???

What will be the condition of pragya if the marriage secret gets out before her buddies???

What will happen to bulbul's love??.

To know more, stay tuned....

A very long update of 2625+ words....

Sorry for typo errors and grammatical mistakes if any... Not proof read...

Cast your votes and pen down your views....

Expecting to get more votes..... Silent readers will you do it this time....


Yours buddy,


Signing off....

Will be



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