74. When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope....

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Words can't explain how happy I'm... Its a great and honoured moment for me and this story.... Never expected this will happen...

I don't know whether many of you are aware of this news or not... But its my duty to convey it to every reader of this story ...

Very happy to inform you all that this story "Loving Husband" has won the First prize in Abhigya awards 2018 as the Best story that touched your heart....

Here is the certificate of appreciation from Abhigya awards...

Here goes the winning sticker in my cover...

Thank you so much everyone who all have voted for this story and made me to win this honour...

Seriously, I don't know whether this story has touched your heart or not...

As you all know, this is the most read and voted story of mine... This story made me who Im now... What this crazy/ mahii is today and what I have achieved as an abhigya writer is all because of this story only...

How many stories I pen down, Loving husband holds a special place in my heart always....

Thanks for all your love and support and expecting it to grow further too....

One more important thing,

Soon this story gonna set a very big record.... Fingers crossed to reach it very soon....

Looking forward for all your love and support to set a remarkable benchmark ....

I am planning to give you all a big surprise as a sort of thanks giving for the record going to be set....

Wanna know what it is... stay tuned... I will reveal the happy news soon...


Now to shot. 74 without bak baks:

Life has blessed me more than what I could have ever asked for... Thank you for being the gift, my love...

Love me without any sort of restrictions...
Trust me wholeheartedly without any fear...
Want me without any demands... Finally, Accept me for who Im...

Never misuse the one who likes you,
Never say busy to the one who needs you,
Never cheat the one who really trusts you,
Never forget the one who always remembers you...


The whole family is sitting in the hospital watching eagerly how purab gonna get punished... Purab is whining and cursing everyone for instigating bulbul against him....

Purab: what sort of family is this... All are like hawks eagerly waiting for my demise... Oh god... Such a killer family... Enjoying my misery like they are watching their favourite movie...

Arjun: Stop sulking and crying like a baby puru jiju... As you sow, so shall you reap... Come on di... Show what is to mess up with Bulbul Arora...

Aaliya: Come on Bulbul bhabhi.. Give it up for bhabhi... Oohoo... 👍👍👍👍

All started to encourage bulbul as if she is going for a war... Purab looks at everyone for help but none paid heed to his pleads... Purab closes his eyes and  gets ready to accept bulbul's punishment...

But to everyone's surprise, bulbul smiles happily and hugs purab tightly... The youngsters gave a disappointed look while the elders chuckled and prayed to god to keep them happy like this always...

Arjun: Oh god... What is this bulz di... You spoiled the moment... We are eagerly waiting for an action scene but you are showing this yucky romantic scene... 😏😏😏... How can you forgive jiju so easily di??? Don't say some filmy dialogues and all....

Bulbul: Im not forgiving him ajju... Just postponing the punishment for time being as he is sick ... What's the fun is punishing a sick man....

Purab gasps in shock while Arjun started to laugh aloud irking purab to the core... Abhi twists arjun's ears making him to struggle hard to get out from abhi's grip...

Arjun: Jiju... Why are you trying to kill me... Aah... Its paining ... 😭😭😭😭... Oh my god father, my mother india, someone come and save me please...

Abhi: Idiot ajju can't you stop this nonseñse... Let them enjoy the moment happily na... Why are you pouring acid unnecessarily... By the way, for you, romance is an yucky thing haan...

Arjun: 😂😂😂😂 Not like that jiju... See Im a little baby na... I shouldn't get spoiled rotten on seeing their romance right...

Im a good boy jiju... I won't romance shamelessly in front of the whole family... See the great romantic love birds Abhi and pragya are behaving properly but this new bies purab and bulbul, never cared for anyone...

God.. They are completely shameless... But we have one big shameless creature with us here... She doesn't care for anyone or anything... But she is shamelessly watching them without blinking her eyes too...

Oh my dear aalu... Close your mouth girl... Abhi Jiju, purab jiju... Have a check on your sister properly... She is getting spoiled seeing all these romantic stuffs....

Pragya: Ajju... You love to live for long na...

Arjun: Of course di.. why not... Ajju wanna live 100 years...

Pragya: Then run soon... You triggered a sleeping lion aaliya... She may pounce on you like her prey... Run fast to save your life...

Just then, Arjun notices that aaliya is fuming in anger... Arjun horrifies and runs out... Aaliya chases him murderously... All started to laugh happily after a long time....


Later that evening, abhi and pragya went to a boutique to shop for abhi's outfit for the Annual day function.... Pragya chooses a classy business suit for abhi and to her surprise, abhi loves it a lot saying that its the best one for him....

They did some other shopping for them ... As its long time, since they never gone out, Abhi took pragya to a classy theatre to watch movie... Its a specialized theatre in the city and only vvips use to come there to watch the movies....

Pragya: What sort of horrible theatre is this abhi .. so boring... Hardly we find people here... What's so entertaining to watch movie in a calm and peaceful environment....

Theatre should be crowded with people, whistles, sounds and enjoyments na... This is highly irritating and too much boring abhi.... For this, we can go and see movie in your study room....

Abhi chuckles: Oh my baby doll... Did you think we came here to watch movie????

Pragya: Whaatttt... 😨😨😨😨... Have you gone mad abhi .. we are in theatre... Can't you see the movie is playing in the big screen... How can you question did we came to watch movie???? You okay na abhi.... nothing wrong with you right....

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂 No... Im absolutely fine my love... You watch the movie of your favourite star.... But I will do what I wish for... Abhi always has his own plans fuggy...

Whatever I choose, there will be an indirect advantage for this abhi for sure.... Abhishekh mehra knows pretty well to  gain profit in all his deals....

You can't understand anything right ... Watch the movie sweetheart... You will know it very soon what Im saying.... I know you will also like it... 😉😉😉😉😉

Pragya starts to watch the movie.... But its very hard for her to watch the movie a bit too... She clearly understands what is  abhi's hidden advantage and plans...

The naughty husband in abhi is in full form and is romancing and teasing his fuggy a lot.... Pragya is completely in the spell of her loving husband ...

She  can't control her cheeks turning blood red because of abhi's naughty acts... She is blushing too hard and she is sweating a lot with the heat penetrating in her body irrespective of the cold A/c in the theatre....


During interval, Abhi asks pragya to be careful and sit there.... He went to buy some snacks for pragya... As pragya is sulking that abhi is not at all allowing her to have her favourite icecream, abhi agreed to buy that too..

Abhi didn't like pragy spoiling her health... He reluctantly agrees and finally gives up to the demand of his baby wife as he can't say no to her wishes at any time.... Abhi being a loving husband always wishes to fulfill even her silly demands too...

Abhi buys some butter popcorns, chocolates and chips for pragya... He ordered for an ice cream and is waiting for it to receive.... Just then abhi felt a tap in his shoulder....

Abhi turns and spots his foreign business delegate Mr. Samson's daughter clara is standing there with a big smile in her face.... She is wearing a knee length short gown...

Clara: Mr. Abhishek mehra... What a pleasant surprise... You are here.... I didn't expect you to see you here...

Abhi: Hi clara.... My pleasure to see you here.... How are you and how is your dad???

Clara: wow... we are cool... you forget all of us after you finished your business deal with us... So how are you man.... Its been long time since we meet na....

So, how is life abhi??? When are you going to say yes to me??? Why are you not interested in me??? What's wrong in me??? Am I not looking hot ???

Abhi: Clara... Listen... We are only friends...  I told you already not to bring this topic ever again.... I respect your father a lot... So, I think you won't trouble me ever like this... Then don't regret if I behaved rudely with you...

Clara: Oh god... You have not yet changed.... 😂😂😂😂😂 ... Chill up abhi...  you are the same as before ... Don't worry man... I was just playing with you...

By the way, I'm committed already and see this is my engagement ring... Im getting married to an Indian only... Still my wedding date is not yet finalized... Papa too wish to come and see you... Will meet one day for sure....

Clara shakes hands with abhi... As she is a foreigner, she didn't mind to hug abhi in a friendly manner... Abhi is really uncomfortable with the hug but he didn't pushed clara as its not a good manners....

But to abhi's shock, clara kissed in abhi's cheeks all of a sudden... Abhi's eyes widened and he gasps in shock as she hugged him again, patted his cheek and walks away bidding adieu to him....

Abhi's heart beats rises heavily... He takes a deep breath to calm down and compose himself.... He shooks his head unbelievably and  thanks all his stars that his fuggy is not there to watch the scenario .. 

If she is there, abhi knows very well that his possessive wife pragya will ripped that clara into trillion pieces... Abhi chuckles remembering how his fuggy being too possessive ordered all the female staffs in his office to dress up properly....

Abhi smiles remembering the happenings and he dreams what would have happened if his fuggy has seen clara kissing him.... Abhi's smile vanishes all of a sudden as he spots pragya boiling in anger....

Abhi gulps hard as he knows he is dead completely today.... She glares at abhi angrily and throws the kerchief on his face asking him to wipe the lipstick mark... She grits her teeth in anger and walks ahead without minding abhi's pleads too....

Abhi thanked God as pragya didn't protested to go in a cab, instead she is sitting in the car quietly without saying anything... Abhi also kept mum as he knows that if he talks anything now, she will kill him for sure....

Abhi likes his wife fuggy's possessiveness and jealousy a lot... Its very easy for him to console and convince his fuggy... His one killer smile and a soul taking kiss is enough for pragya to surrender to him completely without any arguments....

But abhi is in a complete naughty mood and he didn't do any such things to ask for her  forgiveness soon... He keeps on following his fuggy like a love sick puppy and enjoys pleading and pleasing his fuggy like this....

Pragya  showed too much attitude not forgiving abhi but she is giggling inwardly enjoying this consoling and attention from her loving husband abhi a lot.... Night too pragya didn't sleep in her magic pillow but spreads her body in the whole bed not allowing abhi to sleep properly....


(Thanks suba30 for the awesome video you made for me.... My favourite song with abhigya)

Pragya is pulling abhi's cheeks in her sleep... She suddenly pushes abhi with full force... She kicks abhi in between... Poor abhi is yelping in pain but pragya is controlling her laughter and teasing her abhi for allowing a girl to kiss him....

Its not a fact that pragya didn't trust abhi or angry on him... Pragya knows very well that she is the only girl in abhi's life and she has a strong belief that abhi will never leave her hand or cheat her...

This is a possessive side of a wife towards her husband... No wife will allow any random woman to touch or kiss her husband... Its their copy right on their husbands and they don't like it a bit too when anyone's touches their property...

Abhi keenly looks at his fuggy whose faced is filled with a naughty and teasing smirk... Abhi understands that his baby girl is playing with him purposely... He makes a naughty smile and crawls inside pragya's duvet without her knowledge...

Pragya gasps in shock as her naughty husband starts his game play... She tried to move away from him but nothing works in her favour as she starts to drown in the passion filled moment...

Abhi never allows anyone or anything between them... His fuggy is his life and he doesn't want anything to spoil their happy married life... He is a man of principles and a loving husband whom all girls can long for...


The next day, pragya enters the class with nervousness and fear as she knows pretty well that her friends Rk, sid and madhu will bombard her with many questions...

Pragya was completely bothered and didn't wished to go to college... Its her loving husband abhi who convinced her a lot saying that they can face anything when they are together... She is there in the college because of abhi's encouragement only....

Madhu: Hey lolly... Missed you so much dear... Not able to meet you yesterday...

Pragya: Sorry guys.. I was little busy..

Rk: Its fine lolly... We want to ask you something....

Pragya is sweating too hard and mentally preparing herself that she should give correct answers to her friends without blurting out the truth to them....

Just then, sid enters the classroom hurriedly with a worry stricken face... Pragya thanks god for making Sid to come as her saviour as she can divert Rk n madhu's attention towards Sid....

Pragya: What happened sid??? Why are you in a hurry??? Is there any problem??? Stop worrying and tell me man....

Pragya's eyes widened and horrified in shock hearing what sid said... She doesn't know what to do and her mind is screaming "Oh my god not again...."

During the break time,

Pragya excuses herself and moves away from her friends saying that she wants to use restroom... She dials her husband abhi's number hurriedly....

Abhi: Hello... Is that you fuggy???? Oh my god... What a surprise... Today the moon didn't bloomed in morning na...

Pragya yells: Will you please shut up and listen what I want to say to you....

Abhi: Arrey... What happened baby.... Why to mogambo mode all of a sudden... Is there is any problem???? What the hell is that Arjun and aaliya doing there without looking after you...

Pragya: Stop scolding them abhi... They are in their classes... They are not my personal bodyguards to roam always with me...

Abhi: Wow... This is a good idea... Shall I appoint a personal bodyguard for you...

Pragya: How about Im killing you Mr. Mehra... Stop irritating me abhi... Listen ... Im in a very big problem...

Abhi: Fuggy... You are fine right... Shall I come over there...

Pragya: Everything will get collapsed if you come here... Abhi just listen what Im saying okay... Tell me what I have to do afterwards....

Abhi listens to pragya's talks... Pragya is hell nervous on how to face the situation.... Abhi bursts out into laughter hearing pragya's worries, irking her to the core...

Pragya: Youuuuu 😠😠😠😠.... Irritating idiot... Don't make me angry... What so funny in this??? why are you laughing???

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂... For this you are sulking like this.... Just calm down baby... I will take care of everything... don't worry for this small things... You trust me na fuggy....

Pragya: Always abhi... I know you will ease out everything for me.... Love you to the pluto... 😘😘😘😘😘.... Have to go abhi... Will text you the details... Bye...

Pragya cuts the call and kisses abhi's photo lovingly.... Whenever she is confused or in any problem or if she has any sort of doubts, its always her loving husband abhi who came up with solutions and gives her hope and confidence to face everything....

Abhi on the other hand too kisses his fuggy's photo and talks with the snap that he will protect her with all his might... He dials someone's number....


So, what's going to happen next???

What did sid said to them???

Who is abhi calling???

What's bothering pragya a lot???

Will abhigya's marriage comes to the lime light????

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

As usual a very long update of 3000+ words...

Sorry for typo errors and mistakes, if any...

Cast your votes without fail...

Eagerly waiting to see all your lovely comments and reviews...


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



Have a good day....

Catch me soon with your votes....

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