66. Is Love fading or Love overflowing???

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Surprise ... ..

No one expected me to come up so soon right...  I too don't want to come up and decided to put this story on hold and make it sleep for sometime till the votes turn up....

But I don't want to disappoint my loyal voting buddies... I've a happy news to share with you all which pulled me up here uncontrollably.... 

I wont say no or make my loved ones wait for long and I'm way too pleased to do whatever they wished for... So my darling, you asked me, ordered me, nagged me and Now I'm here with the happy news and update.......

A big record set again and my happiness unbounds...

This story, Loving Husband has become my FIRST ever story to cross 7000+ votes with a maximum of
137 votes to its credit...

I'm so happy and I whole heartedly thank each and everyone of my voting buddies for making this possible and supporting me throughout this
65 chapters....

As many of my buddies requested and ordered me, Iv decided to fulfill their wishes and who knows I may write up 35 more chapters if all goes well... So, a maximum of 100 chapters if possible and Im ready with the script too...

But its going to be in the silent readers hands and I hope all will happen as I expect from them....


Did anyone remember when
I started writing this story???

Believe it or not, it's almost 8 months, we are travelling with this loving husband abhi and his beloved wife pragya who is also a loving and caring wife...

Yup... The first ever chapter
I have penned down this story is on March. 25, 2017 and seriously I don't know when I will finish off this story... But I will try all my level best to give each and every chapter in a likable manner...


Silent readers still you guys are not at all opening up... Why not you guys press the 🌟 button once in a blue moon... Is it very hard to press???

Am I boring you all????

Can't I expect the votes for my hardwork???

Anyways I don't want to force anyone... Dont blame me for delay in updates and I may purposely delay the updates too if the votes are not upto my expectations... Sorry for doing so...


Dedicating this chapter specially to my  buddy suba30.... If not  for her,
I wouldn't have come up so soon....

Now back to our story:

So, the hard days of purab is almost going to over and he accepted bulbul whole heartedly and it will take some time for him to recover...

But with his love of life bulbul beside him, its not going to be very hard for purab.... You can catch up with their bonding and romance too now and then...


A big misunderstanding is created between sid and aaliya.... Arjun is on an illusion that aaliya is loving him and there is no restriction for his love and marriage as their family will easily accept them...

So, what's going to happen in their lives???

Who is aaliya going to end up with???

Will Aaliya's love on sid will make her to forget her hatred on sid or will she choose her bestie arjun who loves her madly and cares for her a lot????

Who will pragya going to support in the love triangle of sid- aaliya- arjun???

Sid is pragya's bestie and she considers him like her elder brother... Arjun is pragya's own sibling and he is always pragya's most pampered little kid... Aaliya is pragya's sister in law but she is no less than a own sister to pragya...


Now to the main matter.... In the last chapter, abhi blabbered and cried  that he is no more a loving husband... Why did he say so???
Did you all think abhi has done any mistake??? Is it going to be a serious issue???

Keep guessing....


Pragya is in a complete dilemma and she couldn't figure out what's cooking in abhi's mind and why he is hell adamant in spoiling her mood and upsetting her like this...

She knows pretty well that something is bothering abhi but she cant tolerate anyone blaming her loving husband and her eyes too well up uncontrollably on seeing abhi crying very hardly....

Abhi: 😭😭😭😭....Fuggy... Sorry baby... I failed in taking care of you... I always says that you are my first priority and I have a fake belief that I will treat you like a queen always...

But Im a biggest failure fuggy...
I failed in my duties towards you... The promise I have made to you is not fulfilled by me properly...

How can I face sarlama and mohan papa now as I failed in taking care of you... 😭😭😭😭😭😭...

Sorry fuggy... How did I forget all these??? How can I forget about you so easily??? Isn't it my duty to care of you???

How an unforgivable mistake I did??? Fuggy punish me for my mistake... Im so sorry as I got carried away with office problems and purab's issues...

I don't want to give any justification to my mistake and I whole heartedly accept whatever  punishment you gonna give me... But please dont leave me alone...  I cant live without you fuggy .. 😭😭😭😭....

Pragya is highly annoyed and irritated with abhi's words and she is getting furious as how can abhi mistrust her love  and why he always have a fear that she will leave him..

Pragya grabs abhi's collar and gives a dead glare at him... Abhi feels really guilty and bows his head down not able to tolerate pragya's strong gaze which is killing him into pieces...

Pragya yells in full rage: How dare you
Mr. Abhishek Mehra.... Who the hell gave you permission to scold my loving husband abhi... what you know about him haan???

Dare to say a word against my abhi, I will kill you... What you said???? My abhi is no more a loving husband... Nonsense.... Keep your mouth glued up before I talk something disgusting...

Do you know who is my abhi??? He is the best man a girl could ever get... He is a dream come true for every girl and he is the real prince charming who treats his wife in a golden platter....

Im feeling blessed and lucky to get my loving husband abhi and Im thanking god for making me as his wife... Am I a fool to leave my loving husband abhi who is my heart beat???

Stupid, arrogant and brainless businessman Abhishek mehra, you have no place in my bedroom... Get out from here... This is the place for my loving husband abhi only not for idiots like you...

I accept that you are my idol and inspiration and Im following your principles like a mantra...  But remember no one other than me can question or scold my loving husband abhi...

Is that clear??? I want to see my loving husband abhi right now.... Get out before I rip you into pieces...

Pragya roars in anger and hugs abhi tightly and hits him hardly in his chest... Both their eyes shed uncontrollable tears for a long time...

After sometime,

Pragya: why did you say like that abhi??? Please don't talk like that abhi... No one can be you abhi... You are the best always ...

Abhi: Im so sorry fuggy... I forget completely baby... My mistake... Really I feel ashamed of myself... How can I forget when the matter is related to you???

Pragya: My mistake too in that right... At least I should have reminded you... Dont blame you alone anhi... Im too at fault...

Abhi: Dont put the blame on you fuggy... Today when the doctor called me, I just want to dig a hole and bury my face in embarrassment... Huh...

What would she thought of me??? My heart starts to bleed uncontrollably as I forget about you fuggy... Sorry again fuggy...


⏪⏪⏪⏪ Back....

Abhi is way too happy to take his fuggy outside for a date after a long time... He calls the famous hotel in the city to quickly arrange a romantic dinner set up in an hour that too with his fuggy's favourite dishes....

Abhi is smiling widely and is thinking how will his fuggy react on seeing the set up and how she will squeal like a baby on seeing her favourite dishes after a long time ...

Abhi imagines his fuggy in his favourite saree and his smile brightens at what all things they are going to do in their romantic date ...

Abhi is completely pissed off and highly annoyed as his phone is ringing spoiling his beautiful dream... Abhi takes the call as its from pragya's doctor...

Doctor: Sorry abhishek... Did I disturbed you. ..

Abhi: Not at all doctor... More than a doctor, you're my partner's wife and you were like my family... Tell me doctor, any problem... You called at this time...

Doctor: Just came to know about purab... How is he??? Everything is fine right...

Abhi: Ya he is fine doctor... Getting well... Hope he recovers fully soon...

Doctor: Dont worry abhi... He will be fine soon... By the way, how is pragya??? How is her health???

Abhi: pragya is way too fine doctor... Is that anything you want to ask me doctor???

Doctor: Abhi don't mistake me okay... I know how much you love and care for your wife pragya... But I don't know how you forget this matter...

Abhi: I didn't do anything doctor... Seriously saying Im staying away from pragya and I didn't cross my limits too doctor...

Doctor: God... Huh... Abhi I didn't talked about that.. what to say??? Why abhi....  Do you want to stay away from pragya all your life???

Abhi: whaattt 😨😨😨😨😨..... Noooooo.... You only asked us to not to do so for one month and stay away ...

Doctor: Abhi... Its almost one and half months man... Solid 45 days gone... I was wondering why you didn't bring pragya for check up... I was little busy and I couldn't call you...

Just got time and came to know about purab and all the issues your family has faced through my husband... I understand that you have forgotten the date... So, I thought to remind you...

Bring pragya tommorow if possible... Im leaving for an important conference in 2 days... So, dont delay and don't make your wife to wait too long for you...

Doctor teases abhi and cuts the call... But abhi is crying uncontrollably as he forget the most important thing about pragya and he failed to take care of her...

He curses himself for not taking for her check up at correct time and worried that nothing should spoil her health at any cost... He rushes up to the house to seek his fuggy's forgiveness....


Pragya: Isn't it too much you reacted for this silly matter like this??? Now a days, you are hell adamant to irritate me right.....

Abhi:. Im so sorry fuggy .. I couldn't control myself when the matter concerns you ... Im to be blamed and punished for this...

Pragya: Not going to punish you for this my loving husband... But...

Abhi: But...

Pragya makes an evil smirk : I will surely gonna give you a big punishment Mr. Abhishek Mehra for spoiling my mood...

You purposely poured  water in my romantic dinner date with my loving husband abhi after a long time na...

You are going to pay a big price for this Mr. Arrogant businessman... Its going to be very hard for you..  You scolded and cursed my loving husband na... So, enjoy being a bachelor for one more month too...

Abhi: whaatttt.... 😱😱😱😱 No... You cant do this to me baby.. please please darling... Forgive me and lets do one thing why not we change it to one day...

Pragya: How about two months till my college over???

Abhi: This is unfair...

Pragya: All is fair my loving husband... But Don't think its going to be easy for you... The more you control yourself, I will forgive you soon ..

But don't forget your fuggy's naughty avatar... Whatever I do, you have to be in control...

Abhi: Huh.. You will seduce me and Iv to be in control right..... God save me... Get ready abhi to enjoy your cold showers.... Your baby is going to be in full form... Feeling really pity for you abhi.. phew....

Pragya laughs hard and kisses her husband hardly in his lips... Before he reciprocates it with equal passion, pragya moves away and winks at abhi making him to groan hardly...


Next day,

Abhi takes pragya for check up after college... He was waiting for pragya on the way and asked Arjun to take aaliya to home...

Abhi and pragya were sitting nervously in the doctor's cabin waiting for the results to come... Doctor too comes over  there and sits before them smilingly....

Abhi: How is my wife doing doctor??? Is she is progressing well??? Is she alright???

Doctor: Ya more than I expected... Pragya you are perfectly fine now... All your wounds are healed and you can even jump now...

Just take care of your diet alone... Avoid sugary drinks and don't have junk foods often... Prefer to have home made foods as I suggested earlier... So, abhi are you happy now???

Abhi: Im so so happy doctor... Thank you so much...

Pragya: Doctor can I ask you something???

Doctor: I understand what are you going to ask pragya... You two dont have to restrict anymore... You can have a normal life as that of a husband and wife....

Pragya: Doctor.... Well.. What about baby and can I get pregnant again???

Doctor: Why not??? You are going to give birth soon and you can have as many kids as you want too... But Iv a suggestion for you two before that...

Abhi: you said a very happy news doctor... Tell us what we have to do...

Doctor: sorry... Don't mistake me... As a doctor Iv to say this... Its better that at least pragya should not get conceived before six months... It will be better if its after that...

I don't want any complications in pragya's health and I don't want any mistakes or miseries to happen in your life again... I too want to see you happily as a father and mother...

So the better we delay, the results will be in our favour... Who knows god can give you double happiness too for the tough phase you two have crossed....

Pragya sighs: Okay doctor... Will keep that in our mind...

Doctor: Nothing to worry pragya... Concentrate in your studies well... All will happen in right time... You are going to annoy and nag your husband soon with your mood swings...

Abhi: Doctor... You are corrupting my wife's mind... My fuggy wont do like that... Hey na fuggy. 

Doctor: Lets see abhi... But don't come and complain to me about pragya's mood swings... You have no choice than to bear that...

So remember, I prescibe you to follow strict protection for six months and if your ever forget ask pragya to have these pills after that...

All the best pragya... Focus on your studies.... Let's meet after six months...


Abhi and pragya comes out hand in hand... Pragya kisses abhi suddenly in his cheeks and runs hurriedly to car... Abhi chuckles and follows pragya....

Abhi opens the car and enters inside... Abhi slowly bends down near pragya...

Abhi huskily whispers: Any choices for you fuggy... Have to make it special tonight... Long time na... Im pleased to do as you wish.... How about a romantic suhagraat set up???

Pragya smirks: You have very poor memory abhi... So sad... Don't forget the punishment....

Abhi: watttt??? Seriously...  Is it for real... You can't do this to me baby.... Please please... Show some mercy na sweet heart...

Pragya: No ways... Decision taken... The court is adjourned...  No more arguments....

Abhi pouts and drives the car to home.... All through his way abhi is begging pragya to show pity on him but pragya is way too adamant not to forgive him easily as he has badly scolded her loving husband....


Next morning, aaliya is seated near dadi and waiting for abhi and pragya to come down and join them for breakfast....

Dadi and aaliya gasps in shock and they couldn't believe their eyes... Dadi and aaliya never expected that they will see such a thing happen ever in their lives...


So, what's gonna happen next???

What made dadi and aaliya to get shocked???

Will pragya give up and forgive her loving husband abhi soon???

Will there is any twist which is going to favour abhi??

Something big is cooking in your crazy buddy mahii's mind... Guess what's it???

Interesting twists are coming up next which is going to make pragya to face a big challenge....

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

Came up with a very long update of 2900+ words....

Forgive me for errors and mistakes, if any...

Silent readers and my voting buddies, what else Im going to ask again...

Votes and comments without fail....


Yours buddy,


Signing off....

Will be



Catch me soon with the maximum votes  for the next update or else wait till the votes turn up ...

Don't scold me if i make it private again...

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