61. The worst part of my life is missing you....

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Today no bak baks... Directly to shot. 61:

Missing your loved ones is the most worst and hard feeling ever a heart can bear... Its like the heart stops to beat without their presence...

You will feel the loneliest the most when you miss your loved ones... Even when the whole world is around you, you will seem to be alone...

When you close your eyes , you can feel their presence all around you... But when you open your eyes, their absence will make your eyes to well up uncontrollably...

No words can explain how much you need them in your lives and how you miss their physical presence with you very badly when they were not around you..

The worst part or the worst time of missing your loved ones is the terrile time, the night... The silence of the dark night, the loneliness, the quiet atmosphere, the absence of your loved ones near you will not allow you to sleep a bit at all ..

Same happens with the loving husband abhi's beautiful wife , Pragya too... She is tossing in her bed without having a bit of sleep in her eyes...

She gets down from her bed and picks up her mobile... She sat in floor not able to sit in the bed too without her abhi...

She opens the mobile and looks at abhi's photo longingly and her eyes are shedding the precious droplets of tears which her husband, abhi hates the most...

Her eyes , her cheeks, her nose are turning red and becoming very pale because of over crying... Pragya can't bear this loneliness at all... She terribly misses her loving husband abhi a lot...

Its been four days since abhi has left with the police officials... He is in search of purab and he has assured pragya that he will return in two days with purab...

But life is always a package of surprises... We can't expect all the things to happen as per our wish... Its the bitter truth of life and reality is always different than we predict...

We have to make us get ready to face the unexpected situations daily in our lives... Though its unbearable and unimaginable, we have to make sure to face it with confidence and in full strength...

As promised, abhi is not able to return back as the rescue operations were interrupted because of the bad weather conditions... Moreover, the secret reports they get from the spies says that purab is not in the place in which they expected....

Abhi is completely busy in searching purab... Though his mind is worried for pragya the most, he couldn't help and he cannot come soon as he has to find out purab at any cost...

The four days of separation from her loving husband is like a hell for pragya... Though abhi calls pragya as and when possible, pragya couldn't help as she misses abhi's presence a lot...

Pragya is in a complete mood off that day as Abhi has not called pragya for the whole day... She has been trying abhi from the morning but her calls were not answered at all...

After sometime, much to pragya's pleasure or to increase her anger, pragya's mobile start to ring with the name "my life" with abhi's photo blinking in the screen...

Pragya's anger roses and she cuts the call and keeps the mobile in the bed highly irritated...

Pragya's pov: Idiot... Why is he calling now?? I won't pick up the call now... Is it the time to call??? No ..

Stupid husband of mine always doing unimaginable things... Huh... Im hell angry on him... No one will make a call at 3 o'clock in morning...

Im not going to pick up the call... Abhi don't irritate me by calling me again and again... Im very much angry on you ... 😡😡😡😡...

You were very busy abhi.... But can't you spare a minute for me... Do you know how much I missed you today... I was feeling like in hell abhi... You cant understand my pain abhi... Just leave me for sometime... 😢😢😢

Abhi keeps on calling pragya but she is hell adamant in not to attend d call... Abhi knows pretty well that his fuggy won't sleep properly without him... He knows that without his good night, she can't sleep a bit at all...

Abhi smiles widely imagining his fuggy will be scolding him like anything... He blames himself for forgetting the mobile in the room and he couldn't call pragya as they were searching in a remote village...

Abhi couldn't use anyone's mobile too as  the network is very poor in the place and no proper telephone services are available too..

Pragya is highly irritated with the popping notification of messages continuously in her mobile.... She picks up her mobile with anger...
The message reads:

Sorry my baby doll... Please forgive me .. Im doing sit ups too... Sorry my mistake... I forget to take my mobile along with me today... Poor connection and I couldn't call from anyone's mobile too....

Don't think that I forget you or not caring about you or Im not missing you.... I miss you terribly baby... It may seem to be cheesy but I want to say this to you....

I miss you very dearly fuggy... My heart is paining without you... My heart is longing to see your smily face...

Do you know what three things I did today...
I miss you...
Im missing you...
I missed you...

I miss your smile, I miss your voice, I miss your smell, I miss your hug,
I miss your non stop bak baks,
I miss your ever speaking glowing eyes, I miss the feeling being with you, I miss your cute pouts, I miss your childish antics, I miss your silly complaints, I miss your blushing cheeks, I miss your unexpected kisses and   I miss everything that is part of you...

I cant sleep a bit at all fuggy... My body is used to have you in my embrace always.. Now Im feeling lonely baby... I miss you and its killing me fuggy... Will you forgive me sweetheart???

Hot tears rolls from pragya's eyes... Pragya's mobile starts to ring... Pragya wipes her tears and takes a deep breath and picks up the call...

Words were not exchanged... A complete silence prevails between the two souls who are missing each other very badly... The deadly silence conveys how much they miss each other...

Abhi coughs: Hello... Is anyone there on line??? I called my wife, my baby doll fuggy... I think she is sleeping...

Pragya: At 3.30 in early morning, the whole world will sleep... Don't you know that...

Abhi: oh is it so... But there are two stupid and mad lovers named abhi and pragya... They are not at all sleeping but talking in phone and acting as if they are a genius actors...

Pragya couldn't control her smile... She bites her lips to control herself...

Abhi: What's this fuggy... Why are you biting the lips??? I told you many a times na, its reserved for me... Don't control yourself... Come on smile na baby...

Pragya: Idiot... Im angry on you...

Abhi: Ahaan... You was angry on me but not now... Don't act smart... I know you in out and out darling...

Now be a good girl and sleep baby... Take rest properly... Classes will be there na... Get up from floor and go to bed...

Pragya:  Whaattt??? How did you know all this??? How can you say exactly as if you are seeing me???? Have fixed any cam in this room???

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂 yup... Dont you know that... Keep your hands in your heart..  Its the cam Iv fixed..  It has direct connection to my heart...

Whatever your heart feels, my heart will comes to know that very easily... I know you are way too tired but you are adamant not to sleep right...

Go and sleep baby... You have kept my shirt in bed na... Think im near you and sleep darling... Love you so much and I miss you terribly...

Pragya:  Abhi you are always suprising me...  When will you come abhi??? Im missing you very badly... What about the Operation to search purab bhai???

Abhi: Soon will come fuggy... Morning we are having an important meeting and Im damn sure, we will spot where purab is for sure... I will fly and come back to you sweetie without delay...

Abhi tries his level best to console pragya and he speaks to pragya until she slept unknowingly.. For pragya, her husband's caring words is like a lullaby for her and she slept clutching her husband's shirt close to her heart....

Abhi too kisses his fuggy's photo and tries to sleep but sleep is a far away affair for abhi as his mind is wandering with varied thoughts... His body gave up at last due to tiredness and he falls to a deep slumber as he is exhausted much...

Not only abhi and pragya, there are some more people too who are missing their loved ones presence near them... In the case of abhigya, they have a bond of husband and wife and they know well they are for each other...

But in the case of sid, aaliya, arjun, bulbul its completely different... They don't know whether the feelings they have for their loved ones will be reciprocated by them or not... They even don't know whether they will get back the love which they long for...


Bulbul is missing purab very badly... With each passing day, bulbul's hope of seeing purab starts to diminish...

Bulbul's pov.: Where are you purab??? Where have you gone??? When will you come back to me purab 😢😢😢😢???

Come soon purab... I miss you very badly... I cant concentrate in anything... Dont disappoint me purab... Do come to me soon... Your soul is waiting for you...


Aaliyah's case is quite different... She is in a complete confusion....

Aaliya's pov.: What's going on around me... purab bhai is missing... Abhi bhai has gone to search him around... pragya bhabhi is completely sad...

I can't be like this... I want to divert my attention... Don't know what happened to this sid now a days... Why is he avoiding me??? Why he is not even smiling at me??? Did I do any mistake???

Arjun is the only saviour of my sad days... If he is not with me, my head would have blasted like anything... Can I ask arjun's help to know what's bothering sid??? Huh... Is it a good idea??? Let me make a try...


Sid is completely very angry... He is doing exercise very madly... It seems like, he is showing his anger on the equipments...

Sid's pov.: What Happened to me??? Why am I behaving very rudely??? Why am I angry on Aaliya unnecessarily??? Who is she to me???

Why am I avoiding aaliya and why am I missing her this much??? What's wrong if aaliya and arjun are sitting together and talking happily???

Why am I reacting as if I love aaliya??? Why am I getting jealous whenever I see aaliya and arjun together??? God... Im getting mad day by day... Aargh.... What's this feeling that troubling me so much???


While Arjun is in a different world...

Arjun: These days are really the memorable days in my life... Aaliya is way too friendly with me... Her smile, her simple gestures, her care, her lovely talks, her dimpled cheeks, her hugs, her friendly touch on me is making me way too happy...

Whenever aaliya holds my hand and walks, I will fly in the sky... Sometimes, she leans on my shoulder and talks like a kid...

I don't know whether she is friendly with me or loving me... But I like this so much... Aaliya's presence in my life is making me the happiest in this world..


A new morning... A new beginning... New rays of sunlight... New hopes...  New desires and wishes... New dreams to achieve.... Many new things to happen...

Abhi gets dressed up for the important meeting.... Earlier, he wake up her fuggy and talks with her for sometime... After making sure, she is fine and okay, abhi starts to get ready...

Abhi calls arjun and aaliya and asks them to  take care of pragya and keep her happy in his absence... He calls dadi and asked her not to worry for purab and assures her that he will bring purab soon... He asked her to eat medicines properly and take rest...

Abhi picks up his mobile, wallet and car keys and moves out in the lift... He took a quick breakfast and reaches his car to rush up for the meeting...

Abhi's mobile starts to ring aloud... His face curved to a smile on seeing the caller ID.. But poor abhi doesn't know the fact that the phone call is going to create a big twist in his life and will turn his life up and down..

So, what has happened???

Who is in call with abhi and what is the shocking news abhi received???

Will abhi be able to trace purab???

What will happen between sid, arjun and aaliya??? Will it going to be a love war or a sacrificed love???

Will bulbul gets back her happiness???

Will pragya able to concentrate in her studies without abhi???

To know more stay tuned...

As usual came up with a long update of 2325+ words....

Cast your votes and pen down your views. .. Silent readers why not you click the 🌟 button once....


Yours buddy,

Crazy mahiz

Signing off.....

Will be


Not proof read... Sorry for typo errors and grammatical mistakes, if any....


Hope to get more votes this time than the maximum vote of 132... Your updates will be quicker, if the votes crosses the target...


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