79. The proud HUSBAND who got his wife as a blessing from God...

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Thanks for all your love and support...

Dedicating this chapter to the birthday (May 1st) girl, my buddy Prathi1412... Happy birthday sweet heart... May God bless you with abundance happiness.... Sorry for being late dear....


I love you is a simple sentence which takes just two seconds for me to say to you ... It just takes Two minutes to explain my love but a lifetime to prove how much I love you....

Hours, days, weeks, months, years and decades can pass easily... But I will never forget the moment when you held my hand, look into my eyes and whispered I love you in my ears....

All I want now is to lose myself forever in your eyes, drench in your smile, held in your arms, hugged in your embrace and melt in your love...


Abhi finished off his speech and moved to his place with a happy smile lingering in his face.. The whole place is echoing with thunderous clappings and it took some time for all the students to settle down calmly..

Abhi's eyes just glued up on his fuggy, who is sitting there with a glow in her face, which easily conveys him what's going inside her heart.. The way her eyes brightened, the cheeks which are filled with a crimson red colour, the lips which are chewed in between her smiling teeth, makes Abhi to adore his fuggy, without blinking his eyes too...

Words can't explain the happiness which Abhi is going through on seeing the unconditional love his wife Pragya has on him, which is reflected in her face... He quickly took his mobile and opens his fuggy's image and kissed it without anyone's knowledge, with a belief that it will reach his wife Pragya for sure...

He texted Aaliya, who has kept her mobile secretly without anyone's notice, as Abhi had insisted to take some snaps secretly... Aaliya widens her eyes and glares at Abhi angrily for doing like this...

But a smile creeps in Aaliya's lips as Abhi is pleading through his gestures to hand over the mobile to Pragya.. Aaliya shook her head in disbelief and thrusts the mobile in Pragya's hands and she concentrates in her mission to eat her samosa quickly as Arjun is ready to snatch it away from her...

The blushy smile in Pragya's face clearly explains Arjun and Aaliya that a big romantic talk is going on between Abhi and Pragya not minding a big function is going on in their midst and they are flying in their own world...

Aaliya and Arjun makes a teasing smirk and coughs aloud to gain the attention of Pragya who scowls at them angrily for disturbing their romantic moments ...

Arjun: Ahem.. ahem.. Aalu darling.. We are in college only na... Huh... Too much love is overflowing here, making the place to get too hot...

Aaliya: Yeah, yeah.... I too thought that we are in the annual day function of our college, Ajju.. Uff.. This place is turning like a lovers spot... Some people are not at all bothering about anything...

Arjun: Haan Aalu... They are busy in romancing and they least care that many people are sitting near them too... They didn't mind that two babies are beside them and they are trying to provoke bad thoughts in our minds too... Poor us...

Aaliya: Ajju... Hold your heart tightly okay... We shouldn't get spoiled on seeing all these romantic stuffs... Oh God!!!! Please save all of us before this place drown in their love and romance...

Pragya glares at Arjun and Aaliya angrily who are dramatically teasing at them.. Pragya texts abhi to concentrate in the function and she gets up from her place stomping her feet hardly...

She throws the mobile towards Aaliya while Arjun caught it safely before it breaks down into pieces, making Aaliya to sigh in relief... After all, they are not ready to face the wrath of the angry pragya Abhishek mehra by saying anything further ...

Pragya walked towards Madhu and Rk while Arjun and Aaliya are rolling in laughter uncontrollably as Pragya had deleted all the chats she had with Abhi, knowing very well that the naughty two will shamelessly read all the texts ...

Rk gasps in shock as he didn't expect Pragya will come up so soon and said that she will do the master of ceremony with RK as she is fine now .. Madhu goes to help Sid while RK sighs as he doesn't know how to stop her..

Pragya: Shall we start Rk darling!!!! Enough of your drooling ... A big Niagara is overflowing... Wipe it off quickly and Close your mouth tightly... Let's concentrate in our work...

Rk: Lolly 😡😡😡😡😡... Why did you do like this??? I didn't expect you will come up so soon.... You spoiled it lolly...

Pragya: What I did??? I gave you a freaking one hour.. But did you talked anything to Madhu.. No right.. Be a man, RK.. Just look at Abhishekh sir.. He proposed his wife directly before everyone..

What a man he is na... How much he loves his wife... Aww... Such a lucky girl to get him as her husband.. Feeling really jealous of their love... Huh...

Hey RK.. Do you have any idea who is Abhishekh sir's wife??? What's her pet name??? Some fuuuu... Fuuui...

Rk: Its fuggy... Very cute name na.. She is way too lucky to get Abhishek sir in her life... I too will try my level best to be like him.. I have to find a nice nickname for madhu too.. How about Biwi???

Pragya: 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Awesome name, swamiji Rk nandha.... Seriously biwi.. 😂😂😂😂😂.. Typically outdated, but I like it man... So you mean to say that madhu is your wife haan..

Rk nods his head as yes which makes his dimples to glow with a heavy blush.. Pragya laughs hardly and pulls RK's cheeks and lightly hits in his back and asked him to concentrate on the function..

Abhi is watching the scenario with a smile in his face as he knows the bonding between RK and Pragya without a single bit of jealousy or insecurity too... Abhi chuckles as he understands that PRAGYA is teasing RK with Madhu as he knows all the happenings through Pragya already..


The function goes on in full swing and various performances were done by the students... Abhi's attention is completely fixed only on his fuggy who is elegantly presenting the function with her graceful and jovial speech..

Abhi can't stop admiring his fuggy and he feels out of the world to hear her flawless presentation and her words are flowing elegantly making Abhi to hear nothing but his fuggy's melancholic voice alone....

When the function near its closure, the principal took the mike and announces that he has a surprise for all the students... He whispers something to the college chairman Sid and he too nods his head and walks to the back stage and comes up with a big trophy...

All students are awestruck to see such a huge trophy and all are wondering what it is for as no one has any idea about that... Rk, madhu and Pragya too are not aware of anything and they gestures Sid to know, what it is for... But he too shooks his head in negative as he doesn't have any idea at all...

Principal: Well students... The college committee is going to give a special award every year from now onwards for one of the best performing outgoing student in the UG level...

It's analysed not only based on academic performance but also considering about various activities, their behaviour and all their overall achievement...

A lot of students names among the 500 outgoing students were analysed and we have shortlisted very few and done the voting among the staffs... Believe it or not, one person out passed everyone with a huge lead and she is going to be honoured as the best student of the year...

May I humbly request, our chief guest
Mr. Abhishek Prem Mehra to award our Best Student of the year and hand over the glorious trophy to her... So, any idea students, who is going to win this coveted title...

Haan... You all have guessed it right... She is the most studious and a hard-working girl who has made our college to get fame with her many successful ventures... She is the best find of this college and a valuable, precious gem who made our college proud....

Very happy and proud to say that the Best Student of the Year award goes to none other than the pride of our college, our college's General Secretary, Miss. Pragya....

A thunderous claps echoes through the whole place while Pragya is rooted to the ground as she didn't expected this at all... She is not aware that her buddies are hugging her and wishing her as she is dumbstruck and overpowered by varied feelings and emotions ...

Her heart beats are thumping too hard and she felt goosebumps on her whole self.... A vigorous shiver runs through her spine to the see the pride look of her husband Abhi who is holding the award to hand over to her, with a happy smile in his face, gesturing her to come soon to the stage...

Pragya doesn't know to explain what she is going through and she with a shivering legs and filled with uncontrollable feelings walked towards the stage with the thunderous clappings echoing the whole place and her name is chanted aloud by all the students ....

Abhi is literally sort of words and he can't explain the happiness he is going through, after his wife Pragya is announced as the best student of the year ... He really feels proud of his fuggy when the principal keeps on praising Pragya...

Words are not enough for Abhi to praise his fuggy and he really feels blessed to have Pragya in his life... Rather than all his achievements and victories as a big business magnet, all Abhi felt at that time is to happy and proud to be called as Pragya's husband Abhi....

With a happy smile in his face, Abhi lifts the award to hand over to Pragya who is shivering a lot uncontrollably... Abhi understands that Pragya may end up crying aloud any time as she is trying hard to control her emotions... Abhi gestures Pragya to compose herself and he congratulates her....

While handing over the trophy, Abhi holds Pragya's hand without anyone's knowledge giving her the much needed warmth and peace to control herself at that moment... She with a happy smile lifts the trophy and accepted everyone's wishes....

When she gets down the stage, Arjun and Aaliya runs towards Pragya and hugged her tightly... Aaliya kisses her cheeks lovingly and winks at her brother Abhi making him to fume in jealousy as she mocks that she is the first in kissing Pragya ahead of him...

Pragya is surrounded by pool of emotions and she is not in a mentality to hear anyone's wishes and to reciprocate it too.., She just nods her head and uttering thank you without her knowledge too....

Aaliya who understands Pragya's condition asked Arjun to go and inform Rk to handle the vote of thanks as Pragya is not in a state to present that at all.. Sid who came to know about that, took up the responsibility on his own and he presented the vote of thanks and the function ended with a happy note..

Abhi who is expecting his Fuggy to come and send him off is highly disappointed as he couldn't find a glimpse of his fuggy after that.. He after meeting the important officials, walks along with RK, Sid and Madhu who came to send him off..

They hands over the momemto and bouquet to Abhi which he kept in the back side of his car ... Unable to control his curiosity, Abhi calls RK near him..

Abhi: Where is your friend RK??? I thought of congratulating her personally.. She is hiding some where hun... Call her man...

Rk: Don't know sir.. This lolly is behaving completely wierd today... She is not able to control her emotions as she didn't expected this at all....

So, Lolly's brother Arjun took her to home as he is worried that she may end up in crying any time.. Thank goodness.. Lolly is not here... We can't digest to see a single tears from our Lolly's eyes sir and who knows we too would have cried with her...

Abhi is overwhelmed with the love his fuggy is receiving from her besties and the care they have on her make him to feel proud of their friendship... But, Abhi has to blink his eyes hardly as RK pleaded Abhi to show him who his wife is as he is eager to meet her...

Abhi chokes hard as he didn't expected that RK, Madhu and sid are hell adamant to see his fuggy... He came up with a lie quickly saying that she has left already... Literally, Abhi ran away from there as he knows he may blurt out the truth, without his knowledge too..

Abhi drives his car hurriedly but his breath hitched as he got a call from Aaliya to come up soon as they are not able to control Pragya.. The loud cry of Pragya makes Abhi's heart to get panick and he drives the car to the secret spot where Arjun's car is parked..

As soon as Abhi parked the car near Arjun's car, Pragya came out of it hurriedly, completely drenched in tears... She throws her self on Abhi and started to cry aloud....

Abhi pats her back and holds her tightly in his embrace... He kisses her hair lovingly and coos her... He cups Pragya's face and wipes her tears... He pulls her way too closer and kisses her forehead pleading her not to cry at this happy moment....

But the betraying tears are overflowing uncontrollably in both Abhi and Pragya's eyes and mercilessly hitting the floor as it's the result of their happiness... They look at each other and a smile creep in their lips along with the tears too...

They hugged tightly and didn't utter a word too after that... Just the thought of holding his fuggy in his arms makes Abhi to felt contented and he feels that he has achieved something big in his life, as he had his fuggy beside him....

Pragya who is in the embrace of her husband Abhi is getting back to her normal self... She is able to come out slowly out of her emotions, as she is holded by her loving husband in the much needed hug...

They doesn't know how long they stood like that... But they came back to earth, on hearing the heavy coughs of Arjun and Aaliya... Abhi glares at Arjun angrily while he gestures on showing his watch conveying something to Abhi through his actions...

Abhi nods his head understanding what Arjun tries to convey to him... Abhi picks up Pragya in his arms who giggles hardly and makes her tongue out to tease Arjun and Aaliya, who are standing there wide eyed...

Abhi chuckles on seeing his fuggy's cute antics and he places her gently inside the car and makes her to wear the seat belt... He gave a quick yet passionate kiss in Pragya's lips and closes the door gently leaving his fuggy to blush, as much as she wants...

Abhi whispers something in Arjun's ears and he took Pragya's things and trophy from the car... Abhi felt goosebumps while holding the trophy and gets inside the car and places it carefully at the back side...

Abhi: Shall we go fuggy??? What happened baby??? Why are you glaring at me like this???

Pragya: Don't talk to me Abhi... You didn't properly congratulated me too....

Abhi: Aahaan... Is it so???

Abhi slowly leans towards Pragya and bites her earlobes way too gently yet sensually... He gives a soft, yet passion filled kiss in her ears and whispers something to her... Pragya is turning way too red on hearing what Abhi said to her....


Abhi took Pragya to the temple and prayed to God to make Pragya to achieve more in her studies and in her career and to fulfill all her dreams... He wholeheartedly prayed that he has to be her support all her life and should be a ladder for all her success....

It's completely a package of surprise filled day for Pragya and her poor heart is not able to tolerate all the happy shocks, she is getting again and again... If Abhi is not beside her, Pragya would have fainted long back not able to control her emotions....


Pragya is in a verge to cry as she didn't expected this at all... She glares at Abhi angrily but he is busy in doing the important work which came up in his priority list ahead of concentrating on Pragya's anger too....


So, what has happened????

Why is pragya angry on Abhi???

What is Abhi doing without bothering Pragya's anger too???

What are the sweet shocks which Pragya has received????

Will Abhi and Pragya fails in hiding their marriage and what will they do when they are caught by Pragya's besties red handedly????

Keep guessing and stay tuned...

As usual came up with a long update of 3000+ words....

Votes and comments are a way of appreciating the hardwork, I put forth...

So, whoever reading this shot are pleased to vote by pressing the 🌟 button once and pen down their views without fail....

The stories gaining more votes and more comments will be updated quickly and the others will be delayed until the expected votes and comments turns up....


Yours buddy,


Signing off...

Will be



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