71. All I know is to love you...

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Finally... I'm back with "Loving Husband"...

Yesterday (15-01-18) was a very worst day in my life... When I opened watty  to update this story, I was shocked to know that this story is completely missing in my profile...

My heart stopped its beatings and I cried like a maniac as Im not in a state to digest that my story is completely gone... I was blabbering the whole day madly and no one's consoling and comforting words reaches my deaf ears....

I felt a lot of pain in my heart as I can't tolerate my hardwork of
10 months gone just in a blink... The hard earned 73,000+ reads,
8300+ votes and 9000+ comments are completely gone...

I was in a state of a mother who carried the baby in her body, heart, mind and soul for 10 months and if the baby is snatched away from her without her knowledge, how much she would feel... I had gone through the same pain yesterday...

Even if I try too, I can't recreate the same magic and I can't pen down even a single line too which I wrote before... 70 chapters is a very big thing according to me and I can't do it again for sure, however hard I try....

Just one thing is clear for me... More than me, many liked this story a lot... All prayed for me and stood beside me in my hard time..
Really it means a lot to me... This is what this story has given me...

How many messages, how many consoling words, the love, the encouragement, the support and Im completely overwhelmed with the care you all showed towards me and my health....

Thanks to everyone who were with me in this hard day and rendered your whole hearted support to me... Special mention to my darling buddies who scolded me to have food and not to spoil my health by crying too much... Thanks for tolerating all my nonsense talks and Sorry buddies if I tortured you all a lot...

Atlast, God gave back my breath, my soul n my life to me yesterday night... After I get back this story only, I started to  breathe and after long hours of crying, I smiled atlast....

Thanks again for the love and support.... Really it means a lot to me....

Now shall we move to shot. 71:

Warning: Read at your own risk...

May contain some contents which is not suitable to your age....

Strictly no bashing is allowed....

Pragya is keenly engrossed in watching tv but her mind is running only behind her loving husband, who has left her abruptly after dinner and doing something in the room, without bothering about her presence too.. 

Now and then, her eyes wandered uncontrollably  to see whether her loving husband is there or not... She is highly irritated as Abhi is not at all coming out of the room and neither called her to come and sleep too..

Pragya's pov:

How dare is this Abhi???? 😬😬😬😬... He is annoying me too much today... How dare he to do this to me??? I will surely punish you for this Abhi...  😠😠😠😠

Why did this stupid husband of me, left me alone in the living room... Huh.. Why he is ignoring me like this??? What happened to my loving husband all of a sudden??? He is for real right...

Ouch... Stupid pragya you are not dreaming and Don't pull your hairs like this... Isn't it you are the one who have neglected him these days and not at allowing him to make love with you right.... 😱😱😱😱

Damn this mind and heart... Always favouring my loving husband abhi and even my wholeself is against me.... Aargh... Shut up you mind voice and run away before I kill you .. 

Yeah... I accept... I was the one who purposely irritated him saying that im giving him punishment for one month as he over reacted on the check up issue...

But all my plans backfired as he read what's in my mind very easily.... Pagal pragya... I think you blurted out everything, in your sleep loudly...

I was the one who planned everything to give punishment to him but a reverse is happening as he is the one teasing and seducing me all these days.... 😱😱😱😱😱....

He is making me desperate and horny but not at all doing anything beyond that... Aargh... He is purposely teasing me... Grrr... He has gone completely mad... Let me teach him what is to mess up with Pragya Abhishek mehra... 👿👿👿👿

Im not going to pay any heed to his words today... Im not going to the room too.. Let him sleep alone there hugging the pillow... Im going to sleep here only...

Stupid heart, mind and my body... Just stop irritating me and try to sleep... Chupppp... no talking or whining... If anyone of you irritate me saying that you need the magic pillow, I will turn mad and will beat you all black and blue... So shut up and sleep....

Pragya inwardly scolds herself and is trying to behave normal... Little did she know that she is talking everything aloud thinking that she is talking to herself....

Pragya is not aware that her loving husband Abhi is hearing everything from upstairs, hidingly... Abhi smiles and checks whether all the arrangements he has done in the room is perfect or not, for the final time....

Abhi descends down the stairs and pragya shows attitude and turns her face angrily... Abhi seductively touches pragya and kisses her soundly in her lips making pragya to lose her senses completely....

Pragya has closed her eyes to stop her uncontrollable heart beats and she can't control her senses getting hay wire with abhi's single seductive touch and the soul taking kiss which she misses nearly two months...

She knows that its an invitation from her husband to ask permission from her to make love... Pragya blushes too hard and twists her lips and opens her arms inviting abhi to proceed further but she is hell adamant not to open her eyes as she can't see the teasing smirk in abhi's lips...

Pragya is highly irritated and annoyed as she didn't find any further developments from abhi... She even cant feel abhi's magical smell near by her which creates havocs in her body and her mind wish to drown in it completely....

Pragya opens her eyes angrily and she didn't spot abhi any where in the living room... She blinks her eyes and looked around and she scolds herself for dreaming like this while awake....

Abhi is standing behind the pillar and is laughing clutching his stomach... He is vibrating very hard as he closes his mouth so that pragya wont hear his laughter. . Abhi just admires his fuggy who is looking very cute and appeaing to him in her angry bird mode....

Pragya is hell furious when she hears a whistle sound behind her... She turns and spots abhi standing behind the pillar whistling as if calling her... Pragya points towards her and gestures asking abhi whether abhi calling her..  Abhi winks and whistles and nods his head as yes...

Pragya barges on abhi angrily with all her might to beat him but she gasps in shock as abhi has started to touch pragya sensually making pragya's self control to lose completely... However hard she tries to resist, her body betrays and melts in her husband's love....

Pragya gave up as she starts to drown in the magical touch and heart melting kisses which her body carved all these days... She smiles when abhi carries her in his arms protectively and takes her to their room...

Pragya's lips curved to a bright smile and she couldn't control her cheeks turning red on seeing the bedroom being decorated beautifully with rose petals, scented candles, balloons similar to the set up of their suhagraat...

Abhi back hugs pragya and nuzzles her neck slowly, deeply, passionately, romantically and sensually... He bites her earlobes softly and pragya cant control her hormones jumping here and there....

Abhi twirls pragya and turns her and cups her face lovingly...

Abhi: Baby can we???? Is it okay for you??? If not, tell me... I will wait till your punishment time ends...

Pragya: 😠😠😠😠 why not I kill you for talking like this??? Idiot... You are purposely teasing me na... Stop irritating me abhi and if you do anything annoying me, then I will rip you into ashes 😬😬😬😬...

Abhi: Okay.... Okay... Cool cool... Sorry baby for teasing you too much today... Are you angry on me still??? Dadi and Aaliya called and scolded me a lot today and they are hell adamant to see smile in your face in the morning....

Seriously, I don't know what to do to cool down your anger baby... What I know is to love you only and I  planned to drown you completely in my love....

Still you have time baby... Its your decision which is going to be final... Your abhi wants only your happiness and Im ready to wait until you wholeheartedly wishes to do it...

Before abhi continues further, pragya places her lips on abhi's lips as if conveying her loving husband that she is ready for that and all she want now is to be completely filled with his love....

Both part apart after a very long sweet encounter which shows how much they are madly in love with each other and how they carve for the closeness between them...

There is nothing which can become a hurdle between them and separate them who loves, respects, trusts and supports each other whole heartedly....

Abhi twirls pragya and brings her to the table where he has placed pragya's favourite choco cake with abhi and pragya's smiling faces beautifully engraved on it...

Pragya can't control her blushing smile to see the words "Can we??? " Engraved in the side with small letters which shows how abhi being a living husband expects her reply in this simple thing too... pragya fells more and more in love with her abhi for this romantic approach...

Pragya cuts the cake and feeds abhi... Abhi smirks and pulls pragya closer and feeds the cake to her through his lips.... The naughty husband abhi is in full form teasing pragya with his choco cream filled lips and pragya is enjoying the cake along with her husband's delightful flavour too...

Slowly the a/c filled room turns to get way too hot with the hormonal fire raging and thundering heavily between the two passionate and mad lovers abhi and pragya who are away from each other for a long time...

Each and every touch of abhi is making pragya to feel blissful and their hot breaths starts to mingle passionately making the room to echo with husky and s**y moans...

The air in the room starts to fill with love, love and love only making the couples not to make any distance between them... They don't want even their dresses too to create the gaps in their intimacy and they love each other to the fullest after a very long time...


Abhi groans irritatingly as the alarm hits his ears spoiling his beautiful sleep and he jerks up and switches the alarm off so that his little baby wife pragya is not disturbed from her sleep...

Abhi admires his fuggy's sleeping form with full of love and he can't resist himself from kissing her... Abhi grins widely as the kiss is being reciprocated fully by his lady love...

Abhi: Great start for a morning na baby..  😉😉😉😉

Pragya: yes.. 😊😊😊... Naughty morning with a dirty kiss...

Abhi: Ahaan... But seriously saying baby, I missed this naughtiness of you these days... Fuggy... You don't feel any pain right.... Did I hurt you sweetheart???

Pragya: How much time will you repeat this abhi??? From night you are asking me this... Im fine abhi..  Dont worry...

Abhi: Fuggy..  Iv completely forgotten to ask you... I like your buddies so much... How much they care and love you??? Really Im feeling jealous of them fuggy... I can't be beside you as a friend to support, encourage and be with you during college na...

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂... My hubby wants to be my college mate haan.... not bad... You are always in my heart, mind, body and soul and why are you thinking that you can't be with me...

Abhi: aww.... Baby you are making me to get goose bumps... Love you so much fuggy.... Im lucky to have you in my life...

Fuggy... Why not we say about our marriage secret to your friends alone.... Why to hide it from them???

Pragya: We can say them but not now .. That too I don't want them to find out that you have accepted to come as chief guest to make me happy...

Abhi: Hoye... Who said so like that??? I accepted it on my own will....

Pragya: My cutie pie .. You don't know even to lie too... Better luck next time my handsome hunk... 😉😉😉...

Pragya winks and rushes to washroom... She never forgets to pull abhi inside after sometime to have their romantic moments under the showers too...


As pragya wished to see her parents sarla and mohan arora, abhi drives towards pragya's home as its a holiday for pragya... The aroras welcome abhigya very happily and sarlama starts to prepare food for their kids...

Arjun and bulbul are there in the hospital with purab along with aaliya and dadi...  Abhi played chess with mohan while pragya helped her mother sarla to prepare abhi's favourite foods...

The door bell rings continuously irking the inmates of the house...

Abhi: Fuggy... Come soon dear... Some nuisance is standing outside and disturbing our game... Please check na sweetheart... If its Arjun, ask him to run away from here before I rip him into pieces...

Pragya chuckles on seeing abhi's frown which she thinks always as very cute .. All she want now is to kiss him madly but she controls herself as her father is near abhi and the bell sound to irritated her much...

She stomps her feet angrily and jumps through the door lens to see who  is standing outside... Pragya gasps in shock as she spots her best friends sid, madhu and rk are standing outside ..

Abhi rushes up and holds pragya safely and protectively in his arms who is about to faint uncontrollably as if she has seen some ghost... Abhi pats pragya's cheeks and he understands that something has happened to his fuggy on seeing the person outside....

Abhi along with aroras were highly shocked to know that pragya's friends are standing outside and they doesn't know how to open the door.... Pragya too don't know what to do as she is clad up beautifully in a saree wearing her mangalsutra and kumkum....


Aaliya doesn't know why all of a sudden Arjun asked her to come with him and takes her to a coffee shop suddenly from the hospital... She doesn't know why arjun is behaving very wierdly and she can sense some sort of nervousness in Arjun while looking at her...

Aaliya couldn't understand what is bothering arjun and she side hugs Arjun and pats his back to calm him down... Arjun smiles brightly as the tensions in him subsides with aaliya's hug and his insecurities too vanishes in thin air....


Dadi, purab and bulbul are chit chatting in the hospital....

Dadi: Just 2 days to be back home na purab beta... What have you decided purab and bulbul??? Why not we fix the engagement soon before bulbul's classes starts???

Bulbul beta...  you are okay with this na... You will get busy in studies after the holidays right... So, I need your consent for this and I will talk to sarla and mohan regarding this... What say beta???

Bulbul blushes too hard and nods her head and whispers yes lightly which is audible only to dadi... Dadi smiles and blesses her and kisses her forehead lovingly....

Purab is not at all reacting for anything happening over there and staring at the ceiling with various feelings haunting his mind and troubling him inwardly...

Dadi: So purab , I know you will also say yes to this .. Let me call everyone and get their consents too... Have to ask abhi to bring Pandit to fix the good muhuraat for the engagement...

Purab: No need of any such thing dadi ..  This is not going to happen...

Dadi is stunned to hear purab's reply while bulbul's eyes welled up uncontrollably....


So, what's going to happen next???

Why purab is saying no to the engagement???

What is Arjun upto??? Is he behaving wierd knowing that aaliya loved sid or something else???

What is abhi and pragya going to do now???

Will rk, sid and madhu finds out that abhi and pragya are none other than married couples???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

Cast your votes n pen down your views.....

Came up with a long update as a special treat from my side for sharing my happiness with you all for getting back my story...

I hope you all enjoyed abhigya's romantic times after a long time...

Words used: 3050+ words...

Sorry for typing errors and grammatical mistakes, if any....

Cast your votes n pen down your views without fail... ..


Author's Note:

Abhigya awards has started already... Go and vote for the best out of the best abhigya books... Choose wisely and make the best story to win....

Don't show your favoritism rather vote for the best books which deserves the awards. .. support all the authors with your love and support and make the best abhigya books to win....

Go and check abhigyaworld for the awards book and you can check my profile too for the link and details... Any doubts, you can contact any one of the admins....

Come on Abhigyans, lets all rock the floor and make this awards a very big success.....



Yours cliffy buddy,


Signing off...

Will be


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