68. How I gonna face this issue ???

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A quick report of Loving husband:

Chapters completed: 67

Total chapters: 100 (probably)

Max. Votes: 140 votes
(Max. Votes for  a single chapter)

Total votes: 7600+ votes...

Total reads: 66,600+ reads...


So all are excited to read :

what is Pragya gonna do now???
what is going to be Abhi's reaction for being the chief guest???
will Abhi accept it easily or not??? whether Abhi and Pragya's marriage truth is revealed to Pragya's friends or not???

All are eager to know the answers right...

Shall we peep in to know further...

Shot. 68:

When Rk, Madhu and Sid informed Pragya (lolly) that the chief guest for annual day function is going to be their idol Abhishek prem Mehra, Pragya's eyes popped out... She spits the water she is drinking and shouts as whaattttt... 😱😱😱😱

All blinks their eyes and wonders why pragya is reacting, as if she has heard something undigestable... The trio were expecting that their lolly will squeal in happiness knowing their idol's name as chief guest ....

But , they are terribly confused with Pragya's reaction on hearing Abhi's name and the way she reacts is somewhat odd to them... They look at Pragya blankly...

Rk: Lolly what happened to you today sweet heart??? Something is wrong with you today...

Pragya: Oh.. nothing like that Rk... I'm fine... Sudden shock... So I reacted like this...

Sid: Hey lolly... You okay na.. shall we check with the doctor...

Pragya: Guys... Relax... you two are over reacting and exaggerating everything... Nothing happened to me... Im absolutely fine...

Madhu: But why am I finding something fishy in your behavior lolly??? Aren't you happy with the fact that our idol, our role model
Mr. Abhishek Mehra is probably going to  come as our guest...

Pragya: You have gone completely insane Madhu... Why will I not be happy ??? Isn't it our honour to have such an inspiring person in our midst??? That too my inspiration, Abhishek prem mehra...  (Says dreamily)

Im also damn eager to meet him... What a man!!! Im thrilled and excited...  But how are we going to meet him and how we gonna convince him guys???

Is it going to be easy for us to make him accept to do that??? 😱😱😱😱... How are we going to get permission to enter his office??? Will we get appointment to meet him??? My head is spinning....

Pragya's makes a puppy face and asked innocently as if she doesn't know about abhi at all... Pragya perfectly reacted as if she is also eager to meet her idol ... 

All forgets the reaction of pragya completely and surrendered to her puppy looks and dreamy talks... They start to discuss about the plans on how to get into abhi's office and  convince him...

Pragya sighs with relief that she escaped from her friends without any physical damage... But a smile creeps in her face  uncontrollably knowing that her loving husband abhi is going to be their guest and she is very eager to see how abhi is honoured and praised by everyone....

But pragya is quite tensed and nervous that how will be abhi going to react for this and how they will make him get convinced... Pragya knows very well that abhi wont mix up his personal life with his profession...

Though abhi being a loving husband will do anything for his fuggy but pragya feels really awkward to misuse her rights as his wife and she doesn't know what to do at that time...

The college gets over and the four friends planned to go to Abhi's office the next day... Arjun and Aaliya notices tension in pragya's face when she enters the car...

Arjun: Pragya di what happened??? Why are you tensed??? You are fine right...

Aaliya: Bhabhi... Didn't abhi bhai called you???

Pragya: Ajju... Im fine.. Aalu dont you know your bhai is protesting these days and giving me his silent treatment...

Aaliya: Haan.... Haan... Too much silent treatment na bhabhi 😉😉😉😉... He will feed you, hug you, kiss you, care for you, text you but you will say he is protesting na... Too bad bhabhi ...

Pragya blushes too hard and she knows pretty well that its not going to easily escape from aaliya's teasings..

Arjun: Pragya di... Leave that... Tell me why are you tensed all of a sudden??? Is anything bothering you...  Swear on jiju... Spit out the truth...

Pragya: Arjun... Our college's annual day function is coming up in ten days... As the college event organizers and students council members Rk, sid , madhu and myself was given a big task...

Don't know how we gonna do that... Really im nervous and tensed... We want to bring him for sure... We don't want our college to miss such an inspiring personality...

Aaliya: 😂😂😂😂 Bhabhi... Such a simple thing... Why are you bothering this much...

The great Abhishek Mehra's lovable wife, pragya Abhishek mehra can do anything very easily... Don't worry bhabhi... You will do it...

Pragya: Not so easily aaliya... We are given a task to convince the chief guest... Don't know how we gonna enter his office, meet him and get permission and all... Huh... Impossible...

Arjun: Such a silly matter... But why you are saying as if you gonna break a big mountain... 😂😂😂😂...

Di..  Just go and inform your loving husband... He will do that easily for you... Who the hell dare to say no to Abhishek Mehra???

Pragya: Aalu... Ajju... You two are not understanding it clearly... Its my loving husband, abhi who is going to be the chief guest for this function...

Arjun and Aaliya bursts out into laughter irking pragya to the core...

Pragya: What so funny in this hun???

Aaliya: Oh my god!!!! 😂😂😂😂... Seriously bhabhi... The real fun gonna start now only ... All the best bhabhi.. Its going to be a tough task for you... 😂😂😂😂...

Bhai will demand a lot from you... (Whispers) Just seduce your loving husband bhabhi... Your problem willbe solved...

Pragya: Aaliya 😬😬😬😬... Dont scare me like this... Im already tensed... Im nervous to face my idol Abhishek mehra... See im feeling like having fever too... 😱😱😱😱

Arjun: Di... This is too much... If you say this to jiju or to anyone in our family, all will laugh... Don't be silly di... Go and say to jiju... He will accept for sure...

Pragya: How can I explain you guys??? I cant misuse my rights as his wife... Moreover, there is a cold war going on between me and abhi...

See Im not going to give up to him easily... I know he will use this very brilliantly...  Now Im badly trapped... God has to save me...


Pragya is in a complete dilemma whether to spit out the matter to abhi or not... She eagerly waits for abhi to come home but to his displeasure abhi has not called her or even he didn't come home too on the time he used to come always...

Later that night, pragya is hell angry on abhi as his number is out of range and he didn't turn up too... She keeps on scolding abhi seeing his photo...

Time starts to move on... Pragya really misses abhi's presence in the room.. Its quite late night, abhi has not yet reached home ... Pragya's eyes welled up automatically...

Suddenly, pragya was encircled was by a strong hand in her waist... Pragya who is drowning in misery is hell furious with the sudden attack and the sensual nuzzle in her neck boils her nerves to the core...

She pushed him with all her might and barges on him in anger..  She pulled his collars and glares at him angrily...

  Pragya: You idiot.... 😠😠😠😠.... How dare you to do this to me????
I will kill you...

Pragya beats abhi angrily... Abhi tries to control his fuggy but it didn't worked out... He closes his eyes and kept mum until pragya's anger subsidies...

Abhi is startled as he feels wetness in his chest all of a sudden... Pragya is crying vigorously clutching his shirt... Abhi couldn't understand what makes pragya to react like this...

Abhi: Hey.... my baby doll... What happened to you??? Why are you crying like this??? Am I at fault???

I thought you will be sleeping soundly but you are fighting with me and now crying... What's this fuggy darling??

Pragya: 😭😭😭😭 youuu... 😭😭😭... Idiot... Why you didn't attend my call??? Where were you all these time???

Don't you know that your fuggy will get tensed... Cant you inform me about your whereabouts???

Abhi: Seriously fuggy... My dumbo girl... Check your phone properly... Iv messaged you that I will be late today as Iv important work in office and also will be in hospital as some important tests are to be taken for purab...

I texted you all these... Didn't you checked your mobile??? The range was very poor there and my mobile's battery too drained out... Sorry I couldn't call you...

Pragya: Sorry abhi... I was angry on you so I deleted the messages without reading... My mistake... I over reacted na...

Abhi: Yeah... You are overreacting now a days... Will punish you soon for this fuggy... Go and sleep now sweetheart... Iv to do some presentation work and I will sleep later...

Pragya: Oh... Can you be with me till I sleep??? Please abhi...

Abhi smiles: Sure my love... Anything for you... Let me freshen up and come....

Abhi makes pragya to lie on his lap... As its quite late, pragya drifted to sleep within few minutes forgetting to inform the matter to abhi... Abhi too makes pragya to lie comfortably on the bed...

He covers her with duvet and kisses her forehead... He started to do his incomplete works and drifted to sleep later...


Pragya is completely restless as she has not informed to abhi about their visit to his office... As abhi has an early meeting, he left earlier to office and also left a note saying that his mobile will be switched off as he has back to back meetings....

Pragya doesn't know how to avoid going to abhi's office... She knows pretty well that they cant meet abhi if they try too....

Pragya enters the class nervously... Sid, Rk and madhu enters the class happily chit chatting with each other..

Rk: Hey lolly... You look stunning darling... Guys, see our lolly gonna impress our Abhishek sir for sure...

Pragya: Rkkkk.... 😠😠😠😠

Rk: peace peace... Cool down...

Sid: Hey guys... Jokes apart... Iv got permission from our principal and head of the department too... We will attend just 2 classes and will start to Abhishek sir's office..

Madhu: oohoo... I'm thrilled and excited guys... My long term dream to see our idol Abhishek Mehra gonna come true today... This is going to be the best day of my life... What say lolly????

Pragya: yeah... Me too...

Pragya couldn't concentrate in the classes too... The two hours she hardly hears what the lecturer teaches... Her mind is completely occupied by her abhi only... She is thinking how to meet abhi but nothing strikes her mind....



Rk, sid, madhu and pragya comes out of the cab and stands in front of the mighty Mehra Group of Companies.... All are awestruck to see such a stylish and huge office...

Pragya is jumping inwardly and feeling proud of her loving husband Abhi... The excitement, the way her friends appreciates and admires her husband makes her to feel proud of her husband and she feels as if she is flying in air....

Rk: Huh... What to do now???

Sid: Lets do one thing Rk... Im damn sure, the receptionist will be a girl... We two can go inside and let the girls be here itself ..

Just smile at the receptionist Rk .. The receptionist will collapse at the first instance itself and I too can make her go flat... Our charms gonna work today...

Madhu grits her teeth in anger and gave a dead glare on them and curses Rk a lot... Pragya twists both sid and Rk's ears with full rage...

Rk: Ouch... Its paining... Leave me lolly... This stupid sid said everything but you are punishing me too...

Pragya: Don't act idiot... I saw how your face glowed when sid said that... We came here to meet Abhishek sir and not for any other stupid things like this...

Sid: Try to understand lolly... Just we can try na... Please.... If it works out, it will be easy for us to get inside na....

Pragya: Alright... then take madhu along with you... I will be here outside...

Rk: This is not done...

Pragya: Im not letting you two without Madhu... Take Madhu with you... Its my order....

Pragya and Madhu hi-fies and shows thumbs down to Rk and Sid... They hung their heads down as their attempt to flirt with the receptionist back fired....

They enters the office nervously... Time starts to move on... Pragya is completely tensed and is very eager to know what's going on insidw... She also prays that none of the staffs should over react on seeing her....


Abhi is completely busy in back to back meetings... He didn't had breakfast too and is hell tired.... He is having severe head ache and he lies on the office chair completely exhausted....

Just then Abhi's p.a. Nishi Nishabhigya knocks abhi's room...

Abhi yells: What do you want nishi??? I said na not to disturb me...

Nishi: Sirrr...  Is it possible for you to spare some time???? Some college students came to meet you... I said them that you are busy but they are hell adamant not to move without meeting you....

Abhi : Don't irritate me nishi... im hell tired... Im not in a mood to meet anyone... Ask them to go from here... Allow me to take some rest...

If you want to continue in this office, Don't disturb me anymore nishi... Or else you will be fired...

Abhi shouts out angrily on his p.a nishi... The sleepless night, the tiredness, the back to back meetings, heavy works makes abhi to sulk and become cranky a lot and he loses his cool and temper....

Nishi literally ran away from Abhi's room vowing not to let the college students to enter the office... Abhi badly want to be with his fuggy so that his mind will be at peace...

Pragya on the other hand is looking at abhi's room from outside the building and is worrying a lot on how will the things turn up.... Abhi who is not aware of his fuggy's presence in office starts to miss his fuggy a lot....

So, what's gonna happen next???

Will the four friends able to meet abhi and convince him???

Will abhi accept to be the chief guest???

What is pragya going to do now???

What will be the staffs reaction after seeing pragya???

What is going to be abhi's reaction on seeing his fuggy???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

A long update of 2575+ words...

Sorry for grammatical mistakes and typing errors, if any, as its not edited...

Cast your votes and pen down your views..


Yours buddy,


Signing off

Will be


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