91. Feeling the Love, Hatred, Hurt and Pain...

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As you all wished, I came up a bit earlier, irrespective of the votes too...

Huh... But you people had scolded me mercilessly.... Uff... All your comments proved me that how much you all are in a nail biting moment...

Eventhough many know that nothing wrong will happen and many confidently believed that I won't separate Abhigya by any means , some were thinking in the opposite way too...

😂😂😂😂😂... You people are unbelievable... Even my close buddies are ready to attack me... More than anything that Meme had irritated many people and all are in a verge to kill me, hey na...

Trust me... The story's title is Loving Husband... Will there will be a story without the sweet Loving Husband Abhi... No right... So, take a chill pill and enjoy the update...

( Do read the Author's note at the end of this chapter, without fail... I have an important message to convey to you
all... ⚠️)


I'm badly in need of my lost breath... I'm feeling suffocated... I'm stiffening hard and worried like a damsel in distress... Will my knight in shining armour get back to me and make me to stay alive???

I'm sorry, my love... Nothing is done intentionally... It's fate worst game that played badly in our lives... I'm repenting for my mistakes.... I'm ready to accept whatever punishment you give to me...

That awkward silence and your cold behaviour towards me is killing me a lot... However,  I understand the love behind your silly fight...


The inmates of the Mighty Mehra clan is dumbstruck and no one is in a state to come out so easily from the incidents, which shook their nerves and made them to sweat terribly.... Hot tears are oozing out continuously from everyone's eyes...

There is an awkward silence prevailing in the whole place... Only the muffling sounds of the cryings from the ladies were heard..  While the men in the house are letting out a silent whimper, which is inaudible to anyone... Their hearts beats are heaving up and down and none are in a state to wipe out their tears too...

Out of all the inmates of the house, Dadi is the one to compose and recover soon... She wipes her tears and shook the shoulder of Sarla, who is completely feeling guilty and sorry for her ruthless behaviour towards her daughter Pragya...

Dadi: Sarla ji... It's okay... Enough of crying...

Sarlama: I'm so sorry, Daljeet ji... I have no such bad intentions... I regret for my odd behaviours and I should have never intend to do like that... Being a mother, I can't see my daughter suffering like this... That's why, I have done like that.... But...  😭😭😭😭

Dadi: It's okay, Sarla... We could understand what you have gone through... But situations made everything to look wrong... That's all... No hard feelings...

Sarlama: But I never expected that this would have happened... How am I going to face Pragya, after all these... She will be hell angry on me... I'm so scared that she won't forgive me so easily... I'm  worried that she will forbid herself from talking to me 😭😭😭😭...

Mohan: Sarla... Stop worrying.... Let's not talk about the past... Whatever happened had happened... Our daughter will surely understand you... Wipe your face and think what we need to do next...

Dadi: That's what I too was thinking... Why not we do the pooja, which we have stopped??? I'm worrying that this may even anger the God too....

I don't want any harm to touch our family... I want all our kids to be happy always... So, let's arrange for a pooja and pray for the kids well being...

Sarla: As you wish, Daljeet di... (Turns towards Mohan) Mohan ji... Let's not waste the time... Talk to the pandit... We need to do the pooja, as early as possible...

Mohan: Sure Sarla... Let me look out for the needful... (Calls Purab, who is not at all responding to him... He shook Purab and brought him back to earth) Purab beta... Why are you staying quiet???

Purab: Nothing Papa... Worrying for Bhabhi only... When she looked at me with full of hope in her eyes, I didn't supported her at that time... I'm terribly sorry for my doings...

Pragya bhabhi trusted and supported me a lot in my hard times and she always treated me like an elder brother... She stood in my side and encouraged me to come out easily from my bad past...

But... I broke her trust and I failed to give her the needed support, when she badly in need of... Even this stupid three kept mum at that time and didn't supported her, as they are the root cause for all these incidents....

Bulbul: I swear Purab... This Ajju and Aalu are the real culprits... They used me cleverly and blackmailed me to convince Abhi jiju, without Pragya di's knowledge... I've never expected that these and all would have happened...

I'm also feeling so guilty... Poor Pragya di... She suffered terribly  and hid all her emotions and feelings with a fake smile in her face ... It was a hell to mask it, as if nothing had happened... Such a miserable state and no one should have faced such a scenario in their lives...

Ahead of all these, we all are going to be in a biggest problem... I am damn sure that we all are going to face the anger of Pragya di for sure... She will be hell angry on us and won't forgive us so easily....

Aaliya: Bulbul Bhabhi... Don't scare us like this...

Bulbul: Aalu... I'm not scaring you... It's the truth... Pray hardly that Pragya di should vent out her anger by shouting on us... If she stays quiet and didn't talk to us, then understand that things will going to be get complicated for sure...

Arjun: Oh God!!!! Sure we gonna face a big trouble... God... Please save all of us... Dadi, Papa, Maa... Arrange for the pooja soon... Make sure that everything happens as per Pragya di's wishes... If not, we can't get her forgiveness soon...

All were too much worried, but Arjun stealthily walks to the kitchen and eats the icecream kept inside the refrigerator... Arjun makes an oops reaction, as Aaliya and Bulbul are throwing daggers towards him,  as it's their part of share... The girls started to beat and kick Arjun, while Arjun shouts and runs from there...

All started to watch the trio and a smile creeps up in their faces, after a long time, to be precise after many days... Seeing the smile in the elders face, the trio makes a hi-fi happily, as they are able to change the mood of everyone... They are so happy that the sad mood which suffocated them for the past 10 days has been eased out some how...


Pragya is curled like a fragile doll and is sleeping in the cozy bed, with the effects of the medicines... The doctor has just moved out after giving the injection and the needed medicines to her... Dried tears are clearly visible in her face and her breath is still uneven with the sudden turn of events...

Pragya's body is shivering, ahead of the heavy blanket and her mouth is whispering Abhi... Abhi... Abhi,  continuously like a devotional mantra... She wanna bury and drown completely in her dream land, where her husband Abhi will be with her always....

Pragya screams Abhi in her sleep and her body jerks up heavily... Her body started to tremble in fear and sweat beads started to drench her up, as if she is standing in the middle of a desert, on a sunny day, expecting some water to quench her thirst...

Suddenly, Pragya made a relieved breath, as if she got back her life .. Her heart beats are stabilized and she calms down, as if all her worries are wiped away... She let out a deep sigh and drifted to a deep slumber, with a hope that she will be able to see her husband Abhi, after she wakes up...

Pragya's inner soul, heart and mind are keep on repeating one thing for her... If only her husband Abhi is alive, she is going to wake up from her sleep... If not, she wishes not to open her eyes and is ready to go wherever her Abhi is there....



Pragya argues with everyone in the family for stopping the important pooja and also for cancelling her birthday celebrations too... She accuses them that they all are disobeying  her husband Abhi's orders and are not caring for her feelings too...

Pragya vented out her anger by saying that no one is there  to support her and no one even cared to wish on her birthday too... She even bursted out angrily that her husband will surely come and punish them for spoiling her birthday like this....

But her mother Sarla angrily shouted on her by saying that she has gone mad and is not at all looking at the realities of life... She said that whatever they heard in the news is of true only and insisted Pragya to come out from her dreamland...

Pragya is very much stubborn not to believe the news, by any means and she is very confident that her LOVING HUSBAND will never leave her and will return back to her for sure... She also added that till her heart is beating, there won't be any harm to her Abhi at all...

Pragya pleaded everyone to have some trust on her and asked them not to believe the false news ... But none was in a state to support her, as all the evidences and reports had said that Abhi has boarded the flight at the correct time and even some cctv footages which Purab got through his secret sources confirmed the same...

Adding more to Pragya's misery, Sarla said that till Pragya has her symbols of marriage, she won't  be able to come out of it so easily ... Sarlama was very keen to wipe away the kumkum in Pragya's forehead and take off the mangalsutra from her neck...

Pragya: Maa... Please don't come near me... Until I'm alive, no one can take away this from me... My Abhi is fine and he will come back to me for sure...

Maa... It's a biggest sin... You can't do this to me... When my husband is alive, you shouldn't think of to take the symbols of my marriage from me... I won't let you to do it, by any means....

Sarla: Shut up, Pragya... I'm going to remove them for sure... I don't want my daughter to get more burden and I don't care, if you hate me for doing so...

Pragya with a shiver in her spine walks backwards,  hoping that someone in her family will stop her mother Sarla from doing so... But all were left out with tears in their eyes and none cared to move an inch too to stop Sarla...

With a heavy pain in her heart, Pragya takes a deep breath and begs sarla not to do so... But Sarla paid deaf ears to Pragya's pleads and touches the mangalsutra in her neck....

With a soulful and crying voice, Pragya screams "Abhiiiii" to the top of her lungs and started to breathe heavily, hoping that her husband Abhi will come as her saviour to protect her from the worst happenings...

Sweat beads pooled up in Pragya's face uncontrollably... Her lips started to tremble and her body started to give up slowly.... Her eyes blurred with much itchiness, but she is stubborn not to let out a single drop of pearl from her eyes...

Sarla with moist eyes looks at Pragya and she clutches the mangalsutra tightly in her hands... When Sarla is about to pull out the mangaslutra, a heavy thud from the door makes everyone to get startled and all were so shocked and stopped from breathing too....

Pragya, who is controlling all her tears till now, started to cry vigorously and runs quickly towards the door... She is not in a state to speak anything and her mind is not in a condition to register the happenings...

She takes a deep breath, as she slumps her body in the embrace of her Loving Husband Abhi, who is standing there in the entrance of the house with moist eyes... She buried herself completely inside him...

Pragya feels as if she has returned back to her mother's womb, where she is so safe and secure.... She is very much protected in his arms and feels, as if she have got back her lost breathe and soul...

Abhi, who is completely worn out and tired, didn't expected such things would have happened in his family... As soon as, he heard the news of the flight he is supposed to travel had been vanished in the air, he feard that the consequences might be severe and would have affected his family for sure...

Abhi was much bothered about his Baby girl Fuggy, ahead of anyone, knowing very well that his stubborn wife Pragya won't  even cry too, as she has promised him that she won't cry , before he left the country...

Due to lack of network and communication issues and also the bad situations prevailing over there, Abhi couldn't reach anyone and can contact them too... Abhi was much bothered that his family would  have thought that he too would have lost his life like the other passengers ...

Abhi couldn't say what has happened to him and what made him to come out from the boarded flight... It's his mere luck or to say, it's the bhagya of kumkum in Pragya's forehead, which saved him from the deadly mishap....

Abhi let out a deep sigh and kissed Pragya in her forehead.. As soon as his tears kisses her lips, she made a relieved breath... She let out a lifeless smile and lost all her senses... She falls unconsciously in Abhi's arms making his body to froze in shock....

Abhi pats Pragya's cheeks but she is laying there like a lifeless doll in his arms... He picked up Pragya in his arms and moved to his room... His one deadly glare makes everyone to halt in their steps and it clearly accuses them that none had protected his fuggy and supported her at the time she is more in need of....


Abhi caress the head of Pragya and gives feather  like kisses on her hairs... He gently places her in the pillow and covered her with a duvet... He let out a deep sigh and moves to freshen up and also to getl changed ....

When Abhi is about to hit the bed, he hears a gentle knock from outside... Arjun is standing there with his head staring at the  floor.... Abhi looks at him keenly and raises him brows, as if questions him what he wants... Arjun lowers his gaze and meekly whispers that Dadi needs to talk with him....

Abhi gestures Arjun to go from there... He checks the temperature of Pragya and covers her with a duvet... He changes the wet cloth in her forehead and sets the temperature of the a/c and walks out of the room to face his whole family...

Though Abhi feels sorry for his family,  he is not in a state to forgive them so easily for their doings.... Abhi descends down from the stairs and walks towards Dadi... He hugs her tightly and his  eyes blurred up uncontrollably... Dadi wipes his tears and makes him to lay on his lap....


After three days..

All in the house are staring at the stairs and are eagerly looking forward to see Pragya... But they are dumb struck to see Pragya in such a pathetic state... She didn't talked to anyone and gave cold shoulders to them..

Pragya simply  sits besides her husband Abhi and eats the food, he feeds her and gulped the medicines, without showing any tantrums... She didn't utter a single word to anyone and only the voice of Abhi is echoing in the dining hall...

All are worryingly looking at Pragya, as her silence is killing everyone... More than a sword, the silence of our beloved one's pierces like a sword in our hearts... Is Pragya's silence is a calm before the  storm or is it the punishment, she is giving to her family???


Author's note:

My dear beloved buddies and my sweet readers... An important message from your Crazy/Mahii...

I've been asked a question repeatedly by many of the people over here... It's that they want to know whether I'm following and watching KKB till now or Am I supporting and encouraging the Dushri Pidhi or what's my opinion about the show???

Well... It's been months, since I watched KKB... Believe it or not, the last time I watched KKB is the happy smiles of Abhi, Pragya and Kiara and the family dance in the baby shower function...

After that I didn't watched KKB at all, as the  news about separation and the leap were going on viral... As I'm a more sensitive person, I stopped myself from viewing it, knowing very well that it may affect my writings...

Even some of my close buddies made fun of me by saying that I couldn't resist for so long and I will surely watch it again... But... Thank God... As my wifi got issues, I couldn't even read the updates too...

Ahead of all that my dish got some errors and when we updated the receiver, they had unknowingly unsubcribed from zee tv... My 39 rupees got saved...

I'm so happy that I am not watching those plastic faces and those grannies horrible actings... (Got to know about their worst side through social medias)...

My love for Abhigya will never subsidize... If I watch KKB again, sure I will not  be able to write any of my stories...

I knew very well that many stopped even to read the Abhigya fan fics too because of the CVs... Many writers have stopped to write their works, due to poor response and also because of the CVs doings....

But, I want to clear one thing... If you are not at all supporting, we can't read the awesome fanfics. Which makes the eternal couple Abhigya to live...

So, my humble request to the readers over here... Just clicking the star once won't make any harm to your finger...

Till this day, I'm updating all my stories for my genuine readers and I never want them to feel bad by stopping a story in the middle... Even I have never deleted any of my story and never left a story unfinished....

I respect my readers a lot and I will least bother about my sleep and health to make them happy... Even I update the stories, if the votes didn't turn up too...

What I expect is your support in the form of votes and comments.... Am I so selfish to expect this??? No right...

Sorry, if I bored you or if my words hurts anyone... Please do forgive me if I'm  wrong.... Expecting  a positive response and favourable reply from you all...


Questions to answer:

Will the family is able to break the silence of Pragya???

What is the Loving Husband Abhi is going to do, to make his baby Fuggy to become normal again???

What has happened in the flight, which makes Abhi to come out from the flight???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...


Do cast your votes and pen down your views without fail...

Signing off,

Yours buddy


Will be



Have a good day....

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