90. Will I get back my lost breath???

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Tears pour out from my heart, as you are not with me... But I'm stubborn not to let out a single drop of tear from my eyes... I can't cry , when your hands are not there to wipe my tears...

My love didn't make me vulnerable or weak... It has given me a lot of confidence to face off the hardest phase of the life, with a determined smile in my face....

Like an anchor to hold a ship, I need you beside me, to sail through the beautiful journey of life...


The mighty Mehra Mansion is staying calm and lost all it's happiness, as it has lost the important pillar of the family... The unusual calmness in the house can bring a shrill in the mind set of anyone and can feel for the unexpected sadness that had happened in their lives...

All in the house have forget how to smile and no one is bothered to fuel up their bodies with food and water too... They were mourning for the misery and least care
about their own well being... Rather their hearts and minds are praying hardly that the information which shook their lives hardly, should be false only...

All are expecting a miracle to happen and their gazes are fixed only on the entrance of the Mansion and are eagerly looking forward to have a glimpse of Abhi, who is not in their midst... The worst news has broke them beyond repair, as if a thunderstorm has hit them...

The elders never cared about their health and are wetting eyes their repeatedly... Purab is sitting like a statue and he is not in a state to attend any calls and his mind is not working a bit too ... He least bother about his health and is worried , as how he gonna get information about the missing flight...

It's a terrible shock to Bulbul, Aaliya and Arjun and they never expected that they have to hear such a kind of bad news ever in their lifetime.. They curses themselves for joining hands with Abhi and agree to his plan to come secretly over there, without the knowledge of Pragya...

Their guilty conscious is killing them so badly and they couldn't digest the sad news at all... They don't know how to console Pragya and were worried that what will Pragya do, if she came to know that it's them, who asked Abhi to take that particular flight, so that he can come a little earlier and make some secret arrangements to surprise Pragya on her birthday...


The whole house is echoing only with the sounds of the famous news channels, in a full swing , which is keep on retelecasting that the flight from the XYZ city is found to be missing in the air suddenly and it's believed that none of the passengers are found alive...

Some of the reputed and secret sources of Mehra groups which Purab has arranged, have found out that Abhi's name is found in the passengers list and he has done the immigration formalities and boarded the flight too on correct time.. The informations they have got are from the authorized sources only,,,

Purab has used all his influence to hide Abhi's name from the list, so that Abhi's name shouldn't get leaked in the media.. Purab knew very well that it may bring all kind of unwanted tensions in the mind set of their investors and share holders, which in turn, may affect the company's growth...

As the Mehra Group of companies is Abhi's all years of hardwork, he won't digest if any wrong thing happen to it's reputation and growth... So, Purab and Mohan Arora have tried their level best to maintain the secret, till they get an authentic and clear information... They were sure not to take any decision till they see Abhi in person...

Ahead of the tension and sadness prevailing over there, all were much worried and bothered about Pragya, who is not at all reacting for this sad news and is behaving so cool and normal... She is the only person in the house, who is smiling happily, as if nothing has happened...

Pragya scolds everyone for behaving so awkwardly and asks them not to believe this fake news at all.. She argues that Abhi is attending the meeting in the XYZ city and he won't come over there, without her knowledge... The belief of Pragya on Abhi brought a painful tear in everyone's eyes...

It's Pragya, who orders them and blackmails them to have food on correct time... She goes to college without fail and concentrates well in her studies... While Arjun, Bulbul and Aaliya didn't bothered that they need to go to the college and they never care for
their studies too...

Being the elderly ladies , Sarlama and Dadi can understand very well that Pragya is hiding her pain and is masking all her emotions and worries very cleverly , by a forced smile in her face... They prayed that at least for the sake of Pragya, Abhi needs to return back...


One week passes without any improvements.... Pragya is chirping happily, as her birthday is nearing and she is so busy in choosing her outfit, accessories and how she gonna celebrate it... As her friends Rk, Sid and Madhu were so eager to celebrate her birthday, Pragya said that she can spend time with them only in the morning...

As suggested by Abhi earlier, Pragya makes all arrangements to go to the orphanage to celebrate her birthday ... All in the house were worriedly looking at Pragya, who is so much excited and making plans to enjoy the day happily... No one's words gone in the deaf ears of Pragya and she least care to hear all their unwanted talks, which may spoil her happiness...

Pragya is so stubborn to celebrate her birthday , as per the way Abhi had suggested.. She is keen on doing everything, as she has made a promise to Abhi, before he moved to the XYZ city.... Not allowing anything to spoil her mood, Pragya is smiling more and more, which is nothing but a calmness before a dangerous storm...


The day which Pragya is awaiting for a long time has arrived finally.... Pragya dressed up so beautifully in a designer saree and applies light make up... She applies kumkum in her mangalsutra and pins it inside her blouse... She lightly keeps some kumkum in her forehead and she hides it smartly with her hairs...

Pragya moves towards their wedding snap and smiles happily on seeing it... She couldn't stop herself from touching Abhi's face in the snap and her lips widens with a bright smile... She gently places her lip marks on Abhi's lips on the snap and she blushes uncontrollably, as if the mates touched in real...

After checking her looks once again , Pragya picks up her hand bag and walked towards the downstairs... The inmates of the house are astonished to see Pragya like that and all are worryingly looking at her with moist eyes...

Pragya twist her lips in anger and moved towards the pooja room and lit the light... She folds her hands, prayed to God and started to sing a devotional song with full of hope, which hardens the hearts of everyone...

After doing the pooja, Pragya moves towards Dadi and falls on her feet with a big smile in her face... With a heavy heart, Dadi blesses Pragya and kisses on her forehead... Pragya neither mind her parents nor care for the youngers in the house, who hadn't wished her , till now...

Pragya moves to the kitchen and orders the cook Robin, what all he needs to do and instructs him that it's his responsibility to feed everyone and threatens him that she will fire him, if anyone skip their meal.... Robin's pleading looks didn't melt Pragya at all...

Before she vent out her anger on Robin for irritating her, Pragya's mobile buzzed and it indicates that her friends are waiting for her in ABC restaurant... She hears the horn sound of the cab, which she had booked earlier...

Not in a mood to waste any more time, she gave a stern look towards Robin and moves to the living hall... After bidding adieu to Dadi, Pragya walks towards the entrance of the house... Sarlama's eyes welled with tears, while Mohan patted her back and asked her to calm down...


As planned earlier, Pragya started her day happily with her friends, who makes her day very special by giving her a lot of surprises... She enjoys the moments happily and clicked many snaps with them and forwards it to Abhi's number, without minding that Abhi's mobile is not at all reachable...

After a couple of hours, Pragya moves towards the orphanage and she didn't expected that Arjun, Aaliya and Bulbul will be there, awaiting for her... Though their eyes are full of sadness, Pragya clearly understands that they came only for making her happy...

Not showing any emotions in her face, Pragya takes a deep breath and moves inside the orphanage... She distributes the dresses, gifts and chocolates to the kids... She happily accepts the wishes of the kids and is continuously smiling, not at all aware that her day gonna end up with tears...

Aaliya thrusts a cheque in Pragya's hand, which Abhi wishes to donate to the orphanage, while Bulbul is faking a smile in her face... Shock is an understatement for Pragya, when she is being pulled by the kids to cut the birthday cake which was pre arranged by the trio...

Pragya had a wonderful time with the kids and her smile brings an unseen glow in her face... Aaliya and Bulbul couldn't stay there for a long time... They hires a cab and moves quickly from there, as it's hard for them to control their tears and mask their emotions... But all these time, Arjun is no where to be found ...

As soon as Pragya has stepped inside the orphanage, Arjun felt a heavy burden in his heart... The smile of Pragya scares him a lot and he ran away to hide his tears... He slumps his body under the secluded tree near the entrance of the orphanage ...

Arjun stares at the sky with moist eyes and his lips keeps on saying that Please jiju... It's like a hell without you, Jiju... No one can tolerate the news and we want this news to be a fake one... Our lives won't be happy, if you are not in our midst...

Poor Pragya di... She is suffering inwardly and she is so stubborn not to cry too, till she sees your face... Please come back to her, Jiju... She couldn't live a life without you... Make her happy, Jiju and don't ever break her heart, any a time....

Arjun eyes are pouring out uncontrollably and he feels so sorry on seeing Pragya, who is not at believing the reality at all... He doesn't know how will Pragya react after she understands the truth and he couldn't digest why God has brought such a misery in Pragya's life....

Hearing the cough sound of Pragya, Arjun wipes his tears and gets up from there... He takes a deep breath to compose himself, as he doesn't want to show his vulnerability to Pragya... But he miserably fails in front of his sister, who is looking at him very keenly...

Arjun stammers a lot and rushes towards the car quickly, while Pragya giggles and gets inside the car... There is an awkward silence prevails in the car... Arjun ignites the engine with a heavy heart, as Pragya is busy in sending the snaps to Abhi....

Pragya clicks the send button and smiles brightly... She switches on the player and leans on to the car seat... She closes her eyes and is keep on humming her favourite song... Arjun takes a deep breath and moves towards the Mehra Mansion, praying for the well being of Pragya and also wishing for a miracle to happen...


Later that evening,

Pragya gave a murderous glare towards everyone and her anger reaches it's peak and she is unstoppable... She grits her teeth and walks towards everyone, with a raging fire in her eyes...

Pragya: I didn't expected that you people will treat me so indifferently... None care to wish me on my birthday... I couldn't understand what's the need to cancel the pooja and birthday celebrations, which my Abhi has arranged for me... You people even cancelled the cake too...

This is my Abhi's wish and I won't be pleased, if anyone disobeys my Abhi's words... Why you all are hell adamant to spoil my mood??? Never in my wild dreams I have thought that you people will react like this...

All these days, you all have acted as if I'm important to you... Other than my Abhi, no one loves me at all... So, you people are ready to accept the false news, but no one cares a damn about my feelings and emotions, right...

Sarla: Shut up, Pragya... You have no right to talk to us in that tone... Cut down your craps... It's you and not us... Try to understand the reality, Pragya... You are getting mad and whatever you are doing is not a good sign at all...

Pragya: I don't care... What reality you are talking, Mom... Never I will believe that false news... My Abhi is fine and he is hale and healthy...

Mohan: Beta... You are a matured kid... We all know how much you love your husband... But life is unpredictable... Sometimes, such kind of unexpected things can happen too, which is beyond our control ...

Whatever happens, our lives have to move on... We all are scared, as you are in an illusion and not at all reacting to the reality... Please beta... We can't lose you too...

Pragya: Papa... Trust me... Nothing has happened to Abhi... Look at me... I'm breathing till now... If nothing has happened to me, nothing is wrong with my Abhi too...

Purab: Bhabhi... Please... Calm down... Don't get angry unnecessarily ... Try to control yourself and understand the situation... We are in a big misery and we expect your full support in this regard...

Our minds are not at all working properly and we couldn't make any further move, as your state and behaviours are worrying us a lot... What I mean is that... Vo... Vo... I... I...

Pragya: So... Tell me, Purab bhai... What do you mean by that haan... I know my Abhi is fine.... Why you all can't have hope like me??? (Shouts angrily)

Mohan: We too are praying for that only beta... We didn't want the news to be true by any means... But...

Pragya: Papa... Please... Don't make it so hard for me... I trust my husband, ahead of any one and he will get back to me for sure... My Loving Husband knows very well that his Fuggy can't imagine a life without him...

Sarla: Why are you not understanding , Pragya??? Why are you not at all listening to us??? We keep on repeating but you are hell adamant to make it hard for all of

Pragya: Other than this, I will listen to whatever you say, Mom...

Sarla: Have you gone mad, Pragya??? Atleast cry, Pragya... Pour out what's in your heart... Let your tears to ease out the burden, which is suffocating you... Please beta... Mumma is saying for you well being only...

Pragya: Mom... Why are you hell adamant to torture me??? Never I will cry... I promised to my Abhi not to cry , till he returns back...

Sarla: Daljeet Ji... Atleast you make Pragya to understand... I know it's very hard to digest... But I'm scared that my daughter will become completely insane, if she didn't cry at all...

Even though, it's hard for us, we need to do that... Enough of staying calm, as you have asked me not to force Pragya... But this is getting out of control... Till Pragya has her mangalsutra and kumkum, she won't believe that Abhi beta has lost his life at all...

Pragya gasps in shock and holds her mangalsutra, as tightly as she can... She pleads everyone not to believe the fake news and she keeps on walking back... Sarla didn't mind anything and moves towards Pragya and is hell adamant to clear off the symbols of Pragya's wedding with Abhi...

Pragya shakes her negatively and her lips trembled in fear... Her whole body started to writh in uncontrollable pain and she tries very hard not to cry, any a time... Sarla angrily looks at Pragya and keeps her hands on her mangalsutra...

Pragya screams Abhi to the top of her lungs and she falls on her knees... She holds Sarla's hands and pleads her not to do anything like she told earlier.... All are looking at Pragya with moist eyes and a heavy thud on the ground, makes the whole house to get dumb struck...

Many unexpected things had happened in the past half an hour and no one is in a state to come out so easily from that.... The whole house is completely stunned and it took much time for them to gain back their composures... Tears were brimming in everyone's eyes and falling effortlessly in the floor....



What's going to happen next???

What happened to Abhi???

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Bidding adieu,


Will be



Have a good day....

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