76. Hundred hearts are lesser to carry my love for you...

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I just want to make you happy always... Its because, you are the reason for my happiness...

My promise to you, my dearest wife... I will love you always and keep you happy always...

The biggest strength of a man is how gently he loves his wife...


It's a fine morning.... Abhi is looking at his wife Pragya who is sleeping like a baby in his arms.... Though Abhi is seeing her daily, he looks at pragya as if he is seeing her for the first time.... Its a routine for Abhi to wake up earlier and admire his fuggy, with his heart felt content....

Pragya stirs in her sleep and slowly opens her eyes... Her lips curved to a bright smile to see her loving husband Abhi, who is not even blinking his eyes and staring at her with full of love.... Pragya pulls Abhi closer, making him to come out from his trance..

Pragya: Good morning my dear husband... What are you looking haan???

Abhi: Good morning baby... What else than you fuggy... I won't get enough of you baby... Daily you are looking way too new to me... I just can't stop admiring you...

In your sleep too, you are looking like a newly blossomed flower... Words can't express your beauty.... Fuggy... Fuggy... My baby... I don't know how to praise you... Oh my sweetie... You are killing me and I'm just getting addicted to you very badly...

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂 Abhi... You be na... Morning itself you have started... Hold some stock Abhi... Stop flirting with me and go and freshen up and come... We can continue this tonight okay...

Oh my god!!!! shit... I have completely forgotten... 😱😱😱😱😱😱.... Aargh... How could I have forgotten this???? What am I going to do now???

Abhi panicks: Baby... Relax... Just calm down and tell me what happened....

Pragya: Today, I need to go earlier Abhi as we have to do the final arrangements for the annual meet... But I've completely forgotten to inform this to Ajju and Aalu ... God... What will I do now... I have to go soon... I don't want to trouble them too...

Abhi: Huh... For this you are sulking this much darling... When your abhi is there, why are getting tensed unnecessarily.... You go and get ready soon... I will drop you baby...

Pragya: whaattt 😨😨😨😨... No Abhi... I don't want anyone to see you there... Moreover, I don't want anyone to think anything wrong about us... Please try to understand... It's not easy as you think...

Abhi: It's morning only na fuggy.... Hardly people will be there... Okay... Relax... We will take a cab and go there... No one can suspect that I came with you... Is it okay for you baby???

Pragya: Really... Will it work out???

Abhi: Of course sweetheart.. Don't worry... I will take care of everything... Be happy and don't bring this unwanted tensions in your mind okay...  Just chill up baby...

Hoye... What are you doing haan... Now you started to drool me... Copy cat... Don't eat me like this dear or you can't move away from this bed for sure.... 😉😉😉😉

Pragya blushes and hits Abhi: My husband, my rights... What's your problem hun... I'm just thinking what goodness I've did to get such a sweetheart as my husband and Im so so lucky to get such a loving husband...

Why are you having solutions to all my problems abhi??? What did I do to you to get such immense love from you Abhi??? I don't know how to reciprocate it too...

Abhi: Oh my little baby... How many times I told you??? Still you are repeating the same question to me daily... 😂😂😂😂😂 Silly girl...

Pragya pouts: You can say it again na...

Abhi: Aww... My darling... You are my life... I love you so much... This abhi can do anything for you and I can go to any extreme to make you happy... All I can say is, my happiness lies only with you... Every inch of abhi loves his fuggy so much....

Pragya pulls Abhi closer and kisses him with full of love, yet Abhi can sense that pragya's tears are brushing his lips... Though Abhi wish to move and wipe Pragya's tears, Pragya didn't move at all... Abhi pats Pragya's back and calms her down...

Abhi coos his baby girl and asked her not to worry for anything... While pragya has gone to freshen up, abhi made sure that pragya's breakfast and lunch are arranged soon... Pragya can't stop adoring her husband who has made everything ready for her quickly... Pragya smiles to see her bag, dress, accessories are arranged way too perfectly and she fall in love with her husband uncontrollably....

As said by Abhi, he drops Pragya in the college without anyone's notice... On his way, he informs the matter to arjun too... While he is getting ready for office, Abhi got a call from the hospital in which purab is admitted asking him to come the earliest... He rushes to the hospital praying that nothing wrong has happened to Purab...


Arjun and Aaliya walks hand in hand talking about something happily... They were in their own world and they failed to notice the persons coming on thier opposite way... They dashed with them unknowingly...

Rather than asking sorry, both arjun and aaliya smiled seeing the duo and hugged them... Madhu and Rk are standing there with a teasing smile in their faces...

Madhu: Down to earth guys... You two are in some other world I guess...

Aaliya: Oh god Madhu di... Stop pulling our legs... We were just talking some random stuffs... We know na ajju that the duo standing opposite to us is flying for a long time...

Arjun: Yeah... Yeah.. of course... Madhu di... Why am I sensing something cooking between you and My darling bro RK??? Tell me na what's going on...

Rk: Ajju... 😡😡😡😡.. Don't you know we are best friends ...

Aaliya: Haan haan best friends???? Don't say you are like me and ajju ... Okay okay...  Relax Rk... Leave this... Where is pragya di???? We have not seen her today.... Is she too much busy??? We can't have a glimpse of her...

Rk: Oh god... Madhu come, let's go soon before this lolly rip us into pieces... You won't believe us ajju and aalu... This lolly is troubling us too much today...

This girl is getting on to our nerves and checking every single thing in the arrangements and finding faults unnecessarily... God... Im really tired because of this lolly ..

Madhu: Haan.... She is making arrangements as if a wife is taking care of everything to impress her husband... Huh... Too much guys... We will leave soon or else lolly will kill us for sure...

Even I too idolize and admire the great businessman Abhishek Mehra... But this lolly is doing too much... Huh... She didn't talk well with Abhishek sir when we met him but now she is showing all sort of tantrums and getting on to our nerves.... Okay guys .. We take a leave.... Bye...

Madhu and Rk rushes while Arjun and aaliya bursts out into laughter knowing well why pragya is doing all sort of stunts.... Aaliya is happily expressing to arjun that her abhi bhai is lucky to get a wife like pragya and conveys to arjun that she also want to be like pragya in loving her husband....

Arjun is feeling out of the world and thinking that aaliya is talking about their relationship only... He smiles and side hugs aaliya... A boy came and called arjun that a professor is calling him... Arjun excuses and rushes to meet the professor....

Aaliya is smiling happily and moves to her class... All of a sudden, she is being forcefully dragged in an empty corridor... Aaliya frowns to see sid dragging her from there not minding her protest too...

Aaliya: Leave me sid... What the hell is your problem... Why are you troubling me again and again??? Don't trouble me like this sid... Allow me to live peacefully....

Sid: Spare me five minutes aaliya... I need to talk to you...

Aaliya: There is nothing to talk between us... You are this college chairman... That's all .. You can't force a girl like this... I will shout, if you do anything bad with me...

Sid loosens his grip on aaliya and kneels down with a crying face: Why are you doing this to me aaliya??? Please forgive me... What I have done with you is absolutely wrong... I just want you to accept my apology and forgive me for the sin I did to you...

Don't avoid me aaliya.. You are not talking to me and you are not even looking at me too... 😭😭😭😭😭... Am I that much bad???? Please aaliya try to understand me... I'm really sorry for doing all these...

Aaliya sighs: Please sid... Don't trouble me... I can't forget and forgive you so easily... You have thought me as characterless and I couldn't understand why are you running behind me out of nowhere...

Please sid... I don't want to create any scene here... Don't trouble me please... Give some time to me... Prove me that you are worth to be forgiven...

Sid: This is enough for me aaliya... I will prove you that I'm not a wrong person... I will win you trust again aaliya... (Pov. Will soon make you to love me too aaliya... You are mine and I won't let anyone to snatch you away from me)...

Sid smiles and walks away not knowing that fate is laughing on him cruelly as he is going to do a bigger sin which is going to hurt aaliya to the core...


Abhi rushes to the hospital and spots bulbul standing in front of the scanning room with a worry striken face.. Abhi rushes there and holds bulbul who is looking very pale and is about to  fall down anytime...

Abhi: What happened bulbul???

Bulbul: Doctor insisted to take MRI scan for purab... Im scared jiju... I'm praying to god that nothing wrong should happen to purab... Jiju... Purab will be fine na...

Abhi smiles: Oh my little shaali... Remember you are a doctor... Don't you know, it's a must to do such scans to find out any complications are there or not... You are behaving like a lay man and worrying unnecessarily...

Bulbul: What shall I do jiju??? Im not in my senses when the matter concerns purab... I can't think anything as a doctor....

Abhi: 😂😂😂 Silly girl... Don't worry... Purab will be fine soon... When you have this much love on him, nothing will happen to him... Relax dear or else you sister and your darling purab will scold me for making you to cry like this...

After sometime, purab is shifted to the room... The doctor extends purab's stay in the hospital for three more days as some more tests are to be taken... Abhi too agreed to it as he thought that it will be easy for him to be with purab as the annual meet will be over by the time....


The next day,

Abhi is in his deep slumber... He wakes up irritatingly hearing the buzzing sound of his alarm... Abhi frowns and looks at the clock... He is completely startled to see the time is
9.30 in morning...

Abhi wonders how come he has slept this much and he couldn't understand who changed his alarm from 5.30 to 9.30... He frowns and gets highly irritated as his wife pragya is no where to be found...

Abhi has  a stubborn belief that his morning won't be good enough, if he didn't see his wife pragya... He hurriedly gets up to check for pragya when suddenly his legs presses a remote in the floor making the player to turn on and pragya's voice come feom there...

"Good morning my dear loving husband... Nah... Nah... The chief guest of our event.. The great business tycoon Abhishek Prem Mehra...

Had a nice sleep my dear abhi??? 😂😂😂😂... Don't scold your alarm... It's me who did all this... I only changed your alarm timings as I want you to look fresh in the function... Don't sulk my dear abhi as you didn't see me today...

Nothing to worry.... Im perfectly fine... Had my breakfast and took my lunch and started to college already as I need to check whether all the arrangements are done to impress my loving husband or not...

I have kept everything ready for you abhi... Just a small token of love from my side... Now smile brightly and go and get ready... Looking eagerly for your arrival abhi.. 

Im way too excited and nervous too as I don't what my loving husband gonna do... Rather I'm looking forward what my idol Abhishek mehra gonna do to and what he is going to address the students... You didn't show me your speech too... Anyways, Im thrilled to hear what you gonna talk...

Love you so much my loving husband.... Missing you already very badly... I missed my morning kiss yet I'm happy today as its a great moment in my life... Be happy and smile like this always.... Come soon... Love you...

Abhi smiles and goes to freshen up... He comes down dashingly in his formal suit which pragya has brought for hin.... Dadi adores abhi and put kaala teeka and does aarthi to him saying that it's pragya's order.. Abhi insisted dadi to come with him but dadi wishes to go and meet purab and asked him to carry on and wishes him all the best...


The famous college of the city is decked up beautifully and elegantly to celebrate their annual day function.... Its looking like a beautiful bride eagerly waiting to be honoured and adored by the great man who is going to share his beautiful experience and render his valuable time with them...

A grand welcome is arranged to welcome the man of the day, the idol of the younger generation, the man behind success, a humble and down to earth person who doesn't take his success to his head, the great business tycoon Abhishek Prem Mehra...

The whole place echoced with thunderous clappings and whistles sounds are reaching to the sky when abhi gets down from his car... The bursting of crackers hits the air to welcome Abhi with a happy note...

Abhi smiles and accepts their welcome happily... The principal and the other administration members welcomes abhi and had a chat with him... The chairman of the college Siddharth along with the cultral secretary Rk and joint secretary madhu takes him inside the college...

All through the way, Abhi is looking eagerly for his darling wife pragya who is nowhere to be found...  Though many are coming between and talking to him and taking selfie with him, all abhi want at that time is to have a glimpse of his fuggy at that time... Abhi never cares about any girl's drooling him yet his eyes are searching for his girl all the time...

Abhi knows very well that Pragya would have worn the saree, he has brought for her... His heart urged to see his fuggy but poor soul couldn't find out where she is... On his way, Abhi spots Arjun and aaliya who are standing there with a teasing smile in their faces knowing well what's cooking in abhi's mind...

The trio took Abhi to the room which they arranged for him and made him to settle down there before the function starts... Abhi is completely sad as he couldn't see his fuggy at all... He came to the fuction only for his fuggy but he is highly disappointed as pragya is not there....

Sid: Thank you so much sir for honouring us... We will start the function very soon sir... Anything you can ask us sir... We will be here with you only...

Abhi: Don't bother about me guys... I'm fine... You guys go and carry on with your work...

Rk: Sir, we expected you will come with your wife... We missed to meet her today too...

Abhi sighs : My wife... Hmm...She is busy in her college... Even I'm missing her terribly now... I didn't see her from morning as she has started earlier...

Madhu: 😂😂😂😂 Sir... Is it the reason you are looking very dull???

Abhi: Of course... yes... My day won't be good, if I didn't see my wife's face in morning... I know today is a busy day for her but that doesn't mean, she can neglect me right...

She is not attending my call too... Just excuse me for five minutes guys... Let me relax and we can proceed to the stage after that...

Sid: No problem sir... Take your own time... Madhu... Where is lolly??? Why she didn't come to welcome Abhishek sir... She is the one to honour sir right...

Abhi's face brightens on hearing lolly from sid's mouth... Just then, Pragya enters inside the room with a bright smile in her face... Abhi is completely dumb struck and his jaws dropped on seeing his fuggy who is breath takingly gorgeous....

Abhi forgets who he is and why he came there too ..  All he could see is his fuggy standing right in front of him... He gets up from his place suddenly and moves towards pragya making the trio to get startled and pragya to get nervous all of a sudden....


So, what's going to happen next??!

What will abhi do??? Will lose his self control on seeing his fuggy???

What will be the reaction of Rk, sid and Madhu on seeing Abhi's behavior on their lolly!???

Will abhigya's marriage comes to limelight????

Keep guessing and stay tuned....

As usual, came up with a long update of 3100+ words..

Sorry for typo errors and grammatical mistakes, if any....

Cast your votes and pen down your views without fail...

You all will be getting an unexpected surprise on 25th of this month as a sort of Thanksgiving for the completion of one year of LH's successful journey.... Keep guessing what it might be...


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



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