88. Love - A soothing melody or a deadly weapon???

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Have you ever felt goosebumps while reading or writing anything????

Right now, I'm feeling the same as the happiness in me is reflecting in my wholeself...

Yeah... A very big good news to share with you all...

Again a big benchmark set by this story....

It's my delight to inform you all that "Loving Husband" has crossed
125k Reads and 13,500+ votes....

Thanks to every single reader of this story for making this success possible... My whole hearted thanks to the people, who are voting and rendering their support to me...

Expecting all your love and support to continue this story with the way, I have planned...

Dedicating this chapter to all the loving Readers of Loving Husband...

A lot of twisty and shocking things are awaiting....

Relax, press the 🌟 button and step forward...


If I know what is meant by love , it's just because of you...

Loving Husband- This word did a wonderful miracle in my life... Mere words can't explain how I'm feeling, after you became my soulmate... You are the wonderful blessing of my life... We have faced lots of ups and downs and we never left each other hands in hard times... Whenever you are far away from me, I feel a void in my heart... After all, you only complete me and makes my heart, mind and soul to be in peace...

Many a times, I stare at the moon at late night... To my happiness, the moon used to converse with me and talk chirpily about her love on the sun...
Guess what I do????
I talk about you and make the moon to feel jealous that I've got a Loving Husband....


It's been more than two weeks since Abhi has left the country and moved for sorting out a business deal in abroad... Though Abhi is having a tough time in looking after the major issues and is hell busy with tackling everything over there, it's unsaid that Abhi is broken inwardly....

Passing each second of his life is like facing a war for Abhi, as he misses his wife Pragya very badly.... Though he is talking to her, whenever he finds time, Abhishek Mehra, the business magnet is terribly failing, as if he is left without a weapon in the war...

Abhi badly wants to feel his Fuggy's presence near him and he just want to lay on her lap and sleep for sometime to relax his mindset... Like a baby who is in need of his mother's warmth and care on him, Abhi too badly in need of his Fuggy beside him...

Abhishek Prem Mehra, who is a terror in the business world and a role model for many youth is getting crazier day by day... He is getting wierd feelings and he even thought to run away from there as if a small boy tries to escape from a strict boarding school...

But poor soul couldn't do anything as his Fuggy will surely throw him out from their house and won't let him to come there, till the works get completed... All Abhi could do is to think and cherish all the beautiful moments when his Fuggy pampered him like a baby....

Anyone who is watching the duo very closely can thought that it's Abhi, who being a Loving Husband is over pampering Pragya a lot... But it's Pragya, who is a step ahead of Abhi and it's a biggest secret kept between the duo...

Each and every matter, Abhi needs Pragya very badly... His day won't end up happily, until he pours out what all he went through, by laying on her lap... The soothing massage given by his fuggy in his forehead, the way she kisses and coos him is a real energy tonic for Abhi...

Whenever he feels sick, Abhi used to think how his Fuggy took care of him... He least want to have food from his Fuggy's hand at least... Alas... He is getting her glimpse only through those video calls....


One fine evening,

Arjun and Aaliya are chit chatting happily and are sipping their cold coffee in the coffee shop... They were laughing and pulling each other's legs and are enjoying their together time happily...

Seeing Aaliya in a chirpy and happy mood after a long time, Arjun decides to open up the matter to Aaliya that instant itself and he doesn't want to leave this golden opportunity at any cost...

Arjun takes a deep breath and started to do something in his mobile to control his nervousness and tension... He didn't noticed that Aaliya is wiping his sweat and is looking at him intently and deeply and is trying to find out what's cooking in his mind...

Aaliya: Hey Ajju... What Happened to you??? Are you okay???

Arjun: I'm fine, darling... Just that, I... I want to àsk something to you... I'm scared that you shouldn't get angry on me... Moreover, I'm tensed that it shouldn't create any rift in our relationship and I can't tolerate, if you stop talking with me or leave me alone...

Aaliya: Oh my god!!!! What happened to my drama King, all of a sudden... Why this much tension, haan??? It's not at all suiting to your character my sweetoo...

Alright... Let's do one thing.... I will promise to you that I won't leave you ever and I won't stop talking to you... Even if the matter hurts me too, there won't be any rift in our relationship...

Hello mister... If I get angry, I will punish you for sure.... But never will I leave you, Ajju... This Aaliya can't survive without her Ajju... So, be a good boy and spit out the matter...

Arjun gulps the water in a go... His hands are shivering and his lips are trembling in fear... Aaliya holds his hand tightly and rubs his heart to calm him down... Arjun takes a deep breath and mentally prepares himself to say it to Aaliya..

Arjun: Aalu... I... I....

Aaliya: What... I... J... Say soon, man... I will punch your face, if you keep on dragging like a serial...

Arjun: Don't scare me, Aalu... I'm finding exact words to say the matter na...

Aaliya: You are unbelievable and good for nothing... If you want shall I get a dictionary for you... Idiot... Don't look like this...

Aalu likes the straight forward Ajju only and not this scary cat Ajju, who is thinking how to talk ....

Arjun: Grrrr.... How rude of you... Don't annoy me, darling.. If you do like this, I will go and eat your favourite snacks without you...

Aaliya: If you try to ditch me, I will kill you... I will count 3... You should open up the matter... 1... 2....

Arjun: Aalu darling... Don't mistake me okay... I don't know how to ask you... But I promised to say this to you... May I know, what's going on between you and Sid bhai???

Aaliya: Have you gone nuts, Ajju.... What's there to happen between me and Sid??? He is our college chairman and don't you know , he is Bhabhi's bestie... Just a hi, bye - person for me... That's all...

Though Aaliya says that Sid is nothing to her, her inner self which loved him once, really felt very bad for saying so... Arjun is not aware that Aaliya is trying to come out from Sid's thoughts and she badly wants to forget that she has loved Sid earlier...

Aaliya has decided stubbornly not to love Sid anymore, as his behaviours has irked and wounded her a lot... As she is surrounded by loving, caring and understanding men, who respects women a lot, Sid's rude behaviour has hurted Aaliya so much...

Deep inside her heart, Aaliya potrays Sid as that of a villain, who manhandles women for his selfish needs... Moreover, Aaliya understands that her brother Purab doesn't like Sid at all, even after knowing a lot about Sid from Abhi and Pragya too...

Aaliya decides to forget Sid completely and she believed that only Arjun can help her to come out from this matter... The chirpy, caring and loving behaviour of Arjun has brought a pleasant feeling in Aaliya's heart and unknowingly she started to admire Arjun so much...

To be precise, Aaliya doesn't fallen in love with Sid at all... She adored and admired Sid and his manly look has smitten her... What Aaliya has on Sid is just a crush and truly saying she didn't loved him but fakely thought her admiration as love... She even didn't loved Arjun too but considers him only as her bestie...

Fate decides to play a tricky game between the trio.... Arjun, who is smartly brainwashed by Sid, promised to Sid that he will talk about him to Aaliya... Arjun isn't in a mind set to think of anything, as the fake tears of Sid has shaked him a lot...

Arjun is not at all aware that he is going to dig his own grave and bury his true love and gonna push Aaliya too in a big problem... If he had known that Sid is obsessed with Aaliya, he would have cut him by saying any fake reasons...

Arjun: Sorry darling... Please please... Don't get angry on me... Sid bhai wishes to talk with you... He is in the near by shop only... He will join us in few minutes...

Aaliya: This is ridiculous... Ajju... This is not done... If Purab bhai knows this, he will kill both of us...

Arjun: Please darling... This is the first and last time... I swear, no informations will be leaked to Purab jiju and if any such things happens, I will handle the matter...

Please don't get angry sweetie.... I can't say no to Sod bhai... Talk to him, at least for my sake...

Aaliya: Idiot... Trapping me cleverly... Just for you, okay... You have to be with me only ...

Arjun: Sure sure, why not... Just give me two minutes... I will go to restroom and come soon okay...

Arjun runs inside the restroom hurriedly, while Aaliya burst into laughter on seeing Arjun's antics... Her smile got cut down as he spots Sid coming towards her with a flirty smile in his face.... Aaliya keeps her face rigidly and is nervously looking for Arjun to come soon...


After sometime,

Arjun finished off the call and comes out hurriedly and searches for Aaliya... To his utter shock, Aaliya is no where to be found and her mobile too is switched off... Arjun tensedly called Sid and his mobile too is not reachable....

Not able to understand what has happened, Arjun rushes to settle the bill and he came to know that Aaliya has settled everything and left from there... With much tension, Arjun dials Pragya's number....

Pragya: Hello, Arjun... Where have you gone, idiot???? Didn't I asked you to come and pick me up from the library at 7 o'clock... Come soon.... Your jiju will call me, any time...

Arjun tries really hard to control his emotions and he carefully uses the words, so that Pragya shouldn't know that Aaliya is missing....

Arjun: Di... I will come soon... Jiju, just called me and informed that a team of doctors have came to examine Purab jiju... Papa, Bulbul di and Mumma have already went there, it seems...

But Jiju wants you to go home and be with Purab jiju... He couldn't reach you and that's why he informed me... The driver is waiting outside... You go in that di and we too will reach there soon...

Pragya: Okay Arjun... I will take care... You two try to come soon....

Arjun cuts the call, sighs deeply and runs out to search for Aaliya... He is relieved as he spots Aaliya is standing near his car with a blank face... Arjun tries to talk with Aaliya, but she cuts off him by saying that she is having severe head ache and wanna go to home soon...

With no other go, Arjun nods his head and gets inside the car... But the pale face of Aaliya is piercing a big sword in his heart and he really feels guilty for leaving Aaliya alone...


Later that night,

Pragya with a wide smile picks up the call, but she quickly frowns and twists her lips angrily... Abhi who is watching every move of Pragya lovingly, is getting a visual treat to his eyes.. Not finding any reactions from Abhi, Pragya grits her teeth and blasts on him...

Pragya: Abhiiii... I'm hell angry on you and is in a mood to fight with you... Don't try to melt me by looking lovingly..

Abhi: Pleasure is mine, baby... Your command, highnesss.. Your slave will obey your orders..

Pragya: Grrr... Mr. Mehra... You haven't called me for the past 5 days and you are just texting me alone... But you have time to talk to everyone right...

Now, who the hell asked you to call me haan.. Talk with everyone.. No need to talk with me..

(Abhi laughs on seeing Pragya, who is boiling in jealousy as her loving husband is talking with their family members and didn't talked with her)

Abhi: Baby... Don't get this much jealous... Chill up, Fuggy.. I told you right, I had a hectic schedule and I couldn't call you... But isn't it my duty to ask the well being of everyone... I'm just talking for few minutes only..

Just tell me, one thing.. Is it possible for your Abhi to talk with you just for five minutes.. You know that's impossible for both of us.. That's why I didn't called you..

I'm seeing my fuggy after a long time... Instead of romancing, you are fighting with me, baby.. Show some mercy on your poor husband..

Pragya: Woha.. You are saying as if you are sitting near me...

Abhi: Of course, I'm... Let's do some romance, baby...

Pragya: Abhi... You are fine, right... Oh god!!!! What have you done to my husband.. Please, don't make him mad, as he is working too hard to successfully finish off this business deal..

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂😂... I'm absolutely good.... Baby, we are going to momance... Don't blink like this... It means mobile romance...

Pragya: Is it your latest invention???

Abhi: Yep... As a loving husband, I need to do all these na...

Pragya started to laugh hardly, while Abhi admired his fuggy's smile lovingly and quickly wipes his moist eyes and plasters a smile in his face...

Abhi: Fuggy... Are you still wearing my shirt???

Pragya shyly nods her head as yes...

Pragya: You have heard everything in my sleepy mode na... Don't laugh like that Abhi.. Please.. Don't tease me.. (Pouts shyly and closes her face quickly)

Abhi: You are crazy, baby...

Pragya: Says the one, who stealthily took many of my shawls and sarees... I'm the one,  blinking my eyes here, as I don't know what to wear along with my salwar suits.... Most of them are my favourite ones...

Abhi: I want to feel your scent always... I can't sleep peacefully without you baby... Buy, whatever dress you want, if you can't manage...

Fuggy.. I just can't baby... Wanna come  there soon.. Missing you terribly, sweet heart... If you nod your head, I will run away from here..

Pragya: Abhi.. What's this.. Wipe your tears... The days will move soon .. You have become like a soap heroine and is always pouring the water works.. Yuck.. I love my Romantic king only.. Not this Cry baby, Abhi at all..

You told me that we can do momance but you are doing a senti venti drama here... Husband, I'm in a very good mood.. So, shall we start..

Abhi: Smart... Pragya Abhishek Prem Mehra knows how to change my mood and make me happy... Good improvement wifey...

Baby... Do you remember the first time, you have worn my shirt??? Wow... I'm dying to see this blushy cheeks only... I can still visualize the scene, Fuggy.....


It was a Saturday night... As Abhi was busy with an important business meeting, he told Pragya to have her dinner and sleep soon... Pragya felt really bored and missed Abhi a lot...

Suddenly a naughty thought popped up in her mind... She picked up Abhi's shirt from the hanger and rushed inside the closet... She gets rid of her dresses and wears Abhi's shirt....

The masculine sçent of Abhi along with the perfume smell, intoxicated Pragya a lot... Like a bee drunken with the sweet nectar of the flower, Pragya is blushing, inhaling the scent and kissing the shirt, as if she is kissing Abhi...

Pragya stood in front of the mirror and hugged her and imagined that as of she is hugging Abhi... Pragya , who is flying in an imaginary dream land, didn't noticed that Abhi had returned from the office and was watching  every moves of Pragya silently...

Like a cat who is going to steal the milk, Abhi suddenly pulls Pragya toward him... She loses her balance and falls on Abhi like a floral garland..

She gasped in shock as she didn't expected Abhi at all .. Pragya blushed uncontrollably, as Abhi has noticed all her moves silently, all this time.. She bends her head down shyly as Abhi is looking at her passionately and is tightening the grip on her..

Abhi: Baby.. What a visual treat.. You are looking *******... Holy God.. I'm feeling as if I'm drugged..

Pragya: (Blushes) Abhi.. Leave me.. Go and freshen up..

Abhi: Ahaan.. Not so soon, Baby.. I'm in a mood to wear this shirt of mine, which you have worn without my permisson.. Be a good girl... Remove the shirt quickly and give it to me..

Pragya: Abhi.. Just give me two minutes.. I will change and come..

Abhi: Nothing doing, Fuggy baby.. It's mine na.. I want it right now.. Remove it in front of me..

Pragya gasps in shock and understood that Abhi is purposely teasing her.. She pushes Abhi and started to run from there.. Abhi is not in a mood to let her go easily and he quickly got hold of her in his embrace..

With his smart moves, Abhi made Pragya to give back the shirt to him and indeed the whole room is blushing on seeing the romantic duo, who are blissfully mingled in a passionate union..

Both Abhi and Pragya remembered the past incidents and were blushing how they were behaved crazily at that time.. They chit chat for sometime happily.. Both prays hardly that the time should run soon and make them to be together soon..

Fate is giggling at them as they have to cross a deadly barrier to unite again.. A big storm is going to hit them soon... Only time has to answer that whether their Love journey is going to move like happily forever or end up in a sad state..


Days were moving lazily for Pragya.. She is counting every single minute and is eagerly looking for the day to meet her Abhi soon.. Though she is concentrating well in her studies, she feels some void in her heart..

Rk, Madhu and Sid were completely puzzled and they couldn't figure out why their Lolly is playing sad violin tunes always.. All they could hear fron Pragya is that She is tensed for the exams..

But they know clearly that their Lolly is saying a big lie to them and is trying to hide a big news from them.. However hard they tried, they couldn't get a single detail about the matter..

On the other hand, Sid tries to talk with Aaliya with all his might and wanna impress her somehow, after their ugly encounter in the coffee shop.. But Aaliya never paid heed to him and even warned Arjun not to talk about Sid anymore..

Pragya is not aware of all these are going on behind her back... None said anything to Pragya and they don't know that if Pragya had known everything earlier, they would have avoided a big mishap in the future...


Aaliya and Arjun tensedly rushed inside Pragya's class room, who is collecting her books and is getting ready to move out, along with her friends.. Seeing the worried faces of Arjun and Aaliya, Pragya senses that something big had happened for sure..

Not wishing to talk anything in front of her friends, Pragya quickly bids adieu to them and rushes with Arjun and Aaliya.. The duo didn't said anything to Pragya, but she noticed that they are wiping their tears quickly, without Pragya's knowledge..

Pragya pulls Aaliya along with her in the back seat of the car and looks at her intently.. Aaliya is shaking inwardly and her lips are trembling, as if pleading Pragya to say that the news is false.. Pragya takes a deep breath, holds her mangalsutra tightly and rubs her heart quickly...

Pragya caress Aaliya's head and wipes her tears.. Aaliya screams Bhabhi and is weeping like a kid and is mumbling that the news is fake only.. Arjun is also crying aloud, while Pragya is sitting rigidly that her Loving Husband Abhi won't leave her alone in this world...



What has happened to Abhi???

What's the news which has shaken them ???

What happened between Sid and Aaliya???

Will Arjun be able to find out that Sid is using him to get close with Aaliya???

Will it be possible for Pragya to cross the deadly hurdle and get succeeded in her studies???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

A long update given.. Words used: 3650+

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Until then, miss this story...

Yours cliffy buddy,


Signing off..

Will be



Have a good day...

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