87. I can't fake a smile... I will miss you, terribly...

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When I close my eyes, I feel your presence beside me... When I open my eyes, I miss you very badly...

It doesn't matter, where I'm now... But My heart stays, where you are...

The quiet and silent night is making my condition to get worse and I'm drowning in misery... I miss you a lot, during night time, as you are not sleeping next to me...


It's been 48 hours since Abhi left the family, as he is going for an important business trip... Abhi is hell tired, due to the long hours of flight travel and he just want to hit the bed and to have a sound sleep, to get rid of the jet lag...

Rather than that Abhi is missing his baby girl, his fuggy, a lot and he badly wants to feel her presence, beside him... He just wanna cuddle her and sleep peacefully, feeling her soulfully... Alas... The distance has separated them and Abhi's wish is not going to happen soon....

All through his journey, Abhi's thoughts are filled only with his fuggy... He keeps on thinking whether she is alright or not... He is eagerly waiting for the flight to reach the destination, so that he can call his fuggy and hear her voice, at least...

His heart is bleeding in pain, as he misses his wife terribly and her teary state and the way she controlled her emotions, when he left her, pricks his heart to the core... He rubs his heart and wipes his tears, as his fuggy's confidence words are ringing continuously in his ears...

Sighing deeply, Abhi clutches and inserts the seat belt, as the passengers are alerted that the flight is going to reach the destination very soon... Abhi looks outside through the window hole and he inhales a deep breath, as he is going to have a tough time to pass the upcoming days, without his wife....



The whole Family is waiting at the VVIP lounge of the airport... Abhi finished off all the boarding formalities and got his boarding pass... He is being instructed to do the immigration formalities, at the earliest...

With a heavy heart, Abhi bids adieu to his whole family... He asked everyone to be happy and instructed Bulbul, Aaliya and Arjun to study properly... He asked the elders to take care of their health and not to skip their medicines and all...

As Purab is in home, he asked Aaliya and Bulbul to take proper care of him, in his absence... He gets blessings from the elders and smilingly hears all their advices too...

Abhi slowly moves towards his fuggy, who is standing there with a bright smile in her face... Abhi understands very well that Pragya is masking all her emotions and smiling only for him...

Abhi: Baby...

Pragya: Happy bon voyage, Abhi... Take proper care of yourself... Eat properly... Sleep well... Don't strain yourself and try to take proper rest... Focus on the business deals, carefully... You will surely succeed in all your endeavors...

Always have a smile in your face... Never give up for anyone or for anything... You will rock and I'm damn sure that you gonna make the Mehra Groups name to shine brightly and reach greater heights...

Abhi sighs deeply: Fuggy... Did I need to go, sweetie??? I will miss you, baby... Let me cancel the plan... Shall we go to our home...

Abhi whines like a protesting kg kid, who is not interested to go to the school... He stomps his feet angrily and looks at Pragya, with full of eagerness in his eyes... Abhi is in a mentality to run back to his home, if Pragya nods her head, positively...

Pragya sighs: What's this Abhi??? You are behaving like a kid...

Abhi: Baby... I don't want to go... I know you will cry, if I leave You... You won't cry na, baby...

Pragya: No... No... I won't... I will be happy, as I will escape from my husband's tortures ... I will get back my freedom, as no one will order me... I don't have to hear "Baby, Don't do this... Study properly... Eat food... Sleep earlier... Blah blah blahs and all..."

Abhi: Am I torturing and ordering you, Fuggy???

Pragya: Of course... You are giving too much love tortures and sweet orders to me na... Hello... My loving husband... Smile now... Don't whine like a grumpy baby... This look doesn't suit you at all...

Abhi pulls Pragya closer and kisses on her forehead, with full of love... He caress her cheeks, gently and takes a deep breath... He holds her hand firmly and kisses it, as if he is leaving his soul to stay back with her...

With a faked smile, Abhi hugs Pragya tightly and walks ahead, hiding the tears in his eyes... Pragya is smiling till Abhi's face vanishes from her sight... She kneels down and cries aloud, pouring out all her emotions, she masked till now...

No one's consoling words gone in the deaf ears of Pragya... All were startled as they spots the teary eyed Abhi, calling Fuggy and falls in his knees, in front of her... Pragya blinks her eyes and it took her some time to understand what is going on...

Abhi: Fuggy... Don't cry, baby... I'm not going anywhere, leaving you... Nothing is important to me, other than you...

Pragya wipes both of their tears and pats on Abhi's back gently... She gets up and forwards her hand towards Abhi... Like an obedient kid, Abhi too gets up... But to his shock, Pragya gestured him to walk forward to the immigration...

Abhi in a stern and determined tone: Fuggy... Already, I said na... I'm not going anywhere...

Pragya: It's a promise on me, Abhi... You are going... That's it...

Abhi: Please Baby... Don't make it hard for me...

Pragya: My idol Abhishek Prem Mehra is not that much weak... He can handle anything... Days will pass soon, Abhi... This distance is needed for us...

I have confidence that this distance will increase the love, we have on each other... We should prove to our family that Abhi and Pragya are two bodies with a single soul and nothing can distance them...

So, My dear  Loving husband... Smile happily and move ahead.... It's getting late for you...

Abhi looks at Pragya longingly and least believed that she will change her decision ... Pragya shooks her head negatively and gestured him to go... Taking a deep breath, Abhi tries to move... But Pragya holds his hand tightly...

Pragya: Your Fuggy won't cry... It's a promise, Abhi... Till you finish off all your works and come back to me, my eyes won't shed a single drop of tear too... Whatever happens, your fuggy will smile like a baby...

Abhi smiles and pats her cheeks and moves ahead, waving his hands to everyone... With a plastered plastic smile in her face, Pragya moves out of the airport...

Both Abhi and Pragya are not aware that fate is smirking at them and is going to keep a big check mate to them... Days are going to be tough for both Abhi and Pragya and only time has to reveal, whether Pragya can keep up her promise or not...


The flight shaked and jerked up, as it landed safely in the destination... When the pilot informs about their arrival on the destination details and thanked the passengers, Abhi with a bright smile takes his mobile out, from his packets, to change it from flight mode and call his Fuggy...

But to his utter shock, the mobile is giggling at him, as it will die anytime, due to lack of charge... Gasping heavily, Abhi quickly dials his Fuggy, not minding that it's late night over there...

Abhi couldn't stop smiling as he heard the meek and squeaky voice of his sleeping baby girl... Abhi laughs hardly and moves out from the flight, hearing all the whinings of Pragya, till the mobile gets switched off...

Pragya, who is in deep sleep is not aware that she has talked with Abhi in her sleepy mode and had blabbered out many a things to Abhi... She doesn't know that Abhi gonna tease her for all the silly things, she has done in his absence...


In a hurry to go to college, Pragya didn't noticed her mobile at all... She over slept and had a tough time to get ready... She hurriedly comes down and started to gulp the breakfast quickly, as Aaliya and Arjun are glaring at her, angrily...

Aaliya: Bhabhi... Better we will take leave today....

Pragya: Nothing doing... You guys are having your class tests na... Just five minutes... I will finish off...

Arjun stomps on Aaliya's feet and kills her with his looks, as Aaliya is pouring acid in his wishes and it will spoil their plans for sure... Aaliya giggles and a teasing smile escapes from her lips...

Pragya didn't notice their eye to eye conversation, as she is hurrying up... But Purab watched it silently and studied all their reactions, quietly... He understands that both are upto something...

Purab: Bhabhi... I'm sensing something fishy here... My gut feelings says that Arjun and Aaliya are going to do some silly stunts... If I'm correct, these two will cut the classes for sure and gonna escape from the class tests...

Arjun's eyes popped out in shock, while Aaliya makes an oops reaction but changes it quickly and nods her head as no...

Arjun (whispers) : Oh God... Aalu... How come Purab jiju, sensed our moves??? He is way too dangerous and is instigating Pragya di against us... If Pragya di finds out what we are upto, she will rip us into pieces...

Aaliya spits her words angrily: Idiot... Make a smiling face... Don't accept our defeat... Purab bhai should believe our acting...

Arjun: Hoye... Are you asking me to act??? Arjun Arora is a very good boy...

Aaliya: Woha.. Very funny... The great acting king, Arjun is saying all these... Stupid... It's you who convinced me to bunk the classes and go for movie... Now I'm in full mood to go... If the plan flops, I will kill you...

Arjun nods his head and shows a puppy face to melt his Purab jiju, who is seriously talking with Pragya...

Arjun: My Purab jiju is looking too much handsome, today... Let me take a snap of you and send it to Bulbul di...

Purab: I said na, Bhabhi... It's confirmed now... The rat is poking it's nose voluntarily on the trap... Something is odd for sure...

Arjun: Di... It's getting late... If you wish to talk with jiju, you sit here.. We have to move as we need to revise our portions...

Arjun blurted out like a thunderstorm to distract everyone's attention and drags Aaliya along with him... Pragya too quickly gets up and runs to get her bags... Aaliya shows thumbs up to Arjun and both hi-fied without Purab's knowledge and rushes out from the house...

Purab shooks his head in disbelief as Arjun has smartly tricked him... Just then Purab noticed that Pragya has left her mobile in the house... As Purab got calls from office, he too got busy and he completely forget that why Abhi didn't called him, till now...


Later that evening,

Pragya comes exhausted and tired, as she is busy in doing the projects, presentations and all... She wanna be in the embrace of her husband Abhi, who will give the much needed energy for her...

A heartless smile creeps up in her face... In these three days, Pragya has learned how to hide her tears with a smile... Pragya halts her steps, as Dadi asked her to have her tea and snacks, after freshening up ...

As Pragya is hell tired, she is in not in a mood to have anything... Sensing Pragya's state, Dadi asked her to go and instructed Robin to keep the tea and snacks in Pragya's room...


Pragya is sipping her tea and is wondering where she has kept the mobile... Aaliya comes up and thrusts her mobile in her hands and moves out... Pragya smacks her head, as she has left her mobile in the house...

Just then, Pragya sees the date and time... She makes a mental calculation and her eyes popped out in shock... She hurriedly took her mobile, as she saw so many missed calls from Abhi... She is hell shocked as one call is received by her, late night...

Pragya's lips started to tremble and her eyes are ready to shed the precious pearls... But Pragya forcibly brings a smile in her face and takes a deep breath... She reads all the messages from Abhi, which conveys how much he missed her and wishing to talk to her....

Pragya rubs her heart quickly, as these emotions and feelings are getting out of control... She is not in a state to tolerate all these... Adding feather to the cap, Pragya's mobile rings aloud...

With a genuine smile and happiness in her face, Pragya attends the video call quickly... The tired and exhausted Abhi is looking at the screen hopefully, but he understands that his Fuggy is doing everything purposely...

Abhi: Fuggy... My Baby....

Abhi soulfully calls Pragya, which evokes all kinds of emotions hidden inside her....

Abhi: Baby... I'm sitting here longingly to look at your face and hear your voice... But you are showing the ceiling and is not talking with me... Please Fuggy...

Pragya (sighs): Mr. Abhishek Prem Mehra... I told you to take proper care of my Loving Husband na.. But what have you done to my husband... You stubborn businessman is troubling him...

Abhi: Not at all... Poor Abhishek Prem Mehra... It's your Loving Husband Abhi, who is doing all the stunts and is not talking rest, as he badly wants to see his Fuggy and hear her voice...

Baby... I wanna see you... I couldn't sleep properly... Purab said that you have forgot your mobile in the house... I'm hell tired, Fuggy... Show your face and Just talk to me Five minutes... Please...

Understanding the pain in Abhi's voice, Pragya forced a smile and moves the mobile, before her face... To cheer up Abhi, she  winks at him and sends a flying kiss to him.. Instead of enjoying, Abhi face scanned Pragya keenly...

Pragya: What are you looking, Abhi???

Abhi: What Happened, Fuggy??? Why are you looking this much tired??? Did you eat your food or not??? What all are doing in the house??? Is no one is taking care of you???

Pragya: Hold on... Abhi... I'm absolutely fine... I'm having food properly... Dadi is showing her stick, if I didn't eat food... In college, Your sister and my brother is torturing me to have the food...

If I try to escape in night, Purab bhai is blackmailing me with your name... Above all that, Mom, Dad and Bulbul are calling me and torturing me... Huh.. All because of the stupid stunts done by my Loving Husband... Grr... I hate you...

Abhi: Aww... Me too love you so much, Baby... Arrey... No blushy blushy... I will get mad for sure...

Baby... Seriously, I'm asking you.. You are okay na... Is the work loads are too much??? You look so tired...

Pragya: Yeah... Too much works, Abhi... I have to wake up so long to do finish the assignments and all... In between, I have to do the revisions too...

Abhi: Dont bluff, baby... What's the matter haan???

Pragya: Idiot... Don't smirk... I will kill you... You called me late night and heard my blabbers na... Then what...

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂... That's the best part, Fuggy... I didn't expected that at all... You are so funny...

Pragya: Tease me, as much you want... I don't mind... I wanna feel my Abhi's presence... So I'm doing all that...

Abhi: Baby... Are you missing me, like I do???

Pragya: Not at all... This room is full of your love, Abhi... I will feel you, everywhere...

Abhi closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, as his heart is overwhelming in happiness... Abhi has to cut the call soon, as both are looking way too tired and drained out..


After some days,

Arjun and Aaliya are sitting in the coffee shop and sipping their favorite cappuccino... Arjun with much hesitation holds Aaliya's hands...

Aaliya: Ajju... Do you need to say something to me???

Arjun: Yeah... But I'm tensed to talk to you... You won't mistake me, right.... You will not scold or beat me na...

Aaliya: What happened to you, all of a sudden.. Why are you shivering this much??? Your voice is shaking and your hands are trembling too much...

Relax Ajju... Calm down... Your Aaliya won't mistake you at all...

Arjun: Promise??? You won't stop talking to me na...

Aaliya: Uffo... This is not my Ajju at all... Alright.. I promise you... I won't mistake you, even if you do a big sin too... I won't leave or stop talking to you, if I didn't like anything, you are going to say to me...

Unaware of what Arjun gonna say and do, Aaliya promised Arjun and gives a hope that she won't mistake him at all... But Arjun can't do that easily...

He fills a lung full of air and gulps his saliva hardly, as he is scared of Aaliya's reactions to his doings... With a shaky voice, Arjun opens his mouth with much hesitation, but with lot of hope in his eyes...

Arjun: Aalu... I ********

Aaliya gasps in shock and she rubs her ears quickly, as she wanna know that whether her hearing senses are working properly or not... Aaliya's head started to spin as Arjun talks further...



What's going to happen next???

What did Arjun said to Aaliya???

Is it a love proposal or is he going to play as a cupid between Sid and Aaliya???

Will it be possible for Pragya to pass the days happily and concentrate in her studies???

Will Abhi settle the business issues soon and will he return back to his Fuggy!????

What is the biggest checkmate that gonna shake Abhi and Pragya???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

Bidding adieu,

Yours cliffy buddy,



Will come up soon....

If I get the needed votes and proper comments for all the hard work, I put forth....


Have a good day...

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