77. We are not ordinary couples and ours is not an ordinary love...

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Im not saying I love you as a daily mantra or out of my daily habit.. I just want to remind you that you are my life...

My name sounds way to blessed and glorious when your name is added at the last..

I am trying really hard to pretend and concentrate on other things... But everything gets out of my focus, when you look at me and smile...


Abhi is super annoyed as other than his wife Pragya, everyone came to welcome him in  the college... He came as a chief guest to make his wife Pragya happy but she didn't spare a single glimpse of her to him...

The chairman of the college Sid along with the cultural secretary Rk and joint secretary Madhu took the guest of honour, Abhishek Prem Mehra to the room arranged specially for Abhi to relax before the function starts...

Abhi looks at the room with a smile in his face, as he understands that everything is arranged way too perfectly as per his taste and likings... He very well knows that it must be his fuggy's doings to impress him...

Each and every single thing in the room reminds Abhi that everything is done with full of love by his fuggy... Even a simple table cloth too clearly explains Abhi that it has his fuggy's magical touch, which only his heart is aware of...

He even understands how much his fuggy would have tortured and troubled her friends to arrange everything.... Abhi's lips is uncontrollably curving with a bright smile, as he knows very well what all will his fuggy do, when the matters concerns him....

Abhi's pov.: 😂😂😂😂😂... My Little baby.... Why have you done all this fuggy??? Im completely impressed  baby... I loved everything so much but not more than you my sweet, little wife...

Where are you now fuggy??? I just can't wait to see you...  Come soon baby... My eyes are longing to have a glimpse of you ... Stop your hide and seek game and come before my eyes, fuggy...

How will you be looking??? I know very well, you would have got ready to kill me for sure... Abhi... Behave properly man... Your naughty fuggy will be upto something and will definitely tease you for sure as you didn't showed your speech to her....

Don't ever look at her eyes or lips man... Then you will be gone for sure.... You silly mind... Keep this in your dumb head properly... Never and ever look at your fuggy, if she smiles... Then you will become crazy and will lose all your sanity and end up doing something before her friends....

Abhi... Come on man... You can do it... Remember... You are the Abhishek Prem Mehra, who came as the chief guest for the college function... She is pragya, your fan no. 1 and the general Secretary of this collge....

Remember, this is not your wife or your baby and try to behave properly abhi... She is lolly and not your fuggy... Got it... Now relax and stay strong Abhi... You can do it....

When Abhi is mentally preparing himself, Rk's voice brought him down to earth who is asking sid, where is Lolly who is supposed to receive and honour Abhi at the first place....

Just then Pragya enters the room with Abhi's favourite coffee in her hands....
Rk, Sid and Madhu glares at their lolly for being so late and Pragya gives an oops reaction and asked sorry to them through her eyes as she is bit late...

The simple antics of Pragya is alluring the senses of Abhi to go haywire... Abhi's breath stopped on seeing his fuggy who is looking no less than a diva in the golden saree which Abhi has got for her...

Just then Pragya turns her attention towards her loving husband Abhi who is looking at her intensely and lovingly... Pragya can't resist herself and her eyes completely checks out her Abhi who is looking dashing,  handsome and sinfully hot, making her to go completely flat....

His smile, his wink, his smirk, his gestures, his looks, his intense gaze, his everything is making pragya to forget her surroundings... Their eyes were completely locked with each other and they forget the fact that Rk, sid and Madhu are watching them too....

Abhi gets up from his seat and walks towards Pragya.... Pragya legs too moves without her control not minding the inmates of the room... Abhi picks the coffee cup from Pragya's hands and kept it aside... He cups Pragya's face lovingly and kisses her forehead....

Abhi: Baby... You look way too gorgeous sweetheart... You are doing this purposely na fuggy... I love you so much darling.... Missed you a lot till you come before my eyes....

So, tell me... How is your husband looking??? Good, better or best...

Pragya: What about you Abhi??? Don't I know how my husband will look... He is hot and handsome as always... None of them here will match my husband Abhi...

Not only in looks Abhi but none will match you as you have a golden heart and a loving soul which knows only to shower others with love... But, I am way too jealous you know... I don't want anyone to drool on you  and if they do so, I will kill them for sure....

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂... Silly fuggy... Stop praising me and don't be too possessive as this Abhi is only yours... Baby... You are tempting me too much today... God... I'm getting out of control.... Phew...

Fuggy... Im little bit nervous you know... I'm scared to face the stage and address the students... Will you give some boosting energy to me so that all my nervousness and fear will vanish... You only can give me energy and confidence to face them.... Please fuggy...

Abhi shows his puppy face making Pragya to understand what Abhi is wishing to get from her... She nods her head with a blushy smile creeping in her face.... Abhi slowly comes very closer to pragya and their lips are only inches apart...

Abhi: Fuggy... May I???

Pragya nods her head and closes her eyes to enjoy the interlinking of their souls with the sweet kiss from her husband...  She clutches Abhi's shirt not able to bear the soft, sweet and passion filled kiss....

The room is in complete silence.. Only the sound of their dancing lips and their hot breaths are heard... Nothing strikes their mind other than their togetherness and love....

They have to move apart not to regain their breaths... The voices of the trio in the room brought them back from their dream land... Pragya blinks her eyes as Madhu shooks her hard...

Madhu: Lolly...  Are you alright??? How long I have been calling you???

Rk: Now a days, something is gone wrong with our lolly... 😱😱😱😱... Something is happening with our little lolly for sure... Have to take her hospital very soon...

Sid: Lolly... We have been calling you for so long... Where are you flying??? Go and give the coffee to Abhishek sir, at least before it turns cold ...

Pragya blinks her eyes and understands that everything happened some times back is her clear imagination and she is dreaming all this while after seeing her loving husband .. She thanked God as nothing happened like what she dreamt of...

A moment pragya's breath hitched as what would have happened, if they have did something like that as that of her dream... Pragya doesn't want the secret of their marriage to come into limelight today at any cost and she is not at all ready to answer her friends at this time......

Just then Pragya looks at her husband who is biting his lips very hard to control his laughter...  His looks are teasing her so much and his smirk clearly explains Pragya that he understands very well why she is standing like that for a long time....

Abhi winks at Pragya without anyone's knowledge and blows a secret kiss to her... Abhi twists his lips and shows thumbs up to Pragya which is indirectly conveying her that he too dreamt like her only and enjoyed the sweet moment together with her in their dream land...

Pragya with a blushy smile moves near Abhi and hands over the coffee to him...

Pragya: Welcome to our college, sir... Im extremely Sorry sir ... I couldn't come up on time to recieve you... As I was preparing coffee for you, I'm a bit late...

Abhi: Its okay Miss. Lolly... You don't mind na, if I call you lolly... Thanks... Remember one thing in your life, lolly... Don't say any sort of excuses when you can't do a thing in correct time...

If you can't do it, better don't accept the work..  And... Don't sleep while standing okay... You have challenged that you will win my fuggy and become the University topper...

If you are dreaming like this, how come you will get succeeded in your studies and also win  the bet with me.... You can back off now too as my fuggy is only going to win the bet and fulfill her dreams...

Abhi with a teasing smirk pulled pragya's legs while Pragya gave a killer look to Abhi as if threatening him that he will get nice punishment from her for teasing her like this... The trio senses Pragya's anger and want to ease the situation...

Madhu: Sir... How is the coffee??? You know what, Lolly's coffee is the best in the world...

Abhi- Ahaan... Miss. Madhu... I know you like your friend lolly too much... I accept the coffee is good... But, I can't say this is the best coffee as my fuggy's coffee is the best in this world.....

Rk gaves an oops reaction and he couldn't figure out why Abhi and Pragya are having a cold war like this always whenever they meet... Poor soul doesn't know that they are crazy couples who loves each other madly....

Rk: Sid... Just go and check man, if everything is ready or not... Madhu go and ask the principal when to bring Abhi sir to the stage or is he joining us too....

Lolly..  Can you go and bring the snacks for Abhishek sir... Please... You only prepared it na... So, can you go and get that soon....

Pragya glares at Rk: Rk.. 😬😬😬😬... Don't order me okay... Just go and bring that on your own... Then your Abhishek sir will tease me saying that it does not matched up with his wife's preparations...

If I'm a bit late too, he will take lectures to me about Punctuality.... So, better you go... I'm not at all in a mood to hear any more mockings or teasings from this Great man...

Rk: But Lolly... How can I leave Abhishek sir alone here???

Pragya grits her teeth in anger: Why am I looking like a devil to you??? 😬😬😬😬😬😬... I'm here only na..  I will take care of him better than you...

I won't eat Abhishek sir... Just don't waste the time and run from here  before I  smash your head... Get lost Rk...

Rk runs from there in a jiff as  he doesn't want  to face the wrath of his lolly... The trio sighs as they couldn't understand why Pragya is behaving wierd and getting angry unnecessarily out of no where... They trio made up their mind not to enter the room anytime until the function starts...


Arjun and Aaliya spots Rk, Sid and Madhu coming out from the room with a pale and worried face and talking something in between them in a tensed state...

Arjun: Oh my god!!! Why this three are reacting like this??? Where would be Pragya di??? Nothing wrong would have happened to Abhi jiju na...

You idiot Aalu... I'm getting panicked on seeing them but you are sitting very cool as if nothing important is going on there... Come on get up... Let's go and see what is happening there.... God...  Nothing wrong would have happened to my jiju...

Aaliya: You idiot Ajju... Don't stress you like this... Just chill up man... Nothing is happening as you are thinking.... Bhai will be fine and super cool....

Arjun: Aalu... Can't you see how pragya di's friends are tensed???

Aaliya: Relax ajju... I know very well about my bhai and bhabhi... I know, something this Abhi bhai would have done irking Pragya bhabhi for sure....

She would have blasted on her poor friends as she can't scold bhai in front of them... That's all man.... I will change my name too, if it did not happened there ...

Arjun: Really... Are you sure Aalu????

Aaliya: Of course man... Trust me... I know about our love birds... They and their silly antics... Huh... Leave that... Now be a good boy and get something for me to eat.... I'm starving... Come on hurry up...

Arjun: Hoye... Don't order me as if I'm your server.... If you want anything, join me swetie.... Or don't scold me saying that  I had everything alone.... Ajju won't mind anything, if it comes to food....

Wow... The samosa smell is pulling me very badly.. Samosa darling... Your Ajju is coming for you... Wait for me...   Haan... Aalu is not lucky to eat you.... Ajju and samosa will have their private time...

Arjun shruggs his shoulder and walks ahead while Aaliya chases Arjun for ditching her like that... She starts to hit Arjun hardly while he just lifts her in his arms without anyone's notice and takes her to the canteen.... They were not aware that Sid is watching everything with a pain filled eyes....


Pragya is boiling in anger and is cursing all for irritating her too much... Abhi stiffles his laughter and enjoys the angry look of his fuggy which always turns him crazily like anything and tempts him too much....

Abhi slowly whispers: Fuggy... My sweet, little baby... Calm down sweetheart....

Pragya : Dare to open your mouth
Mr. Mehra... 😤😤😤😤... I will kill you... How dare you tease me like this... Idiot abhi... Don't talk to me...

I'm hell angry on You...  Let me complain you to dadi and will surely ask dadi to twist your ears for sure...

Abhi: 😂😂😂 Silly baby... Its just for fun na sweetheart... Im so sorry, if my words hurt you... In your anger, you failed to notice that how much you blushed, when I'm praising you fuggy...

Fuggy... No one is here... We are, all alone... You didn't give my morning kiss too... Why not you give me the thing, you dreamt off baby??? Can my wife come and wish me atleast a  good luck to her loving husband... Please....

Abhi opens his arms for his fuggy while she runs and hugs Abhi tightly... She kisses his cheeks lovingly while he smiled happily and kisses her forehead... They finds solace in each other arms and enjoys their sweet moment as no one came and disturbed them for sometime...


The function starts with the music and in between the Principal along with the committee members took the guest of honour Abhishek Prem Mehra to the dias... Abhi is smiling brightly and took his seat to grace the occasion....

After the usual welcoming and introduction speech, Abhi gets up from his place to address the students.... Pragya is way too nervous and completely tensed to know what is Abhi going to talk....

She knows that it's the speech of the Abhishek prem mehra, the business tycoon who is the idol and inspiration to the younger generation... But her heart is thumping too hard as what will Abhi going to talk and what will he say about his marriage and love....

Sweat beads forms in her forehead uncontrollably.... Her legs started to shiver and her senses are completely getting out of control... Her vision too started to blur and she finds that her heart beats are getting uneven all of a  sudden....

Abhi eyes searches for his fuggy in the crowd and his breath stopped to see his wife Pragya who is shivering and tensed like that... He sees the restlessness in Pragya and he understands that something is wrong with Pragya for sure...

Pragya loses her senses and is about to hit the floor but she is holded by two strong hands protectively... Pragya felt a pat in her cheeks and she gets up clutching his shirt and hugged him tightly to control her restlessness.... All are stunned to watch the scenario...


So, what's going on???

Who caught Pragya in his protective arms ????

Did everyone came to know that Pragya is Abhi's wife???

What is Abhi going to address the students???

What will Sid going to do win back Aaliya's trust and love????

How will Pragya's friends gonna react after knowing about Abhigya's marriage???

Keep guessing and  stay tuned....

As usual came up with a long update of 2950+ words....

Sorry for typo errors and grammatical mistakes, if any....

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Your buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



Got a maximum of 167 votes for this story... You will get the update very soon, if the votes crosses 165-175 votes...

Until then wait for me....


Have a good day....

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