63. Your love is my confidence...

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My lovely buddies...

🌹🌹🌹🌹 Can I ask you all something??? I want a genuine reply from you all... 🌹🌹🌹🌹

Is my writeups are beyond your imagination or is it hard for you to understand what I write???

A girl who is very new to wattpad has read this story it seems... She is not at all following me too. .. May be I thought, she has followed me and read the private parts n unfollowed me after reading it... My guess only..

For the past few days, Im noticing she is reading many of my stories ... She has not commented on any parts or said a word about how am I writing...

Hardly she uses emojis on the pictures especially abhi's pictures... Out of nowhere, suddenly she commented saying that this story is nice but she said a very peculiar thing which really hurts me a lot....

She said Iv to avoid n less down kissing scenes in this story ... How am I looking to her??? Am I writing an adulterated story or am I looking like an a-rated writer to her???

I calmly said to her that kiss is a way of sharing bond and its quite common between married couples and if she is not comfortable with that, I asked her better to skip my stories as none of my readers said so like that...

But what hurt me most is that she is saying that she cant imagine what I write and adds that she is saying this for my well being only.... I cant understand what she is upto... I know what am I writing n who is she to teach me what Iv to do???

Im really annoyed and hurted a lot after seeing that comment... Two days, I couldn't concentrate on anything and I didn't update any of my stories...

Again and Again, I want to clear my point... I don't force, beg or order anyone to read my stories... Im satisfied and happy with my genuine readers and their love and support is enough for me to continue my write ups....


This crazy/ mahii never bends her head down for anyone other than God... If you guys are not satisfied with my write ups, better skip my stories for heaven's sake...

I won't change myself for anyone who are trying to walk in my shoes or poke their noses unnecessarily to irritate me... Im like this only and never give up without fighting back ...

I don't fear for anyone's threats... 😂😂😂😂... You are messing up with a wrong person... What can they do??? They can report about me or hack my account...

Not at all a problem for me... I will say a big good bye to watty... So, simple... I will be relieved and stress free....

Sorry my loving buddies, if any of my words are wrong... Seriously its annoying and hurting me too much... This story is very very special to me and I don't like anyone pointing hands towards this story at any cost without knowing anything....


Don't know how the update will be... Im completely pissed off and irritated... Sorry if its not upto the mark....

Pragya is completely frustrated and annoyed as Abhi has not at all called her... She sulks a lot and is sitting very stiff in the class... Rk and madhu who are sitting beside their lolly doesn't know why she is reacting like this...

Rk: Hey my little doll... What happened??? Is anything bothering you lolly???

Pragya: Nothing RK... Just thinking of exams n projects.... Im worried a bit....

Madhu: Really!!!! When did you start to think all these lolly... Dont try to say lie to us.. your face itself is revealing to us that you are worried and irritated because of something... Are you missing someone lolly???

Pragya: whaaatttt 😮😮😮😮??? Have you gone mad madhu??? Why will I miss someone??? Seriously you have gone crazy... Rk... see this madhu is irritating me ..

Rk: Madhu... This is too much... Dont annoy my lolly...

Madhu: Ahaan... Here comes the big bro Rk... Don't pamper this lolly... Im damn sure something is hidden from us... This lolly is doing too much these days and saying lie to us...

Rk: Don't be a fool madhu... Why will lolly do so???

Madhu and Rk started to fight and pragya felt relieved that the topic is diverted from her... Pragya longingly looks at her mobile expecting for abhi's message to come at least once....

While this were going on, Sid enters the class with a stiffened face... His face is looking dull and pale and his three friends can sense that sid is completely sad....

Pragya: What happened sid??? Are you okay???

Sid: Little bit headache n mild fever... I thought of taking permission and go to home...

Rk: Shall I come with you sid??? Shall we check with doctor???

Sid: No need of that Rk... I will take care... You be with lolly n madhu...

Rk, madhu and pragya couldn't understand what made sid to get sad all of a sudden... Sid was way too happy before lunch break and pragya can sense that something is fishy behind sid's actions...


Arjun comes to the class whistling happily and rolling and throwing the book in his hand... He enters the class and sees Aaliya burying her face in the desk...

Arjun: Hey aalu... Such a lazy head you are... Just five minutes for the lectures to begin... What are you doing??

Aaliya gets up with a dull face amd makes a faint smile on seeing Arjun... Arjun felt a stinge of pain in his heart on seeing aaliya like that..

He can't tolerate to see aaliya's dishelved state and he couldn't understand why she is like that all of a sudden...

Arjun: Aalu darling... Are you okay???

Aaliya: ya im okay ajju... Something is bothering me... Im worried for puru bhai...

Arjun: Silly girl... You have took my life... I told you na nothing will happen to my jiju... He will be fine soon... Dont worry...

Arjun sits beside aaliya and gives a side hug to her. . Aaliya leans in arjun's shoulder and closes her eyes to compose herself and calms down her worried mind...

Aaliya cant help but the forced kiss given by her love of life is haunting her memory like a bad dream as she has not expected her first kiss to end up in a big tragedy...


Abhi is driving his car very rashly to reach the place where bulbul said she has seen purab... Abhi's heart is stammering too much with varied emotions and he doesn't know why he is bothering a lot..

Abhi's pov.: what is going on??? How come purab has gone to that place??? Huh.. I can't understand anything... How can purab reach there and that too in that condition???

What could have happened to him??? How will it be for bulbul to see purab like that??? Thank god... None of my family has seen purab in such a worst state...

Dadi, aaliya n my fuggy cant tolerate to see purab in such a bad condition .. what am I going to do now??? God... Give me strength to face everything... Im getting mentally tired with all these happenings...

Iv promised my fuggy that I will bring her puru bhai back to her hale and healthy... Sorry fuggy... I couldn't call you for these much hours as im driving... Pray for your bhai to recover soon...

Abhi gets down from his car after the long drive and enquires the doctors nearby about bulbul and the patient she is attending... They guides abhi to an isolated corner in which a big tent is placed..

Abhi with a heavy heart enters the place... The scene before him brought blood tears in his eyes... He runs out and kneels down and cries his heart out not able to see the scenario there...

After some good hard minutes, abhi wipes his tears... He wants to do something very big to bring his brother purab back to normal... He can't see bulbul crying like this as purab is not allowing her to treat his wounds too...

Abhi takes a deep breath and enters inside... Bulbul is begging to purab and crying very hard to allow her to do the medical aid... Purab is very stubborn not to allow bulbul to touch him at any cost...

Bulbul: Please don't do like this purab... Allow me to treat you... 😭😭😭😭... At least allow me to touch you as a doctor... I cant see you like this...

Purab: Try to understand me bulbul... 😭😭😭😭... Leave me please... Just allow me to die happily... I have done a sin and I deserve this punishment...

Please don't make it hard for me... Dont inform anyone that Im here too... I don't want anyone in my family to see me like this....

Abhi fits his hand in fury and kicks in the nearby table startling bulbul and purab... Bulbul runs and hugs abhi and cried her heart out...

Bulbul: ji... Jiju... 😭😭😭😭... See... What this purab is saying??? He is not allowing me to treat him too... He is talking a lot jiju... Ask him not to talk like this... 😭😭😭😭.... Why he is doing like this???

Abhi in a cold tone: Because this purab is an idiot... Brainless fool... Why will he think of us bulbul??? Who are we to this purab???

He doesn't care for anyone or anything... All he want is to draw conclusions on his own and end up doing something stupidly....

What say Mr. Purab khanna???
Am I right??? What are you going to do now??? Will you allow us to do your treatments and take care of you??? Or else you want to hurt us a lot na...

Purab cries: sorry bhai... I didn't meant to hurt you or bulbul... Im a biggest curse to this family's happiness... See... Where have I ended because of my mere stupidity...

I don't want to see you all hurted and troubled again and again because of me... 😭😭😭😭... Please bhai... Don't mistake me... No one will feel happy on seeing me... Let me die like this...

Abhi yells in full rage : stop talking nonsense... Cut down all your craps... Don't irritate me purab... So, you mean to say that I nothing for you right.... Still you didn't feel that im your own brother na... 😭😭😭😭😭...

Purab: what are you saying bhai... Dont talk like this... Please bhai don't cry... I swear bhai you are my elder brother only....

Abhi: Then will you listen to me purab... Will you allow your bhai to do his duties towards you.. I want my brother purab back with me... Will you come with me happily??? please I beg you purab...

Purab cries and nods his head as yes... Abhi runs and hugs purab and both cried hard... A staff nurse comes and informs bulbul that an ambulance has arrived which Mr. Abhishek Mehra has called...

Bulbul: Jiju... The ambulance has come it seems... Shall I ask them to come???

Abhi: Yes... But before that do the first aid bulbul... What happened??? Come and do it... He wont say anything... What purab , bulbul can do it na??

Purab smiles and nods his head... Bulbul wipes her tears and doezms the first aid... Later, purab is taken to the ambulance...

Bulbul: Jiju... If you don't mistake me, Can I come with purab in the ambulance please???

Abhi: But bulbul... What about your camp???

Bulbul: Iv almost completed jiju... Just a day left... I will get permission and come... Nothing is important to me than purab jiju...

Abhi: Im really happy that purab has got the best girl ... After all you are my fuggy's sister na...

Bulbul: huh... Unbelievable.... You wont forget to praise pragya di na...

Abhi: Yup... Because this abhi's every cell is thinking only about my fuggy only...

Bulbul smiles brightly and asked permission from the staffs and joined purab in the ambulance... Abhi asked the police officials to enquire about how did purab end up there... He too drives the car following the ambulance....


Its almost 8 in the evening... Aaliya said that she is having head ache and had her coffee ... Aaliya wants to forget the happenings at any cost... She took dadi's sleeping tablets without her knowledge and gulped it and drifted to sleep...

Dadi had her dinner too early and she too slept soon as she had knee pain.. Pragya is sitting in the living room with a worried face as abhi has not yet called her till now...

She closes her eyes and hot tears rolled down from her eyes uncontrollably... She couldn't understand why her heart is beating too fast and why she is having some sort of negative vibes all of a sudden....

Pragya comes out from her thoughts when her phone starts to ring hardly.... Her lips curved to a smile on seeing abhi's call... She wipes her tears and picks up the call but she kept mum without saying anything...

Abhi: Fu... Fuggy... 😭😭😭😭...

Pragya's heart skips a beat on hearing abhi's crying and worried voice.... She cant digest and not in a condition to hear abhi's crying voice... Her heart bleeds and she cant tolerate her loving husband's worried state.

Pragya: Abhi... Abhi... Calm down... What Happened??? You are fine na... Where are you abhi???

Abhi: Im fine fuggy... But purab... 😭😭😭😭... Fuggy I need you beside me... Arjun will come to pick you up... Can you come with him to the hospital please???

Pragya: Abhi... Abhi... Just calm down okay... Nothing will happen to purab bhai... Dont worry... Be strong abhi... I will come there soon...

Pragya informs Robin that she is going to hospital and asks him to close the door and not to disturb aaliya or dadi as they are sleeping... Pragya rushes to hospital with arjun praying hardly that nothing wrong should happen....

Pragya rushes inside the hospital and sees Abhi sitting there with a tear striken face leaning on the hospital chair... Pragya sits beside him and caress his head...

Abhi opens his eyes and sees his fuggy beside him... Abhi feels that he has got back all his drained out strength after seeing his fuggy.... He got back his confidence after seeing the face of his fuggy...

Abhi hugs pragya and cries very hardly... Pragya consoles abhi and caress his back... Arjun too joins them and be with abhi and pragya waiting for the doctor to come....

Bulbul comes out with a worried face along with the doctor... Abhi holds his fuggy's hand tightly as if he is charging himself to gain his strength and all he wants is that there shouldn't be any complications in purab's health....

So, what's going to happen next???

Will purab be back to normal???

Who is the love of life of Aaliya??? Is it sid or anyone else???

What is bulbul going to do for purab???

What will happen to Arjun's Condition when he comes to know that aaliya is in love with someone else????

Will pragya be able to concentrate in her studies with the unexpected happenings ????

What is abhi going to do to solve all the problems???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

As usual came up with a long update of 2635+ words....

Cast your votes n pen down your views without fail....

Sorry for typo errors n grammatical mistakes, if any....


Yours buddy,


Signing off....

Will be


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