85. Pain of separation, increases the love in you...

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You made me to laugh, when I thought I couldn't laugh anymore...

I want you to be around me, when our hair gets grey and our faces gets wrinkles...

Life is getting harder with the unexpected twists and turns... But sharing the problems with you, makes everything easier for me... You make the hardest and difficult burdens, to go off easily, when you are with me...


Marriage is not just a man made bond, to unite two persons officially into a relationship... It's a bond which makes the two people to unite with their heart, body and soul and true love as their base...

Marriage doesn't end in a single day of celebration, in which the groom is asked to tie mangalsutra around the bride's neck, fillig her maang with kumkum, doing the saath pheras and getting the blessings from the elders...

It's an unsaid promise made by the two people to hold each other hands and face all the difficulties of their life, with love, trust and understanding to lead a happy life till eternity....

Life is not so easy to deal with... All will face lots of ups and downs... But, when we have a supportive and understanding family and a loving soulmate, it's not so difficult to face any hardships of the life...

Marriage doesn't end with love making and romancing alone... It's a promise to understand what your soulmate go through, when you two are apart and even in times of misunderstanding and when you are fighting too...

Just a single forehead kiss, the gentle wiping of tears, understanding the pain of your soulmate, wrapping your hands to comfort your spouse, giving the much needed warmth and solace with your hug and a simple consoling words , will do wonders in a married life....

No one can expect that the married couples will be happy always... They fight and argue for petty issues, misunderstand each other for silly reasons and wrongly has a thought that their spouse is angry or hurted because of them...

But, these simple things or a mere distance between them is all because of the immense love they have on their spouses and it's the same love, which breaks everything and makes them to get even more closer.... Anger is also a way of showing your love and possessiveness, as both share the same colour Red...

Same happens with the case of the loving couples Abhi and Pragya... If anyone vaguely sees their silly issues, all will find it to be way too childish... But only the duo knows what exactly that going inside their hearts and how they felt the whole day, because of a simple mistake, which has happened unintentionally...

A simple misunderstanding, created a lot of storm inside their hearts and this mere separation has made them, to drown in a big misery... Both couldn't concentrate in their works and they badly want to be in each other's embrace to comfort them...


Abhi couldn't turn up to home early and he came way too late at night... Seeing the whole house in darkness, Abhi understands that all will be sleeping peacefully.... He took fast steps, as he badly wants to see his fuggy's face soon...

But he is quite conscious that he shouldn't disturb her beautiful sleep... When Abhi opens the door of his room slowly, he is startled to see the devastated state of his fuggy, who is crying hopelessly, by hugging his photo.... Blood tears oozes out from Abhi's heart uncontrollably....

His lips glued up, his voice choked, his organs stiffens, his breath hitched, his legs betrayed not to move, his eyes are pooling up with tears, which kisses the ground mercilessly and even his heart stopped it's beat too, as he can't see his fuggy in such a bad state....

With a shaky and trembling voice, Abhi tried really hard to call his fuggy, but it's way too difficult for Abhi  to whisper a word too... He steadies himself and calls fuggy,  which came like a mere whisper from his manly and majestic voice...

Pragya's senses awakened all of a sudden, as if she has got back her soul.... She lifts her head slowly, to see her love of life, her soulmate, her loving husband Abhi is standing there with a tear striken face....  Pragya's eyes too burned up uncontrollably...

Abhi lifts both his hands and looks at Pragya with moist eyes.... Without wasting a second too, Pragya runs and got iñ to the cocoon of her husband, where she felt safe and peace, as if she in her mother's womb.... Their silence speaks much volumes there and the tears knows what the two are going through...

Abhi wipes her tears and pats her back and keeps on whispering her to calm down and not to cry anymore, which is hurting him terribly... He cups her face and kisses her forehead with full of love... Tears rolled down from his eyes, kisses her dried lips, to convey his love for her....

He holds her hands and kisses it, which gives an assurity to her that he won't leave her hand, till eternity... He keeps his finger on Pragya's lips and didn't let her to speak anything, as he knows very well what his fuggy is going through at the time...

All he want is to make her relax and calm down and he without wasting any time, lifts her up in his arms and places her gently in the bed... He wants Pragya to sleep soon, as it's getting late and she has to wake up early to go to college...

Abhi makes Pragya to lie down on her magic pillow and caress her head gently and whispers I LOVE YOU BABY ... Pragya smiles widely and fills her lung with air to gain her needed breathe and buries completely inside Abhi...

Pragya didn't wish to hear anymore thing, as she knows that this itself is the unsaid Promise made by Abhi... She is at peace and drifted to a deep slumber in her husband's embrace... After finding that Pragya is completely asleep, Abhi slowly places her in the bed and moved to freshen up...

Sleep is far away from Abhi's eyes and he is staring at his fuggy, who came as a blessing in his life... He understands that how much his fuggy loves him and he doesn't know, why they are behaving silly too... A smile creeps up in his face understanding the fact it's also a way of showing their love on each other...


It's quite early in the morning...  Though it's past 5.30, the sun rays didn't raise up, as it's drizzling lightly... Pragya who is in her deep slumber is highly irked, as she feels something cold hitting her face and hair..... She frowns and twists her forehead, without opening her eyes...

But, the coldness is getting more and more, with some hissing sound again and again...  Pragya irritatingly opens her eyes and rubs her face... She gasps in shock to see the white foam in her hands and she blinks her eyes quickly to understand, whether she is having a dream or is it really happening....

The mirror in front of her is clearly showing what's in her face and it's mocking her that she is looking like a foamy ball... Pragya fumes in anger and her blood boils to see her husband Abhi standing there with a puppy face and is holding the snow spray tightly in his hands, as if he is not the culprit....

Pragya yells angrily : Abhiii ... What the hell are you doing??? Why did you sprayed this foam on me???

Abhi (in a calm tone): Just had a dream baby... Wished to see you in that... So, I did that... 😂😂😂😂... You look so funny... My lovely snow ball...

Pragya screams: Whaatttt... You stupid moron has imagined me like this... Grrrr... Wait... Where are you running??? You spoiled my sleep and made me look like a clown... I won't leave you... I will surely punish you...

Pragya chases Abhi angrily and is throwing what all the things, she can get in her hands... Abhi is teasing Pragya a lot and is running here and there, without letting her to caught him... But the loving husband Abhi gives up, as he can't see the disappointed face of his fuggy...

Pragya without minding anything, spreads all the foam quickly in Abhi's face, by rubbing her face with his... Pragya is completely in a mood to punish Abhi, but she failed to notice that it's all her husband's tricky play to lighten her mood and romance in the morning...

Just then, she notices their intimate position and what she is doing too... She gasps in shock and tries to move away from Abhi, but her romantic husband didn't let her to move an inch too... He scoops her in his arms and moved to the balcony to show her the beautiful surprise...

Pragya squeals in delight: Oh my goodness... It's so beautiful na Abhi... When did you saw this??? Did you wake me up to see this ?? Awww... Love you so much....

Abhi: Haan baby... On that day, you told me na that you wish to see the Rainbow in early morning... I prayed to God... See, he has fulfilled our wish...

Pragya chuckles on hearing Abhi's dramatic reply and leans on to Abhi's shoulder and enjoys the natural beauty to her heart felt content... Both didn't talk anything, but the silence is giving them the needed peace and solace and indirectly it made to wipe away all the bad incidents of the previous day....


Pragya is highly irked as Abhi is hell adamant to dress her up and is behind her for all her needs... She knows the exact reason of Abhi's acts and she finds it way too silly... Aaliya is giggling hardly, as she knows that Abhi is doing all these to irritate her....

Dadi is smiling on seeing Abhi's possessiveness towards Pragya and all she can feel is that Abhi is taking care of Pragya like a mother... The breakfast table is full of teasings, but the lover boy Abhi paid no heed to that at all...

To everyone's surprise, Abhi suggested that he will drop Pragya, Arjun and Aaliya in the college...

Pragya: Abhi... Enough of your dramas... See it's getting late for us... We need to go now...

Abhi: Hoye... I'm saying it seriously only... Arjun, give your car keys to the driver... We will go in our car, till our secret spot...

Arjun: Oohooo... Today, I'm going to drive The Abhishek Mehra's precious cookie (car)... Wow... Ajju... You are so lucky, man...

Abhi: Very funny... Other than my fuggy, no one can drive my cookie... What's this.... Why  you become like a fuse less bulb... I can permit you to sit in the front side, with a big heart....

Arjun rubs his ear and looks at Abhi unbelievably, as he has allowed him to sit in the front side, instead of Pragya... Pragya understands what her husband is upto and she smirks knowing well how to give it back to him...

Abhi sits in the front side and adjusts the mirror and winks at his fuggy... He points his finger towards his eyes and gestures something through his eyes... Pragya blushes too hard, not able to bear the intense gaze of her husband... Abhi gestures again, asking her to look only at him...

Pragya is twisting her lips and unknowingly, she bit it lightly... Just then she noticed that Abhi is watching it way too passionately and a naughty smile creeps up in her face uncontrollably... She winks at Abhi and blows a kiss to him, making Abhi to groan inwardly...

Just then, Arjun screams aloud, making the love birds to come out from their romance....

Abhi: Why are you shouting Ajju???

Arjun: Jiju, if I have did any mistake, beat me, scold me or punish me.... But for that, you are asking for a virgin boy's dear and precious life... please jiju... I'm the only son to my parents.... 😔😔😔😔😔

Abhi: What nonsense... I'm getting doubt, whether you are my fuggy's brother only... Talk sensefully, man...

Arjun: Jiju... I'm in my senses only, but you are flying in air... Please jiju... For heavens sake, focus your attention on the road... Or we four will go to heaven....

Aaliya: Ajju... Really we will go to heaven...

Arjun: Of course, Aalu... We two are good souls na... We will go to heaven... But I don't know about Pragya di and jiju...

Pragya glares at Arjun, while Abhi gave a punch on his stomach... Arjun screams aloud, while Aaliya laughs hardly... The drive to the college was full of masti and Pragya feels really at peace after the worst day, she had ....


Few hours later,

Aaliya and Arjun takes a deep breath, as the professor left the class finally... They both traced their ears in unison to find out ,whether their ears are bleeding or not... The duo looks at each other astonishingly and they burst out into laughter...

Arjun: Why blood???

Aaliya: Same blood, Ajju...

They chuckles and were talking how their professor has been irritating them for one hour.. They walks hand in hand to the canteen, as it’s time for the break...

Aaliya is highly annoyed and irritated as Sid, out of nowhere blocks their way... Aaliya frowns in anger, while Arjun who is not aware of the duo’s problems, smiles brightly and hugs Sid..

Arjun: Hey sid bhai... It’s unbelievable to see you alone without your three idiots (Pragya, Rk &Madhu)

Sid: Ahaan.. How about saying to lolly that you called her as idiot..

Arjun: Whaaatttt... Please Sid Bhai.. No violence please...

Sid: 😂😂😂😂😂... Ajju.. If you don’t mind, can I have a talk with Aaliya alone...

Arjun wonders why Sid wants to talk to Aaliya alone.. Before he questions him further, Aaliya tightens her grip with Arjun’s hand and glared at Sid murderously...

Aaliya: Arjun.. Come let’s go...

Sid: Aaliya... Please... I want to talk to you....

Aaliya: Are you coming with me or not, Ajju???

Arjun is not able to understand what’s going on between the duo... But he gave a sorry look to Sid and is catching his breath and moving away, as Aaliya is dragging him hardly... Aaliya shuts Arjun’s mouth by saying that she feels awkward to talk with Sid alone, as he is no one to him...

Sid, on the other hand, is getting out of control and clear vengeance in visible in his face.. He vows to not let Aaliya for anyone and wanna make her as his by hook or crook.. A mischievous smirk creeps up in his face and who knows, his target can be even Arjun too....


Later that evening,

Pragya is staring at the ceiling and is in deep thoughts... Her book which is fully opened is lazily lying on her lap... Her pen is spreading the ink in the note book, which is moving here and there, with the air from the fan...

She didn’t notice anything and is not in a mood to see her husband Abhi, who has entered the room and is looking at her with worry filled eyes... He closes the cap of the pen and took off the book and notebook too... He sits near by her and caress her  hair gently and kisses her cheeks to bring her back to earth...

Pragya: Abhi... You came home so early...

Abhi: Haaan... What were you thinking so much baby... You were not aware of my presence too... Your note too got spoiled as you forget to close the pen...

Pragya: Whaatttt... Oh my god... It’s my assignment work... I’m dead for sure... How stupid of me...

Abhi: Baby... Relax... It’s in the last page only... So, you can tear it off too.. Tell me.. What’s bothering you...

Pragya: Nothing like that... Alright alright... Please don’t open your third eye... Godddd.... I’m freaking to see your angry avatar...

Okay okay... Coming to the point... You are turning too much bossy, Abhi... I was thinking about Puru bhai only...

Abhi: What about Purab??? He is fine only na...

Pragya: Yeah he is okay... But I can see clearly that Puru Bhai is feeling lonely in home and he is hell bothered, as he couldn’t help you in business...

Abhi: Acchhaa... You no need to worry about that... Mr. Purab khanna, is back to his form, long long back... He is so busy now and he is not having time to talk to me too...

Pragya: Whaaattttt..., Really... How come this is possible...

Abhi shooks his shoulder and didn’t uttered anything and moves to the restroom to freshen up... Pragya stomps her feet angrily and rushes to Purab’s room... Her eyes welled up uncontrollably...


Abhi walking too and forth in Purab's room and is sitting tensedly, after attending the call... He is hell confused and couldn't understand what he is going to do now... Purab understands his brother's helpless state and touches his shoulder...

Purab: Bhai... What are we going to do ñow???

Abhi sighs: I too don't know, Purab... It's really very important for us and we are in a tough situation and to do it any cost... The only option left is, I have to do it... But... I don't know, how I'm going to do...

Purab: Bhai... Is it possible??? What about Pragya bhabhi???

Abhi: That's only bothering me, Purab... I don't know, how to say this to fuggy... Her exams too are coming up... I just can't see her broken state, Purab...

Abhi's eyes welled up automatically... Purab hugs his brother and pats his back gently... Both were stunned to see Pragya standing there with moist eyes....



What's going to happen next????

What did Abhi do to make Purab get back to his busy mode???

What hard time is Abhi facing???

Why Abhi said that Pragya will be broken, by his decision????

What Sid is upto and will it create any problem to Arjun???

Will Aaliya forgive Sid and accept his love or will she understand Arjun's unconditional love on her???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...


As usual, given a long update of 3150+

So, it's time to cast your votes and pen down your valuable views, comments and reviews...

Just remember, your votes and comments are the only thing I expect from you all... Hope the silent readers won't disappoint me again....

Call me soon by your votes...

Bidding adieu,

Yours cliffy buddy,



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