82. Love gets a new meaning, because of my loving husband...

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Happiness is beyond its peak...

I'm sort of words...

Eyes are tearing up in immense happiness...

My heart is beaming in uncontrollable joy and I'm drowning in varied emotions....

You all made me and this story to reach a greater height, with all your tremendous love and incredible support...

Don't know, how to thank you all for making this possible...

Never in my wild dreams too, I've thought that this will happen and now I'm dumb struck, as it has happened because of you all...

The great achievement for my story... Naah naah... Our story "Loving husband"  is set already...

A biggest benchmark on the board... Still I couldn't believe that it has happened, irrespective of the private chapters too....

Very happy to inform you all that this story has crossed a phenomenal 101 K reads and
12000+ votes....

What else an author can get, other than this greatest achievement... I don't know, whether I deserve this or not... But I understand that this is all your immense love on this story....

I don't know, how to convey my thanks to you all.. As I said earlier, I'm not going to end this story so soon and sure, you will get more than 100 chapters....

Still not yet decided the chapter numbers and let the story continues, as much as I can write... What say???

Are you all happy???


You are the answer, to all my prayers...
You are the shining star, who made my life brighter...
You are the glowing moon, in my dark sky...
You are the colourful rainbow, in my colourless rain....
You are the biggest dream come true, in my boring life...

Love is nothing but a combination of respect, friendship, care, trust, better understanding and companionship...

Whatever happened has happened already... It's not essential to worry for the things, that happened beyond our control... Nothing can make my love on you to deteriorate and I love you forever....


Happy marriages, shatters or shakes up very badly, because of one simple fault or mistake, which is committed unknowingly.... The worst situation is that the loving couples are getting into a disagreement without minding about their love and their happy times too...

A simple misunderstanding can create a biggest rift between the married couples and will bring a big blow in their happy life... Only, when one of the partner is mature enough to handle the situation and thinks of the circumstances in which the mistake has been committed, marriages can be saved easily....

But on the contrary, if the reverse happens, the couples may come up with big arguments and start to bad mouth about each other, anything worst can happen.... It's always been a reason for many married couples to end up in the court, applying for divorce and break the eternal bonding of marriage ...

Marriages are crossing a worst phase when there is no better understanding and trust between the couples.... Forgive and forget is much needed for a successful married life....

However, in some cases, the situation becomes quite different, when the person accused the other, understands their faults quickly... If they clearly knows that it's only their misjudgement on their spouse, they will end up in a big guilt and they will curse themselves for their aggressive behaviour... Moreover, it's not at all easy for them to come out of the situation that much easily....

Same happens in the case of the loving couples Abhi and Pragya... A simple situation which ended up in a big misery... The passion and desire inside them is the result of their immense love on each other but the same love only pushed Pragya to think of the worst possibility....

Haunted completely in the hormonal tension inside her body, Pragya's whole self become numb, when Abhi left her abruptly in the peak of their intimate moment and her senses are completely blinded at that time.... She is not in a situation to think of anything at that time....

She ended up in bad mouthing about Abhi and ill treated him with her harsh words, without minding that Abhi is such a loving and wonderful husband, any girl can dream off.. 

Abhi is completely shocked to hear such awful words from his wife Pragya and his eyes teared up uncontrollably... But Abhi being a matured person and loving husband, quickly understands the turmoil of Pragya and he didn't thought anything bad about his fuggy at all...

He didn't cared or mind about Pragya's words, which came out of her helpless state... Abhi calls pragya as a baby, as she acts like a little baby in certain situations and Abhi chuckles on imagining his fuggy as that of a baby, complaining and yelling for snatching her favourite ice cream.....

But, Pragya is not in a situation to take the situation lightly...  She is completely guilt striken and she couldn't even look at Abhi too at that time.... The painful tears and the heartfelt sorry from her trembling lips are not helping her at all..

Abhi gets panicked on seeing the vulnerable state of his fuggy and her tears are pricking his heart to the core... None of his consoling and comforting words are reaching her deaf ears, as she started to drown in a miserable situation for yelling at a gem of a person like Abhi....

Abhi: Baby... What is this... How much I'm saying... It's okay dear... I didn't mistake you at all... Even I would have reacted like you only, if you have left me like that.... So, no hard feelings , darling...

Pragya nods her head as no....

Pragya: Noooo... I will never do like that with you.... I... I won't leave you like that at all....

Abhi bites his lips, not to burst out into laughter, as Pragya is defending her at that situation too, but it indirectly conveys him that she won't leave him abruptly, when they are drowning in love....

Abhi: Haan haan... I know my fuggy very well... She is such a wonderful soul... My darling wife won't push me in such worst situations at all... I know very well, how my fuggy will melt in my love...

But now the situation we have gone through is because of me only na... I'm the one at fault and to be blamed... It's my mistake only... I would have not done like that with you... Sorry baby... Please forgive me fuggy, for spoiling your mood....

I didn't mean to do that... But, I couldn't continue, as I'm concerned about your health, ahead of our love making.... So, I'm the one to be cursed for the mistake happened... Punish me for not fulfilling your wishes and desires and made you to cry like this...

Pragya hurriedly keeps her fingers on Abhi's lips as she couldn't tolerate that Abhi is accusing himself.... However hard she tries, her betraying eyes are pouring out very badly and Abhi is wiping her tears and cooing her like a baby...

Pragya cocooned completely inside Abhi and her body trembles in fear.... She doesn't know how to apologize to Abhi and she can't even imagine if this spoils their happy married life.... Pragya will lose her life, rather than being separated from her loving husband....

Pragya can't even think about being away from her Abhi and she is blaming herself for accusing the precious possession, she has got ever.... Not able to see Abhi with her guiltiness, pragya cries aloud and asked Abhi to punish her for her misdeeds....

Abhi cups her face gently and wipes her tears... He looks at Pragya pleadingly and kisses her forehead conveying that whatever happens, his love won't get deteriorate at all....

Abhi: You are my life, fuggy... My days start with you and end with you only.... Don't feel this much bad dear... Just relax and chill up, baby... I brought you alone to spend a happy and memorable time with you, but I'm very bad as you are in this situation because of me only...

Pragya: Please Abhi... Don't make me more guilty with your abundance love on me... Punish me... I... I just can't come out of my guilty....

I... I know very well that I'm spoiling your mood too... But only you can help me to come out of this and I won't forgive myself unless and until, you punish me... Do this for me, please....

Abhi: Alright... You want your punishment na... Okay... I'm ready... Will you whole heartedly accept the punishment, I give you...

Pragya: Yes... I will do, whatever you say...

Abhi: Alright ... Listen to me carefully, baby... I will give you just 20 minutes... That means you have 1200 seconds with you.... You need to give me 1000 proper kiss within this time...

If one kiss is not completed too, your punishment will not be considered and your apology won't be accepted.... You need to repeat the step again in the next twenty minutes....

So, the punishment goes on and on, till you complete it properly.... Remember, it should be a proper kiss and not a quick peck or light smooch okay and if it didn't meet the criteria, it won't be counted.... We will start your punishment session in two minutes.... Get ready baby....

Pragya is looking at Abhi with an unbelievable look... But she couldn't resist her cheeks turning deep red, competing with the big bunch of tomatoes.... On the other hand, Abhi raises his brow and asked her as what... Pragya mutters nothing and she feels that Abhi is not teasing her, as his words are way too sincere and serious....

Pragya feels really proud of her husband Abhi, who is being clear in his words.... Though his punishments are always wierd, it always shows his love for her and is a promise to her, that he won't hurt her by any means...

Abhi: Just a few seconds left, fuggy... Are you ready baby????

Abhi pulls pragya closer and kisses her and rubs her back to calm her down... He smiles and winks at her and shows his cheeks to start her apology session.... Pragya with a blushy smile started to give the kisses and Abhi sincerely does the counting, making Pragya to giggle  happily....

One thing is clear in this situation... Abhi is a loving husband, who doesn't want to take any kind of hatred and rift to grow between them at any time and he can't tolerate to see the miserable state of his wife.... All he care is his fuggy's happiness and he is ready to do anything to keep her happy always....


The new morning glows with a new beginning in everyone's life... The love birds who are completely drowned in their love are sleeping peacefully in each other's embrace.... Abhi holds his life in his arms, while Pragya finds peace in her magic pillow....

With their usual morning dramas, romance and teasings, it took Abhi and Pragya to come out very late only.... Though Pragya fakes that she is alright, Abhi understands that still pragya is not able to come of the incident... He couldn't digest the fact that their happiness is spoiled because of his over reaction...

Abhi: Baby... I'm really feeling sorry... Please fuggy... Smile na... No... Not this... A true smile from your heart.... Please....

Pragya hungs her head down and she twists her saree as she doesn't know how to say to Abhi that she needs some time to forgive herself.... Abhi sighs and pulls her closer....

Abhi: Baby... Please... You don't have any right to hurt my fuggy like this... She is mine and only I have every right on her... Never and ever, try to trouble her okay....

I know you are wishing to have some time to come out from this right... Let's do one thing... Is it enough, if I give the same twenty minutes punishment to you???? But please do some mistakes this time, so that it can be repeated....

Pragya's jaws dropped on hearing Abhi wishing to have the 1000 kisses again... Before she comes out from her trance, she shreiks in horror as Abhi has jumped into the swimming pool, along with her...

  She couldn't control her laughter as Abhi started to tickle her hardly and she twirls like a fish and buried inside him... They played happily for sometime, spending their romantic times too... They changes into a casual wear after lunch, as Abhi has planned to give her another sweet surprise....

Pragya is frowning as Abhi is hell adamant not to open up his secret to her.... She turns her face angrily as these suspense is killing her, while Abhi least bothered about that and lifts her in his arms after tying her eyes with his handkerchief....

Pragya can't believe her eyes at all... She squeals happily like a small kid and kisses Abhi all through his face... It's her long term dream to go in a bike, hugging her husband, enjoying the drive happily... Abhi being a big celebrity uses only cars and he even restricted Pragya not to go in bikes after the drastic incident of losing their baby....

Pragya couldn't resist herself from falling madly in love with her loving husband Abhi, again and again, as he shows her the new meaning of love and fulfilling all her unsaid wishes too... She feels blessed and lucky to have a wonderful husband like Abhi and she shouts aloud happily that she is the lucky girl in this whole world, to get such a loving husband....


The two days were so happy for Abhi and Pragya... Though Pragya goes to her miserable mode often, Abhi never let her to think about that, as he threatened to give the food she dislikes and also warns her that he will repeat the punishment again...

Pragya complains to Abhi that it's not at all fair as her lips are paining and she whines that he didn't give anything in return for that... After a long time, they enjoyed happily to their heartfelt content and in between they called their family and asked for their well being too....


As planned already, Abhi and Pragya goes to the hospital to meet Purab and the family, as the doctor has said that they can discharge Purab that night itself, if they wish.... Purab pleads in phone and asks Abhi to take him to the home that night itself, as it's been more than a month, he is in hospital and he didn't wish to stay there any more time...

Understanding Purab's turmoil, Abhi promised to take him home to fulfill his wishes.... Abhi and Pragya came to the hospital directly from the farm house.... Both were hell shocked and startled to see Bulbul crying vigorously and no one's consoling words are letting her to stop her cries at all.....

Bulbul screams di when she spots Pragya and hugs her tightly and cries aloud... Pragya pats her back to calm her down, but she is not hearing her too... Purab sighs and gestures Abhi to do something to stop bulbul from crying, as he couldn't see her like that....

Abhi gestures Purab  to calm down and he nears Bulbul and caress her head.... Bulbul with teary eyes turns towards Abhi and hugs him tightly and poured out what's in her heart... Abhi does not know whether to laugh or cry hearing Bulbul's words....

Abhi: My little shaali... Stop crying... You are such a drama queen and is like a baby, not less than your di... Sarlama.... Your both daughters are such cry babies and exaggerate the little things too much... I think you two watch too many soaps right....

Both Pragya and Bulbul glares at Abhi angrily and barges on Abhi... Abhi pulls both of them in his embrace and hugs them... Pragya with a smile gestures Abhi to handle Bulbul in his way and she moves towards Purab and sits near him and asked him to relax....

Abhi: Bulbul.... You will listen to your jiju na.... Nothing to worry and cry like this okay.... You need to concentrate in your studies too.... Don't think that your love will be questioned, if you can't be with Purab always....

I have already talked with the hospital and arranged for a nurse to take care of Purab all the time ... Arrey meri ma... Don't kill me with your looks.... The nurse is of sarlama's age and you don't need to feel jealous and all okay...

You can come to home anytime and we have our all time driver with us right.... He will take you to our home, whenever you wish to see Purab .... It's your home, Bulbul... You are always welcome ro come there... Driver saab you have to bring my shaali to home, whenever she wishes okay....

Arjun: Jiju.... This is unfair... In your talks, you are teasing me and calling me as driver... 😖😖😖😖😖.... See Aalu... This jiju is pulling my legs in between and calling me as driver....

Aaliya wipes Arjun's fake tears and rubs his chest as if consoling him... The elders are laughing seeing their lovely bonding....

Aaliya: Haan bhai... This is too bad... You shouldn't tease our  Ajju like this.... After all, you should give respect to him, as we won't get such a sweet driver, who is at our service all the time, without getting any salary too....

All bursts out into laughter on hearing Aaliya, while Arjun glares at her and started to chase her madly as she too is teasing him .... Both were running here and there, but their chase never stops... As the others were concentrating on the discharge proceedings, Aaliya and Arjun continues their play outside too...

Arjun is not ready to let Aaliya so easily.... Aaliya shows her tongue out and teases Arjun and runs towards the back yard of the hospital... She gasps in shock as she dashes with someone and falls on him...  Her lips touches his cheeks unknowingly....

Aaliya gasps in shock and her eyes gets blurred and turns dark on seeing the person whom she dashes with... Arjun's eyes welled up on seeing the scenrio and Aaliya is dumb struck with the sudden twists happening in her life... She looks at both the men and she doesn't know how to react at this time....


So, what's going to happen next????

Whom did Aaliya dashes with??? Is it Sid or anyone known to her????

Will Arjun and Aaliya's bonding, faces a break up ????

What is going to happen in purab and bulbul's life???? Is any storm nearing them???

What is life has in stores for Abhi and Pragya???? Will there be any fate's play in spoiling their togetherness and happiness????

Keep guessing and stay tuned....


As usual came up with a very long update...

Words used: 3225+ words....

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I'm way too eager to hear your comments, views and reviews... Don't forget to pen down your inline comments too...


Yours buddy,


Signing off..

Will be



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