69. Arrogant businessman vs Attitude queen...

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Thanks for the love and support...

So all are eager to know na what's going to happen in abhi's office...

Many texted and messaged me to update this story...

Sorry guys... My fever is the reason for the delay and I'm sorry for making you all wait for long...

One more thing as I always say, don't expect me to update only your favorite stories.... All my stories are equally important to me and I always prefer to update the highly voted stories first or in the order of the time gap I posted the update...

Some people are not at all commenting how my update is but they want me to update soon... Huh... No comments on this people and also to the stubborn silent readers....

Your response will make the stories to publicly visible and Don't scold me if I made it private or there is delay in updates and don't pressure me to give updates asap.....

No more bak baks...

Lets move to shot. 69:

Rk, Sid and Madhu enters the mighty Mehra group of companies... The classy reception itself makes them nervous and they prayed to god that their work should be done without any interruptions...

They are tensed very badly and approached the receptionist.... They tried a lot to convince the receptionist but their tricks didn't work on her...

Rk and Sid smirks and starts to flirt with her and praises her a lot.... Madhu is highly irritated because of their flirting but she kept mum, as they have to meet their idol Abhishek Mehra at any cost... The receptionist finally agrees to help them...

Receptionist: See... As you all are asking, I can help you... But to say the truth, Abhishek sir is very busy... He dont meet anyone without prior appointments too...

I can suggest you to meet sir's p.a. Nishi and only she can make it possible to make you all meet sir ...
I hope she can help you to meet sir if all goes well.... Lets hope for the best....

Rk, Sid and Madhu waits for Nishi and meets her... They explains how important is the meeting of Abhi to them... They literally begged and asked her to help them with all her might...

Nishi: I don't know what to say.... I will try my level best ... But to say the truth, sir is really very busy with many important meetings today...

Only, if sir permits you can meet him... Or else you shouldn't trouble us... Let me see whether you guys have luck today or not...

The trio were waiting tensedly for Nishi to come soon with a positive reply... They are very shocked to see Nishi coming up there with a pale and horrified face...

Sid: What happened Nishi madam??? Did Abhishek sir agreed to meet us???

Rk: I told you na Sid... You only scared us... Oohoo... We gonna meet our idol at last....

Madhu: Oh no... How am I going to talk to Abhishek sir... I'm very nervous and tensed.... Let's call our Lolly... This is going to be our most blessed day....

Nishi: I'm so sorry guys... Hold on to your excitement... Abhishek sir is not in a mood to meet anyone today.... I'm helpless and you guys can leave now....

Madhu: Nishi ma'm... what are you saying??? Please... We can't go empty handed... Please do help us...

Nishi: Guys try to understand... I can't help you anymore... Sir is in a foul mood and he is having back to back meetings too .. Only miracles can happen to make you all to meet sir today...

Please, you guys can leave now... I can't try and I'm sorry to say please don't come here again as it will make us to get fired from job too... So, can you please leave...

Rk, Sid and Madhu gasps in shock and they bend their head down in defeat as their attempts to meet Abhishek mehra is a big failure... They are really worried as to what they will say in college....


Pragya is standing outside the office expecting for her friends to say the happy news... Though pragya is highly irritated as abhi's mobile is switched off for a long time, she is uncontrollably smiling and blushing to see the reaction of her loving husband as she has worn àbhi's favourite dress...

Pragya is stocked to the core when Rk, sid and Madhu comes out with a dull and defeated face.... Pragya sighs and walks towards them....

Pragya: What happened buddies??? Did you guys got permission???

Madhu: No... Lolly... Abhishek sir is busy it seems... We can't meet him...

Rk: All plans collapsed... Huh...

Sid: Today we are going to be a laughing stock in front of our college.... 😱😱😱😱...

Pragya: we can try again guys... We shouldn't lose hope...

Rk: Yes... We can try again... We all went and tried our luck... Now its your turn... Go lolly...

Pragya: Whaatttt....😨😨😨😨... Meeee... No ways....

Sid: Please lolly... You are always our lucky charm... Go and try once... At least for our sake... Please...

Pragya reluctantly agrees and enters inside the office... The receptionist is startled to see pragya entering the office with a death glare towards her....

Receptionist stammers: Go... Good... Good morning madam...

Pragya with full attitude: Its almost 11.45... so technically its afternoon.... Not morning...

Receptionist: Oops... sorry madam...

Pragya: May I know who the hell send my friends out??? Where is nishi??? Where is your Abhishek sir??? Call him right now....

The receptionist is hell scared with the cold tone of pragya and she dials nishi to come soon .. Nishi runs hurriedly and stands before pragya with a tensed face....

Nishi's pov.:

Oh no.... Mummyyyy... Im going to be dead today... One side Abhishek sir... One side pragya madam... Nishi... Your job is swinging in air.... God save you from these two... 😢😢😢😢😢

Nishi: Hello pragya ma'm... How are you??? Nice to meet you after a long time ma'm...

Pragya: Nishi.... Im not in a mood to talk now... Where is your boss Abhishek Mehra??? What the hell he is doing here hun???? Why his mobile is switched off...

Nishi: Ma'm... Sir is in his cabin only... He is hell tired after the meetings and he asked me not to disturb him or else he warned me that I will be fired from my job... 😢😢😢😢

Pragya: That's not my problem nishi.... I want to meet him with my friends... Go and inform him that pragya has came with her friends for some college matter....

Arrange the meeting right now and no one should behave as if you all know me... Inform this to your sir too.... Got it...

And you ... (turns to receptionist) Go and bring my friends inside.... Goooo....

Pragya shouts echoes the whole place... Nishi sweats and runs hurriedly ... Pragya giggles on seeing the effect of her tone... Rk, sid and Madhu are amazed and they starts to praise pragya a lot...

Pragya: I told you all right... Nothing is impossible for this pragya.... Just wait and watch.... We are going to get permission for sure....


Abhi is completely pissed off and is sulking as he had to attend a meeting in a couple of hours.... He is annoyed and he just want to go and be with his wife pragya....

Abhi sighs as he knows pretty well that pragya will be in college and busy with her lectures.... He is completely in mood off and he needs his fuggy's presence badly at that time...

Abhi opens his laptop and he opens a folder which has all the cute photos of his fuggy's silly antics and he starts to watch the videos with their happy and romantic moments....


Abhi is highly annoyed on hearing the knock at his door interrupting his peaceful mind.. Abhi blasts angrily on seeing his p.a. Nishi standing over there at the door...

Abhi: Get out before I fire you nishi....

Nishi: Sir... Vo... Vo... Its an emergency sir...

Abhi: Emergency.. My foot... 😬😬😬😬.... What the hell is your problem nishi... why are you hell adamant to irritate me again and again... Allow me to be in peace for sometime..

Nishi blurts out: Sorry sir.... Pragya madam wants to meet you right now... The college students are her friends it seems... She said some college matter....

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂... Really... Pragya is here hun.. How am I looking to you Nishi??? Am I looking like a fool???

If pragya wants to meet me, she would have informed me or called me... Just don't annoy me and get out before you say a final goodbye to this office....

Nishi: I swear sir... Pragya madam is in the reception only... She is angry on you as your mobile is also switched off and she wants the meeting to take place asap and she also asks no one to behave as we all know her....

Abhi: Shiittttt.... Im gone today... How did I forget to switch on the mobile... Huh... Nishi... Do one thing... Go and bring everyone here... But do what I say okay... 🔇🔇🔇🔇🔇..

Nishi's eyes popped out and she doesn't know what to say to pragya ... She hurries to the reception huffing and panting....

Rk: Nishi madam... Is there is any positive response from Abhishek sir???

Nishi: ye... Yes... come with me...

Pragya badly wants to know what did abhi said to her.... But she cant ask anything before her friends and she couldn't guess anything from nishi's tensed face....

Nishi asked them to be seated in a private room and ask them to wait for sometime.... Pragya is highly annoyed as they are waiting for more than half an hour...

She excuses her friends that she needs to use restroom and she stealthily barges into abhi's room without anyone's knowledge....

Pragya is furious as abhi is sitting calmly and watching the videos with the bright smile in his face without considering the fact they are waiting for a long time to meet him.. Pragya barges on abhi and holds his collar in anger....

Abhi with a teasing tone: Hey miss.... Who are you???? What do you want and what are you doing in my cabin??? Who gave you permission to enter my cabin????

Pragya: Youuuu... 😬😬😬😬.... Irritating idiot... You are purposely doing it na...

Abhi: No... Not at all miss... Im not in a mood to meet anyone... see Im very busy you know... You guys have to wait to meet me unless I get cooled down or else your work can't be done...

Pragya: What the hell are you doing???

Abhi: Im watching my darling's video.... cant you see that...

Pragya: video... My foot... 😠😠😠... You will regret for this Mr. Mehra....

Abhi: Ahaan... So Im Mr. Mehra now... Okay... Its you guys who needs my favour and not me.. If you want , wait or you guys can leave...

Pragya: My mistake... I thought my loving husband abhi is here... But here Im seeing the arrogant business man Abhishek Mehra... Sorry for disturbing you sir... I regret coming here with my friends.. you continue watching video.. we will leave..

Pragya walks angrily but she gasps in shock as abhi twirls her and holds her from back... He buries his face in pragya's hair and starts to nuzzle her neck sensually...

He kisses pragya's cheeks lovingly and pulls her on his lap... He hugs her tightly and starts to shower her with kisses making pragya to moan uncontrollably...

Abhi: Now tell me my baby doll.. Too much angry and showing attitude to me and threatening all na... Say who am I??? Your loving husband abhi or the arrogant businessman Abhishekh mehra...

Pragya: Mr. Mehra... can you please behave properly... You cant take advantage of my condition... Im seeing the businessman only here...

Abhi: Huh.. So you didn't came as my fuggy or my darling wife or my baby right??? You came as Pragya only...

Pragya: Literally speaking yes... I came here as college general secretary Pragya only along with my college chairman Sid, cultural secretary RK and joint secretary Madhu... They are my close buddies...

Abhi: So official visit right... hmmm... okay... Atleast tell me what brings you all here???

Pragya: Mr.mehra... I know it's unprofessional to inform you before my college chairman speaks with you... so ...

Abhi: Alright madam..  You can go now.. I just want to calm down myself as I had a hectic day today... My baby doll, my fuggy, my wife is behaving so formally with me and didn't care whether I had food or not...

Atleast I wish to watch her photos for sometime as Im badly missing her and she is hell adamant not to get intimate or talk with me sweetly.. huh..

sorry for sharing my private matters to you... Will call you in few minutes... you can leave please...

Pragya gets up from abhi's lap with a teasing smirk but before she goes out abhi twirls her and gave a quick and teasing kiss in her lips... pragya is completely startled with the sudden assault and she blinks her eyes and she couldn't understand when she came out...

Pragya sits with her friends and is waiting for abhi to call them... Nishi came and informs them that abhi want to meet them..

All enters abhi's cabin and they get introduced with abhi.. sid introduces everyone to abhi and abhi shooks hands with them... when pragya's turns comes, sid introduces pragya as his no.1 fan...

Abhi smiles brightly and sensually touches pragya in the name of hand shake... Pragya cant resist the intense gaze of her loving husband and she is controlling hard as abhi is teasing her by sensually touching her legs...

Sid: Abhishek sir... We need your presence in our midst sir... Our whole college is eagerly waiting for you presence sir... Please sir... Do consider our invitation...

Abhi: I understand Mr. Sid... But to be frank, Iv never went to any such college programs... Why not you guys contact someone better than me???

Madhu: Sir... No one will be a perfect guest than you sir... Please sir... Lolly... Say na please....

Abhi: Lolly... What sort of name is this??? You said some other name right... What's your name????  I forget it....

Pragya throws daggers through her eyes : my name is pragya... My buddies call me lolly out of love ...

Abhi: Ohhh.... Nice... I used to call my wife as fuggy and most of the times as baby....

Rk: Wow... What a love... Heard a lot about you sir n also about your marriage too... We came to know that your wife is also studying...

Abhi: Yes .. My fuggy is also in final year like you... She is way too studious and I know she will crack the university rank for sure....

Madhu: don't mistake me sir.... But we are confident that no one can get the university rank other than our lolly....

Abhi: Hmm... So much confidence on your friend...  Not bad... But I know pretty well that no one can near my fuggy and im damn sure my fuggy will be the university topper.... What say Miss. Pragya???

Pragya: Let's see sir... Whether Im going to get the university rank or your wife gets it....

Sid: Sorry sir for lolly and madhu's rude talks...  Please dont say no to us for their behaviours sir.... I apologise to you on their behalf sir....

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂.... Nice friendship... I like it.... But Im very confident that no one can near my fuggy for sure....

Rk: We have time for the exams sir... Lets talk about that later sir...  But before that, what's your reply for us sir...

All looks at abhi expectingly... Pragya pleads through her eyes asking abhi to say yes... Abhi just smiles and takes his mobile and types something with a mischievous smile creeping in his face....

Pragya gasps in shock seeing the message and abhi raises his brow to get his fuggy's response... just then madhu gasps in shock and shouts hardly....

So, what's going to happen next???

What did abhi texted his fuggy and what is going to be pragya's reply  for that???

Will abhi say yes or no??

Why did madhu shouted???

Will abhigya's marriage came to limelight before her friends????

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

As usual came up with a very long update....

Words used: 2800+

Not proof read...

Sorry for typing errors and grammatical mistakes, if any...

Cast your votes, pen down your reviews n comments....


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be


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