83. His eyes welled up... My heart felt the pain...

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I'm extremely sorry for coming up very late.. My ill health is the reason for my disappearance and I'm being prohibited not to touch my mobile often , till I recover fully..

Tried really very hàrd to come up soon... But poor me is badly affected... Sorry again and please do forgive me for my absence... A very big thanks for being patience enough to wait for the updates...

Thanks for all your love and support and all your kind hearted and caring words made me really very happy...


Dedicating this chapter to all my lovely readers and also a special mention to the birthday girl jeriffa...

Happy birthday jeriffa (15th August)
🎂🎂🎂🎂 ( Sorry yaar couldn't post yesterday).... May the almighty wish you with all happiness and may all your dreams and wishes come true... Have a blasting year ahead.. All the very best for your bright future... Study well... Do take care of your health too... My prayers are there for you always....


If you can make a boy to laugh, it shows he likes you.. If you can make a boy to cry for you, it shows he loves you..

I always want you to fall asleep in my arms and wake up in my dreams..

When two people love and care about each other, they won't bother about how hard the situation may be.... They always try their level best to make it work, no matter what...


Abhi and Pragya, after spending their time happily in the farmhouse, moves to the hospital to do the discharge formalities of Purab.... Purab is being admitted there for more than a month because of the worst kidnapping incident and he was badly affected as he was being injected with many poisonous drugs ...

Rather than the high class treatments given by the doctors, it's the love and care of Bulbul and the whole family, which made the biggest miracle to happen and even the doctors were astonished with purab's quick improvement in health... All the family members feels happy that Purab is recovering very fastly and will be back to normal soon....

Bulbul is completely upset and crying hardly, as she will miss Purab a lot and she won't be able to be with Purab whenever she wishes, as her college too is resuming after the holidays... Abhi tried his level best to console his Shaali Bulbul and comforted her with his loving words....

Abhi tries to change Bulbul's mood completely, as Purab wishes to see her smiling face, before leaving from the hospital... Understanding Purab's mind set, Abhi smirks and pulls ( his brother in law) Arjun's legs and teases him by calling him as a free driver, who works for them 24 * 7, without any salary....

All started to laugh on hearing the teasing words, while Arjun whines and complains to Aaliya by saying that all are teasing him... But to his utter shock, Aaliya too teases Arjun, to make her bhabhi Bulbul to smile happily... But, Arjun is not in a mood to leave Aaliya for teasing him and is pissed off at her completely....

Like the famous chase of Tom and Jerry, Arjun started to chase Aaliya and is not ready to leave her, before giving the punishment for mocking at him and also to hear a sorry from her.... But Aaliya is in a full mood to tease Arjun and she is way too stubborn, not to utter a single sorry too to him....

Understanding their game won't end so soon, Pragya says that it's not advisable to waste much time in the hospital and it's a better option to go home soon.,. Abhi shooks his head in disbelief on seeing the childish behaviours of Arjun and Aaliya in the hospital too and agrees to do as said by Pragya ...

Abhi insits that they will go to home leaving them and he will ask Arjun to bring Aaliya with him, after sorting out their silly fight ... Abhi went and collected the discharge papers and settled all the bills and completed the pending hospital formalities and have a word with the doctors too regarding Purab's next hospital visit and follow ups...

Bulbul and Pragya brought the needed medicines for Purab and also talked with the nurse, who is appointed to take care of Purab, after they leave to the mansion.... After finishing off everything, Abhi and Mohan Arora helped Purab to get up from the bed and they made him sit in the wheel chair and taken him towards the car...

Purab along with Bulbul sits in the backside of the car while Abhi and Pragya sits in the front side... Mohan arora, sarlama and Dadi took the other car, which Abhi has arranged for them with his driver.. They reached MM with full of happiness..

As instructed by Dadi and Sarlama, Pragya and Bulbul took aarthi for Purab and welcomed him inside the house.... Purab smiles with a happy tear in his face, as he is back to MM after a long time and Abhi happily hugs his brother Purab, who started to cry uncontrollably like a small baby...

It took a long time for Abhi to console Purab, who is pooled up in varied emotions.. All feel glad to see their bonding and pragya really feels proud of her husband Abhi and looks at him with full of love... Abhi understands that his wife Pragya's gaze is completely on him and he seductively smiles and blows a kiss to her without anyone's knowledge... But Bulbul caught Pragya red handedly, on seeing the sudden blush in her cheeks...

As wished by Dadi, they all went to the pooja room and Pragya did the aarthi to the goddess idol.. All prayed to God to keep the family united like this always and make Purab's recovery faster and also to give happiness in their lives forever...


Will the family be united like this always?????


(While this is going on in MM, let's ⏪⏪⏪⏪🔙🔙🔙 🔙 and see what has happened with Arjun and Aaliya)

Arjun keeps on shouting and is chasing Aaliya, like a lion running after it's prey.... Aaliya giggles and runs in a jet speed, irritating and annoying Arjun to the core... She stops all of a sudden and winks at Arjun and blows a flying kiss to him.... Arjun's eyes popped out and he stammers in shock, as he didn't expected this at all...

Aaliya chuckles and teases Arjun, who is standing like a statue, with her sudden attack.. She comes closer to him and lightly hits him on his back and pushes him in the near by chair and runs again... It took a minute for Arjun to recover from the unexpected shock and he lately understands that Aaliya has did this to tease him..

But a slight blush appears in his cheeks uncontrollably and his lips curved to a beautiful smile.. His heart is flying like a happy bird and he feels elated, as if he has won the whole world.. Arjun gets up from his seat and looks for Aaliya, who is giving a tough time to him and is making him to long for her more ...

Arjun looks for Aaliya here and there and and all of a sudden, his happy and blushy face lost all it's colours and his eyes welled up automatically.. However hard he tries, he couldn't control his tears and disappointment is clearly visible in his eyes, as he didn't expected this at all...

Arjun understands that Aaliya is looking at him with a sorry look and he turns his face quickly, as he didn't thought in his wild dreams too, that his happiness will vanish like this... He didn't want to bother Aaliya anymore and tries to smile and act normal, with all his might...

But poor soul couldn't stand there for a single second too and fake a smile on seeing his love of life - Aaliya's lips brushed on some other men's cheeks and her whole body is completely brushed with that man.... Though Arjun knows that it has happened accidentally and without Aaliya's knowledge too, his poor heart is aching much and he couldn't control his broken heart ....

Aaliya is way too shocked and is cursing herself for the unexpected situation that arises because of her carelessness.. Her heart too ached on seeing the tears in Arjun's eyes and she couldn't understand why her heart is stammering like this on seeing Arjun's tears ....

She is completely confused as why she feels awkward on seeing Sid, whom she has loved, from the day one, she has entered the college.... Though it's an accidental kiss and unexpected fall on him, Aaliya feels creepy to be on top of Sid and his smirk and teasing smile, annoyed and irritated her a lot....

Aaliya gasps in shock as Arjun has moved from there and she gets up quickly and tries to run behind him... But her blood boils and she fumes in anger, as Sid is holding Aaliya's wrist tightly, with a concerned look in his face.... Aaliya glares at Sid and fumes in anger and tries to pull her hand from him, with all her might...

Aaliya grits her teeth: Leave my hand Sid... I won't mind to shout and accuse you by saying that you have misbehaved with me... If you have any shame, leave me right now or else don't blame me for the consequences..

Sid: Please Aaliya... Just listen to me... I.... I.... It's that..

Aaliya: Leave me... You are a swine less creature Sid... Are you not ashamed of all your doings??? Why again and again you are doing like this and torturing me... Why the hell are you stalking me like this and spoiling my mood...

What wrong did I do to you??? Why are you troubling me and coming before me repeatedly??? I'm warning you, Sid.. This is not good for you.... A nice man won't force a girl like this...

Sid: I swear Aaliya... I'm not at all stalking you and forcing my love on you ... I'm not at all feeling well and that's why I came to hospital... I too was in shock seeing you here and whatever happens is not a planned one.. Trust me Aaliya..

Aaliya: Good acting Mr. Sid... I'm not a fool to believe and trust you... My whole family is here only... Better leave me, before things turns ugly between us....

Aaliya roughly pulls her hand from Sid and runs , as hard as she can... Her eyes are pouring out non stop and she is not in a mood to think the reason for the tears in her eyes and for whom the tears are for.... If she had understood this at this time, she would have avoided a biggest problem, which gonna shook the whole family....

Aaliya took faster steps and is searching for Arjun and to her utter shock none of her family is there.. She runs faster towards the car prking and felt relieved to see Arjun standing near his car.... Aaliya quickly runs and hugs Arjun tightly and utters sorry again and again with teary eyes...

Arjun moves Aaliya and fakes a smile and gestures her to get inside the car.... Aaliya nods her head and enters the car but she couldn't understand in what state Arjun might be.. She can't tolerate if Arjun hates her and she looks at him longingly..

The silence of Arjun is killing Aaliya to the core and she is not in a condition to see the sad look of Arjun.. She holds Arjun's hand and didn't allowed him to drive the car too...

Arjun: Aaliya... We need to go to home... Abhi jiju has called me many times... I need to drop you and take maa, papa and bulz di to home...

Aaliya (stammers): Sorry Ajju... It's that... 😭😭😭😭😭... You are not angry on me na... Don't hate me please..

Arjun: Silly girl... Nothing like that okay.. Relax... How can I hate my Aalu and I know that whatever happened is just an accident.. I'm saying na darling.. Stop crying or our car will drown in your tears...

Aaliya glares at Arjun while he pulls her cheeks and wipes her tears... Both burst out into laughter, forgetting the accidental incident that happened earlier... Aaliya argues with Arjun and compels him by saying that they have to chill up their minds by having an ice cream...

It took two hhoursfor Arjun to take Aaliya to the home, as they keep on hoping on the roadside snacks... Not to forget that, he has got nice scoldings from the whole family, while Aaliya defends and protected him.... The family is completely tongue tied on seeing the crazy duo, who can't be predicted easily and changing the situations up and down, as per their likings..


The Aroras left to the home after having the dinner in MM and Pragya and Aaliya are sitting in Purab's room and chit chatting with him happily... Purab is smiling and listening to all their silly stories.... Abhi finished off his business call and gets inside the room and glared at Pragya...

Pragya makes an oops reaction and shows a puppy face to melt her loving husband Abhi... Abhi couldn't resist his fuggy's childish act and his lip curved to a smile uncontrollably.. Aaliya sighs and leans on to purab's shoulder...

Aaliya: Puru bhai... I told you na... You only didn't believed me.. See now... Pragya bhabhi has such a power to melt Abhi bhai... Poor bhai.. Completely dumb struck and forget everything in front of bhabhi... You too have to be like this only Puru bhai.. Learn  some tips from them bhai..

Abhi: Hello Aaliya madam... If your advising session is over means, can you go to your room now... It's time for you to sleep, as you are having college tommorrow..

Aaliya pouts and complains to Purab, while Pragya giggles and teases Aaliya by showing her tongue out and thought victoriously that she has escaped from Abhi... But her happiness is short lived as Abhi turns towards Pragya too..

Abhi: Fuggy... I'm saying this to you too.... Both of you get up... Go and sleep soon... Purab too need to take rest..  Come on...

Pragya shows her puppy face and pleads: Abhi... You are my sweet and loving husband na... You are such a darling and cutie pie... You will listen to your fuggy na... Just ten minutes... Only 600 seconds.. I will talk to puru bhai and go to room after that... Please.. Agree to this for my sake...

Aaliya: Haan bhai... Give time for me too.. I know my sweet Abhi bhai will listen to us and allow us to be here for some more time.. please....

Abhi in a stern and stubborn tone: Nothing doing... Your words are not going to convince me and I won't fall for your tricks anymore.. Both of you go to the room.... I will count till three.. Go soon or I will cut your pocket money and hold the credit cards too..

The girls gasps in shock as Abhi started his count down.. Pragya stomps her feet angrily and goes out, cursing Abhi audibly with all kind of bad words, she knkws... Aaliya teases Abhi by saying that he can't do anything to Pragya and runs away in a jet speed before being caught by Abhi.. Purab smiles happily on seeing them and Abhi takes a deep breath and fakes a smile ....


Pragya is walking too ànd forth and is blasting angrily at Abhi's picture, in her mobile... It's more than two hours, since she came from Purab's room... She couldn't sleep without Abhi and she felt worried amd bothered, as why Abhi is taking long time to come to the room..

Pragya takes a deep breath and turns as she heard the opening of the door knob.... She tries to open her mouth to yell on Abhi, but she didn't utter a word too on seeing the worried face of Abhi... Abhi didn't said anything to Pragya and went to freshen up....

After getting dressed up in his night suit and hits the bed by leaning towards the head board.. Pragya looks at Abhi longingly and both their eyes mingled with an unsaid feelings... She giggles and runs quickly, as Abhi opens his arms for her and gestures her to come to him..

Pragya leans to her magic pillow and Abhi started to caress her head lovingly and kisses her forehead... There is a pin drop silence in the room and Pragya's mind is equipped with many questions.. She looks at Abhi and she is highly bothered as Abhi is left in deep thoughts..

Pragya: Abhi... Abhi..

Abhi: Haan.. Sleep baby... You need to wake up soon na..

Pragya: Are You alright??? Is anything bothering you???

Abhi: No... Nothing like that fuggy.. I'm fine... You sleep baby...

Pragya: I know you very well about you, Abhi... I'm the reason for your worries na... I’m extremely sorry Abhi.. I have troubled you too much na..

Abhi; No baby.. It’s not as you imagine.. I'm just thinking about Purab and our baby only... Why God has made them suffer and created such a worst situation in all our lives??? Did we do anything wrong??? Why fate is troubling us like this???

Pragya with teary eyes looks at Abhi and feels sorry for reminding him about their baby and she understands that Purab’s state too made Abhi to get emotionally turn very weak ... Abhi’s eyes welled up and he tightens his grip on her.. Both were pooled up in uncontrollable feelings and emotional turmoil..

Pragya wipes her tears and started to kiss Abhi slowly.. Abhi shooks his head as no and gestures her to sleep.. But Pragya being a caring wife of the loving husband Abhi, understands his pain and acted as a medicine to him by pouring her love for him...


Abhi is completely tensed and walking to and forth restlessly, after receiving the call.. He is hell confused and doesn’t know what to do to solve the issue.. Purab tries to calm down Abhi but nothing worked out as Abhi feels scared to do this.. He knows very well that Pragya will completely break down, if she knows about this..




What’s going to happen next????

What is the issue which makes Abhi to get tensed???

Will Abhi be able to solve the issue???

Will it make Pragya to break down and is it anyway affect her studies???

Will Aaliya choose Arjun, her bestie as her life partner or Sid, whom she loved???

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

Came up with a long update as usual...

Words used: 3200 + words...

Cast your votes and pen down your views without fail...


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be


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