84. Do everything with love, to make your soulmate happy...

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Hola peeps!!!!

Hope you all are doing good...

Silent readers, you made me really upset... No words to say...

Anyways... I have decided one thing... There will be delay in updates and don't force me for updates, till the votes turns up...

Only the stories getting good response will be updated soon and others will be delayed...


Now let's have a quick survey on "Loving Husband"

Chapter written: 83

Total chapters: 100 - 125 probably or more ( Not yet decided the numbers)

Total reads: 109,000+ reads....

Total votes: 12,800+ votes

Maximum votes: 179 votes
(6 chapters with 170+ votes)

( Don't know, when I'm going to reach the double ton, which I'm longing to see , more than a year... Fingers crossed...)


We are building a beautiful life with the bricks of love, day after day, till our lifetime...

When you put your arms around me, I feel safe and secure and my soul gets the needed peace...

Only the pure soul knows, what real love is...


Abhi is quite nervous and tensed and is getting ready quickly... He couldn't understand what has happened to Pragya all of a sudden and why she glares at him angrily and walks out of the room, without waiting for him too...

Abhi couldn't figure out what makes his baby fuggy to show cold shoulders to him, suddenly.... He is way too confused and thinks whether she is the same fuggy, who comforted and consoled him the night before, when he is broken down, with their baby's thoughts and Purab's condition...

He blinks his eyes and wanders his gaze towards the whole room... Their crumpled dresses in the laundry basket mocks at him, by saying that they made love too, the previous night and it's Pragya who initiated everything and changed his mood , by showering him with love...

Abhi holds his head and thinks of the mistake he did, to piss off his fuggy, in the morning itself... He knows very well that Pragya is going to present a seminar and she is having a special class to attend too... He didn't want her to go upset to the college and wanna find out the reason for her cold behaviour...

However hard he tries, the poor Loving Husband Abhi is completely clueless and couldn't figure out the exact reason, behind his wife's anger..  Taking deep breath, he walks out of the room, as if he is going to face a big world war...

Abhi's jaw dropped and he is hell furious on seeing the scenario there... If looks could have burn anyone easily, Aaliya would have died a million times... The jealousy and possessiveness he has on his fuggy, makes him to grit the teeth angrily and he breaks the flower vase in a single punch...

But to his shock, none of the ladies in the table reacted and is continuing their lovey dovey acts, which boils the volcano inside Abhi... Gritting his teeth angrily, Abhi barges to the table and pulls Pragya out from Aaliya's grip and hugs her possessively...

Aaliya: Bhai... This is too too much...

Abhi: Shut up Aaliya... I will kill you... 😤😤😤😤😤... How many times I told you not to come between me and my fuggy... How dare you to do so....

Aaliya: Ho... Ho... Why won't I come haan??? She is my bhabhi, my lovely darling... I love my bhabhi so much... You too love me na, bhabhi...

Pragya nods her head as yes, when Aaliya sees her and she shakes her in negative, when Abhi glared at her angrily... Dadi is laughing hardly on seeing Abhi's childish behaviour...

Dadi: Abhi beta... What is this??? Why are you troubling my little girls??? Allow them to have food na...

Abhi: Dadi... This is too much... These two are only irritating me... You itself say dadi... I only feed my fuggy in the morning na... How dare this Aaliya can do so, when I'm here... Aargh...

This stupid Aaliya is hugging my fuggy, kissing her cheeks and feeding her food, as if she is her husband...  Yeeks 😬😬😬😬... She is saying, I love you to my fuggy, that too in front of me... Her one and only Husband Abhi...

What will I do???? God, why did you give me such a trouble some sister, who is coming as a villain in my married life ... I need to protect my baby from this Aaliya.... (Rolls his eyes dramatically and pulls Pragya way too close to him)

Aaliya: Bhai... You are jealous of me haa.... Oohoo... You did it Aaliya... Chill up bhai... The mistake is all yours...

You pissed off bhabhi and me, yesterday night na... So, a sweet revenge from both of us... Come on... Be a good boy and hand over the card to us... Or else... We will do like this only...

Abhi: Are you blackmailing me??? The Abhishek prem Mehra...

Aaliya: Nah... nah.. I don't have that much guts to blackmail the terror business magnet Abhishek prem mehra... I'm just triggering the jealousy of the Loving Husband of Pragya and the begging the sweet brother of this Aaliya ...

Aww... My bhai is blushing and smiling... Oohoo... So cute... Be a good boy and give me the card... My Abhi bhai is the best always... I know very well... He won't say no to me....

Just then Arjun enters the house along with Bulbul...

Arjun: Jiju... She is flattering you... Don't fall in this Aalu's trap...

Aaliya: Stupid Ajju... You spoiled it man... I thought of giving you a big samosa party in our canteen... Now, all over... My card is with bhai... Idiot... Don't talk to me...

Aaliya turns her face angrily, while Arjun runs and quickly holds her hands...

Arjun: Oh god!!!! Sorry Aalu baby... (Whispers in Aaliya's ears) This Ajju will even ready to die for my 'cutie' samosas... It's confirmed that we are having our samosa party... See my performance now...

(Show his puppy face and falls on his knees before Abhi... )

Jiju... You are so sweet na... Give the card... Please... My life is in your hands only... My samosa darling is waiting to be kissed and loved by me... Please jiju... Don't spoil a virgin bachelor's lovely dovey romance, with his 'samosa' girl friend...

Abhi bursts out into laughter on hearing Arjun's dramatic explanation of his love for the  samosas... Abhi hands over the card to Arjun happily... Arjun keeps the card in his eyes, as if he is getting some prasad from the temple... Arjun jumps up quickly and hi-fied with Aaliya and started to have the breakfast....

Pragya didn't uttered anything to Abhi and is talking with Bulbul, who is longingly looking here and there, to have a glimpse of Purab... Though she talks with all formally, gets blessings from dadi, her eyes are yearning to see her love of life Purab only....

Not to make Bulbul to carve much, Purab too joins them, as the nurse brought him outside in a wheel chair... Bulbul runs happily and hugs Purab tightly... Purab smiles and kisses her forehead... Bulbul asked the nurse to move and she happily brought Purab to the dining hall and feeds him food , with her own hands....


After sometime,

Bulbul: Thank you so much jiju...

Abhi: What for shaali???

Bulbul: For everything, jiju... We all are so blessed to have you in our life... I don't know, how we all gonna repay you too... Pragya di is so lucky to get a husband like you and we are glad to have a lovely jiju, who cares for us, more than our father....

Thanks for the timely gift jiju... Don't say that Purab did that and all... I know my jiju very well... You fulfilled my long time wish.... Love you so much jiju...

( Bulbul looks here and there and whispers) Don't say this to Pragya di and Purab... They will kill me, if they know that I said I love you, to you...

Abhi smiles and caress Bulbul's head and asked her to smile happily always... Bulbul nods her head and walks out, after bidding adieu to everyone... Pragya is smiling happily, as Abhi has got a scooty for Bulbul, so that she can come and see Purab, whenever she wishes and can go to the college on her own...


Abhi coughs hard to gain Pragya's attention... She smirks and walks quickly... But Abhi is not in a mood to let Pragya to go out, so easily... He forwards the card towards her... When Pragya is about to get that, Abhi raises his hands higher and higher...

Pragya jumps as hard as she can... But Abhi is not in a mood to give the card to her, until she speaks to him... Like the fox who feels that the grapes are sour, Pragya too lost the interest in getting the card and steps forward with a deep sigh...

Abhi is super annoyed with Pragya's silly anger and he pulls her quickly... He thrusts the card in her hand and moves angrily from the dining table and barges into the study room... Pragya feels really bad for pissing off her loving husband and she wanna pour to Abhi that she just did to tease him only ...

Before she asks sorry to Abhi, Aaliya and Arjun dragged Pragya outside the house quickly, as it's getting very late for the college... Pragya is looking at the entrance expectantly, but Abhi didn't come out to say even good bye to her too...

Her eyes welled up uncontrollably.... The thought of Abhi is angry on her, pricks her heart to the core... She takes deep breath to calm down her, as she knows very well that Arjun and Aaliya will eat her head, if she is sad... Moreover, she doesn't want to create any doubts in the minds of her friends Sid, Rk and Madhu too...

Pragya badly wants to hear Abhi's voice at least, before she goes to the college... Pragya is ready even to hear the angry shoutings of Abhi too... Though she knows that Abhi won't do so, her sorrowing heart wishes to hear at least a hello or I'm busy from him....

She took her mobile and to her misery, it's of low charge, as she forget to charge her mobile, last night... With much irritation, she dials Abhi's number and is praying that he should pick up the call, before the battery dies...

But, the day is little bit bad for Pragya and the mobile got switched off soon... She didn't want to trouble Arjun and Aaliya and is not at all interested to talk to Abhi in their mobiles... She thought that Abhi is avoiding her and that's the reason, he didn't picked up her call for a long time...


On the contrary, Abhi is eagerly waiting for his fuggy to come to him and console him, before she leaves to the colllege... Waiting desperately for a long time, Abhi thought that it's so silly to do like that with his baby girl... He doesn't want his manly ego to hurt his fuggy at any cost...

Abhi quickly comes out and is shocked to know from Purab that Pragya has left to  the college, long back and that too without saying bye to him ... This is the first time that Pragya has avoided Abhi and went to the college, without informing him...

Abhi's eyes moistened with his precious tears and he quickly runs to his room to hide his pain and sorrow from Purab and dadi... Abhi searches for his mobile and he is elated to know that Pragya has called him, few minutes back...

Abhi mentally scolds himself for thinking all the negativities... He called Pragya quickly, but to his dismay, her mobile is switched off... Abhi really thought that Pragya is hell angry on him and that's why she has switched off her mobile too...

Abhi is not at all in a mood to go to the office... But he is forced to go there, as he is having an important dealership meeting and if it gets clicked their company will earn huge profit and their company's name will get famous in overseas too....

Sighing deeply, Abhi gets the file from Purab and rushes out quickly, as Purab started to question him repeatedly, why he is upset... Abhi thought to give some space to his fuggy and he passes the time, by involving him completely in the work....


Pragya, on the other hand, is trying her level best to fake a smile and shows off that she is happy... She didn't expected that many will come and congratulate her for getting the best outgoing student award... Though she is happy with everyone's wishes, she couldn't enjoy the moment, as her heart is paining terribly...

She understands very well that how much she is madly in love with her husband Abhi and even a single frown, a silly anger and ignorance from him, will hurt her a lot and pricks her heart into pieces...

She badly wishes to run away from there and be in the embrace of her husband, as she knows that she can  calm down, only when Abhi is near her.... Pragya, who buried herself in Abhi's thoughts, comes back to earth, when Madhu shooks her hardly...

Madhu: What happened, Lolly??? You are fine na...

Pragya: Yeah... I'm okay... Just a little bit headache... Nothing much... What were you telling me???

Madhu: I didn't say anything to you... This idiot RK only nagging you...

Pragya: Hoye don't scold my RK okay...

Rk: Aww... That's like my Lolly baby.... Darling... You won't disappoint me na... You are giving treat to us  today right... Shall we go out tonight???? Please please... Say yes....

Pragya is not in a mood to go anywhere and wanna be with her husband Abhi only, after she reaches her home... But her three friends are looking at her expectantly and she has no other go and then to nod her head as yes..

Pragya: We can go out immediately after college na... I can't spend much time with you guys... I'm little bit tired, feeling feverish and all... I don't want to postpone the plan too...

Just one or two hours will be okay for me... If it's okay means, we can go out... What say guys...

All nods their heads happily... Pragya mentally smacks herself, as she has angrily kept the card in the dining table itself, when Abhi had forcefully thrusted it in her hands... She nervously opens her bag to find out whether she has any money in it or not....

But to her shock, she finds her wallet is with money... She quickly hides the note kept inside the wallet along with the money... She excuses from her friends and rushes to the washroom to read it.... Her eyes welled up to see the immense love Abhi has on her....

The note reads,

"Fuggy baby... Are you surprised??? I know very well that your friends will nag you to give treat... I've kept some money inside... Even though you have your card too, you can use this money, if needed...

Enjoy and have fun, baby... But don't take much time na... Your loving husband will terribly miss you and come back to me soon, sweetheart... Love you baby...

Pragya couldn't stop her tears and she  washes her face quickly and gets inside the classroom happily... One thing is clear to her... Whatever happens, Abhi won't give up on her and will be there for her always and fulfill all her wishes, with full of love....


Sid is grinning widely as Pragya asked Aaliya to join with them.. Though he is not happy with Arjun's presence, he has a confidence that Aaliya loves him only and treats Arjun as that of a friend only....  He purposely takes a seat opposite to Aaliya and fixed his gaze only on her...

But, Aaliya is busily chatting with Arjun and the duo never mind anyone at all... They were playing, beating each other, cracking jokes and feeding each other too... Pragya is smiling at them happily and prays to God to keep them together like this always...

Rk and Madhu are admiring Aaliya and Arjun a lot... Rk imagines how it will be, if he and Madhu are in their placea... Madhu too thinks of the same, but quickly wipes the thought, as she thinks that it's wrong to fall in love with her bestie....

Each one are in their own world and they failed to notice a huge volcano is oozing inside Sid's heart... He wipes his tears and is not in a mood to give up so easily... He thinks of various ways to get Aaliya's forgiveness and to prove his love on her... Sid is not aware that all the persons in the table gonna hate him one day, for his misdeeds....


Abhi is way too busy and couldn’t turn up to home so soon.. He didn’t called Pragya the whole day, thinking that she is angry on him.. He completely forget the fact that Pragya is busy with her friends.. Though he has did everything to surprise pragya, he in office tension has  forgotten  that completely...

Pragya is way too restless and is eagerly waiting for Abhi to come up soon.. But the time is running too fast and Abhi didn’t turn up to home till dinner time.. Purab said everyone about the new business deals and added that Abhi will be busy in the meetings and will have his dinner with the business delegates itself..

All forced Pragya to have food, but she couldn’t eat anything at all... She doesn’t want to make everyone to get sad.... She just had few morsels and drinks milk alone, saying that she is full, as she has ate much in the hotel.. But none is aware that Pragya didn't eat anything with her friends too...

Pragya is crying uncontrollably with Abhi’s cold behaviour and she is cursing her stupidity for making him to get angry.... The simple ignorance is scaring her much and she feels that this distance shouldn't get widens between them....


Abhi is completely exhausted and tired with back to back meetings.. He comes to the home, way too late and finds it to be completely dark.. He sighs and took slow steps , as the time is past 12 o’clock.. He slowly opens the room door thinking that Pragya will be asleep...

Abhi is startled to see the devastated condition of his fuggy, who is pooled up in uncontrollable tears.. Abhi panicks and calls Fuggy.. The word fuggy makes Pragya to gain back her lost breathe and she jumps and runs towards Abhi..  She cries hardly and hugs Abhi tightly..

Abhi tries to calm down his fuggy.. But nothing worked up, as both are pooled up in varied emotions and feelings... This mere distance between them, with the thought that the other is angry, makes them to broke down and they can't tolerate that at all.... They were hugging each other tightly and finds the needed solace...

Abhi hits on Pragya's forehead with teary eyes and when she opens her mouth to talk, Abhi closes it and gestures her not to say anything... He quickly lifts her in his arms and placed her on the bed.... He kisses her eyes and forehead and caress her head and makes her to sleep, as that of a baby....

Pragya too calms down and slept off, as she is at peace... But she is not aware that she is going to lose her peace soon, as Abhi is forced and pushed into a situation, which gonna break Pragya completely...

Abhi, who is not aware of the fate's play is praying hardly that he has to keep his fuggy happily always... He doesn't know the fact that he is going to make her sad soon....



What's going to happen next???

What is going to happen in Abhi and Pragya's life????

What is Sid going to do????

Will Aaliya falls for Arjun or will she treat him at that of her bestie only????

Will Aaliya forgive Sid easily and accept his love????

Will Pragya be able to concentrate in her studies well, inspite of the storm that gonna hit her soon????

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

A long update given again...

Words used: 3500+

Cast your valuable votes without fail.

Silent readers, your votes are my motivation to write more and I hope you all won't disappoint me this time...

Looking forward for your votes and eagerly waiting to read all your inline comments, sweet views and long reviews too...


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



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