67. Wooing my stubborn baby...

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We are blessed with a beautiful life.. Try to Do whatever that makes you happy and be with the people who makes you smile and happy always...

Happiness is something which we cant postpone for the future.. It’s an unique and blessed feeling which we want to enjoy in the present and cherish it for life long...

So, Im very happy to share my happiness with you all.. You guys are wonderful and making me happy day by day with the follow ups and your support...

Very happy to inform you all that your Crazy buddy Mahii is being followed by 540 people and I thank all the wonderful souls for the follow ups and accepting me as a writer...

Im feeling really blessed and honoured to get such love and support from the people Iv never seen in my life... An emotional and happy moment my dear lovable buddies...

A moment to smile happily and cherish for all the hard work, I put forth...

Dedicating this chapter to all my lovely 540 followers...

Expecting all your love and support to write more and more...

Silent readers and non voters, you too can support me... No need for any admission fees and all.. 😉😉😉😉

Just a click on the ➕  symbol in the follow tab in my profile and the single click on the 🌟 button whenever I post an update in all my stories will do the magic, I expect from you all... A very easy and simple thing right...

So, can I expect this from now on more in the form of votes???  I know you guys won't disappoint me....

Now to shot. 67 without further adieu:.

All through the way from hospital, abhi is pleading for pragya to forgive him and show some mercy on him... Pragya neither paid any heed to abhi's words and she is way too stubborn in her decision....

Pragya smirks looking at abhi...  She enters the room and a naughty yet teasing smile escapes from her lips all of a sudden on seeing abhi's photo ...

She chuckles as she knows pretty well that her husband abhi will do something to impress and convince her and makes her surrender to him very easily...

She is in a mood to tease her abhi as she missed her loving husband's naughty acts and his unexpected surprises a lot... She knows what all abhi will do to make her happy and make her to drown in love with him more and more...

Pragya wants abhi to come back to his original chirpy and happy form, after all the mishaps that happened in their lives which makes them to forget the happiness they had earlier...

Pragya decides not to give up unless and until she gets back her older abhi... She vows not to give up  so easily to abhi till she sees the genuine smile in his face....

She too wants to forget all the sad days they come across and to be happy like they used to be... Pragya smiles brightly and gets inside to freshen up with a thought how to make her plan work...


Abhi sighs and sits in the couch outside his  room as he doesn't know the ways to convince his fuggy... He closes his eyes and thinks what to do now to impress his fuggy....

All of a sudden, his face glowed with happiness and he jumps up happily like a kid... He giggle happiy as he has find out the way to make his fuggy lose her stubborness very soon..

Abhi's pov.:

Fuggy... My cute , stubborn baby.... Dont you know what about your loving husband abhi can do... You are planning to seduce me haaan... 😂😂😂😂...

You know pretty well how much I can control myself... Your tricks wont work on me sweet heart... So sad.... Feeling pity for you... 😞😞

 You are going to fail miserably in front of me... 😂😂😂😂... But what about you baby??? I know how much you have self control...
Ahem ahem... No words...

Don't you know your abhi is a crazy man with complete naughtiness... Get ready sweet heart to enjoy the sweet revenge your abhi gonna give you...

One week punishment hun??? Ahaan .. lets me see who is going to get punishment... Just 2 days fuggy...

Im damn sure, all your stubbornness will vanish in thin air and you will surrender to me completely... Lets see whether your loving husband wins or your stubbornness wins....

That night, pragya is planning how to seduce abhi and also is in a dilemma how to escape from abhi, if he do any naughty acts... She is not aware of the fact that her husband is watching all her moves and already he is ready with his back up plans...

Abhi: what's up fuggy??? Planning big to trap me...

Pragya: No... Not at all... Who said so like that .. I dont have any such ideas ...

Abhi: Really .. Good.... No plans na... Okay..  come come... Its getting late... Lets sleep...

Pragya is highly irritated as she expects abhi will do something naughtily on seeing her in the short, silky night gown after a long time...

Much to her dismay, abhi never paid heed to her or look at her and is talking only about sleeping early and waking up early too...

Pragya growls inwardly and stomps her feet angrily and barges on abhi... She holds his collar angrily and pulls him closer...

Abhi in a cool tone: What happened fuggy??? You told me na you have to wake up early... See don't mess up tomorrow feeling sleepy in the class and I don't like you to take the seminar very badly...

Abhi's teasings irks pragya to the core...

Pragya: Seminar my foot... 😬😬😬😬... Im not a coward to face the seminar and do it  very badly... Remember Im the topper and I will crack it just like that... Got it...

Abhi: Wow... What a confidence... 👍👍👍👍.... I like it baby... Haww... 😴😴😴😴... Baby im damn tired... Let me sleep...

Abhi closes his eyes and pretends to be asleep... Pragya glares at him angrily for a long time... She too drifted to sleep as usual hugging her favourite pillow after a long time...


The next morning,

Dadi and aaliya are sitting in the dining table waiting for abhigya to join the breakfast... Arjun too comes up early and joins them and sits near aaliya...

Dadi smiles happily on seeing arjun and aaliya's closeness and lovely bonding... She wishes to talk about them with mohan and sarla...

Dadi thinks that all the kids in the family gets their spouses in the same family and pray for their togetherness and  happy life..

Arjun: Hey aalu... Where is jiju and pragya di???

Aaliya: They will come down in a while ajju... Come lets have Breakfast... Im feeling hungry ..

Dadi: Oh my god!!!! Am I dreaming???? Kidoos pinch me... God... How can I bear this terrible shock of my life...

Arjun and aaliya blinks their eyes and  couldn't understand what is dadi blabbering all of a sudden...

Aaliya: What happened to you dadi???

Arjun: Haan dadi... Why are you reacting like this all of a sudden???

Dadi sighs: Look over there and say... You two will react like me only...

Arjun and aaliya who are filling their mouths with food, spits the food and their eyes comes out uncontrollably... They stares and horrifies on the unexpected site they are seeing...

They never expected in their wild dreams too to happen like this....  Abhi and pragya who are always admired by all of them for their intimacy and closeness are standing at the opposite sides glaring at each other angrily ...

They understand that some big cold war is going on between the two... If one has a teasing smile, the other has a smirk... No one said anything and they know that they will patch up very soon...

But abhi being a loving husband, never fails in his duty... He sits near pragya and makes her to eat her breakfast and checks whether her lunch pack is ready or not... He asks arjun to drive safely too...

Abhi waits till pragya enters the car and asks her to take care..  He kisses her forehead and drives to the office... All are puzzled as what's going on with these crazy, lovely couples all of a sudden...


Arjun asks aaliya to go to class as he had to collect some important notes from library.... Aaliya walks in the corridor smiling inwardly remembering abhi and pragya's dramatic, comic fight....

All of a sudden, aaliya frowns on seeing sid standing along with her bhabhi pragya and smiling brightly... Sid turns and spots aaliya and looks at her longingly... Aaliya glares at sid and moves towards her class as if he is no one to her...

The classes were going on as usual.... All present their important seminars... Pragya presents it very brilliantly and elegantly.... The professor appreciated pragya for answering the students queries tactically and perfectly without any flaws ...


The screen shifts to the city hospital in which purab is admitted... Mohan and sarla has visited purab along with bulbul....

Sarla: How are you feeling  purab beta??? Is this bulbul taking care of you properly??? If not tell me, I will take care class....

Mohan: Tell me honestly beta... I know pretty well about this bulbul... Im damn sure, she would have threatened and blackmailed you na...

Bulbul whines and purab chuckles hardly earning a dead glare from bulbul...

Purab: wah... Wah... Mohan uncle... You are really smart... This bulbul is such a terror girl... She is threatening me with injections and saying she will give me this  yucky soups all my life...

Bulbul:  😠😠😠😠 Purab....

Purab: 😂😂😂😂 just kidding bulbul... Peace peace... Thank you so much aunty and uncle... I don't know how to say my gratitude to you...

No one would have done this like you all did to me...  Im feeling very happy to get such a sweetheart as my to be wife and Im thankful to you all my life for accepting me as your son in law...

Mohan: Beta... Calm down... Dont get emotional... Be happy and stay blessed... Soon you will get fine...

Sarla: But purab beta.... No more... Aunty and uncle okay... Call us papa and mumma...

Abhi comes over there and sits there sadly and reacts as if he had pain in his heart...

Bulbul: What happened jiju??? Are you okay???

Abhi: How can I be??? Iv got a new villain in my life na... 😢😢😢😢

Purab: Villain??? Who is that bhai???

Abhi: Who else .. You only my stupid bro... You are my new villain and came between my mumma and papa na...

Purab: 😂😂😂😂 bhai... The great Abhishek mehra is whining like a kid... Oh my god... If our staff sees this, they wont believe it at all...

All teases abhi and starts to laugh... Abhi smiles inwardly to see purab smiling happily after a long time... All chit chats happily forgetting the bad happenings...


The next day morning,

The classes were going on in full swing in the college... The peon enters the class and whispers something in the professor's ears...

Professor: Sid and rishi... You two have been called for an important meeting in the principal's office... So, you two can go and join over there...

Sid and rk asks pragya and madhu to take notes for them too and they moved towards the principal's office... Two hours they didn't come to class...

Madhu and pragya were sitting in the canteen waiting for Rk and sid to join them... After a long time, rk and sid comes over there tired and exhausted....

Pragya: What happened sid???

Sid: Huh... Lolly.. This administration committee is eating all our heads... Actually you two have to come with us and do the work...

Rk: But sid... They are trapping us purposely... How can we do this??? Are we four are famous personalities to do it very easily???

How are we going to do this???
Impossible... They are asking us to fill the broken pot... Huh... We are trapped... God save us...

Sid: Dont irritate me Rk... Im breaking my head what to do next.... Without supporting me, you are crying like a baby....

Pragya: Will you two stop all your nonsense??? Spit out what's the matter...

Madhu: Tell us clearly what's going on...

Sid: Huh... Calm down girls... We all know na the annual day functions are coming up soon...

Pragya: Yeah... Already all arrangements were going on in full swing right..  what's the problem now...

Rk sighs: The problem is that we four are handed over the responsibility to convince the chief guest for this function...

Pragya: What's the problem in that??? We can go and meet the chief guest and get permission so easily na....

Sid: That's going to be the main problem lolly...

Madhu: Why you guys are talking hopeless... We can do it for sure...

Rk: Dont talk like a stupid, madhu... We cant near him so easily... First let us get into his office first....

Then We have to meet him and convince him and then getting permission and all... Oh my god... My head is spinning....

Sid: Dont scare me Rk... Im already tensed and nervous... God save us...

Madhu: Have some confidence guys. . we can do it....

Pragya: First .. spit out who is the so called vip, chief guest whom we cant near so easily... Trust me buddies... This pragya can make him accept just like that...

Sid / Rk: You are only our trump card lolly... We don't know whom to beg... We know you will convince your idol for sure...

Madhu: oohoo... Really ... My goodness... Unbelievable guys..  whether he accepts it or not, we can meet atleast him once in real na....

Sid: Hmm... Ya... Im also eager to meet to him... What a man...

Pragya:! I couldn't get you guys... Whom are we going to meet??? Who is the guest??? Tell me na....

Rk keeps his hand on pragya's forehead and checks her Temperature... Pragya glares and she smacks his hands angrily...

Rk: You okay na lolly... Nothing wrong with you right...

Pragya: what the hell... Rk, before I kill you tell me who is that???

Rk, sid and madhu shouts in chorus:

Who else lolly... Its our idol and inspiration Abhishek prem mehra...

Pragya spits out the water she is drinking and shouts
"whaatttt 😨😨😨😨"


So, what's gonna happen next???

What will pragya do now???

Will pragya and abhi's marriage secret revealed to her friends???

Will abhi accepts to come as chief guest for pragya's college function???

Will it be easy for pragya to convince abhi???

What will pragya do in abhi's office as all knows her pretty well ???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

As usual a long update of 2550+ words...

Sorry for typing errors and grammatical mistakes ,  if any... I have not proof read....

Cast your votes and pen down your views without fail...


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



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