94. You can't imagine the storm I've gone through...

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Love is a deadly weapon yet a peace maker...
Love is a bitter medicine yet a delicious sweet...
Love is a heart breaker yet a heart warmer...

Anger is not out of hatred... It's out of true love... It's quite understandable that we can get angry only on people, who we love and care the most...

Nothing is important to me than the love I have on my husband... If it's to protect my husband's dignity, I can even reveal the biggest secret of my life and can go against the promise I have made to him...


Abhi is irritatingly looking at Arjun and Aaliya, who are not at all listening to his worried talks and are keenly looking at the samosa plate kept before them... If looks could have burned anyone, Aaliya and Arjun along with the samosa plate, would have turned into ashes for sure...

Bulbul scratches her nails in Purab's shoulders and asked him in a meek whisper what's going on and what's the reason behind Abhi's sadness... Purab shook his head negatively, as he doesn't have any idea about this sudden meeting... No one can figure out why Abhi is in full of nervousness and tension...

Abhi let out a deep sigh and moves his hand forward, as if he gonna strangle the neck of Arjun... Before Arjun screams Mummy to the top of his lungs, Abhi moves his hand towards the water bottle, picked it up and gulped it in a go....

Arjun let out a relieved breath, while Aaliya who understands what's cooking on Arjun's mind chuckles uncontrollably, which is audible only to Arjun... Arjun gave a murderous glare and pinched hardly in Aaliya's hands, making her shout in pain...

Instead of looking at Aaliya's painful cries, Bulbul and Purab are keenly observing Abhi's each moves and the way he looks at Pragya's photo in his office table, explains them clearly that the matter concerns about Pragya only... Purab holds Abhi's hand in an assuring way and gestured him that all will be fine soon...

Purab: Bhai... We can't see you like this... You were so happy in the morning and is jumping like a kid by saying that Pragya bhabhi has talked to you and has forgiven you... The day has not still ended and it's just 6.30 pm only...

Instead of moving to home early, you gathered us all in the office, suddenly and is not at all telling us what has happened too... Now, I understand... Don't tell me that this Aaliya and Arjun have messed up again and pissed off Pragya bhabhi's mood...

Bulbul: If that's true, I will surely kill this Arjun for sure... How dare you, Ajju... Didn't expect this from you...

Arjun: Bulz di... Puru Jijz... What have I done to you two... Why you two are dragging me unnecessarily and always pawning my life... This Abhi jiju will bury me, if Pragya di spills even a single drop of tear, because of me...

Jiju.. I swear, I didn't do anything... Just I'm an unpaid driver to your wife... Even I didn't make any attempt to talk to her too, as you have insisted me not to do so.. But I don't know anything about your sister's deeds... Who knows, Aaliya may be the culprit...

Aaliya scowls and kicks hardly in Arjun's legs with her high heels, as Arjun has trapped her to Abhi... Abhi rolls his eyes and looks at the duo, as if they came to annoy him more...

Abhi: All fault is mine only... I thought whatever I do will make my Fuggy happy... But... I'm messing up everything and I don't know why I'm repeatedly making the mistakes and irritating my Fuggy more...

Oh God!!! How am I going to face my Baby... She is ready to kill me... Huh... I seriously don't know guys, how to handle her too... Please... Say something... Give some ideas to cool down my Fuggy...

Arjun: Why not you buy a barrel of ice and pour in it Pragya di's head... She will cool down easily, Jiju...

All shouts Arjun in anger, on hearing his irritating joke... Seeing the rage in Abhi's eyes, Arjun actions as if he is zipping his mouth...

Abhi: Be serious... I'm panicking, as Fuggy shouldn't crawl in a shell again... I'm bothered that nothing should spoil her studies and if it affects her performance in the exams, I won't forgive myself for sure...

Purab: Calm down, Bhai... First tell us what's the reason behind Bhabhi's sudden anger... Then only, we can think of a solution...

Abhi: Purab... Fuggy has find out that Mohan Papa and Sarla Maa are moving to abroad... She has came to know that I've changed my decision and insisted Mohan Papa to go over there and look after the business works, on my behalf...

Bulbul: My goodness... How is that possible... We thought of revealing this news to Pragya Di at the last minute only na, as she won't like this a bit too... The Fan No.1 will  surely protest when it concerns her Idol's Prestige Issue....

Abhi: Haan...  That's true... That's why I thought to maintain this secret and decided to open it up at the apt time, when Fuggy can't say no to it...

I very well know that Fuggy won't be pleased with this idea and she will ask me only to go over there... But after these much have happened, I can't leave my Fuggy just like that...

It's impossible for me to move, as I know pretty well that my presence is needed with her... If I leave her, it will surely affect her health...  She will be worn out, mentally too...

I'm concerned on her well being and you all know how much I have convinced Mohan Papa to agree to do this... Even I assured them that I will take care of you two (Bulbul and Arjun) and even got permission for you to stay in our house too...

When everything is done as expected, this travel's people have spitted the matter to Fuggy... I'm a stupid, as I have given our House's landline number to give confirmation about the visa and tickets... Fuggy has attended the call, it seems and everything came to limelight...

Now, she is hell furious on me and has blasted on me very angrily, when I called her... She even warned me not to step inside our room and has ordered me to take the flight and go and look after the business prospects...

Purab: Phew... Too much complicated... Think everyone... Come up with a very good plan to make Pragya bhabhi to cool down and it's important that she needs to forgive us all too....

All thinks deeply and comes up with various ideas, but none is impressing Abhi at all... Arjun is mumbling something by holding his mouth tightly...

Abhi: Before I kill you, take off your hands and tell me what you wish to say..

When Arjun says his plan, Abhi's face glowed in happiness... To Arjun's shock, Abhi kissed him on his cheeks and forwards the samosa plate towards him...

Abhi also calls someone and asked him to bring three more samosa plates for Arjun, making him jump in joy... Arjun shows his tongue out to Aaliya, while she pouts sadly... All laughs hard on seeing the duo's antics and they were overwhelmed when Arjun shared his samosas with Aaliya...


On his way towards Mehra Mansion, Abhi is thinking deeply how to execute the ideas... However his lips curved to a big smile, as he remembers the previous night's incidents..

⏪⏪⏪⏪ 🔙🔙🔙🔙

Pragya yells on Abhi angrily for pushing her in a dark hell... She blasted on him for thinking to give her a surprise on her birthday...  She also added that instead of giving a surprise, he has killed her mercilessly...

Abhi really feels very bad for doing like this and he apologizes, wholeheartedly to Pragya, as he had disobeyed her words... He holds her in his embrace and assures her that he won't do anything stupidly, which will trigger her anger...

After a lot of cooing and pampering, Pragya smiles finally... She has lots of questions to ask Abhi and she wanna know how Abhi comes out of the flight, when it's about to take off... She also had a doubt why Abhi couldn't reach or contact them, in the mean time...

Before Pragya bombards him with questions, Abhi pulls her closer and gave a sensual kiss  in her neck, making Pragya to lose all her senses... The distance of two months have evoked their feelings very badly...

Abhi: Baby... I know many a things are  bothering you and I need to give you explanations too... But... Baby...

Your Loving Husband has missed you a lot and I know, you too have missed me very badly... Why not we postpone those question session later, baby???

Baby... Fuggy... ( Kisses soundly in her cheeks, bites her earlobes and talks in a husky voice) I want to show you how much I have missed you... Will you let me to love you, Baby????

Pragya who is completely in the spell of her husband, nods her head, with a blushy smile in her face... Abhi shouts happily, twirls her in joy and falls with her in the bed, shortening the distance between them...


Two hours later,

Pragya lays her head on her favourite magic pillow and hears the world's best music, which is keep on telling her that it's beating only for her... Abhi caress her head gently and kisses her forehead..

Abhi: Sleep, Baby... You need to wake up early for college na...

Pragya: I can't sleep without knowing what had happened...

Abhi: You are so stubborn, Fuggy... Alright... Don't pout and show your puppy face .. You are changing my mood... Don't complain that I didn't let you to sleep...

Pragya: Mr. Romantic King..  Hold on your horses and come out of your romantic session... Be serious and tell me what had happened...

Abhi: Okay... No tension... Relax, Fuggy... Let me open up everything to you...

Well... I was finishing off my works and had headed to XYZ city to sort out the issues there... Arjun and Aaliya had called me and insisted me to come here to surprise you, as it's your first birthday after our marriage...

Eventhough I wish to come here, I can't disobey you at all... But everyone in the family have forced me and convinced me by saying that this will be the best gift I can give to you...

I too reluctantly agreed to them and finished off my works quickly... I got tickets a week before your birthday only, as it's season time and most of the flights were full... The weather was quite rough on the day of my travel and few of the flights were cancelled too...

After finishing off all my boarding formalities, I stepped inside the flight... I saw a couple is seated on my opposite side... The lady is expecting and they are travelling to their home town for the baby shower function and have planned to return off, after the delivery only...

As half an hour was left for the flight to take off, the couples were happily talking to me , as they are my fans, it seems... But, I sensed that the lady was having some kind of discomfort and my breath hitched, when she suddenly started to scream aloud in labour pain...

As the flight was about to take off, the guy was helplessly looking to get some assistance and he didn't know how to handle the situation too, as his wife was not at all allowing him to move too... Her painful cries brought a stinge of pain in my heart...

I just can't sit simply on seeing this Fuggy.. I remembered only you and our baby at that time, Fuggy.. Tears flooded my eyes and I felt the pain of the couples... I even feel goosebumps remembering those moments...

Only onw thing is only ringing in my mind... Whatever happens, I need to save her and I won't forgive myself, if anything wrong happens to that baby... ( Pragya wipes Abhi's tears and pats his back to calm him down..)

I took charge of the situation, talked with the air hostess and asked her to connect with the airport to get some assistance... As the flight is on run way, the doors had been closed and it's quite hectic to make the needed communication...

I talked with the pilots, made him to talk with the cargo service people in the run way... After making the needed arrangements, I took the couples out in the luggage's vehicle... As it's an emergency exit, we stepped out of the airport through the cargo deck and no one knows that I have come out of the flight...

By God's grace, I took them to the hospital at correct time... But, she had little complications in the delivery and it took more than 15 hours for her to give birth to the baby... Till I saw the baby and the mother hale and healthy, I couldn't even breathe too...

I undergone the same storm and pain, Fuggy... I can't explain it in words... As you always say, some incidents happens for some good reasons only... If I hadn't stepped out of the flight, I would have been... ( Pragya closes his mouth, as she can't hear the word 'Dead' from Abhi)

One week, I was with them only... Due to some local riots in that place, I have to be in that hospital and I can't contact anyone too, as the telecom signals were cut down in that place... Later only I came to know about the disappearance of the flight...

But to my relief, I find out that my name is not in the passenger's list... At that time, I am not in a position to think what's going on here and how come this was made...

All I wish at that time is rush up here and be with you, Fuggy... My heart screams what would have happened to you, if you are made to believe that lie... Till I return back, I was praying hardly that you should be fine...

But, when I saw you in that pathetic state, I was broken beyond repair, Fuggy... I... 😭😭😭😭... I just can't believe that these much would have happened and you suffered these much because of my one stupid move...

I... I'm really sorry, Fuggy... I failed as a Husband... Sorry for hurting you and pushing you in that horrible situation... Punish me, Fuggy... I shouldn't have disobeyed you...

Pragya: Abhi..  Relax... It's okay, Abhi... Shhhh... Don't cry, Abhi... You are my sweet husband na... Forget everything... Your Fuggy is not at all angry on you... Come, let's sleep...

Abhi: Fuggy.. You..  You won't hate me na...

Pragya: If you say like this, I will throw you out... Mind it, Mr. Mehra... Enough..  Stop your tears... Hate... My Foot..

When Pragya is about to kick off Abhi from the bed, he rolls quickly and lays in Pragya's lap... He holds her possessively and whispers
"I love You, Baby".... Pragya smiles and kisses his forehead with full of love....

Abhi comes out from his thoughts and parks the car in the lobby... He gets inside the house with much fear, as he needs to face an angry lion.. He spots Aaliya and Arjun, who shows thumbs up to him, making Abhi to let out a relieved breath...


One week passes in a jiff... Pragya expected that Abhi will give explanations for his doings... Pragya badly wishes Abhi to assure her that he will go to abroad and cancel her parent's visit to abroad... But Abhi played a smart hide and seek game with Pragya and didn't allowed her to question him anything..

As a lot of issues has to be sorted out, Abhi is  quite busy in the office... He hardly has time to be in the house... But Abhi being a loving and dutiful husband, comes home when Pragya has to have her breakfast and dinner...

Abhi made sure that he only feeds her food and medicines... He will bid bye to her, when she goes to college and will vanish from there,  after doing his duty... He gives instant calls to Pragya to ask about her well being and will cut the call quickly, if Pragya starts the topic...

When Pragya is in her sleepy mood, Abhi steps inside his room and makes her to sleep in her magic pillow... Before she wakes up, Abhi will hide from her sight... Pragya is completely irritated with Abhi's hidden game play...

Pragya, who is faking her anger on her family, doesn't know whom to ask too... As Mohan and Sarla has went home along with Bulbul and Arjun, Pragya couldn't figure out what's going on too... When she questions Dadi finally, Dadi said some wierd reasons and escaped from her....


The breezy air from the sea is not at all calming down the fire inside Sid... As they had a break of one week as study holidays, RK and Madhu along with Sid have come to do a group study in the farm house of RK's relative...

Not in a mood to study, Sid walked aimlessly in the sea shore, as he is hell furious with the happenings... The closeness of Arjun and Aaliya are irking him to the core... He is hell bothered as Aaliya is not sparing a single glimpse towards him and is treating him like a trash...

Sid's mind is not at all calming down and he couldn't figure out what to do to get close with Aaliya again... Sid came to a conclusion that only his Friend Lolly (Pragya) can help him in this matter, as she only is aware that he is in love with a girl...

When Sid is thinking of Pragya, he hears the screaming sound of a girl from far, who is shouting on someone and treatening him to leave her... As the voice is quite familiar to him, Sid quickly gets up and runs to find out who is that girl...

Much to Sid's shock, he spots his bestie Pragya is struggling to get rid of her hands from someone... As Sid is in the opposite side, he couldn't see who is that guy, who is trying to molest Pragya...

Sid is hell furious as he saw the side view of the man, who is dressed up in a costly branded shirt and looks like a rich person... Pragya pushes that man and runs quickly from his grip and he too chases her without minding her pleas too...

Sid, who watched the incident from far, is hell shocked and runs quickly to save Pragya from that man... When the man is about to reach Pragya, Sid comes in the opposite side and holds Pragya's hand and secured her behind his back...

With raging fire, Sid turns towards the man and his eyes wobbled out from it's sockets, as he didn't expect the person at all... Before anyone can react, Sid slapped that person hardly and grabbed his collars, making Pragya to scream angrily....



What's going to happen next???

Who is the person Sid has slapped??? Is it Abhi or someone else???

Will Abhi moves again to abroad or will Pragya's parents go on his behalf???

What plans were made to cool down Pragya's anger???

Will Abhi and Pragya's marriage news opens up before Pragya's friends??? How they will react after knowing the truth???

To know more, stay tuned....

Cast your votes and pen down your views...

Bidding adieu,

Yours buddy,



Will be


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