80. You make the sun to shine with your smile...

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Oh my goodness...

Here we àre in the 80th shot of this story...

Really, it's an unexpected one and I'm so happy and feeling out of the world... Without all your love and support, this wouldn't be possible and my heart felt thanks to every reader of this story....


A quick statistics of this story so far:

Total reads : 96,500+ reads (irrespective of the private chapters too)

Total votes : 11,500+ votes

Maximum votes: 171 votes (in a single chapter)

A crazy achievement too...

The comments too have crossed 11,500+... 😂😂😂😂😂...

Expecting some more support from the silent readers too... Just don't read and go... Press the 🌟 button once....

Only one wish of mine is not yet fulfilled still...

Wishing to see a double ton
(200 votes) soon... Will it happen???


I'm completely blessed as God has given me a wonderful soulmate...

Marriage is a beautiful bond in which a husband and wife encourages and supports each other, to walk through the life's hardest challenges and bitter realities, which shakes them hardly and comes out hand in hand successfully with the love and trust...

A great marriage doesn't happen because of the love at the beginning... It happens as how well you continue to build the love like an endless journey...


Abhi places Pragya's stuffs and the award carefully in the back seat... Pragya frowns and said that Abhi has not properly wished her for the victory... Abhi gave a soft yet sensual kiss in Pragya's ears and whispers something making her to blush uncontrollably...

Abhi drives the car silently but his face glowed with an unusual happiness, which can't be explained in words... Pragya steals glances and is desperately waiting for Abhi to open his mouth, but she is highly disappointed as Abhi has kept his mouth completely tight and not at all saying where he is taking her...

Pragya: Abhi...

Abhi: hmmm..

Pragya: What are you humming Abhi??? Where are we going now??? Don't you know, I hate suspenses....

Abhi: Just chill up fuggy... We are going for....

Pragya giggles and jumps: Going For... Is it a surprise, Abhi???

Abhi: Nah... Nah... Not a surprise baby... But to finish off your pending punishment.... Get ready for your punishment fuggy.. 😉😉😉😉

Pragya shreiks in horror as what mistake has she did to get Abhi's punishment, which she hates the most... Pragya is always scared of Abhi's wierd punishments and she always tries all her might not to do any mistakes....

Pragya stammers: What... What... What mistake I did Abhi???? Oh my goodness... I'm dead today... Abhi... Please... You are my sweet, cute and loving husband na... Please spare your fuggy and forgive me like a good boy... (Shows her puppy face to get forgiveness from Abhi)

I swear Abhi, I won't repeat my mistakes and please please accept my sincere apologies... I will cry, if you didn't accept my sorry... Don't give me your boring punishments, Abhi... Please.... This is the only thing scaring me so much.... Oops... Am I digging my own grave...

😱😱😱😱😱... Am I giving all sorts of hints to you, how to punish me.... No... Close your mouth tightly pragya... Your Abhi is doing this purposely to make you to spit out what horrifies you the most.... Stop talking pragya... 🙊🙊🙊🙊🙊

Abhi: 😂😂😂😂😂... Only the word punishment is making my baby girl to shreik out... Not bad... So, you disobeyed me today... Let me give you a task... Find out what mistake you did today and your punishment will be depending on that only and no backing off baby...

Pragya sighs and leans on the car seat and shrinks her brows to find out the blunder she has done... Just then, she remembers that she forgot to take food in the morning and didn't packed her lunch too...

Pragya: 😱😱😱😱 ... I'm so sorry Abhi... In hurry, I forget to have my breakfast.. I accept my mistake... Please don't say that ice creams and chocolates are not allowed today...

Abhi: Then what about your lunch madam ji... By the way, its not prohibited for one day.... But you are not supposed to have it for one month....

Pragya: One month... Seriously... Abhi... This is unfair... I... I... I accept that I forget my breakfast as I was busy in looking after the arrangements... But I planned to have lunch with you in college and things came up one after the other and I had to move out early...

Wait... Abhi... Did you had lunch or not??? We have made all arrangements for a grand lunch in college na... Arrey... Why are you laughing?? That means... You didn't had anything....

How careless you are Abhi.... You didn't had your lunch till now.... You are becoming irresponsible Abhi and not at all taking care of you properly.... Now a days, you are becoming a baby ahead of me... Wait... Let me complain you to dadi as you are not listening to me properly....

Abhi halts the car and keeps his fingers on Pragya's lips and comes very closer to her...

Abhi: How will I have my lunch when my baby is hungry??? It's not a fair thing, a loving husband can do right... So, I excused and comes up to have my lunch with my darling baby... Shall we have our lunch now fuggy???

Pragya nods her with a blushy smile as Abhi's beard which is brushing against her cheeks, tickles her a lot... Abhi gestures Pragya to get down and ask her to go inside the restaurant....

Abhi: Fuggy... Let me park the car and come inside... Go and order whatever you want... But, strictly no ice creams and aeroated drinks... Is that clear???

Pragya pouts and stomps her feet in anger and walked towards the restaurant.... Abhi smirks as his plan is working as he expected and he moves the car backwards, so that he can get inside without Pragya's knowledge....

Pragya who is scolding Abhi on her way, is stunned to see the corridor of the restaurant are decked up with a rose carpet... Pragya is completely astonished to see the beautiful decor and she walks in the rose path with full of admiration...

A girl comes out of nowhere and hands her a rose flower.... Pragya smiles happily and gets it from her... She is completely stunned, as she got a heart shaped balloon, a heart shaped pillow, a cute teddy and a floral bouquet on her way from many kids, before she enters the restaurant...

When she nears the door, pragya jumps up as she heard a blasting sound of the crackers... Pragya's jaws dropped to see the whole restaurant is completely empty... It's beautifully decorated with balloons and rose petals, making the place to glow up and adding a romantic ambience to that place...

A big round table is set up with Pragya's favourite dishes and a chocolate cake is set in the middle.... Pragya's eyes welled up to see the board flashing with the words "congratulations my fuggy baby"

Pragya spots her husband Abhi standing there with a wide smile in his face, near the table, in which the food is kept.... Abhi opens his arms and gestures Pragya to come to him...

Pragya runs and hugs Abhi tightly and buries her face inside him... Words were not conveyed between them, yet their souls communicated the feelings, they are going through and cherished the lovable moment happily....

Abhi: Shall we have lunch fuggy??? It's getting late....

Pragya nods her head... Abhi pulls up a chair and makes Pragya to sit elegantly like a royal queen... He serves Pragya and feeds her... He too started to eat as Pragya feeds him in return... They were enjoying their lunch happily and not to forget to spend their special romantic time too...


After lunch, Abhi and Pragya comes out happily... Just then, Abhi's mobile rings aloud... He gestures Pragya to get inside the car and he moves little away to talk to someone, excusing by saying that it's some business call...

Pragya shrinks her brows on seeing the wierd behavior of Abhi as it's the first time he is hiding something from her... She prays to God that no harms near them and spoil their happiness and is worried that nothing wrong or any problems comes up in Abhi's business ....

While Pragya is thinking deeply and praying to God, Abhi on the other side attends the call and gives instructions to some one to do the needful, before they reach the place... Abhi gets inside the car and spots Pragya thinking something deeply... He chuckles and let Pragya to find out what's going to happen next...

Abhi parks the car in the most famous temple of the city... He opens the door for Pragya after getting the pooja thali from the near by shop... He makes Pragya to wear the pallu in her head and they get inside to pray to god for their happiness, not aware of the things coming up on their way...


Abhi doesn't know how to console Pragya who is crying vigorously... He mentally scolds himself for bringing Pragya to the temple... He is completely helpless, as he didn't expected this sudden twist at all...

Abhi fits his hand and hits the steering hardly as he indirectly becomes the reason for his wife Pragya's sad tears on this happy occassion... He caress her head lovingly and kisses her forehead....

Abhi: Stop crying baby... Enough... We talked a lot about this topic na... You too promised to me that you won't to think about the past right... Please fuggy... I can't see you like this... Its really hurting me too...

Pragya: I'm... I'm so... So sorry Abhi... 😭😭😭😭.... I... I ... I didn't meant to do that... But, what shall I do Abhi??? I couldn't forget that easily at all...

How can we forget our baby, Abhi... Isn't it our baby, the symbol of our love??? I know you too are going through the same emotion as that of me... Why Abhi??? 😭😭😭😭... Why??? Why did God snatched our baby away from us????

Abhi: Shhhhh... Try to control yourself fuggy... Our baby is gone forever... Doctor told us na, not to think anything negatively... We have age, fuggy and I'm damn sure, God will bless us with babies....

Now stop crying, sweet heart... See... You have made me to cry too... Too bad fuggy... Let me go and kick that fat aunty who has unnecessarily instigated you and made both of us to cry, reminding about our baby ... Wait let me go and teach her a good lesson....

Pragya holds Abhi's wrist and gestures him not to move away from her... She leans on to Abhi closely and is trying to bury her pain and wipe away all her sadness, in the embrace of her husband...

However hard Pragya tries, it's not at all easy for Pragya to come out from the loss of their child and something comes up uncontrollably, which is pulling her back to the past bitter incidents... Though Pragya tries to behave normal infront of Abhi, deep inside her heart, she is going through a lot, as she is not able to forget their baby....

How many child a mothet gets, the first one is always precious and special as the baby gives a new meaning to the relationship between the mrried couples... Though, pragya holds the baby in her womb only for few days, she couldn't digest the fact so easily that their baby is no more... It's like a beautiful dream is being destroyed mercilessly and willingly...

Abhi: Fuggy... If... If you don't mind, shall we go to the hospital.... Doctor asked me to come there to discuss something about Purab...

Pragya: Idiot Abhi... What sort of question is this... Come on quick... Go fast... Already I'm dying to meet Purab bhai as it's been more than a week, since I met him... Nothing wrong in his health na...

Abhi: My dear little drama queen... You are over reacting for everything... Hold some stock baby girl... Do you dramas afterwards okay....

Pragya pouts and turns her face angrily... Abhi tickles her hardly making Pragya to laugh uncontrollably... Abhi pulls her cheeks and shows thumbsup saying that the sun is shining brightly after seeing her smile only.. Pragya blushes and hits Abhi and asked him to go to the hospital soon...


It's a sweet shock for Pragya when she enters the hospital room of Purab... The whole family is there waiting for Pragya to come... Pragya runs and hugs her maa, papa and dadi happily and gets their blessings... She hugs Purab and bulbul too....

Pragya: I didn't expected you all to be here... Don't say that this is also the stunt played my husband Abhi...

Arjun: You are absolutely correct di.... Who else other than jiju can think all these quickly and plan everything in a short notice... It's a small surprise planned by all of us to celebrate your victory di... Come on everyone... Give it up for the only and only Pragya Abhishek Mehra...

All claps their hands happily and wished for Pragya's success... Pragya cuts the cake and is completely confused whom to feed the cake first as her whole family is in front of her... All gestures pragya to feed Abhi first...

While Pragya takes the cake near Abhi, he shooks his head and feeds the cake to Pragya first... Pragya then feeds to Abhi and feeds everyone there happily... The whole family enjoys happily and all happily watched the video recorded in Aaliya's mobile and in Abhi's handycam which he asked Sid to record without anyone's knowledge....

After sometimes,

Abhi: Papa... Arjun... Can you two do me a favour please??? If possible, can you two be with Purab in these two days... I'm going for an important work and I won't be available for two days.. so, only...

Mohan: What's this beta... Why are you struggling to say this??? Just you can say directly na that you want to spend time with Pragya... We all are here beta and don't worry, you take Pragya and give her the surprise you have planned....

Abhi: Thank you so much Papa... I don't know how to explain my happiness...

Arjun: Uffo jiju... Relax... It's just a simple thing.... This is nothing in front of whatever you are doing to all of us... Not only Pragya di, we too are lucky to get you jiju... Just chill up and go and have fun with di...

Abhi smiles and gets blessings from mohan, sarla and dadi along with Pragya.. They blushes too hard as the naughty four Purab, Bulbul, Arjun and Aaliya pulled their legs and teased them a lot....

Abhi and Pragya bids adieu to them and comes out happily... Pragya keeps on nagging Abhi to say about the surprise but Abhi cuts her off saying that she needs to wait for sometime as the surprise will be revealed to her in the correct time only...


Pragya is drowning in passion and her senses are turning wild.. The whole romantic scenario is making her to endure with full of desire and she looks at her husband Abhi longingly... But she is highly disappointed, as Abhi moves away from her, all of a sudden, without proceeding further ..

Pragya grits her teeth angrily as Abhi walks away from the bed without saying anything to her... Her eyes welled up automatically as she couldn't understand why Abhi did this to her..

While she is drowning in her misery, Pragya forgets to notice what Abhi is doing.. Pragya bursts out into tears and apologized to Abhi for thinking badly about him... Abhi chuckles and ruffles her head and asked her to not to over think about anything as nothing will make him to be away from her...


Sid is fuming in anger and punching the punching bag as hardly as he can.. He is not able to keep calm as things are getting out of his control.. His anger is blinding his senses and he keeps on punching as if he is ready to kill anyone who is messing up in his way..

Sid is not able to relax and he slumps down in the floor way too exhausted and tired.. He couldn't close his eyes too as the happy smile, the adorable bonding, the care, the trust and the togetherness of Aaliya and Arjun are making him to get wild and mad completely.. Sid is not in the state to accept his loss and more than love, his obsession on Aaliya over powered him a lot..

Sid who is carried on with his false imaginations and assumptions, thinks of many possibilities to get in the good books of Aaliya and to woo her.. But he is not aware that his one simple mistake is going to ruin everything very badly..


Abhi and Pragya enters the hospital and horrifies to see Bulbul crying vigorously.. They panics hardly to see the vulnerable state of bulbul and Purab's helpless state to convince bulbul.. She runs and hugs Pragya tightly while Abhi glares at Purab angrily..



What is the surprise planned by Abhi???

What makes Pragya to think wrongly about Abhi???

What did Abhi do and why did Pragya cried???

Is the obsession of Sid makes him to do any mistakes???

Why is bulbul crying all of a sudden and is it related to Purab's health issues????

Will Arjun and Aaliya unite or is anything wrong coming up between the two because of sid????

Keep guessing and stay tuned..


As usual came up with a long update of 3100+ words...

Pen down your valuable views, reviews and comments..

Cast your votes without fail.. This is going to pull me up soon to get your next update..

As I said earlier, I will be busy for a month.. Only the stories crossing the target will be updated soon..

So, 165-175 votes will fetch you the next update soon...

Until then, miss me and miss loving husband..


Signing off..

Yours cliffy buddy,



Have a good day..

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