81. I'm really sorry for being childish and hurting you badly...

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Hola my dear crazy Abhigya Pankhas...

Good day to you all...

So, long time na... Anyone missed Loving Husband???

What shall I do??? It's not my mistake at all... The stubborn silent readers didn't call me soon with their votes...

Now too, I'm here only for my loyal voting buddies, eventhough the votes didn't turned up as I expected...

Don't want to talk much on this topic and spoil my mood.... Anyways leave all that....

This story "Loving Husband" gonna reach a big milestone very soon... Don't know whether any of the Abhigya fics. have crossed it or not... I'm so happy and elated to know that Loving Husband is loved by many and read by many, irrespective of these many private chapters too....

Fingers crossed to achieve the benchmark soon... Will reveal what it is in the next chapter.... Keep guessing 😉😉😉😉😉


Warning: Read the shot at your own risk...

Contains some 🙈🙈🙈🙈 😊😊😊😊 moments and some 😭😭😭😭 😩😩😩😩 moments too.. 

Step in, by pressing the 🌟 button and no cheating, my dear silent readers.... Don't I deserve your votes????


My dear husband... All I want is to kiss and love away the bitter words I have spoken and the worst actions of mine, which hurts you... I would like to start the healing process by saying a simple, yet heartfelt sorry....

I feel very awkward and ashamed of myself, as I have showed my worst side to the best thing that happened in my life...

My love for you can't be measured by anything and it's beyond boundaries... Don't worry baby... Nothing will spoil our beautiful world...


Abhi took Pragya to the hospital and the whole family was there and celebrated the success of Pragya happily... Pragya was beaming in happiness as she didn't expected this surprise at all and she thanked her loving husband Abhi for being so thoughtful to bring the whole family, on her big day and double her happiness....

Abhi admires his fuggy who is happily chatting with Sarlama and Dadi and is keep on praising Abhi's speech, which is the hot topic in the college... Abhi silently gestures Arjun to bring his papa, Mohan Arora without Pragya's knowledge...

Abhi with much hesitation asked Mohan and Arjun to take care of Purab and the family in his absence, as he wished to take his fuggy outside for two days and spend some alone time with her... Mohan too happily agreed and asked Abhi not to worry about anything and enjoy happily...


Abhi is whistling happily and driving the car with full of happiness as he can spend his time with his fuggy alone, after a long time... Pragya can't resist herself and she is completely in the spell of her loving husband and is drooling him, without blinking her eyes too...

Abhi's lips curved to a big smile as he knows very well that his wife Pragya's eyes are completely fixed on him... All of a sudden, he turns and winks at her and blows a kiss, making Pragya to blush uncontrollably and turn her face towards the window....

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂 You blusy, blushy, naughty girl... Trying to divert my mood haan... Please spare for sometime sweetie... I need to drive the car na...

Strictly no romance while driving... It's not at all safe and it's highly dangerous... I don't want to risk our precious lives... Did you get that my little baby girl... We will continue this afterwards okay...

Pragya: Oh hello... Who is romancing, hun... Don't day dream Mr. driver... You are only being naughty all the time and I don't have any idea or mood for romance, Mr. Silent killer 😏😏😏... I'm not at all doing anything and just thinking what are you up to now...

Abhi: Really baby... Don't play smart with your Abhi... I can read what's cooking in your mind... Nothing gonna work darling... You can't guess, what am I upto... So, don't strain your genius brain and relax till I reveal it to you...

Pragya: Huh... Abhi... Please... How long I'm asking you??? You are not at all replying to me... What's the need to come from hospital so early... All are in hospital only na... At least tell me, where are you kidnapping me???

Abhi: I'm kidnapping my darling wife to give her the best surprise, she deserves and also to spend some quality time with her... Fuggy... Please... No more questions and please accept whatever I wish to do... I won't reveal my surprise, however hard you try too...

Pragya pouts and glared at Abhi... Abhi chuckles and drives the car and enjoys his fuggy's sweet scoldings in-between and admires her cute antics... Abhi parks the car somewhere and gets out hurriedly... He meets someone and gets a parcel from him and kept it in the backside...

All through the drive, Pragya is trying all her might to get any info from Abhi... But he is too stubborn, not to reveal his surprise at all... Tired and exhausted after a long day, Pragya leans on to the car seat and drifted to a deep slumber....


Pragya moans uncontrollably as she felt a tickle in her earlobes all of a sudden... She shivers and she feels goosebumps as a gentle yet sensual kiss is placed on her earlobes and she hears a whisper from her loving husband....

Abhi: Fuggy baby... Wake up... Your surprise awaits....

Pragya yawns and circles her hands around Abhi's neck and buries her face completely in his broad chest and whines like a little baby...

Pragya: I'm feeling sleepy Abhi... I don't want any surprise... Let me sleep on my magic pillow.... Don't... Don't disturb me... Please...

Abhi: Baby... You are a very good girl na... Wake up sweet heart...

Pragya: No ways... If you want, pick me up in your arms and take me wherever you want to go... I'm not going to spare my sleep... Good night...

Abhi shooks his head in disbelief as he knows very well about his stubborn wife, who is no less than a baby and protests a lot, if anyone disturbs her sleep... It's really hard for Abhi to get out from Pragya's hold, as he had to get down from the car....

Abhi rushes inside in the house and places all the things hidingly to give the best surprise to Pragya, as he planned... He comes out and picks the sleeping Pragya in his arms and takes her inside... He gently places her in the bed and kisses her forehead....

Pragya snuggles closer to Abhi and didn't allowed him to move at all... She spreads her whole body on him and hugs him as that of a teddy bear and continues her beautiful sleep...

Abhi smiles on seeing his cute wife's antics and prays to God to give much strength to him, to keep her happy always and forgive whatever mistakes she commits childishly and vows not to hurt her, if she hurts him too.... Abhi is not aware that he is going to face a storm and gonna hurted by his fuggy that night itself...


Pragya wakes up from her sleep and stretchers her arms upwards and feels fresh after a good sleep... She is confused as where she is and she giggled knowing well that they are in their farm house... Pragya wonders why Abhi has made her to sleep in the guest room, instead of their room....

Pragya sighs and about to go out and ask Abhi, what he is upto... But she halts her steps as she spots a shining box kept near her... Pragya finds a letter along with it which reads " Its for you baby... Wear it and call me... Your Abhi is waiting for you.."

Pragya smiles and opens the box to find a shimmering, long golden frock which will tranform her like a princess as that of the fantasy stories... Pragya with a blushy smile caress the dress and  goes to freshen up....

After getting ready, Pragya is completely confused as what jewels she has to wear, as nothing is kept along with it... Pragya sighs and calls Abhi hurriedly....

Pragya: Abhi... I'm ready... But you idiot, didn't said, what jewels I need to wear... Hello... You there.... Abhi...

A gentle pat makes pragya to turn and her lips curved to a blushy smile to see her husband, who is adoring her inch by inch, with full of love... Abhi makes Pragya to sit near the dressing table and asked her to close her eyes...

Pragya is completely shocked as Abhi has made her to wear a stunning diamond necklace and a matching long diamond studded earrings... She is completely startled as Abhi has made her to wear a crown as that of a princess...

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂😂 what is this Abhi??? What's this crown and all??? You are transforming me like a fairy tale princess....

Abhi: Of course my love... I want to see my queen of heart to look like a real queen... You are my gorgeous queen, darling... You are just killing me, baby...

I'm not getting enough of you fuggy and I'm yearning for more and more... You are making me completely crazy and I'm getting insane in your love...

Pragya hits Abhi playfully and pulls his cheeks: Dramabeez... Is your cheesy admiration and appreciation session is over means, can you give me something to eat??? My stomach is crying and rats are gobbling  my little tummy and doing salsa dance terribly inside....

Abhi glares at Pragya angrily: Now a days, you are becoming unromantic fuggy... How awfully you are irritating me and spoiling my mood... This is unfair , fuggy...

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂... All is fair in love.. When my romantic king Abhi is there, what's the need for me to be romantic hun... So, shall we start my dear over dramatic and romantic husband...

May I have the honour to have a romantic dinner with my loving husband, as planned by him... Shall I have the pleasure to impress him with my love???

Abhi bursts out into laughter as Pragya is mimicking like him and dramatically bows to take his hands ... He hits her forehead with his and gently places a kiss in her nose and pulls her cheeks lovingly.... Both giggles happily and walks hand in hand to have a romantic dinner....


After the romantic dinner, Abhi asked Pragya to go and change into the dress he has kept for her... Pragya walks in anger as Abhi is not at all giving any clues to her and irritating her by saying that it's all a surprise for her...

Pragya's jaws dropped to see their room is beautifully decorated with scented candles, balloons and flowers... She admires the romantic ambiance to her heartfelt content and changed into the black netted saree, which Abhi has got for her...

Adding feather to the romantic set up, the atmosphere too turns romantic for Pragya, as she feels a cold breeze hitting her through the balcony door... Pragya moves towards the big balcony and she feels the nice and earthly smell of the rain... A cold drop of Rain kisses her lips gently and tickles her inner self....

Praga squealed in happiness like a little girl as it's been long time, since she enjoys the rain ... Credit goes to her over protective husband Abhi, who never allows Pragya to attempt any such stupid stunts and spoil her health... Abhi never paid heed to Pragya, when it concerns her health and is way too strict in this matter alone....

Assuring Abhi has not turned up to the room, Pragya removes her slippers hurriedly and opens her arms widely and twirls her body happily to enjoy the rainy drops, which unabashedly kissed Pragya and made her wet by romancing and dancing along with her...


Unaware of all his wife's naughty play, Abhi instructs the house keeper to clear off the things and gave them the instructions for their next day meal and some general informations and all... Just then, Abhi noticed that the sky is pouring out hardly.....

Abhi gasps in shock and hits his forehead hardly and rushes upstairs knowing  very well about his baby girl... He climbs the stairs as fast as he can and he frozes in shock to see the room is empty and a giggling sound of Pragya is heard from the balcony...

Abhi's pov: Oh God!!!! This is highly ridiculous.. Why this is happening to me alone.. 😱😱😱😱... This fuggy will never listen to me and is hell adamant to make my bp to raise higher by pulling up all kind of stupid stunts..

Oh lord!!! Why on earth, the day has to end up like this??? What's the need to pour like this??? My naughty girl will turn fully crazy, if she sees this rain.. Huh.. why is this fuggy, not at all caring about her health???

Is she a little baby??? Doesn't she know that she will get sick, if she dance in rain.. This  fuggy has grown this much big and is a born genius too.. But when the matter concerns her health, she will eat my head and end up doing everything stupidly.. Huh.. Run and catch her Abhi, before she drench completely...

Abhi rushes up to the balcony to scold his fuggy and pull her inside and warn her not to do anything spoiling her health.. But, his jaw dropped and his senses turns haywire on seeing the sight there.. He is completely jealous on the rain drops, as it's mercilessly kissing his fuggy and touching her way too intimately..

The hormones in Abhi started to make him hotter in the cold rain too.. The alluring look of his fuggy in the drenched saree, which is hugging her body like her skin is making Abhi to lose his senses completely and he forgets why he rushed up there too...

Adding fire to the passionate moment, Pragya twirls and sees Abhi walking towards her with full of desire... She twists her lips and blows a kiss and invites Abhi to come to her.... Like an iron pulled by a magnet, Abhi walks towards pragya and his eyes are drinking his wife's beauty to his heart felt content....

Passion took over them when the two loving souls bodies touched each other... The rain started to make them wet and it adds to the increasing intimacy between them...  The distance between them is shortened and the rain too feels shy and started to blush and pour more, on seeing their intimate romance....

With the need and desire grows higher and higher, Abhi picks Pragya in his arms and walks towards the room and his gaze is completely glued up on her... He gently places Pragya in the bed, who has closed her eyes as the need arouses in her body....

Pragya is completely irritated, as she finds no movement from Abhi... She is hell furious as Abhi has left her abruptly in the bed and never bothered to fulfill her wish too... With anger flaring her nose, Pragya bites her the trembling lips and tried to control her tears, as she doesn't expect this at all...

Pragya who is highly annoyed and frustrated by the sudden neglect by Abhi, completely turns mad and she is not in a good mind set to think why Abhi would have left her like this... She is not in a mood to find the reasoons of the happenings but she stàrted to shout angrily and curse Abhi a lot, as anger and disappointment has blinded her senses....

Pragya: What the hell is your problem, Abhi??? Why are you doing like this??? Why did you left me like this??? Did I became boring to you,??? Don't you desire me any more...

Why Abhi??? 😭😭😭😭... What wrong did I do to you??? Why did you left me at the ultimate moment and don't you understand what am I going through... Did I asked you to take me here??? Is this the surprise you have planned???

This place holds only the bitter memories and it will always remind me of our lost child... But, you brought me here and I too thought that we are going to create new memories... But, you killed me Abhi... I hate you.... I hate you to the core... 😭😭😭😭...


Abhi who is searching for something inside the closet is completely startled to hear the bitter words from his fuggy... His eyes welled up uncontrollably and he felt a stinge of pain in his heart, as he didn't expected at all....

He wipes the tears quickly and comes out hurriedly towards Pragya... She is hell furious as Abhi without minding about anything started to undress her... Completely mad on Abhi's doings, Pragya started to hit him furiously and ill treated him with her harsh words...

But Abhi didn't mind anything and never paid heed to Pragya's words and is concentrating only on his work, which he feels the most important thing to do at that time... Pragya who is in anger, failed to notice what Abhi is doing with her...

Suddenly, she shouts aloud as she felt her hair is pulled abruptly... Just then, she notices that Abhi has undressed her and removed her wet clothes and has covered her with a big blanket and drying her hair with a towel...

Abhi: Sorry fuggy... Did... Did I hurt you??? Is it paining, baby??? I was just drying your hair as its completely wet... I didn't do anything intentionally baby... Sorry for leaving you like that... I didn't mean to do that... But...

Pragya keeps fingers on Abhi's lips and bursts out into tears and hugs Abhi tightly...  She keeps on saying sorry to him, as she has very lately realized and understands the reason behind Abhi's doings.. Abhi just smiles and caress her head and makes her to look into his eyes... Pragya with full of guilt is not able to meet Abhi's eyes at all...

Abhi lifts Pragya's chin and cups her face lovingly..

Abhi: Look at me fuggy... Nothing to worry and all... Just see me, baby...

Pragya nods her head as no and she curses herself for being so stupid and hurting her loving husband... She keeps on scolding her for misunderstanding Abhi and ill treating him badly by her worst behavior.... None of Abhi's words registers in Pragya's mind and she is mumbling only sorry to Abhi and crying vigorously....


So, what's going to happen next????

Will pragya be able to come out from her guilt ????

Will it be possible for Abhi to forgive Pragya easily ????

Will the loving husband Abhi can prove that he is really a loving husband ????

Will Abhi be able to spend his quality time with his fuggy, as planned by him????

I know all are thinking where is the hospital scene in which bulbul is crying and sid's behavior towards Aaliya... Sorry, couldn't write that part as the chapter has gone bigger..
So, we will see all that in the next chapter....

As usual came up with a long update of 3300+ words...

Don't forget to cast your votes and pen down your valuable views, comments and reviews, without fail....

Signing off...

Yours buddy,



Will be



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