89. My heart won't let you to go anywhere...

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My heart won't let you to go anywhere... I need you to know, how much I miss you and I'm suffering without you....

I crave you to be near me always...
I crave you to say good night to me and give me a forehead kiss...
I crave you in many ways, where I just want to cuddle you , nothing more and nothing less...

I'm in need of a strongest medicine to get rid of my sickness... Only my husband has the capability to heal my sickness and can make me to get back to normal...


Each passing day is nothing but a deadly hell for Pragya and she is suffering a lot without her Loving husband Abhi... Though Pragya understands the practical realities of life and the need for her to concentrate well on her studies, she is also an ordinary girl, who craves more for her husband's presence beside her....

Pragya couldn't concentrate well in anything... She doesn't know what to answer her friends Sid, Rk and Madhu, who are nagging her to agree for their plans to celebrate their Lolly's birthday, which is coming up in 10 days time...

Pragya is in complete dilemma and she doesn't know how to stop them from planning anything and she is in a turmoil, whether to say yes or no to them... She couldn't hurt them at any cost and bothered, as she can't give any explanation to them...

Moreover, Pragya couldn't decide anything without knowing the plans of their family members... Aaliya blurted out unknowingly that she has planned to do a surprise for Pragya along with Arjun, Purab and Bulbul....

But Pragya cuts them off and asked them not to do anything, as she is not interested to celebrate her birthday without her husband Abhi... She ordered them not to trouble her for this matter at any cost...

Even, Abhi is not happy with Pragya's decision at all... Arjun and Aaliya had informed the matter to Abhi and pleaded Abhi to make Pragya to agree to their wishes.... Abhi understood Pragya's mind set very well but he assures them that he will talk with Pragya....


One such day,

Pragya is writing her assignments in one side, while the music channel in the TV is breaking the silence of the room and giving the much needed company to Pragya ... It's the usual habit of Pragya to study and write like this and the Tv or music player should be always on for her, as she hates loneliness....

She is humming some songs and is sincerely writing the notes with her beautiful hand writing.... Just then, her mobile rings aloud with the name " My Love", flashing on her mobile..

Pragya shrinks her brows and looks at the time.... She wonders why Abhi is calling her at that time.... She very well knows that it's Abhi's office hours, usually the time for meetings and it's not the time, he used to call her at all...

Pragya knew that Abhi won't call her, if it's not an emergency....With panic and tension building inside her, Pragya switches of the Tv with the remote... She says "All is well" and attends the call quickly..

Pragya: Hello... Abhi... You are fine right... Is there is any problem???? Are you okay???? Abhi... No health issues right... Are you eating the food properly or not????

I knew it... You are working too much and not at all taking proper rest and troubling yourself by not getting the needed sleep too.... Oh God!!!! Abhi... Have you met the doctor or not????

You are not at all taking care of you properly, Abhi... You are not at all listening to me... Wait... Let me complain you to Dadi... She will take nice lectures to you...

Pragya blasted like a 10000 wala fire cracker and is not in a mood to listen to what Abhi is going to say and why he called her at that time too... She imagined everything on her own and boiled like a volcano, as if Abhi is sick....

Abhi (Sighs) : Hold on, Baby.... Relax.. Breathe in between... Oh my goodness!!!! How many questions and what an imagination... Impossible Fuggy....

Better, you have to become a story writer... You are thinking too much... Huh... Poor me... Allow me to talk atleast.... Hoye... Don't roll your eyes...

Pragya: How do you know that???

Abhi: I know you, in and out... Just tell me, why you blasted like that haan...

Pragya: You won't call me at this time right.... I got scared and that's why, I thought like that... Did I got over board... You have made me to get panic attack... Phew...

Abhi: Baby... What's this yaar... I'm absolutely fine... I just finished off a meeting and got a break for sometime... So, I thought of calling you... Did I disturbed you, Fuggy???

Pragya: No... No... Not like that... I was writing my assignments only...

Abhi (with a clear disappointed tone): Ohhhh!!!! Then carry on, Baby... Let me call you later...

Pragya: No... No... I have just two pages to complete... I have a week's time to do it... Just felt bored... So, I thought to write it down....

You can very well talk to me my dear Husband... Aww... I'm so so sad... I badly want to pinch that pout and kiss it madly....

A blushy smile creeps up in Abhi's face and he smiles hardly as Pragya winks at Abhi and blows a kiss to him... Seeing the glow in Abhi's face, Pragya makes a seductive smile, which makes Abhi to groan uncontrollably....

Abhi thanks the advanced communication technologies mentally, as it's allowing him to romance with his Fuggy, irrespective of the distance too and is giving a new shade to their love journey... Abhi and Pragya, though they miss each other's presence, started to enjoy this mobile romance...

Though they are in far away distance lands and they are miles apart, they are happy as they are able to see each other and share their feelings... Even they consoled themselves, as this is happening in many people's life...

They felt really bad for couples, who are being distanced, because of job in abroads.... Pragya many a times, felt pity on those girls, as they can't do anything, as their husbands are forced to work in abroad, to earn a better livelihood....

Pragya, even thanked god that she is not been forced to live a such a life and she feels herself lucky, as she got a husband like Abhi.... If it's not Pragya's orders, Abhi would have returned to his Fuggy, long long back...

Abhi: Alright!!!! What plans Fuggy???

Pragya: Plans??? What for??? I couldn't get you, Abhi...

Abhi: Baby... Let me come to the point straightly... Why you said no to Aaliya and Arjun??? Even Purab and Bulbul called me and said that you are not agreeing to celebrate your birthday.... It's your first birthday after our wedding...

Dadi too is wishing to do a grand pooja and want you to give a big feast to the needy people... Even Sarlama and Mohan Papa are having some plans too...

Say yes to them, Baby... They will feel happy... I want you to enjoy your birthday happily.... Please agree to them baby....

Pragya: Abhi .. I'm not interested to do anything... Without you, how can I celebrate my birthday, Abhi... I can't and I won't... Please don't force me in this...

Abhi: Baby... This is not done... You shouldn't miss your big day, just for my sake... Agree to them, Fuggy...

Pragya: Please Abhi... Don't do this to me... My loving husband Abhi is not near me... So no Birthday celebrations for me....

Abhi: Shall I come there, sweet heart???

Pragya: Whatttt....

Abhi: Just say yes alone, darling... Nothing is important to me other than my Fuggy... I will come before you and we can celebrate your birthday happily...

Pragya: God!!!! You are also becoming crazy, now a days...
Mr. Abhishek Prem Mehra... Remember... You have an important dealership meeting and you need to fly to XYZ city and be there for a week, during that time...

Abhi: Oops!!! I've completely forgotten that...

Pragya: Always thinking about your Fuggy... Not a good thing which a business tycoon Abhishek Mehra, should do... Concentrate well in your work, Sir... Your Fuggy will wait for you....

Abhi: Baby... You càn wait but I can't... I'm Fuggy's Loving Husband first... Everything is next to me....

Pragya: Aahaan... I'm getting cold as you are keeping a big barrel of ice bar in my head...

Abhi: Baby... This is unfair....

Pragya: Just kidding, Abhi... So, You want me to say yes to our family's wishes right...

Abhi: Yes... Say yes, Baby...

Pragya: I'm saying yes to our Family's wishes... But... I'm saying No to my Loving Husband's hidden demands... Don't pull up any stunts...

Abhi: Smart... Baby, you shouldn't be this much clever... Abhi... So, pity on you man...

Both laughs hardly and chit chat happily for sometime... They are not aware that a huge storm is ready to hit them soon and gonna snatch their happiness...


After some days,

Pragya is quite restless on that day... She doesn't know why she is getting all kinds of negative vibes, all of a sudden... The whole night Pragya is completely tensed and she couldn't have proper sleep too...

As Abhi has moved on to the XYZ city for an important meeting, he is not able to be in touch with Pragya, due to some network issues and time changes over there... Pragya thought that Abhi is busy and she too didn't disturbed him much...

From Morning, everything is getting messed up for Pragya... She has switched off her alarm and slept off unknowingly and was very late to get ready... She in a hurry and in a tensed mind set, pulls and pushes off every things in the room....

Pragya is searching her shawl for a long time, which is just in the bed... She struggles hard to take her books too... Arjun and Aaliya too have come to call Pragya, as it's getting late and she left abruptly from the room, without taking her mobile too...

Dadi understands that Pragya is restless and is tensed for something... She forcefully makes Pragya to sit in the chair and feeds her the food... Purab, smilingly watches the scenario and picks up the call in his mobile...

Purab seriously talked in the mobile and is blasting on someone very angrily... Pragya is keenly looking at
Purab, who is dressed up in his office suit and is looking , as if he is going to the office...

Purab, with much irritation, cuts off the call and makes few more calls... Though Pragya is in a hurry, she badly wants to know what's bothering Purab and why he is dressed up like this...

Pragya: Purab Bhai... Is everything alright??? Is there is any problem in the office??? Don't hide anything from me, Bhai...

Purab: Haan Bhabhi... A big issue is going on... Abhi bhai alerted me earlier that this will be coming up, if there is any slight negligence too from our side... I too was following it keenly, with the help of Mohan papa and a specialized team...

But that worthless team, which I assigned to do this work, have did a big mistake and spoiled all our efforts... No one is ready to accept the mistakes and is easily putting the blame on others... Irresponsible idiots....

Enough is enough... These people are doing too much... I can't sit idly in the home.... Abhi bhai handed over all the responsibilities and is working there, thinking that I will handle everything...

It's unwise and unethical, if I'm not doing anything from my side... I'm going to office from now on wards... Let me take all the control in my hands... So, I'm going to office and gonna take the charge again...

Pragya: Whattt... Bhai... Still you are in treatment only... I can't allow you to strain much... Abhi will kill me, if I allow you...

Purab: Bhabhi... Please... Try to understand the situation... Don't say no this... My presence in office is needed the most...

Your cooperation and acceptance, will help us to save the dignity of our company and I know, you won't let Abhi Bhai's hardworks to get wasted, at any time....

Don't think about my condition... It's time to focus on our company.... I'm fine, Bhabhi... I have consulted and discussed with the doctor, Bhabhi... I even asked them what to do in case of emergencies too..

Moreover, the home nurse will be with me and the doctor will reach me anytime, if I'm not well... Ahead of all that, our office too have specialized doctors and they will take care of me....

Pragya: Ohhh... Okay bhai... But Don't stress yourself ... I'm worried a lot, as you shouldn't spoil your health again...

Purab (smiles): Thank god!!!! Atleast you are there to take care of me , Bhabhi... When I said this matter to Bulbul, she is arguing with me that why did I delayed this much and wasted much time...

She even scolded me for bringing problem to her jiju's business and even blasted on me, as if I'm not doing anything... She is blaming me as if I'm sleeping lazily in the home .. Stupid Bulbul... Still behaving like a small girl...

Arjun: Sorry to interrupt you, Jiju... Can you repeat the dialogues again... Bulbul di is on video call... She is wishing to hear your praisings on her and badly wants to see your expressions....

Purab gasps in shock, while Bulbul, who is on line is glaring at Purab murderously.... Aaliya and Arjun hifies and runs out from there, before Purab strangle their necks... Pragya giggles and said "All the best to Purab" and moved towards the car....


Sid eagerly waits for Aaliya to get down from the car.... He hides there hidingly, till Pragya joins Madhu and Rk... Sid signals to a boy and he nods his head... The boy dragged Arjun from there, saying that the HOD is calling him...

Aaliya is left alone and she walks towards her class... She gasps in shock, as Sid jumps before her, all of a sudden ... With much irritation, Aaliya twists her lips and forwards her steps...

Sid holds Aaliya's arms tightly, while she roughly pulls her hands... Aaliya blows air in her arms, which is hurted with Sid's harsh touch and the impression of her bracelet is clearly visible in her hand...

Sid: I'm really sorry, Aalu... I didn't mean to hurt you...

Aaliya; You always hurt me, purposely and will ask sorry, just like that... You are a heartless monster... You are completely sick... This is the final warning to you...

You don't know what this Aaliya can do... If my brothers know that you are after me and torturing me like this, no one can save you from them...

If you don't want any interruptions in your studies and if your parents are in need of a son like you, leave from here and don't trouble me again... I can't give any assurity, if you lose your life too... Get lost and allow me to live peacefully....

Sid: Listen to me once... Aaliya...

Aaliya: Enough... I don't want to hear any of your nonsense talks... Arjun is coming here... He has great respect on you... I think you won't spoil it...

Aaliya plasters a forced smile and runs towards Arjun hurriedly... Arjun signals something, while Aaliya's face glowed in happiness.... Both entwins their hands and runs from there happily, like carefree birds...

The cute yet poetic moves of Arjun and Aaliya may bring smile in anyone's face and it's impossible for anyone to stop adoring them... But Sid, who is madly obsessed with Aaliya, fumes in anger and he punches hardly in the wall... He is not ready to give up easily and keeps on saying that Aaliya is made for him only..


The college gets over and the students are going out from their classes...
Aaliya and Arjun rushes before Pragya, who is walking along with her friends... The worried and tensed state of Arjun and Aaliya brings a shrill inside Pragya and she prays hardly that nothing is wrong with anyone in the family....

Pragya: Ajju... Aalu... Sorry guys... I was late... Shall we move???

Pragya bids a quick adieu to her friends and hurriedly drags Arjun and Aaliya from there... Arjun starts the car hurriedly, while Aaliya, who is controlling all her emotions till now, hugs Pragya tightly and cries aloud...

Pragya: Hey Aalu... What's this??? Why are you crying like this haan?? Did Ajju did anything to you???

Aaliya nods her negatively...

Aaliya: Bhabhi... Bhai... 😭😭😭😭😭.... Nothing will happen to Bhai right... 😭😭😭😭😭

Aaliya keeps on crying and is not hearing any of the consoling words of Pragya... She is worried a lot, as Arjun is struggling a lot to drive and is wiping his moist eyes continuously... Pragya's heart beats started to raise up uncontrollably and she felt a severe pain in her heart...

Pragya; Ajju... Aalu... Please... Don't get emotional like this... It's really hard for me to see you two like this... I beg you two... I promised on my Abhi that I won't cry at all...

You two are making me to get emotional... Aalu... Look at me... Here... Drink this water... Relax... All will be fine soon..

Ajju... The same hospital only na... No much complications in Purab bhai's health right... Did Bulbul knows this or not???? Call her and ask her to come to the hospital....

Arjun blinks his eyes, while Aaliya couldn't even breathe too... Pragya gave a confused look and couldn't understand why the duo are seeing her, as if she is an alien... Arjun sighs and drives the car rashly and he relaxed only after they reached MM...

Pragya gave a murderous glare and gets down quickly from the car... She is hell angry on Arjun, as he brought her home, without taking them to the hospital... Pragya's eyes popped out in shock, as Purab, Mohan Arora, sarlama, Bulbul and Dadi are sitting in a pathetic state...

Pragya wonders what happens to all them, suddenly... Just then she remembers Aaliya's mumblings, which clearly states that something is wrong with her Bhai... Which means... Aaliya's bhai, Pragya's husband, Abhi is having some problem for sure...

Pragya is not in a state to think of anything... She moves her gaze towards the tv screen, which reads a scroll news that a particular flight has been vanished in air and it's been reported that the passengers travelled in that flight would have lost their lives too...

All came out of  their trance, as they hear a heavy thud and they all rushes towards Pragya, who is sitting on the floor... Mohan gently caress Pragya's head and she pushes his hands off from her.....

Pragya (yells angrily) : Don't say anything to me... How you all can do this to me... Who am I to you all??? How many times I told you all... Why you all have did like this???

Why am I blaming you all, unnecessarily???? I should blame that idiot husband of mine only... What a kind of stupidity is this... I keep on repeating that I'm not interested for the good for nothing birthday celebrations...

I ordered my Loving Husband not to pull up any stunts and rejected his wish to come over here... But I know, you all would have forced him to come here and give a surprise to me...

Remember everyone... I won't forgive anyone, if anything wrong happens to my Abhi... If Abhi is not living in this earth, Pragya too will be dead for sure...

Pragya angrily yells and tries hard to get up from there... Her body shakes up and she is about to fall down... She didn't let anyone to near her and gets up from there, with much difficulty... She walks towards Dadi with much struggle and holds her hands tightly...

Pragya: Dadi... Stop crying... Abhi is fine... Nothing had happened to him... These news are fake... See.... I'm breathing right... So, my Abhi is also breathing somewhere..

He gave me 7 promises and he won't let me to stay alone in this earth... Dadi... Don't stress yourself...

Pragya calls the servants and asked them to bring tea and snacks for everyone... The family members, who are pooled up in tears, stares at Pragya, with a worried look... Pragya didn't talked with anyone after that... She sips her coffee and eats the snacks....

No one can understand, why Pragya got silent, all of à sudden... The three men, Arjun, Purab and Mohan didn't know what they need to do now and they are trying reall very hard to reach the airport authorities to have a clear idea...

Time started to tickle quickly... The two days weekened passed off in a blink and no one is able to get any idea about what had happened to Abhi... They tried to track Abhi and his location, but the result is a big zero...

Ahead of all that, the family gasped in shock to see Pragya's avatar... She is smiling happily and is getting ready for her birthday... She even shows the dresses to everyone, which Abhi made to reach Pragya, through a famous designer....

No one is aware that a big hurricane is twisting Pragya mercilessly and is pushing her in an inner turmoil... Only time has to say that whether Pragya will get lost in this turmoil or will she be able to bounce back, without her Loving Husband...



What has happened to Abhi???

Will the Loving Husband become an just a mere illucination for Pragya or will the entwined souls become one again???

Will Pragya focus on her studies properly and make Abhi and her dream to come true or will she lose her life, knowing well that Abhi can't get back to her????

Will the family be able to come back to life, if Abhi is no more????

Keep guessing and stay tuned...


I know, I'm very late....

The silent readers are keeps on disappointing me...

But I don't want my regular voting buddies to miss this story...

Gave a very long update... Words used: 3800+

Cast your votes and get your updates soon...


Bidding adieu,

Yours ever irritating Ciffy Buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



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