70. Love increases with naughty teasings...

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New year... 

New beginning....

May all get the happiness they wish for with d almighty's wonderful blessings....

Can my year start without updating loving husband... No right...

So, I'm happy to begin my year with the biggest happiness.... Im in cloud nine.... Feeling like Im flying in air...

Double damaka happiness buddies and all happened because of all your love and support ....

Two big records set again by this story and all credits goes to all my lovely readers...

This story wouldn't have achieved this much bigger without all your love and support....

Thank you each and everyone who has read, voted, commented and added this story on your reading list....

Thank you so much for the overwhelming response throughout this lovely journey and I hope this continues further too till I finish off this story...

So, wanna know what's the biggest benchmarks crossed by this story...

Very happy to inform you all that this story has become my first ever story to cross 70,000+  reads....

Moreover,  "Loving Husband" has become my first ever story to cross 8000+ votes with a maximum of 143 votes to its credit....

Thanks again for all the support....

Dedicating this chapter to every single reader of this story and also to the birthday baby Akshaya_Kannan.... Happy birthday Akshu... May god bless you with all happiness....


Again I did it... Oohooo....
No one guessed correctly why Madhu screamed...


So, lets move to our 70th chapter without further adieu:

Pragya is fidgeting her shawl worriedly as the intense gaze of her loving husband abhi is making her senses to go haywire... She is worried that she shouldn't over react before her friends at any cost....

Pragya's pov.:

Oh my goodness... Abhiiiii... What are you doing man??? Dont do this to me abhi.... You are such a tease my boy... Its my mistake that I worn your favourite dress and I completely forget that my loving husband is way too naughty....

Huh... Please abhi... Don't create havocs in my body like this... Im losing all my self control... 😱😱😱😱...  God... Save me... I shouldn't blurt out anything before my friends... 

Pragya comes out of her trance when Rk shooks her shoulders....

Rk: Lolly... My doll... You are fine na...

Pragya: Yeah... Im good... Don't overreact Rk... See Abhishek sir is staring us as if we are some aliens....

Abhi: No... No... Its not like that Miss. Pragya.... Im just thinking... How would I have reacted if anyone calls my wife like this with pet names... That's all...

Madhu: sir you mean to say you will rip him into pieces...

Sid: Why what's the problem madhu??? Even I will do the same...

Abhi: That's right... I hate anyone calling my fuggy with  pet names... Even I wont allow anyone in my family to call her like that as I want the whole copy rights only to me because she is only mine...

Pragya understands the clear jealousy and possessiveness creeping in abhi's face.... Pragya makes a naughty smirk and traces her legs on abhi's legs making abhi to gasp in shock...

Sid: what happened sir... Are you okay??

Abhi: yeah Im fine.... I think something has crushed my legs...

Pragya gasps in shock as Abhi blurts out the matter and a teasing smile on his face irks pragya to the core....

Pragya: Sid... See its getting late... Why not you ask Abhishek sir whether he is coming to our college or not?? I know he won't say no to us....

Sid: Sir... What's your decision sir.... Are we blessed enough to have your presence in our midst sir....

Abhi: Hold on guys... Let me think.... I don't take any decisions without consulting my darling wife... Let me ask her and inform you okay.... If her answer is yes, I will say yes for sure ..

Abhi texts something to pragya... Abhi gestures pragya to answer his message... Pragya stealthily looks at her mobile and her eyes popped out on seeing abhi's naughty and peculiar demand to say yes...

Pragya grits her teeth in anger and before she answers to abhi's message, madhu screams harder making everyone to turn her attention towards her... The lover boy in Rk popped out all of a sudden...

Rk: What happened madhu??? You are fine na...

Madhu: Oh... Huh...  Nothing Rk... Lolly... Lolly... What's that in your neck??? Did anything bite you??? How you got wounded that too like this???

Pragya couldn't understand what is madhu saying... Just then she realizes that its the naughty play of her loving husband abhi... She touches the love bite with clear irritation and abhi's naughty smile makes pragya to boil like a volcano....

Pragya: Nothing to get panic madhu... I think a big mosquito 😬😬😬😬 has bite me when I went to washroom .. If I get that in my hand, I will smash it and that's the last day of the mosquito....

Abhi: Oh my god!!! You are so violent Miss. Pragya.... Poor mosquito.... Allow it to live peacefully na... May be it has loved you so much that it gets out of control and bite you like this...

Pragya / madhu: whattttt... (Both the girls screams aloud)

Sid: Oye drama queens... Will you two keep quiet and allow me to do my work... Sir... What did your wife said??? Is it an yes...

Abhi: You are proving sid that you are a nice leader... Good job man... Keep it up... Im agreeing to come as a chief guest to your college but on one condition.... If you guys agree to that,  I will surely come...

Rk: Wow... Its amazing sir... We will do what you say sir....

Abhi: Nothing much...  Have lunch with me as Im really annoyed with these meetings... Moreover, my fuggy always says that the guests should be treated well... So can you all join me for lunch???

Madhu: Really sir... Oh my god!!!! This is the best day ever... Hey lolly that's so nice of Abhishek sir na...

Pragya nods her head but she didn't reacted much as she is highly irritated with abhi's doings... Abhi asks his p.a. nishu to arrange for the lunch in his private dining room where abhi honours his important business delegats...

When they were about to enter the lift to go to the dining hall, abhi purposely distracted them and abhi and pragya are left alone in his private lift as he badly need to spend some naughty time with his fuggy...

When the lift closes pragya starts to hit abhi in full rage ... Abhi didn't reacted much as he is keenly looking at pragya's luscious lips with full of passion and love..

Before pragya protests, abhi pulls her closer and  grabs her lips as gently as he can.... Pragya starts to melt in abhi's soul taking kiss and the love over powers there making her to forget what is going on...


Pragya blinks her eyes when Madhu shooks her harder... She couldn't understand how she end up near the dining room... The teasing smile of abhi clearly explains pragya that its her loving husband's naughty doings....

In a short span of time, abhi made arrangements for a grand lunch... Pragya understands that abhi is doing everything to make her happy and she fell again in love with her loving husband more as he treats her friends very nicely....

After lunch all were overwhelmed with abhi's smiple gesture and they keep on praising him making abhi to feel really shy.... Pragya is beaming in happiness but she kept her face straight as if she is angry on abhi....

Abhi : Thanks for joining... Mr. Sid make sure the program to take place in week day as I dedicate my weekends only for my wife and she don't like me going out without spending time with her...

Moreover, I don't like this publicity and I value my privacy a lot...  This the first time Im agreeing for such programs as you all badly wishes that I have to come over there....

So, please make sure that you guys will consider my privacy and don't make me feel regret for agreeing ... Hope you all understand what I meant to say...

Sid: Ofcourse..  Don't worry sir... Trust me sir... I will take care of that.... Thank you so much sir for accepting our invitation and for the great lunch sir.... will make all the arrangements and let you know sir....

Abhi: You guys can contact my
P.A. Nishi regarding anything and she will help you for sure ... See you all soon...

All bids adieu and walks out of the room... Abhi pulls pragya without anyone's knowledge and kisses her deeply in her lips and let her go... Pragya is completely in the spell of abhi and abhi couldn't help as he bursts out into laughter seeing his lovely wife like that....


Rk, madhu, sid and pragya reaches the college and they informed the committee regarding abhi's decision and they stared to work on the arrangements in full swing....

Pragya is feeling very much proud of her husband as she knows pretty well that he has accepted to attend the function  only for her happiness....


Aaliya rushes hurriedly to go home as she forgets to see the time .... She doesn't want Arjun and pragya to wait for her... She runs hurriedly but dashes with Sid and she feels creepy on seeing sid before her and the way he is holding her...

Sid:  Aaliya are you okay...

Aaliya didn't say anything but she pulls her away from sid's grip and walks ahead without minding his presence .... Sid runs behind her and holds her hand.... Aaliya glares at sid and gets rid of her hand from him in fury....

Aaliya: How dare you to touch me??? I will kill you if you misbehave with me again... 😠😠😠😠😠

Sid: Aaliya please.... I agree I did a big mistake.... But please.... Dont punish me like this.... Its really hurting me.... I cant tolerate your ignorance... Please talk to me at least...

Aaliya: Why the hell I need to talk to you mister.... Who are you to me??? You are nothing to me... Did you get that... Leave me...

You will feel creepy and disgusted na to talk to a bitch like me.... Stay away from me or else your purity will get away from you....

Haan... Don't come before me like this.... I hate to see you around me... Dont try to show your heroism to me... This aaliya will never and ever forgive you.... Good bye....

Aaliya stomps her feet in anger and walks ahead.... Sid looks at aaliya longingly with tear stricken eyes.... Both didn't noticed that a pair of eyes has watched the entire scenario....


Abhi enters the home after finishing off all the meetings... He is grinning widely as he knows pretty well that a big drama is going to be done by his fuggy for sure...

He chuckles very hard and enters the house to see pragya complaining to dadi like a kid... Abhi understands that his plan is working pretty well and he sits on the couch as if nothing has happened....

Pragya: Dadiiii... Say to your grandson Im very much angry on him... Inform him that I wont forgive him for irking me like this...

Dadi: Haañ beta... You don't worry... I will ask him... Abhi beta... Why are you doing like this haan??? This is too bad... I didn't expected this from you...

I always thought my abhi is a matured person... But didn't know that you will behave like this... Really im irritated with your behavior abhi...

Abhi: Dadi why are you scolding me all of a sudden??? I didn't do anything... Its your bahu who did everything.... Not me...

Pragya whines: See dadi... I told you na... My husband is not at all loving me anymore... See how he is scolding me... He did everything and blaming me as if Im at fault... 😢😢😢😢😢

Aaliya comes there and sits near pragya and consoles her....

Aaliya: Too bad bhai... Why are scolding my bhabhi??? Didn't expected you will do like this....

Abhi: huh... What's going on here... So all are plotting against me na... God please save me..

Aaliya: Don't react as if you are scared bhai... We will come and see you in morning.... You two should patch up before that.... Correct na dadi...

Dadi: Yes... We are going to stay at hospital tonight with purab... I want you both to settle down your fights and patch up... Is that clear???

Pragya: Dadi... I will also come with you.... He will surely scold me as I've complained to you....

Dadi: No he wont do that.... Be with him... If he do any such things, call me.... I will come straight away and twist his ears okay....

Dadi and Aaliya walks out... Without pragya's knowledge, aaliya gave a thumbs up to abhi... Abhi smiles brightly as his plans are working as he expected....

Abhi orders Robin to serve dinner for them.... Abhi clearly understands that pragya is fuming in anger because of the stunts he pulled up irking her to the core.... The dinner is completely silent and both didn't talked anything and were busy in having their food only..

Pragya walks off to the tv hall after finishing the dinner... She didn't even spare to  have a look at abhi too.... Abhi smirks and whispers something in Robin's ears....

Abhi walks to his room without bothering about pragya and she is highly annoyed with abhi's cold attitude..... She starts to engross in watching tv without knowing that she is going to gasp in shock...


So, what's going to happen next???

What did abhi did to make pragya angry???

Who watched sid and Aaliya's fight??? Is it arjun or pragya???

Will abhigya's marriage be revealed to her friends???

Will it easy for pragya to behave normally when abhi is honouring the function as the chief guest????

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

Came up with a long update as usual...

Words used: 2400+

No time to proof read.... Sorry if there is any grammatical mistakes and typing errors, if any....

Cast your votes and pen down your views....

Yours buddy,


signing off....


Will be



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