73. You are the Apple of my eye...

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Some watty error.... I'm reposting this shot again....

So, the blackmail always works haan....

Not bad...

I too like this... I will change this chapter too as private in few hours..

So few more chapters gonna be private...

May be the 75th chapter gonna be for public view or who knows my mind can change before that too......

Votes are going to be a deciding factor in this matter.... Some may find this to be rude, but I've no choice left as I can't make the stubborn silent readers to vote... Can't I expect this for my hardwork???

Last chapter many places, I've stopped abruptly not explaining what has happened na... Many has got confused and some where banging their heads as what would have happened...

So shall we look back to know what has happened exactly....

Shot. 73:

⏪⏪⏪⏪ Back...

Arjun and aaliya are sipping their favourite hot chocolate and chit chatting with each other in the famous coffee shop of the town....

Arjun: Aaliya... I don't know what I will do without you in my life... Seriously, I can't understand why we used to fight like crazy before we bonded beautifully in a good relationship...

Aaliya: Its because you are a dumbo... You are completely smitten by that bitch Malini and most of the time your attention will be only her...

What a fool you are Arjun??? Can't you understand, she is a character less girl who ditches men and uses them like tissue paper... At least, your fate is good enough .. You escaped brilliantly in a nick of time Arjun...

But, see the condition of Purab bhai... He is completely trapped by that bitch and now he is in this condition because of her.... If bulbul bhabhi didn't love purab bhai this much and didn't accept him means, what would have happened to my bhai's life....

Why arjun??? Why its all happening??? 😭😭😭😭.... Seriously, I can't understand why men like you all gets impressed with fake girls who ditches men and why you guys can't understand a girl's real love and true selfless nature....

Why its always the good girls to bear all the pain in their life???? Why they are forced to perform an agnipariksha always to prove that they are pure and they didn't do anything odd to hurt their love??? 😭😭😭😭😭

Why this is all happening with us??? Tell me why??? You too believed na Arjun that Im not worth to be your friend before.... Why the men are so dumb and why can they understand a girl's true feelings on them??? 😭😭😭😭😭

Arjun is taken aback by aaliya's accusations and he doesn't know how to console Aaliya... Poor arjun doesn't know the fact that aaliya is venting out her helpness and frustrations to arjun as she is badly broken because of Sid's rude behaviour on her....

But arjun on the contrary clearly misunderstood her thinking that aaliya is broken as he had befriended malini before her and not at all realized her love for him...

Arjun is completely helpless and he doesn't find words to explain to aaliya that he did everything to make aaliya jealous on seeing his closeness with malini and fall for him...

Arjun didn't know how to say to aaliya that he fell in love with her on the first day of their college itself... But being the only son of aroras, he backed off as he had some responsibilities and he had two elder sisters whose life meant a lot to him...

But the nature of aaliya made arjun to break all the walls he constructed before him and her love on his family made his feelings to grow stronger... Arjun wipes aaliya's tears and cups her face lovingly....

Arjun: Enough aaliya... Don't cry anymore... Im so sorry for all my mistakes and I won't repeat this mistake ever again in my life... Trust me... whatever happens this Arjun will be always with you....

Never and ever, I will think bad about yourself and if the whole world blames you or turn against you , I will be only in your side as a pillar of your support no matter what happens...

Arjun promises aaliya and tickles her to make her to laugh hardly... Aaliya's smiling face with her cute dimples makes arjun's heart to flutter in happiness and he just want to show to aaliya how much she meant to him...

Just then, arjun and aaliya's mobile buzzes with a text from dadi saying that she is going to talk to Purab regarding the engagement... She has also asked arjun to bring the aroras and abhigya to the hospital soon....

Arjun and aaliya moved to the aroras not aware of the fact what purab has said to dadi and also they were startled to see sid, rk and madhu in the home and they feel sorry as they spitted out the engagement of purab with bulbul....

Pragya's friends are completely shocked and couldn't believe the fact that bulbul and aaliya's brother purab are in love with each other and they couldn't digest the news as how come the aroras can fix bulbul's marriage before their lolly (pragya)....

Madhu: Sarla Aunty.... I still can't believe this... How come you can fix bulbul's marriage before lolly???

Rk: Yeah aunty... Lolly is gonna complete her UG right... You have not even looked for a groom for our lolly... How come this is possible??? Isn't it an injustice to our lolly???

Sarla helplessly looks at arjun, aaliya and mohan and the four are completely tied up without any words as they can't tell the fact that pragya is happily married already ...

Mohan comes up with some excuses but rk and madhu are not in a mood to accept it and get convinced....

Sid is completely silent throughout the convo... Though he want to defend and fight for his lolly's happy life, he is very quiet as he is drowning in his own misery... He feels a sting of pain in his heart as he understands that his love is snatched away from him mercilessly..

Rk and Madhu are hell adamant to meet pragya before they go from there... Arjun and aaliya gets text from abhi that they have to do something to send them off soon... Abhi also texts mohan that they have to rush up to the hospital as dadi asked them to come there soon....


Pragya is leaning on to abhi's chest and she is shivering as she is way too nervous as their whole family are tongue tied before her friends... She is wondering why again and again they have to face such difficult situations...

The pale face of pragya explains abhi that his fuggy is facing an inner turmoil and she is completely worried for something.... Abhi cups pragya's face lovingly and kisses her forehead...

Abhi: Stop stressing yourself fuggy... Everything will be alright... You believe me na baby... Trust me... I will soon clear off all the messes...

Pragya: I trust you a lot abhi... But the unexpected happenings are making me to get scared.. Aren't we blessed to live a happy and peaceful life??? Why its us always???

Abhi: Stop talking negatively baby... Why not we be happy??? When abhi and pragya are together, there will be only happiness... Whatever happens, our love keeps us going and we will be happy always...

You are the apple of my eye, fuggy... I will do anything for you and even I can turn the world upside down to keep you happy always.... You are my first priority fuggy and I will keep you happy always...

Pragya smiles and hugs abhi tightly... She showers abhi with lots and lots of kisses making abhi to giggle in happiness forgetting the fact that they are in the mid of a big mess...

Abhi: Spare me fuggy... These many kisses... Oh my god... Naughty girl... You are forgetting that we have to face a big mess outside and to get escaped from that...

But you are making it hard for me to think about anything else, rather you are making me to drown completely in your love. ...

Pragya: I least care about anything now... When my loving husband abhi is there, why I have to get fear and worried... He will handle everything wisely na...

Rather I've to appreciate my loving husband abhi for his brilliant job and for loving me this much... A small token of appreciation from your fuggy... So, my dear husband don't you like my gift...

Abhi: I love it baby... So, I too can give you a return gift to you na fuggy...

Abhi pulls pragya closer .. They are way too close to each other.... Their hot breaths start to mingle creating havocs in their bodies and the air in the room gets hot suddenly because of their close proximity....

Their lips carved to mingle and dance to the rhythm of their love... But both groans inwardly as their moment is being broken by the hard knock at the door.... Pragya gets panic and became pale to see who it can be outside while abhi encouraged pragya to go ahead and check it...

Both abhi and pragya sighed and relaxed on seeing Arjun and aaliya only standing outside the door... They composed themselves as pragya's friends have left the house...

As dadi keeps on calling abhi, abhi asks everyone to come fast and they drives fast to the hospital to see what is the reason for purab's such behavior...

When abhi entered the hospital, his blood boiled to the core to see the crying face of his sister in law bulbul and that too its all because of his brother purab...

Abhi gets mad on seeing the sight there as he always thinks that a man who makes his love to cry and feel bad is not to be called as a man... Abhi barges on purab and raises his hand to slap him...

All are shocked to see abhi's angry avatar... Everyone knows Abhishek prem mehra as a business man is very arrogant and rude but none has seen abhi this much angry with his own family...

Purab closes his eyes ready to accept abhi's punishment as he deserves this for hurting bulbul this much... But to everyone's surprise, bulbul comes before purab to protect him from abhi's slap and is ready to bear the slap on behalf of him..

What shocked everyone to core is that the raised hand of abhi is being murderously stopped and holded by none other than abhi's love of life, his wife pragya.... Shock is an understatement for abhi as he didn't expected to see his fuggy angry avatar....

Pragya: Stop it abhi.... What the hell are you doing??? How dare you to raise your hands on purab bhai??? Cant you stay calm and ask him what's his point of view...

Sarla yells furiously : Pragyaa... What nonsense are you doing.... Watch your tone... Remember you are talking to your husband..

Don't forget he is the man who loves you the most... Didn't I teach you values and don't you know how to behave with your husband and cant you give respect to him properly...

Pragya: I know maa... I know very well to respect my husband... But if he do anything wrong without thinking, I being a good wife has to teach him and make him understand na what he is doing...

Maa... Have you noticed... My abhi didn't reacted for what I did with him and talked to him.... He knows very well that his fuggy will correct him when he makes a mistake unknowingly... What say abhi??? What I say to your sasuma is correct only na...

Abhi: Hmmm... Yes... You are correct fuggy... Sorry everyone... Sorry purab and bulbul... I just got carried away as I am not able to digest to see the crying face of bulbul...

Rather, I hate the fact that purab is the reason for bulbul's cry and Im completely pissed off as he is saying no to the engagement now...

Purab: Sorry bhai... Sorry everyone... Im so sorry for making you all worried and sad... Dadi and bulbul are not in a mentality to listen, what I wish to say...

Im not rejecting bulbul ... what I want to say is that I want to delay our engagement for time being... That's all... Please don't mistake me...

Abhi: Care to explain us purab, why you want to delay the engagement... Are you thinking, its because of your illness or you thinking that we all are thinking bad about you because of that character less girl's accusations on you...

Purab: No... no bhai... No one will be blessed enough like me to get such a supporting and understanding family... Why will I think like that??? With my bulbul's love, I can face off any illness just like that....

But the matter is different... I just want to delay the engagement for few reasons... The first being to make you bhai and my chotti pragya to be happy... You two did a lot to me... Just this is my way of showing the gratitude to you two...

Pragya: What are you saying purab bhai... I couldn't get you at all... How can we be happy, when your engagement is delayed because of us???

Purab: Everyone please listen to me... Still I've not recovered... I don't know why dadi came up with the engagement idea suddenly... I promise you all that bulbul is the one who is going to be my wife.... I will never back off from this as I too love bulbul madly...

But the reason why I want to delay my engagement with bulbul is that abhi bhai wants to hide their marriage for time being as he wants pragya bhabhi to study peacefully and achieve her dreams... Only a very few knows about abhi bhai and pragya bhabhi's marriage. ....

I don't know how can sarlama n mohan papa explain everyone when people ask why bulbul is getting engaged before pragya and what reasons they can tell to them... I know it will complicate everything...

Bhai... Please... Let me talk... Like you, I too want to see my bulbul achieve her dream and I wish to marry her after she becomes a doctor... Sorry bulbul... I didn't meant to hurt you at any time....

Moreover, didn't my bulbul too deserve to get everything best in her life... Didn't I have to show her that I can do anything for her??? Didn't I have to prove to bulbul that I can also become a loving husband in future like abhi bhai???

Tell me bulbul... Don't you want to experience my love... Don't you want to have a proper proposal... Then don't blame me saying that I didn't do anything to impress you like your abhi jiju....

Dadi: Idiot purab... Cant you say this before itself??? This much dramas for this simple thing... Huh... You made all of us to get scared a lot...

Purab: what to do dadi .. All are expecting spicy things in life na.... If not, life will become boring right... 😉😉😉😉😉....

Abhi: Youuuu idiot purab... Do hell with your spucy dramas... Bulbul darling... Don't you want to show this purab what is the result of the spicy things he did ..

Go ahead bulbul... We are with you... No one is stopping you... Purab is all yours... We don't mind even if you kill him now for pulling up this stupid stunt and making you to cry this much...

Purab: Abhi Bhai... 😱😱😱😱😱... This is unfair.... You are pouring diesel in the fire.... Show some mercy on this sick man... Please bulbul... Noooo...

Aaliya: oh come on bulbul bhabhi... Don't waste your time... Show this purab bhai, the result of making you to cry... Im expecting a lot from you bhabhi...

Arjun: All of you take your seats please... The show gonna begin now... The poor and sick purab khanna vs the angry and terror bulbul arora in the war field.... Come on everyone... Don't miss the show....

Purab: Oh god... 😱😱😱😱... Where have you trapped me... Such a killer family and no one is there to support me... All are enjoying my misery as if they are watching an action movie....

Chotti... Pragya... Won't you save me at least from this angry bulbul... Please... Your purab bhai needs your help...

Pragya: Oops sorry purab bhai... Better luck next time... I and my loving husband abhi have missed to watch the movie because of your so called drama... So, we are going to be the first audience for this entertaining show... Hey na abhi...

Abhi and pragya hi-fied happily irking purab to the core... All bursts out into laughter on seeing purab's sulking face... After many days, the whole family is happy and enjoying their time peacefully....


The next day,

Pragya enters her class praying to god that none of her friends should ask anything about why she is being neglected by her parents or how can she explain that bulbul is not going to get engaged sooñ...

Pragya nervously sits along with her friends Rk, sid and madhu who is staring at her as if they will blast her with their questions... But pragya didn't expected that she has to hear such a shocking news from them...

All pragya feels at that time is
"Oh God... Not again... "


So, what has happened???.

What did the trio say to pragya???

Will pragya be able to escape from her friends????

Will pragya overact anything when abhi comes as chief guest for the annual day???

What will be the reaction of pragya's friends when they came to know about the truth???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

A very long update.... Almost 3000+ words....

Sorry for errors and mistakes...

Cast your votes and pen down your views without fail....


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Catch me soon with more votes.....

Will be



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