86. Distance is temporary... Our love is forever...

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After a long time na..

I thought of putting this story and some of my stories ON HOLD , as you people are hell adamant not to vote on my stories and taking me easily for granted...

Alas, I changed my mind and came here only for one big reason...

Wanna share my happiness with my loyal supporting buddies....

Really I'm feeling out of the world...

Feeling Goosebumps...

Wanna know the reason...

Again, this story "Loving Husband" has touched a biggest benchmark...

Feeling really really very happy... This couldn't be possible, without
All your love and support...

Happy to inform you all that this story has crossed 116 k+ reads and 13,100+ votes....

Thanks to every single reader of this story, for making this unbelievable achievement to happen...

Whoever loves Loving Husband, can pull up your collars happily and can proudly say that this is the first ever Abhigya story to cross this many reads and votes...

You all can cross check too, whether I'm saying the truth or not...

This is not my victory at all...

This is the victory of the genuine readers of Loving Husband...

Thanks to all the lovely souls, who helped me to achieve this....

Pooling up with tears and I couldn't control myself...


Don't worry...

This is not a Thanksgiving alone...

This is an update only...

🌸🌸🌸 Dedicating this chapter to all the lovely readers of Loving Husband and also to my loyal voting buddies, who made this victory possible.... 🌸🌸🌸


There comes a time, where you have to leave your love and face the reality....

You are the reason for my immense strength, yet you are my biggest weakness...

I depend on my husband... He depends on me... We support each other... That's how it's supposed to work....


Abhi is astonished with the way Pragya has thought about Purab and his feelings and she feels really bad on seeing his loneliness... Abhi's heart is overwhelming in uncontrollable happiness and he feels lucky to get such a beautiful angel in his life...

Pragya: Abhi... Please... Do something na... Poor Puru bhai... I just can't see him like this... I know how much he is energetic and hard working... Even many a times, dadi has said to me that how much busy Purab bhai used to be...

It's really hurting to see him like this... A hard-working person, who is active and busy like a honey bee, is sitting idle in the room, as if his wings has been cut down mercilessly... Please Abhi... I want to see Purab bhai with happiness....

Abhi sits near Pragya and pulls her closer... Not minding Pragya's angry glare, he kisses her cheeks and bites her earlobes sensually... Pragya is highly irritated as Abhi is romancing with her, not minding about what she said to him....

With anger flaring her nose, she tries really hard and with all her might, she is about to push Abhi... Abhi is super annoyed with Pragya's sudden attack, yet he composes himself, understanding Pragya's sudden mood change...

Abhi (slowly whispers): Fuggy baby... Your Puru bhai is super busy from morning... He doesn't have time for anyone... You are feeling sad for him unnecessarily...

My sweet, angry baby... Turn you attention little bit to your Loving Husband Abhi na... He too needs his wife's attention right... You are ignoring me these days... Too bad, fuggy...

Arrey... No no... Just kidding only, baby... Don't beat me... You can't believe, what I say right... Let me freshen up and come...  We will go and meet Purab okay... Then only you will understand your Abhi's doings...

Without hearing Abhi's words, Pragya rushes out from the room, as quickly as she can... Abhi chuckles and moves to get changed....


Pragya just can't believe, what she saw... Hot tears were oozing out from her eyes uncontrollably... Her lips are curving with a big smile, which is a clear indication that she is way too happy and feeling out of the world....

Just then, Purab spots the crying Pragya, who is super busy and surrounded with many office files and instructing and ordering to do the needed works to someone in his mobile... For sometime, Pragya even forgets that this is their house only, as it looks like Purab's office cabin exactly...

Purab: What happened bhabhi??? When did you come here??? Sorry, I didn't noticed you... Little bit busy from morning... I thought of calling you... I need your help bhabhi....

As you see, I'm decked with a tight schedule  and I have to work hard to clear off all the messes done by me... But this Bulbul is fighting and arguing with me, as if I'm ignoring her... She is not believing me at all...

Abhi bhai and my stupid sister Aaliya are not at all helping me in this matter... This idiot Arjun is not even picking my phone and is coolly messaging me that he is not ready to dig his own grave...

Please Bhabhi... Only you can tame your angry sister... She will hear your words for sure... Can you please, do the needed help for me???

Pragya is looking at Purab with awe and she didn't uttered a word too... Abhi who comes there chuckles and brings the shocked Pragya inside and made her to sit in the couch... He caress her back and wipes her tears...

Purab: Bhai... What happened to Bhabhi??? She is not responding to anything and is crying and smiling at the same time... Seriously, I couldn't understand what's going on....

Abhi: All because of you only, Purab...

Purab: Whaattttt.... 😨😨😨😨... Because of me... Bhai... I didn't do anything.... I swear bhai... Just talking with Bhabhi only that too I was asking for her help... Nothing else, bhai...

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂😂.... Don't get panick, Purab... My baby girl is overwhelmed in happiness... That's why she is reacting like this... You know na she is a big  drama queen and a big emotional fool....

Abhi bites his lips and mentally smacks his head, as he said the truth little audibly... He shows his puppy face, to coo his angry wife Pragya, who is struggling hard to move away from his grip....

Abhi: Baby... Just teasing you only.... Sorry yaar... Please please...

(Kisses her cheeks suddenly and winks at her, making her to blush uncontrollably)

Awww... That's like my girl... This blush is only driving me crazy and intoxicating me too much...

(Just then Purab coughs to divert Abhi's attention, as Abhi forgets completely that they are in Purab's room and he is shamelessly flirting with Pragya, in front of Purab)

Oops ... Sorry Purab... I forget that you too are here... I understand Purab... You want the explanations, before we continue our romance na...

You are my biggest villain, Purab... All these days, most of the time, Your Bhabhi talks to me is about you only... She wants you to be happy always... She has turned emotional on seeing you getting back to normal and talking to her non stoppingly...

I will tell you a secret... Though she always says that I'm her idol and she is my Fan No. 1, Pragya is a fan of the great business man Purab Khanna too... I get to know this very recently only.... My poor heart ached, as my brother came as a shautan between me and my fan...

Pragya and Purab laughs hard on hearing Abhi's silly complaints and the way he wipes his fake tears and rubs his heart by saying that he is hurted a lot... The duo teases Abhi and  chit chat happily for sometime...

Not even minding Pragya's pleadings and pouts, Abhi ordered her to go and study... He started to discuss some office stuffs with Purab, after that....


Days were rolling on happily....While Abhi and Purab are getting busy with the office works, Pragya, Arjun, Aaliya and  Bulbul are running without much time, as they are having exams and project works.....

It's a weekend... Pragya finishes off her assignment works and wished to prepare something for Abhi and Purab, who are having a long time discussion on an important foreign deal, not aware that her happiness is going to be destroyed soon...

Abhi is nervously talking in his mobile and clear worry is evident in his face... He opens his shirt buttons, as he is feeling suffocated and is not able to digest on hearing the matter... He cuts the call and slumps his body in the couch, lifelessly...

Purab: Bhai... What happened to you??? What they said???

Abhi: Everything is getting complicated, Purab... It's impossible to do anything, if we didn't have a proper check on it...  A huge sum is invested by us and we can get profit and succeed in this business, only when we takes care of it seriously...

To be frank , I don't know what to decide as of now... Either me or you have to go there in person to solve these issues... The manager and our team are saying the same and our presence is a must there...

In this condition, you can't go anywhere.... So no other option, I only need to go there....

Purab: But Bhai.... How can you go, just like that???? It's not for one or two days.... More than a month, Bhai.... We even can't predict, how long will it take too... It may get extended too...

What about Pragya Bhabhi??? You can't even take her with you too, as her exams are nearing na... Will it be possible for Bhabhi to handle everything without you??? It's not at all easy, Bhai...

Bhabhi, needs you beside her always... Her University exams are nearing... You have to be with her, to give her the moral and emotional support....

Abhi: That's what bothering me, Purab.... I don't know, how I can leave my fuggy and go... She is like a little baby and she can't handle anything without me... At this important time of her life, she needs me beside her...

Still I remember, Purab... Fuggy is not in a condition to tolerate  the mere separation of one week too, when I was searching for you.... Even though, she is the one who sent me, she is bothered a lot... Now, it's highly impossible....

I don't know what to do, Purab... More than anything, my fuggy is important to me and I will go to any extreme to make her happy... Even I'm ready to throw away anything for her...

But as a leader and the owner of the business enterprise, I don't know how I'm going to give justification to the work, which needs my attention... As a businessman, I don't know what to answer to the families, whose livelihoods are dependent on this project...

This is the first time, Abhishek Prem Mehra, couldn't take a decision properly... One side, my life and my love, Fuggy... Other side, the lives of many families and our company's reputation... I'm helpless, Purab....

Abhi's eyes blurred up with the salty water, which itches and burns his eyes... Purab feels really sorry on seeing Abhi's state and he doesn't know how to help him too... They couldn't discuss anything further, as they spots the teary eyed Pragya coming inside with a tray....

With tears kissing her lips, she hands over the coffee cups to Abhi and Purab and gives them snacks too... Pragya gestures both of them to have it without talking and she stands there rigidly, without showing any emotions...

The duo eats the snacks quietly and sips their coffee... Pragya picks the empty cups and plates and barges out of the room, not at listening to hear Abhi or Purab.... Purab moves his wheel chair near Abhi and holds his hand tightly...

Purab: Go to your room, Bhai... Discuss this matter with Bhabhi... I'm feeling that only Bhabhi can give clear solution to this problem... Don't lose hope bhai... All will be fine soon...

Abhi takes a deep breath and moves to his room... The room is completely empty and there is no trace of Pragya anywhere.... Knowing very well where his fuggy will be, Abhi moves to the balcony and spots his fuggy is sitting in the swing and is staring at the sky blankly...

Abhi sits near her and holds her shoulder and hugged her in his embrace... Pragya didn't uttered a word, but she leans to Abhi's shoulder... It's clearly  evident that Pragya is not in a state to get separated from Abhi, any a time...

Abhi caress her head soothingly and cups her face gently, as if she is a porcelain doll... The blurred, tear coated, moist eyes, the trembling lips, the shivering body, the wavering heart beats, the hold on his t-shirt, clearly explains Abhi, what his fuggy is going through...

He wipes her tears and kisses her forehead, making a heavy whimper from Pragya... Both hugged each other, as tightly as they can and never let's air to come between them... It's an unsaid promise that even if they get distanced physically too, they will stay together by heart and soul...

After sometime,

Abhi: Fuggy.. Baby...

Pragya: Am I making you weak, Abhi???

Abhi: Whatttt... No... No.. Nothing like that...

Pragya: Then... Why can't you take a clear decision, Abhi??? As you are calling me as baby, do you think, I can't handle anything alone...

Abhi: I didn't mean like that baby... You are strong enough to handle anything... But I can't fuggy... Simply saying, I can't do anything in your absence....

Pragya sighs: When you need to start, Abhi??? How many days??? What all thr things, I need to pack??? I will ask mom to prepare some special, quick cooking mixes for you... You can use it easily... If needed, we can go for shopping too...

Abhi: Fuggyyy... Are you asking me to go there, leaving you alone here??? I'm not going anywhere, fuggy... I will appoint some other person to go, on my behalf and I will handle it from here...

Pragya glares at Abhi angrily: Don't make me to talk badly, Abhi... You are going there and no more arguments...
My idol Abhishek Prem Mehra is not that much weak and he can get rid of any situations easily...

I know very well how you used to fly like a bird, going on long business trips... I won't cut your wings, yet I will be with you, like a guiding wind to make you fly higher and higher...

Let me talk, Abhi... You can Abhi... You will and you must do it... The business tycoon, the biggest inspiration and idol to the younger generation, my role model, shouldn't step out from his works, saying that he can't be away from his wife and can't do anything in her absence and all...

Just keep this in your mind... In your heart beat, In your breath, In your smile, In your soul, In your victory, In your happiness, your fuggy is there with you...

We are not living in any stone age... We can be together always, using all kinds of networking apps... We can talk and see each other... Just we will be miles apart... That's all

So, don't behave like a silly baby and look after the ticket arrangements... You are going to do everything successfully and make me feel proud, okay...

Your fuggy will take care of the family properly and I promise that I will study well and will crack the university rank for sure... Just a month or two months only na... It will go off, just like that...

Abhi: Thanks a ton fuggy, for understanding my situation and explaining me clearly what I have to do... I was feeling proud and little had an attitude and self praising behaviour that I'm the Loving Husband to you and is caring for you, ahead of anyone....

Even I was having an ego that no one can out beat me in caring his wife... But now I bend my heads in front of you happily , as you proved me that my love and care is nothing in front of you... You are the best, baby...

Fuggys shooks his head negatively and keeps her fingers on his lips:

Nah... Nah... My Loving Husband Abhi is the best always and there is no comparison to him... I'm just trying a bit to be a good wife, that's all...

Hello Mr. Mehra... I think you are wasting much time.... Only two days are left for your trip na... Don't know, when you will return back too..

Instead of romancing and making compensation for the upcoming days, you are turning senti venti and keeps on talking... Too bad... I'm expecting a lot from you, My dear romantic husband...

You have to do everything in abundance and it should be in such a way that, I should never feel that you are away from me... Is that clear???

Abhi's face glowed and he pulls Pragya closer... After hearing his fuggy's wish, he didn't let her to move an inch too... He made her happy with all his means and showered with all his love, hiding the tears in his heart, as it's going to be really tough for him....

Pragya too is sailing in the same boat, but she never let's the precious pearls to drop from her eyes and wishes to send off Abhi, with a smile in her face... She too helped him to do the packings and is showing him, how much she loves him too...


Time runs quickly....

The whole family is standing in the Vvip lounge in the airport, to send off Abhi... Abhi bids adieu to everyone and waves his hands, till his sight get blurred...

Pragya too is faking a smile till Abhi moves off and she fells on her knees and started to cry aloud... She is keep on calling Abhi and is not in a state to hear anyone's consoling words too....

All were startled, as they heard FUGGY and spots Abhi standing there with teary eyes....


After some days,

Arjun and Aaliya are sitting in the coffee shop and are chit chatting happily... Poor Arjun is not aware that he is going to dig his own grave and do a funeral to his unsaid love... He unknowingly plays a cupid between Sid and Aaliya and is pushing Aaliya towards Sid ....


So, what's going on????

Will it be possible for Abhi to go on with his important business trip, leaving his fuggy???

Will it be possible for Pragya to handle everything and will she able to study properly and achieve her dreams???

Why is Arjun talking about Sid to Aaliya??? Is it a conspiracy by Sid???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...


Given a long update...

Words used: 3200+

Cast your votes without fail and make me happy...

Don't force me to put this story on hold....

Pen down your valuable views and comments...


Yours buddy,


Logging off....

Will be


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