64. All I have is you, my love 💑💑💑...

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A big record set again by this story...

This story...

"Loving husband " has become my first ever story to cross 60,000+ reads...

Thank you each and everyone who has read this story so far... This story has done a lot to me... This story is the sole reason for turning me to write good enough and all the recognition which my other stories gets is because of this story only...

Hope this story breaks all the records and reach greater heights with all your love and support.... Expecting a lot from silent readers too...

Got a maximum of 136 votes for this story so far... Three of my stories has already crossed this maximum votes and far ahead than this story in maximum votes ... Just 2 and 3 more votes ahead is not a matter at all...

But as you all know , humans wants are unlimited always... As a writer, I Want this story to go beyond that maximum votes and set a new record...

🌹🌹🌹 Can I get 140-150 votes soon??? 🌹🌹🌹

Im not setting any targets... Let me see whether my wait is worth for the silent readers to appreciate my works...

No.. no... I wont blackmail you all by not updating or making the story to on hold... But anything can happen as Im craziness Overloaded and mind can change too... 😉😉😉


So, votes gonna decide when you are going to get your next update...


Now to shot. 64:

Abhi is sitting in the isolated corridor of the famous hospital in the city... Each and every second in the lonely and calm environment, abhi is feeling as if he is facing a big storm inside his heart...

He feels way too suffocated to sit over there and he is stressed too much that he even forget to breath too... His heart is feeling an unknown pain and he is completely blank and he doesn't know how he gonna face this tough situation now...

Pragya enters the hospital with worry striken face... Each steps she takes inside the hospital, she is stumbling as if she is drowning in a heavy flood which is purposely hitting and startling their happy lives ..

Pragya's pov.:

God... I don't know why am I reacting like this??? Why cant I run to my loving husband abhi soon??? Why am I feeling a strange pain in my heart all of a sudden??.

Why am I imagining that Im standing in the same situation when I was twenty five days before when I lost my baby.... Why my heart is giving me the same negative Vibes and pain which  I had when our baby is taken away by god from us???

No... No... I cant bear any more lose in my life... God...  nothing should happen to purab bhai... He has to get fine soon... I want to see my purab bhai and my bulbul as couples and I am wishing to see their happy life...

How will my abhi??? Will he able to bear this pain??? My abhi may look strong outside but only I know how fragile and sensitive he is...

All knows only the arrogant and stubborn businessman Abhishek prem mehra... My family knows pretty well how my abhi is a loving and caring husband to me....

But only I know who really is my abhi is??? I accept no one can have such a loving husband in this world than me and no one can compete with my abhi in treating a wife like a queen...

When I used to hear in some films that a husband treats her like that, I used to laugh a lot that how come man can love his wife like this and I finds it too filmy and cheesy...

But I am feeling and enjoying the same as my abhi treats me in a gold platter and he always proves me that im very precious to him...

All will have a doubt whether Im worth for my abhi's love and whether Im a loving wife or not...
I don't know about that but I know pretty well that no one can understand my abhi more thn me...

He is like a glass doll... He is a very very sensitive man and he always needs me beside him when the situations is getting out of his control...

He always feels that he has no parents but I always gives him a hope that I will be with him... Only I know how he loves and cares for each and everyone in our family and he will suffer a lot more than them if anything happen to them..."

Pragya spots abhi is sitting there completely in a broken state... Pragya runs and hugs abhi tightly... Abhi finds some calmness and hope after spotting his fuggy beside him and he hugs her tightly as if he has got back his lost breath...

They didn't speak anything at all... They find solace in each other's arms after a long time but their eyes shedding and wiping away the pain in their hearts and hot tears are rolling down uncontrollably...

They are gathering all their strength and confidence in each other's embrace... They holds each other's hands tightly and communicating through their eyes there wont be any problem and all will be fine soon...

Arjun too joins them after parking the car... The doctor team along with bulbul comes out from the ICU... Abhi is way too scared to go and ask what is going on with purab ...

Pragya gestures Arjun to go ahead and ask bulbul what's the matter... Pragya consoles abhi and takes him along with her stubbornly...

Pragya: Doctor... How is purab bhai??? Why all are standing like this?? Dont keep mum like this... Bulbul... At least you tell me what's going on...

Abhi with a stammering voice: Doctor singh... My purab will be fine right...

Doctor singh: Mr. Mehra... Dont worry he is out of danger... But... 🔇🔇🔇🔇

Abhi: whaatttt??? 😨😨😨😨... No... no... I cant believe this... How come this is possible??? My purab is not like that... Please check him again doctor... You could have mistaken...

Doctor singh: Calm down Mr. mehra... Its not like as you think... He is being pushed into this condition because of those wrong medications and injections given to him...

Dont worry mr. Mehra... The medical field has grown drastically and its not hard to solve this  problem... It will take some time for him to come back from this but he will recover soon if proper care is taken....

Abhi: Im ready to do anything to bring my Purab back doctor....

Doctor singh: Well... Always hope for the best and keep trust in god... But remember, he may react wierd and wild at times, but all your love and care can make him fine soon... Iv said everything to miss. Bulbul... She can help you with this regard...

Bulbul : Don't worry jiju... Purab will be fine soon... Trust me its a big test Im going to face to get my love... Please can you two allow me to do this to win my purab's heart...

Abhi: I don't have any problem bulbul... But before that Iv to speak to sarlama n mohan papa regarding this....

Only after getting their prior approval, I will allow you to do anything as I don't want your name to get ruined... If they are okay, I don't mind you taking care of purab...

" We don't have any problem at all abhi beta... Purab is going to be our son in law and its not wrong that a wife can take care of her husband...

Bulbul you can go and be with purab happily... Promise us to bring our purab beta fit and fine soon... "

Abhi, pragya, bulbul and arjun are way too happy to see sarlama and mohan standing there and giving their confirmation to everyone  that they are happy with the relationship of purab and bulbul...

Abhi runs and hugs mohan and starts to cry like a kid..  Mohan consoles him and asked abhi to stay strong and not to worry about anything....

After sometime,

Mohan: Abhi beta you are looking way too exhausted and tired... Go to  home and take rest beta... We will take care of purab..

Abhi: No papa... Im fine... I cant go anywhere leaving purab...

Bulbul: Jiju... Dont you trust me... I will take care of my purab... Maa, papa and arjun are with me na... Go and take rest jiju...

See your fuggy is also unhappy and crying on seeing your condition and she is looking very sad... Too bad jiju... You are forgetting your duty as a husband in taking care of your brother...

Abhi: whaattt nonsense??? What are you saying bulbul??? I wont leave my duty as a husband for anything...  Fuggy, see what this bulbul is saying...

Fuggy..  She is here only na bulbul... Where did she go????

Bulbul: See your fuggy is sitting over there and crying alone in the dark for a long time... Please jiju... Take di to home at least and be with her... I will take care of everything here... Arjun go and drop jiju and come...

Abhi: Its okay ajju... Be with them... I have my car and I want to spend some alone time with my fuggy..  Call me if there is any problem and inform me the happenings now and then...

Abhi wipes his tears and takes a deep breath and walks towards ICU... He enters inside and sees purab being sedated and he is being sleeping peacefully after a long time...

Abhi caress purab's head lovingly and kisses his forehead... He holds purab's hand and looks at his bruished body and prays for his well being and moves out... He asks everyone to take care and moved towards pragya...

Pragya is staring at the ceiling and is in some other world without minding abhi's presence too... She is not in a state to realize that abhi has picked her up in his arms and carried to the car...

Pragya came to her sense when she feels her husband abhi presence beside her and she feels the warmth of  being in her magic pillow after a long time... She blinks her eyes and is startled to see that they are in their bed ...

Pragya: Abhi... When did we come here??? Why you took me from hospital???? Come on... Get up... Lets go to hospital... Its our duty abhi to take care of purab bhai... He needs us now...

Abhi: Shhh... Keep quiet... Its My inlaws and my shaali's order... close your eyes and sleep now... They are questioning me baby and  they are saying i failed my duty as a husband...

Pragya: What rubbish... How can they say like that???

Abhi: If you didn't sleep now with me they will say like that and criticize me for sure...

Pragya: But abhi... Purab bhai needs our help...

Abhi: I trust bulbul a lot... She will take care of purab way ahead than us... Now be a good girl and sleep now....

Pragya: I missed you so much abhi... Purab bhai will be fine right...

Abhi: Ya he will... Dont worry... Sleep baby...

Abhi kisses pragya's forehead and both sleeps in each other's embrace praying for a bright tomorrow....


Its been a week since purab is being admitted in the hospital... Abhi has informed about bulbul to purab's parents, dadi and aaliya and asked their permission for their marriage...

But abhi asked no one to inform anything to purab and he wants purab to accept bulbul wholeheartedly with full of love and trust...

Purab didn't find it comfortable when bulbul takes care of all his needs... As bulbul's interns are over, she got a break for one month and she stays with purab in the hospital much to the displeasure of purab....

Purab many a times shouts and yells at bulbul not to do anything for him amd asked her to get out from there... But bulbul doesn't paid heed to any of purab's words and does his work sincerely...


Its a fine day.... Aaliya and Arjun are walking hand in hand inside the college... They were chit chatting happily about purab's progress and arjun is expressing how he is happy to see purab and bulbul together...

Unknowingly, they bumps into sid as they are deeply engrossed in their talks... Sid's eyes turns dark on seeing aaliya and arjun's closeness and he fists his hands in fury....

Aaliya spots sid standing there and her eyes which always longs to see a glimpse of him is now emitting hatred on seeing sid and she curses herself for bumping with him and spoiling her mood in the morning itself...

Arjun who doesn't understand the cold war going on between aaliya and sid smiles brightly on seeing sid standing in front of them and hugs him happily...

Arjun: Hey sid bhai... How are you??? Not able to see you these days... College chairman is way too busy haan...

Sid: Its not like that Arjun... You were too busy with you new girl friend na... You can't see us properly...

Arjun: 😂😂😂😂...  You are always kidding us bhai... You know na how much me and aaliya used to fight a lot before... Im such a fool not to know about Aaliya's true character...

Sid: Ya ya... Such a nice girl na she is... 😬😬😬😬😬...

Arjun: Oh my god!!!! Iv completely forgotten... Aalu darling... Just go to class okay .... I will come soon ... See you later sid bhai...

Arjun runs out hurriedly... Sid and aaliya are standing there facing each other with full of  hatred and throwing daggers and cursing each other a lot...

Sid: So, how much time for Arjun??? Atleast dont ditch him you shameless girl... Your bhai talked a lot na that day about character and all... Where is he???

Cant he see how characterless his sister has become??? At least stay truely with Arjun at least... Arjun is a very nice boy and he is like my little brother...

He is my lolly's brother and dont dare to play your dirty tricks on arjun... If you hurt Arjun like me, I will show my worst face to you aaliya.... Mind it...

Aaliya cant take that anymore... She slaps sid very hardly.... She grabs his collar and starts to curse him... Sid is stunned with the new found informations he heard from aaliya...

So, what's gonna happen next???

What's going on with purab and will he recover soon???

Will purab accept bulbul whole heartedly???

Why is sid reacting like this???

What did aaliya said to sid???

What's going to happen in abhigya's life ???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

As usual came up with a long update of 2550+ words....

Cast your votes n pen down your views...

Sorry for typo errors and grammatical mistakes , if any as its unedited....


Yours buddy,


Waiting eagerly to see 140+ votes...

Signing off...

Will be



Catch me soon with more votes as I expected.... Don't blameme for delay....

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